public void Compare(String oldFile, String newFile, String outFile)
            List <String> compOld = CSVTools.LoadCSV(oldFile);
            List <String> compNew = CSVTools.LoadCSV(newFile);

            DataTable tableOld = CSVTools.ConvertToDataTable(compOld);
            DataTable tableNew = CSVTools.ConvertToDataTable(compNew);

            try {
                // remove unnessesary columns here
                for (int i = tableOld.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in config.pruneItems.Rows)
                        if (tableOld.Rows[i][dr["column"].ToString()].Equals(dr["value"].ToString()))
                for (int i = tableNew.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in config.pruneItems.Rows)
                        if (tableNew.Rows[i][dr["column"].ToString()].Equals(dr["value"].ToString()))
            } catch (Exception wtf)
                Log.Add("Error pruning rows. Check config.ini all columns should match input:" + wtf.StackTrace);

            DoCompare(tableOld, tableNew, outFile);
        private void DoCompare(DataTable oldTable, DataTable newTable, String outFileName)
            #region Matches in both tables
            // Find rows that exist in both Tables
            Out_Matches = new DataTable("Out_Matches");
            foreach (String c in config.outColumns)
            foreach (DataRow o in oldTable.Rows)
                int     matchCount = 0;
                DataRow matchRow   = oldTable.NewRow();

                foreach (DataRow n in newTable.Rows)
                    matchCount = 0;
                    // Look for a match (two of the same datarows)
                    for (int i = 0; i < o.ItemArray.Length; i++)
                        // Cell case sensitivity should be handled here
                        if (config.caseSensitive)
                            if (o.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim().Equals(n.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim()))
                                matchCount++; // there was a match. All cells should match for a full match
                            if (o.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim().ToLower().Equals(n.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim().ToLower()))
                                matchCount++; // there was a match. All cells should match for a full match
                    if (matchCount == oldTable.Columns.Count)
                        matchRow.ItemArray = o.ItemArray;
                } // Inside Loop
                if (matchCount == oldTable.Columns.Count)
                    DataRow newRow = Out_Matches.NewRow();
                    newRow.ItemArray = matchRow.ItemArray;

            // Find new rows
            Out_NewItems = new DataTable("Out_NewItems");
            foreach (String c in config.outColumns)
            foreach (DataRow n in newTable.Rows)
                int     matchCount = 0;
                DataRow matchRow   = oldTable.NewRow();
                bool    hasMatch   = false;

                foreach (DataRow o in oldTable.Rows)
                    matchCount = 0;
                    // Look for a match (two of the same datarows)
                    for (int i = 0; i < o.ItemArray.Length; i++)
                        // Cell case sensitivity should be handled here
                        if (config.caseSensitive)
                            if (o.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim().Equals(n.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim()))
                                matchCount++; // there was a match. All cells should match for a full match
                            if (o.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim().ToLower().Equals(n.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim().ToLower()))
                                matchCount++; // there was a match. All cells should match for a full match
                    if (matchCount == oldTable.Columns.Count) // This row was found in the old table... so it's not new
                        hasMatch = true;
                        matchRow.ItemArray = n.ItemArray;
                } // Inside Loop
                if (!hasMatch)
                    DataRow newRow = Out_NewItems.NewRow();
                    newRow.ItemArray = matchRow.ItemArray;

            // Find removed items
            Out_RemovedItems = new DataTable("Out_RemovedItems");
            foreach (String c in config.outColumns)
            foreach (DataRow o in oldTable.Rows)
                int     matchCount = 0;
                DataRow matchRow   = oldTable.NewRow();
                bool    hasMatch   = false;

                foreach (DataRow n in newTable.Rows)
                    matchCount = 0;
                    // Look for a match (two of the same datarows)
                    for (int i = 0; i < o.ItemArray.Length; i++)
                        // Cell case sensitivity should be handled here
                        if (config.caseSensitive)
                            if (o.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim().Equals(n.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim()))
                                matchCount++; // there was a match. All cells should match for a full match
                            if (o.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim().ToLower().Equals(n.ItemArray[i].ToString().Trim().ToLower()))
                                matchCount++; // there was a match. All cells should match for a full match
                    if (matchCount == oldTable.Columns.Count) // This row was found in the new table... so it's not new
                        hasMatch = true;
                        matchRow.ItemArray = o.ItemArray;
                } // Inside Loop
                if (!hasMatch)
                    DataRow newRow = Out_RemovedItems.NewRow();
                    newRow.ItemArray = matchRow.ItemArray;

            if (File.Exists(outFileName))
            CSVTools.AppendDataTableToFile(Out_Matches, outFileName, "Matches: Found in both CSVs");
            CSVTools.AppendDataTableToFile(Out_NewItems, outFileName, "New Items!");
            CSVTools.AppendDataTableToFile(Out_RemovedItems, outFileName, "Removed/Resolved Items");