public static void PrintStudentName(Student3 std) { if (std == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Student object is null. "); } Console.WriteLine(std.StudentName); }
static void Main1() { //The Linq Query to Get All the Students-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine("Before Sorting:"); IEnumerable <Student3> students0 = Student3.GetAllStudetns(); foreach (Student3 stu in students0) { Console.WriteLine(stu.TotalMarks + "\t" + stu.Name + "\t" + stu.StudentID); } Console.WriteLine(); //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Sorting By Using Primary and Secondary Sort +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //a) Sorts Students first by TotalMarks in ascending order(Primary Sort) //b) The 4 Students with TotalMarks of 800, will then be sorted by Name in ascending order(First Secondary Sort) //c) The 2 Students with Name of John, will then be sorted by StudentID in ascending order(Second Secondary Sort) Console.WriteLine("Sorted Order by using Linq:"); IOrderedEnumerable <Student3> students1 = Student3.GetAllStudetns().OrderBy(stu => stu.TotalMarks).ThenBy(stu => stu.Name).ThenByDescending(stu => stu.StudentID); foreach (Student3 stu in students1) { Console.WriteLine(stu.TotalMarks + "\t" + stu.Name + "\t" + stu.StudentID); } Console.WriteLine(); //Implementation of above Query by Using Sql Like Query----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine("Sorted Order by using Sql Like Queries:"); IOrderedEnumerable <Student3> students2 = from stu in Student3.GetAllStudetns() orderby stu.TotalMarks, stu.Name, stu.StudentID descending select stu; foreach (Student3 stu in students2) { Console.WriteLine(stu.TotalMarks + "\t" + stu.Name + "\t" + stu.StudentID); } Console.WriteLine(); //Reversing of the Collection of Student-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine("Before Revsering:"); IEnumerable <Student3> students3 = Student3.GetAllStudetns(); foreach (Student3 stu in students3) { Console.WriteLine(stu.StudentID + "\t" + stu.Name + "\t" + stu.TotalMarks); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("After Revsering:"); IEnumerable <Student3> result0 = students3.Reverse(); foreach (Student3 stu in result0) { Console.WriteLine(stu.StudentID + "\t" + stu.Name + "\t" + stu.TotalMarks); } }
public static void Main() { Student3 std = null; try { PrintStudentName(std); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.ReadKey(); }