Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// editor for page content inline editing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="rootPageId"></param>
        /// <param name="OrderByClause"></param>
        /// <param name="AllowPageList"></param>
        /// <param name="AllowReturnLink"></param>
        /// <param name="ArchivePages"></param>
        /// <param name="contactMemberID"></param>
        /// <param name="childListSortMethodId"></param>
        /// <param name="main_AllowChildListComposite"></param>
        /// <param name="ArchivePage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string getQuickEditing(CoreController core)
            string result = "";

            try {
                int childListSortMethodId = core.doc.pageController.page.childListSortMethodId;
                int contactMemberId       = core.doc.pageController.page.contactMemberId;
                int rootPageId            = core.doc.pageController.pageToRootList.Last().id;
                core.html.addStyleLink("" + cdnPrefix + "quickEditor/styles.css", "Quick Editor");
                // -- First Active Record - Output Quick Editor form
                Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel cdef = Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.createByUniqueName(core, PageContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
                var pageContentTable = DbBaseModel.create <TableModel>(core.cpParent, cdef.id);
                var editLock         = WorkflowController.getEditLock(core, pageContentTable.id, core.doc.pageController.page.id);
                WorkflowController.recordWorkflowStatusClass authoringStatus        = WorkflowController.getWorkflowStatus(core, PageContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName, core.doc.pageController.page.id);
                PermissionController.UserContentPermissions  userContentPermissions = PermissionController.getUserContentPermissions(core, cdef);
                bool   AllowMarkReviewed           = DbBaseModel.containsField <PageContentModel>("DateReviewed");
                string OptionsPanelAuthoringStatus = core.session.getAuthoringStatusMessage(false, editLock.isEditLocked, editLock.editLockByMemberName, encodeDate(editLock.editLockExpiresDate), authoringStatus.isWorkflowApproved, authoringStatus.workflowApprovedMemberName, authoringStatus.isWorkflowSubmitted, authoringStatus.workflowSubmittedMemberName, authoringStatus.isWorkflowDeleted, authoringStatus.isWorkflowInserted, authoringStatus.isWorkflowModified, authoringStatus.workflowModifiedByMemberName);
                // Set Editing Authoring Control
                WorkflowController.setEditLock(core, pageContentTable.id, core.doc.pageController.page.id);
                // SubPanel: Authoring Status
                string leftButtonCommaList = "";
                leftButtonCommaList = leftButtonCommaList + "," + ButtonCancel;
                if (userContentPermissions.allowSave)
                    leftButtonCommaList = leftButtonCommaList + "," + ButtonSave + "," + ButtonOK;
                if (userContentPermissions.allowDelete && (core.doc.pageController.pageToRootList.Count == 1))
                    // -- allow delete and not root page
                    leftButtonCommaList = leftButtonCommaList + "," + ButtonDelete;
                if (userContentPermissions.allowAdd)
                    leftButtonCommaList = leftButtonCommaList + "," + ButtonAddChildPage;
                int page_ParentId = 0;
                if ((page_ParentId != 0) && userContentPermissions.allowAdd)
                    leftButtonCommaList = leftButtonCommaList + "," + ButtonAddSiblingPage;
                if (AllowMarkReviewed)
                    leftButtonCommaList = leftButtonCommaList + "," + ButtonMarkReviewed;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftButtonCommaList))
                    leftButtonCommaList = leftButtonCommaList.Substring(1);
                    leftButtonCommaList = core.html.getPanelButtons(leftButtonCommaList);
                if (!core.doc.userErrorList.Count.Equals(0))
                    result += ""
                              + "\r<tr>"
                              + cr2 + "<td colspan=2 class=\"qeRow\"><div class=\"qeHeadCon\">" + ErrorController.getUserError(core) + "</div></td>"
                              + "\r</tr>";
                if (!userContentPermissions.allowSave)
                    result += ""
                              + "\r<tr>"
                              + cr2 + "<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"qeRow\">" + getQuickEditingBody(core, PageContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName, "", true, true, rootPageId, !userContentPermissions.allowSave, true, PageContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName, false, contactMemberId) + "</td>"
                              + "\r</tr>";
                    result += ""
                              + "\r<tr>"
                              + cr2 + "<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"qeRow\">" + getQuickEditingBody(core, PageContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName, "", true, true, rootPageId, !userContentPermissions.allowSave, true, PageContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName, false, contactMemberId) + "</td>"
                              + "\r</tr>";
                result += "\r<tr>"
                          + cr2 + "<td class=\"qeRow qeLeft\" style=\"padding-top:10px;\">Name</td>"
