public void TransferPallet(Pallet pallet, Slot from, Slot to)//Protocol to transfer pallet to different slot { if (to.isEmpty) { if (to.CubicHeight > pallet.CubicFeet) { to.assign(pallet); from.unAssign(); } } else { throw new Exception("that slot is occupied would you like to tranfer it?");//create dialogue for transfer? } WHctx.SaveChanges(); }
public void assign(Pallet p) { if (isEmpty) { if (p.CubicFeet <= CubicHeight) { Pallet = p; isEmpty = false; p.Assigned = true; p.Product.SlotId = Id; } else { throw new Exception("this pallet is too tall for this particular slot"); } } }
public void AssignPallet(Pallet pallet, Slot to)//necessary only for receiving { if (to.isEmpty && to.SType == SlotType.Reserve) { if (to.CubicHeight > pallet.CubicFeet) { to.assign(pallet); pallet.Assigned = true; } } else { if (to.isEmpty == false) { throw new Exception("that slot is currently occupied"); } else if (to.SType != SlotType.Reserve) { throw new Exception("this is not a reserve slot"); } } WHctx.SaveChanges(); }