public static void BasicFightEncounter() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("What will u do next? "); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("=============SELECT ONE============"); Console.WriteLine("==================================="); Console.WriteLine("| (E)xplore |"); Console.WriteLine("| (R)return |"); Console.WriteLine("==================================="); string input2 = Console.ReadLine(); if (input2 == "e" || input2 == "explore") { Combat(true, "", 0, 0); } else if (input2 == "r" || input2 == "return") { Shop.LoadShop(Program.currentPlayer); } }
public static void Combat(bool random, string name, int power, int health) { string n = ""; int p = 0; int h = 0; if (random) { n = GetName(); p = Program.currentPlayer.GetPower(); h = Program.currentPlayer.GetHealth(); } else { n = name; p = power; h = health; } while (h > 0) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("=======" + n + " ======="); Console.WriteLine(p + "<--Power / Health -->" + h); Console.WriteLine("======================="); Console.WriteLine("| (A)ttack (D)efnd |"); Console.WriteLine("| (R)un (H)eal |"); Console.WriteLine("======================="); Console.WriteLine("Stimpaks: " + Program.currentPlayer.stims + " Health: " +; string input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input.ToLower() == "a" || input.ToLower() == "attack") { //attack Console.WriteLine("You swing your weapon and strike the " + n); int damage = p - Program.currentPlayer.armorValue; if (damage < 0) { damage = 0; } int attack = rand.Next(0, Program.currentPlayer.weaponValue) + rand.Next(1, 4); Console.WriteLine("You lose " + damage + " health and deal " + attack + " damage "); -= damage; h -= attack; } else if (input.ToLower() == "d" || input.ToLower() == "defend") { //defend Console.WriteLine("You swing your arms over your face and brace for impact from the " + n); int damage = (p / 4) - Program.currentPlayer.armorValue; if (damage < 0) { damage = 0; } int attack = rand.Next(0, Program.currentPlayer.weaponValue) + rand.Next(1, 4) / 2; Console.WriteLine("You lose " + damage + " health and deal " + attack + " damage "); -= damage; h -= attack; } else if (input.ToLower() == "r" || input.ToLower() == "run") { //run if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("As you sprint away from " + n + " Its strike catches you in the back, sending you sprawling onto the ground"); int damage = p - Program.currentPlayer.armorValue; if (damage < 0) { damage = 0; } Console.WriteLine("You lose " + damage + " health and are unable to escape"); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Console.WriteLine("You nearly escape the strike from the " + n + " and you successfully ran away!"); Console.ReadKey(); //goto store Shop.LoadShop(Program.currentPlayer); } } else if (input.ToLower() == "h" || input.ToLower() == "heal") { //heal if (Program.currentPlayer.stims == 0) { Console.WriteLine("You fumble around in your gucci x Louis Vittion hand bag you can't find any stimpacks"); int damage = p - Program.currentPlayer.armorValue; if (damage < 0) { damage = 0; } Console.WriteLine("The " + n + " Strikes you while you were distracted. You lose " + damage + " Health"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You reach into your bag and retreive stimpack(s) "); int stimV = 5; Console.WriteLine("You gain" + stimV + " Health"); += stimV; Console.WriteLine("As you were healing the " + n + " Strikes you."); int damage = (p / 2) - Program.currentPlayer.armorValue; if (damage < 0) { damage = 0; } Console.WriteLine(n + " Hit you for" + damage + " Health"); } } if ( <= 0) { //Death code Console.WriteLine("As you strugle to keep it together the attack from " + n + " was devastating and you have died."); Console.ReadKey(); System.Environment.Exit(0); } Console.ReadKey(); } int c = Program.currentPlayer.GetCaps(); Console.WriteLine("As you stand proundly over the " + n + ", its body limp you check it for caps Jackpot! You collect " + c + " caps!"); Program.currentPlayer.Caps += c; Console.ReadKey(); }