public override void Initialise() { base.Initialise(); camera = GameManager.tiltCamera.GetComponentsInParent <Transform>()[1]; temp = GameManager.activeArena.transform; // Set voice commands (functions) for relevant intents VoiceCommands voiceCommands = settings.voiceCommands; _voiceActions.Add("tilt", () => voiceCommands.TiltShrineTilt(incomingEntities, inputText, camera)); _voiceActions.Add("reset", () => voiceCommands.TiltShrineReset(settings.playerControls.TiltShrine)); _voiceActions.Add("rotate", () => voiceCommands.TiltShrineRotate(incomingEntities, inputText, camera)); _voiceActions.Add("look", () => voiceCommands.TiltShrineRotate(incomingEntities, inputText, camera)); _voiceActions.Add("skip", () => Skip()); // Tilt settings.playerControls.TiltShrine.Tilt.performed += ctx => tilt = ctx.ReadValue <Vector2>(); settings.playerControls.TiltShrine.Tilt.canceled += _ => tilt =; // Rotate settings.playerControls.TiltShrine.Rotate.performed += ctx => rotate = ctx.ReadValue <Vector2>(); settings.playerControls.TiltShrine.Rotate.canceled += _ => rotate =; // Reset & Skip settings.playerControls.TiltShrine.Reset.performed += ctx => voiceCommands.TiltShrineReset(settings.playerControls.TiltShrine); settings.playerControls.TiltShrine.Skip.performed += ctx => Skip(); Enable(); }
private void Fire() { GameManager.rtWaypoint.positiveAction.onClick.Invoke(); VoiceCommands voiceCommands = settings.voiceCommands; voiceCommands.DisableActionTemporarily(settings.playerControls.RingToss.Fire, 2f); }
// Need to attach voice commands to an object because // coroutines can only be called if attached to an object, private void SetUpVoiceCommands() { GameObject obj = new GameObject("Voice Commands"); obj.AddComponent <VoiceCommands>(); voiceCommands = obj.GetComponent <VoiceCommands>(); voiceCommands.player = this.gameObject; // Only reliable way of getting the camera in awake, GameManger.cs does not have it yet. = Camera.main; }
private void Awake() { if (_instance != null && _instance != this) { Destroy(this.gameObject); } else { _instance = this; // We use the target for pathfinding so get a reference to it here. // Not the most efficient way, but only done once so overhead is not bad. target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Target").transform; } }
// Complete constructor public Settings(GameObject player, ref VoiceCommands voiceCommands, PlayerPhysics playerPhysics, ref CharacterController characterController, AgentMovement agentMovement, ref NavMeshAgent navMeshAgent, float speed, float sens, Camera main, PlayerControls controls, PlayerUISetUp ui) { this.player = player; this.voiceCommands = voiceCommands; this.playerPhysics = playerPhysics; this.characterController = characterController; this.agentMovement = agentMovement; this.navMeshAgent = navMeshAgent; playerUI = ui; playerControls = controls; // Other settings this.navMeshAgent.speed = speed; runSpeed = speed; sensitivity = sens; cam = main; }
public override void Initialise() { base.Initialise(); VoiceCommands voiceCommands = settings.voiceCommands; // Set voice commands actions _voiceActions.Add("move", () => voiceCommands.Move(incomingEntities, inputText)); _voiceActions.Add("look", () => voiceCommands.Look(incomingEntities, inputText)); _voiceActions.Add("zoom", () => VoiceZoom(incomingEntities)); _voiceActions.Add("jump", () => Jump()); _voiceActions.Add("interact", () => Interact()); // Movement settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.Move.performed += ctx => move = ctx.ReadValue <Vector2>(); settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.Move.canceled += _ => move =; settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.TriggerRun.performed += _ => run = true; settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.TriggerRun.canceled += _ => run = false; speed = settings.runSpeed; // Look & Zoom settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.Look.performed += ctx => look = ctx.ReadValue <Vector2>(); settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.Look.canceled += _ => look =; settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.ZoomHold.performed += _ => zoom = true; settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.ZoomHold.canceled += _ => zoom = false; settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.ZoomTap.performed += _ => zoom = !zoom; zoom = false; // Jump settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.Jump.performed += _ => Jump(); // Interaction settings.playerControls.DefaultGameplay.Interact.performed += _ => Interact(); // Disable the navMeshAgent component and enable the default gameplay action map settings.navMeshAgent.enabled = false; // Enable the default action map Enable(); }
// Simplified constructor /// <summary> /// Simplified constructor only requiring the camera and player controls. /// Used only for prototyping control states for new minigames. /// </summary> public Settings(Camera main, PlayerControls controls, ref VoiceCommands voiceCommands) { cam = main; playerControls = controls; this.voiceCommands = voiceCommands; }