                          + cr2 + "<td class=\"qeRow qeRight\">" + HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "name", core.doc.pageController.page.name, 1, 0, "", false, !userContentPermissions.allowSave) + "</td>"
                          + "\r</tr>"
                          + "";
                string pageList = "&nbsp;(there are no parent pages)";
                // ----- Parent pages
                if (core.doc.pageController.pageToRootList.Count > 1)
                    pageList = "<ul class=\"qeListUL\"><li class=\"qeListLI\">Current Page</li></ul>";
                    foreach (PageContentModel testPage in Enumerable.Reverse(core.doc.pageController.pageToRootList))
                        string pageCaption = testPage.name;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageCaption))
                            pageCaption = "no name #" + GenericController.encodeText(testPage.id);
                        pageCaption = "<a href=\"" + PageContentController.getPageLink(core, testPage.id, "") + "\">" + pageCaption + "</a>";
                        pageList    = "<ul class=\"qeListUL\"><li class=\"qeListLI\">" + pageCaption + pageList + "</li></ul>";
                result += ""
                          + "\r<tr>"
                          + cr2 + "<td class=\"qeRow qeLeft\" style=\"padding-top:26px;\">Parent Pages</td>"
                          + cr2 + "<td class=\"qeRow qeRight\"><div class=\"qeListCon\">" + pageList + "</div></td>"
                          + "\r</tr>";
                // ----- Child pages
                AddonModel addon = DbBaseModel.create <AddonModel>(core.cpParent, addonGuidChildList);
                CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteContext executeContext = new CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteContext {
                    addonType  = CPUtilsBaseClass.addonContext.ContextPage,
                    hostRecord = new CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteHostRecordContext {
                        contentName = PageContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName,
                        fieldName   = "",
                        recordId    = core.doc.pageController.page.id
                    argumentKeyValuePairs = GenericController.convertQSNVAArgumentstoDocPropertiesList(core, core.doc.pageController.page.childListInstanceOptions),
                    instanceGuid          = PageChildListInstanceId,
                    errorContextMessage   = "calling child page addon in quick editing editor"
                pageList = core.addon.execute(addon, executeContext);
                if (GenericController.strInstr(1, pageList, "<ul", 1) == 0)
                    pageList = "(there are no child pages)";
                result += "\r<tr>"
                          + cr2 + "<td class=\"qeRow qeLeft\" style=\"padding-top:36px;\">Child Pages</td>"
                          + cr2 + "<td class=\"qeRow qeRight\"><div class=\"qeListCon\">" + pageList + "</div></td>"
                          + "\r</tr>";
                result = ""
                         + "\r<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"
                         + GenericController.nop(result) + "\r</table>";
                result = ""
                         + leftButtonCommaList + result + leftButtonCommaList;
                result = core.html.getPanel(result);
                // Form Wrapper
                result += ""
                          + HtmlController.inputHidden("Type", FormTypePageAuthoring)
                          + HtmlController.inputHidden("ID", core.doc.pageController.page.id)
                          + HtmlController.inputHidden("ContentName", PageContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
                result = HtmlController.formMultipart(core, result, core.webServer.requestQueryString, "", "ccForm");
                result = "<div class=\"ccCon\">" + result + "</div>";
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemple #2
 public static void processJoinForm(CoreController core)
     try {
         string ErrorMessage = "";
         string FirstName    = null;
         string LastName     = null;
         string FullName     = null;
         string Email        = null;
         int    errorCode    = 0;
         string loginForm_Username = "";
         string loginForm_Password = "";
         loginForm_Username = core.docProperties.getText("username");
         loginForm_Password = core.docProperties.getText("password");
         if (!GenericController.encodeBoolean(core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowMemberJoin", false)))
             ErrorController.addUserError(core, "This site does not accept public main_MemberShip.");
             if (!core.session.isNewCredentialOK(loginForm_Username, loginForm_Password, ref ErrorMessage, ref errorCode))
                 ErrorController.addUserError(core, ErrorMessage);
                 if (!(!core.doc.userErrorList.Count.Equals(0)))
                     using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                         csData.open("people", "ID=" + DbController.encodeSQLNumber(core.session.user.id));
                         if (!csData.ok())
                             LogController.logError(core, new Exception("Could not open the current members account to set the username and password."));
                             if ((csData.getText("username") != "") || (csData.getText("password") != "") || (csData.getBoolean("admin")) || (csData.getBoolean("developer")))
                                 // if the current account can be logged into, you can not join 'into' it
