Exemple #1
        static void main()
            int i = 0;            //int is a structure therefore value type
                                  // when declared it is stored in the stack in m/m
                                  //they hold value where they are declared
            Cust c1 = new Cust(); //customer is a class and therefore reference type

            //the object reference variable c1 is stored in the stack
            //the actual object however is stored in the heap
            c1.id   = 101;    //in the heap
            c1.name = "Mark"; //in the heap
Exemple #2
        //the value types are destroyed once their scope is over
        //in case of referenc types
        // 1. reference object is destroyed once its scope is over
        // 2. the actual object in the heap is destoyed by the GC(garbage collector) when it finds
        //    that the object has no reference variable

        static void diff()
            int i = 10; //i is a struct
            int j = i;  //j is a struct  value of i is assigned to j

            j = j + 1;  //operations on j will not affect the value of i because i & j are two different copies on the stack
            Console.WriteLine("i = {0} && j = {1}", i, j);

            Cust c2 = new Cust();

            c2.id   = 101;
            c2.name = "Name";

            Cust c3 = c2; //now what happens is c3 is a copy of the reference variable

            //both c2 and c3 points toward the same objects in the heap
            c3.name = "New";

            Console.WriteLine("c2.Name= {0} and c3.Name = {1}", c2.name, c3.name); //here both will be "New"