Exemple #1
        //+Eager loading - zapytanie o jeden typ tabeli ładuje od razu także powiązaną tabelę jako część zapytania
        //+Navigation Property
        public static void PrintCategoriesAndProductsEagerLoadingM(ProdContext db)
            var categories = db.Categories
                             .Include(c => c.Products) //opcjonalnie po nazwie encji Include("Products")

            foreach (var record in categories)
                Console.WriteLine("Category Name: {0}", record.Name);
                foreach (var p in record.Products)
                    Console.WriteLine("Product: {0}", p.Name);
Exemple #2
        //Eager loading + Navigation Property
        public static void PrintOrderWithDetailsEL(ProdContext db)
            var orders = db.Orders.Include(o => o.Product).Include(o => o.Customer);

            foreach (var order in orders)
                Console.WriteLine("Order nr: {0}, Date: {1}, Quantity {2}, Status {3}",
                                  order.OrderId, order.Date, order.Quantity, order.Status);

                Product product = order.Product;
                Console.WriteLine("Product details: {0}, {1}", product.ProductId, product.Name);
                Customer customer = order.Customer;
                Console.WriteLine("Customer details: {0}, {1}\n", customer.CompanyName, customer.Description);
Exemple #3
        //M w końcówce oznacza, że jest to Method Syntax, zaś Q - Query Syntax

        //Navigation Property - z tabeli Category, po zależnościach dochodzimy do Produktów
        public static void PrintCategoriesAndProductsQ(ProdContext db)
            var query = from b in db.Categories
                        orderby b.Name descending
                        select b;

            foreach (var categoryName in query)
                Console.WriteLine("Category name: {0}", categoryName.Name);

                foreach (Product product in categoryName.Products)
                    Console.WriteLine("description: {0}", product.Name);
Exemple #4
        public static void PrintCategoriesAndProductsJoinQ(ProdContext db)
            var query = from ca in db.Categories
                        join pr in db.Products
                        on ca.CategoryId equals pr.CategoryId
                        //orderby c.Name
                        select new
                c = ca,
                p = pr

            foreach (var record in query)
                Console.WriteLine("Category Name: " + record.c.Name + " Product Name: " + record.p.Name);
Exemple #5
        public static void PrintCategoriesAndProductsJoinM(ProdContext db)
            var query = db.Categories
                              product => product.CategoryId,
                              category => category.CategoryId,
                              (category, product) =>
                              new {
                c = category,
                p = product

            foreach (var record in query)
                Console.WriteLine("Category Name " + record.c, "Product Name " + record.p);
Exemple #6
        //Agregacja - Count
        public static void CountProductsForCategoryQ(ProdContext db)
            var query = from c in db.Categories
                        orderby c.Name descending
                        select new
                CategoryID       = c.CategoryId,
                CategoryName     = c.Name,
                ProductsQuantity = c.Products.Count()

            foreach (var c in query)
                Console.WriteLine("Category Name: {0} \t ProductsQuantity: {1}",
Exemple #7
        //dodatkowe metody
        //Lazy loading - jest domyślne
        //Navigation Property - z tabeli Orders, po zależnościach dochodzimy do Product i Customer, do szczegółów
        //Query syntax
        public static void PrintOrderWithDetails(ProdContext db)
            db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;

            var query = from o in db.Orders
                        orderby o.OrderId descending
                        select o;

            foreach (var order in query)
                Console.WriteLine("Order nr: {0}, Date: {1}, Quantity {2}, Status {3}",
                                  order.OrderId, order.Date, order.Quantity, order.Status);

                Product product = order.Product;
                Console.WriteLine("Product details: {0}, {1} {2}", product.ProductId,
                                  getCategoryName(db, product.CategoryId), product.Name);
                Customer customer = order.Customer;
                Console.WriteLine("Customer details: {0}, {1}\n", customer.CompanyName, customer.Description);
Exemple #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var db = new ProdContext())
                var wasCreated = db.Database.CreateIfNotExists();
                //Create and save a new Category

                //Console.Write("Enter a name for a new Category: ");

                //var name = Console.ReadLine();

                //zaistancjonuj kategorię o podanej nazwie
                //var category = new Category { Name = name };
                //dodanie zaistancjonowanego obiektu do kontekstowej kolekcji kategorii

                //var product = new Product { Name = "pomarańczowa", UnitsInStock = 10, CategoryId = 2, UnitPrice = 10 };
                //var customer = new Customer { CompanyName = "Lewiatan", Description = "little greengrocer's" };
                //var order = new Order { Customer = customer, Product = product, Quantity = 10, Status = 'N' };
                //zapisanie zmian w kontekście

                //List<string> c=db.Categories.Where(a => a.Name.Length >0).Select(a => a.Name).ToList();

                //V. method based syntax

                var categories = db.Categories
                                 .Select(c => c.Name).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("Categories Names:");
                foreach (String c in categories)

                //Display all Categories from the database
                var query = from b in db.Categories
                            orderby b.Name descending
                            select b;

                Console.WriteLine("All categories in the database (method syntax):");
                foreach (var item in query)

                Console.WriteLine("Products quantity for each category:");

                MainForm f = new MainForm();