                             FirstName = core.docProperties.getText("firstname");
                             LastName  = core.docProperties.getText("lastname");
                             FullName  = FirstName + " " + LastName;
                             Email     = core.docProperties.getText("email");
                             csData.set("FirstName", FirstName);
                             csData.set("LastName", LastName);
                             csData.set("Name", FullName);
                             csData.set("username", loginForm_Username);
                             csData.set("password", loginForm_Password);
                             core.session.authenticateById(core.session.user.id, core.session);
         PersonModel.invalidateCacheOfRecord <PersonModel>(core.cpParent, core.session.user.id);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemple #3
        // ====================================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// process and return the default login form. If processing is successful, a blank response is returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string getLoginForm_Default(CoreController core)
            string result = "";

            try {
                bool   needLoginForm = true;
                string formType      = core.docProperties.getText("type");
                if (formType == FormTypeLogin)
                    // -- process a previous login for instance, and return blank if it is successful (legacy workflow)
                    if (processLoginFormDefault(core))
                        result        = "";
                        needLoginForm = false;
                else if (formType == FormTypeSendPassword)
                    // -- process send password
                    result += "<p>If this email was found on the system an email was sent with login instructions.</p>";
                if (needLoginForm)
                    string loginForm;
                    // -- select the correct html from resources
                    bool allowAutoLogin = core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowAutoLogin", false);
                    if (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("allowEmailLogin", false))
                        if (allowAutoLogin)
                            loginForm = Properties.Resources.defaultLogin_email_autoLogin_html;
                            loginForm = Properties.Resources.defaultLogin_email_html;
                        if (allowAutoLogin)
                            loginForm = Properties.Resources.defaultLogin_autoLogin_html;
                            loginForm = Properties.Resources.defaultLogin_html;
                    // -- add user errors
                    loginForm = loginForm.Replace("{message}", ErrorController.getUserError(core));
                    if (!core.doc.errorList.Count.Equals(0))
                    // -- create the action query
                    string QueryString = GenericController.modifyQueryString(core.webServer.requestQueryString, RequestNameHardCodedPage, "", false);
                    QueryString = GenericController.modifyQueryString(QueryString, "requestbinary", "", false);
                    loginForm  += HtmlController.inputHidden("Type", FormTypeLogin);
                    loginForm  += HtmlController.inputHidden("email", core.session.user.email);
                    result     += HtmlController.form(core, loginForm, QueryString);
                    // ----- Password Form
                    if (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("allowPasswordEmail", true))
                        result += getSendPasswordForm(core);
                    result = HtmlController.div(result, "ccLoginFormCon");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the Member his username and password
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Email"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool sendPassword(CoreController core, string Email, ref string returnUserMessage)
            bool result = false;

            returnUserMessage = "";
            try {
                const string passwordChrs       = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345678999999";
                const int    passwordChrsLength = 62;
                string workingEmail = GenericController.encodeText(Email);
                string Message     = "";
                string FromAddress = "";
                string subject     = "";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workingEmail))
                    ErrorController.addUserError(core, "Please enter your email address before requesting your username and password.");
                    int atPtr = GenericController.strInstr(1, workingEmail, "@");
                    if (atPtr < 2)
                        // email not valid
                        ErrorController.addUserError(core, "Please enter a valid email address before requesting your username and password.");
                        string EMailName = strMid(workingEmail, 1, atPtr - 1);
                        LogController.addSiteActivity(core, "password request for email " + workingEmail, core.session.user.id, core.session.user.organizationId);
                        bool allowEmailLogin = core.siteProperties.getBoolean("allowEmailLogin", false);
                        int  recordCnt       = 0;
                        using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                            string sqlCriteria = "(email=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(workingEmail) + ")";
