Exemple #1
        private SortedList <string, int> columns;                                 // 读入csv的列名

        public InputAdapterFromFile(InputConfig config)
            _config = config;

            var streamReader = new StreamReader(config.Filename);
            var line         = streamReader.ReadLine();
            var values       = line.Split(',');

            columns = new SortedList <string, int>(values.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                columns.Add(values[i], i);

            quotes = new SortedList <DateTime, string[]>();
            while (!streamReader.EndOfStream)
                line   = streamReader.ReadLine();
                values = line.Split(',');
                var date = DateTime.Parse(values[0], QuoteFormatProvider);
                quotes.Add(date, values);
            quoteEnumerator = quotes.GetEnumerator();

Exemple #2
        public static void Main(string [] args)
            // Create a tracer to output information on the console.
            TraceListener tracer = new ConsoleTraceListener();

            using (Server server = Server.Create("MyInstance"))
                    Application application   = server.CreateApplication("application");
                    var         ericSEKConfig = new InputConfig
                        ID          = "ERIC-SEK",
                        Filename    = "eric_b_sek_2009.csv",
                        ColumnNames = new string[] { "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", "Adj Close" },
                        StartDate   = new DateTime(2009, 01, 01),
                        Interval    = 0

                    // Implicit 方式
                    var cepStream = CepStream <Payload> .Create("cepStream",

                    var filtered = from e in cepStream
                                   where e.Value > 95
                                   select e;

                     * var query = filtered.ToQuery(application,
                     *                           "filterQuery",
                     *                           "Filter out Values over 95",
                     *                           typeof(PayloadOutputFactory),
                     *                           new PayloadOutputConfig(),
                     *                           EventShape.Point,
                     *                           StreamEventOrder.FullyOrdered);
                    RunQuery(filtered, application);

                    var avgCepStream = from w in cepStream.Where(e => e.FieldID == "Close")
                                       .HoppingWindow(TimeSpan.FromDays(7), TimeSpan.FromDays(1), HoppingWindowOutputPolicy.ClipToWindowEnd)
                                       select new Payload()
                        StockID = "ERIC",
                        FieldID = "7-day avg",
                        Value   = w.Avg(e => e.Value)

                    RunQuery(avgCepStream, application);

                    var ericUSDGroupCepStream = from e in cepStream
                                                group e by e.FieldID into eGroup
                                                from w in eGroup.HoppingWindow(TimeSpan.FromDays(7), TimeSpan.FromDays(1), HoppingWindowOutputPolicy.ClipToWindowEnd)
                                                select new Payload()
                        StockID = "ERIC 7-day avg",
                        FieldID = eGroup.Key,
                        Value   = w.Avg(e => e.Value)

                    RunQuery(ericUSDGroupCepStream, application);

                    var bigLooserCepStream = (from e1 in cepStream
                                              from e2 in cepStream.ShiftEventTime(e => e.StartTime.AddDays(7))
                                              where e1.FieldID == "Close" && e2.FieldID == "Close"
                                              select new Payload()
                        StockID = "ERIC > 10% drop",
                        FieldID = "Close",
                        Value = (e1.Value - e2.Value) / e2.Value * 100
                    }).Where(e => e.Value < -10);

                    RunQuery(bigLooserCepStream, application);

                    // Explicit 方式
                    var input = CepStream <Payload> .Create("input");

                    var stddevCepStream = from w in input.Where(e => e.FieldID == "Close")
                                          .HoppingWindow(TimeSpan.FromDays(7), TimeSpan.FromDays(1), HoppingWindowOutputPolicy.ClipToWindowEnd)
                                          select new Payload()
                        StockID = "ERIC",
                        FieldID = "7-day Stddev",
                        Value   = w.StandardDeviation()
                    var queryTemplate = application.CreateQueryTemplate("standardDeviationExampleTemplate", "Description...", stddevCepStream);

                    var queryBinder          = new QueryBinder(queryTemplate);
                    var InputAdapterFromFile = application.CreateInputAdapter <PayloadInputFactory>("PayloadInput", "Description...");
                    var outputAdapter        = application.CreateOutputAdapter <PayloadOutputFactory>("PayloadOutput", "Description...");
                    queryBinder.BindProducer <Payload>("input", InputAdapterFromFile, ericSEKConfig, EventShape.Point);
                    queryBinder.AddConsumer <Payload>("output", outputAdapter, outputConfig, EventShape.Point, StreamEventOrder.ChainOrdered);

                    var query = application.CreateQuery("standardDeviationExampleQuery", "Description...", queryBinder);

                    // Wait until output adapter signals that it is finished
                    DiagnosticView diagnosticView;
                        diagnosticView = query.Application.Server.GetDiagnosticView(query.Name);
                    } while ((string)diagnosticView["QueryState"] == "Running");

                    // Stop
                    // Release resources
                catch (Exception e)