                            sqlCriteria = sqlCriteria + "and((dateExpires is null)or(dateExpires>" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.dateTimeNowMockable) + "))";
                            csData.open("People", sqlCriteria, "ID", true, core.session.user.id, "username,password", 1);
                            if (!csData.ok())
                                // valid login account for this email not found
                                if (encodeText(strMid(workingEmail, atPtr + 1)).ToLowerInvariant() == "contensive.com")
                                    // look for expired account to renew
                                    csData.open("People", "((email=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(workingEmail) + "))", "ID");
                                    if (csData.ok())
                                        // renew this old record
                                        csData.set("developer", "1");
                                        csData.set("admin", "1");
                                        if (csData.getDate("dateExpires") > DateTime.MinValue)
                                            csData.set("dateExpires", core.dateTimeNowMockable.AddDays(7).Date.ToString());
                                        // inject support record
                                        csData.set("name", "Contensive Support");
                                        csData.set("email", workingEmail);
                                        csData.set("developer", "1");
                                        csData.set("admin", "1");
                                        csData.set("dateExpires", core.dateTimeNowMockable.AddDays(7).Date.ToString());
                                    ErrorController.addUserError(core, "No current user was found matching this email address. Please try again. ");
                            if (csData.ok())
                                FromAddress = core.siteProperties.getText("EmailFromAddress", "info@" + core.webServer.requestDomain);
                                subject     = "Password Request at " + core.webServer.requestDomain;
                                Message     = "";
                                while (csData.ok())
                                    bool updateUser = false;
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Message))
                                        Message  = "This email was sent in reply to a request at " + core.webServer.requestDomain + " for the username and password associated with this email address. ";
                                        Message += "If this request was made by you, please return to the login screen and use the following:\r\n";
                                        Message += Environment.NewLine;
                                        Message += Environment.NewLine;
                                        Message += "Additional user accounts with the same email address: \r\n";
                                    // username
                                    string Username   = csData.getText("Username");
                                    bool   usernameOK = true;
                                    int    Ptr        = 0;
                                    if (!allowEmailLogin)
                                        if (Username != Username.Trim())
                                            Username   = Username.Trim();
                                            updateUser = true;
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username))
                                            usernameOK = false;
                                            Ptr        = 0;
                                            while (!usernameOK && (Ptr < 100))
                                                Username   = EMailName + encodeInteger(Math.Floor(encodeNumber(Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBMath.Rnd() * 9999)));
                                                usernameOK = !core.session.isLoginOK(Username, "test");
                                                Ptr        = Ptr + 1;
                                            if (usernameOK)
                                                updateUser = true;
                                        Message += " username: "******"Password");
                                        if (Password.Trim() != Password)
                                            Password   = Password.Trim();
                                            updateUser = true;
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
                                            for (Ptr = 0; Ptr <= 8; Ptr++)
                                                int Index = encodeInteger(Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBMath.Rnd() * passwordChrsLength);
                                                Password = Password + strMid(passwordChrs, Index, 1);
                                            updateUser = true;
                                        Message += " password: "******"username", Username);
                                            csData.set("password", Password);
                                        recordCnt = recordCnt + 1;
                if (result)
                    string sendStatus = "";
                    EmailController.queueAdHocEmail(core, "Password Email", core.session.user.id, workingEmail, FromAddress, subject, Message, "", "", "", true, false, 0, ref sendStatus);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);