public Position(Position p)
     whiteDiscs = p.whiteDiscs;
     blackDiscs = p.blackDiscs;
     height = new int[7];
     for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
         height[i] = p.height[i];
     toMove = p.toMove;
Exemple #2
 public abstract int returnMove(Position p);
        *	nur in Situationen anwendbar, in denen niemand gewonnen hat und kein unentschieden vorliegt

        private int evaluate(Position p, bool recognized)

            if (recognized)
                counterrecognized += 1;
                counterevaluated += 1;

            //Threats ermitteln
            getthreats(p, Position.WHITE);
            getthreats(p, Position.BLACK);

            //Array initialisieren
            int[] height = new int[7];
            int totalheight = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                height[i] = 6;
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    if (blackthreats[i][j] || whitethreats[i][j])
                        height[i] = p.height[i];
                        totalheight += height[i];
                        goto outer;
                totalheight += 6;
    outer: ;
            if (totalheight == 42)
                return 0;

            //Gewinner feststellen, falls auf restlichem Brett nichts passiert
            bool toMove = (totalheight % 2 == 0) ? Position.WHITE : Position.BLACK;
            bool winner;
            bool found = true;

            while (found)
                found = false;

                //eigenen Threat besetzen
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    if (height[i] < 6 && (toMove == Position.WHITE ? whitethreats[i][height[i]] : blackthreats[i][height[i]]))
                        winner = toMove;
                        if (recognized)
                            return (p.toMove == winner) ? (699 - totalheight) : (-699 + totalheight);
                            return (p.toMove == winner) ? (458 + p.numberOfDiscs()) : (-458 - p.numberOfDiscs());

                //gegnerischen Threat besetzen
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    if (height[i] < 6 && (toMove == Position.WHITE ? blackthreats[i][height[i]] : whitethreats[i][height[i]]))
                        height[i] += 1;
                        toMove = !toMove;
                        found = true;
                        //UPGRADE_NOTE: Die continue-Anweisung mit Bezeichnung wurde in eine goto-Anweisung geändert. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1015'"
                        goto outer1;

                //unkritisches Feld besetzen
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    if ((height[i] == 5) || (height[i] < 5 && !blackthreats[i][height[i] + 1] && !whitethreats[i][height[i] + 1]))
                        height[i] += 1;
                        toMove = !toMove;
                        found = true;
                        //UPGRADE_NOTE: Die continue-Anweisung mit Bezeichnung wurde in eine goto-Anweisung geändert. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1015'"
                        goto outer1;

                //unter eigene Drohung ziehen, ungerade Anzahl freier Felder
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    if (height[i] < 5 && (toMove == Position.WHITE ? !blackthreats[i][height[i] + 1] : !whitethreats[i][height[i] + 1]) && ((6 - height[i]) % 2 == 1))
                        height[i] += 1;
                        toMove = !toMove;
                        found = true;
                        //UPGRADE_NOTE: Die continue-Anweisung mit Bezeichnung wurde in eine goto-Anweisung geändert. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1015'"
                        goto outer1;

                //unter eigene Drohung ziehen, gerade Anzahl freier Felder			
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    if (height[i] < 5 && (toMove == Position.WHITE ? !blackthreats[i][height[i] + 1] : !whitethreats[i][height[i] + 1]))
                        height[i] += 1;
                        toMove = !toMove;
                        found = true;
                        //UPGRADE_NOTE: Die continue-Anweisung mit Bezeichnung wurde in eine goto-Anweisung geändert. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1015'"
                        goto outer1;

                //unter gegnerische Drohung ziehen
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    if (height[i] < 5)
                        height[i] += 1;
                        toMove = !toMove;
                        found = true;
                        //UPGRADE_NOTE: Die continue-Anweisung mit Bezeichnung wurde in eine goto-Anweisung geändert. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1015'"
                        goto outer1;

                goto outer1_brk;
    outer1: ;
    outer1_brk: ;

            return 0;
        *	Sortiert Züge nach Feldgewichten und nach dem besten Zug aus den Hash Tables

        private void sort(int[] z, Position p)

            for (int i = 0; i < z[7]; i++)
                tableValues[i] = table[z[i]];  //Feldgewichtung auswählen

            int swap;
            for (int i = z[7] - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
                    if (table[z[j + 1]] > table[z[j]])
                        swap = z[j + 1];
                        z[j + 1] = z[j];
                        z[j] = swap;
                        swap = tableValues[j + 1];
                        tableValues[j + 1] = tableValues[j];
                        tableValues[j] = swap;

            if (bestMove != -1)
                for (int i = 0; i < z[7]; i++)
                    if (z[i] == bestMove)
                        if (i < 1)
                        for (int j = i; i > 0; i--)
                            z[i] = z[i - 1];
                        z[0] = bestMove;
        public virtual int AlphaBeta(Position p, int depth, int alpha, int beta, double extension, MoveList pv, long Zkey, int move)

            if (nodecount[1] + nodecount[0] > NODELIMIT)  //wenn Knotenlimit überschritten, gehe zu Exception
                throw new TooManyNodesException();

            if (depth < maxDepth)
                maxDepth = depth;

            nodecount[0] += 1;
            int hashflag = HASHALPHA;

            //letzte Bits des Keys in Index umwandeln
            int index = (int)Zkey & (HASHSIZE - 1);

            //Hash Tables
            hvalue = -1;
            bestMove = -1;
            newbeta = beta;
            newalpha = alpha;
            if (HashTable2[index].key == Zkey)
                if (HashTable2[index].depth >= (depth + extension))
                    if (HashTable2[index].flag == HASHEXACT)
                        hvalue = HashTable2[index].value_Renamed;
                    if (HashTable2[index].flag == HASHALPHA && HashTable2[index].value_Renamed <= alpha)
                        hvalue = alpha;
                    if (HashTable2[index].flag == HASHALPHA && HashTable2[index].value_Renamed < beta)
                        newbeta = HashTable2[index].value_Renamed;
                    if (HashTable2[index].flag == HASHBETA && HashTable2[index].value_Renamed >= beta)
                        hvalue = beta;
                    if (HashTable2[index].flag == HASHBETA && HashTable2[index].value_Renamed > alpha)
                        newalpha = HashTable2[index].value_Renamed;

                bestMove = HashTable2[index].move;
            if (HashTable1[index].key == Zkey)
                if (HashTable1[index].depth >= (depth + extension))
                    if (HashTable1[index].flag == HASHEXACT)
                        hvalue = HashTable1[index].value_Renamed;
                    if (HashTable1[index].flag == HASHALPHA && HashTable1[index].value_Renamed <= alpha)
                        hvalue = alpha;
                    if (HashTable1[index].flag == HASHALPHA && HashTable1[index].value_Renamed < beta)
                        newbeta = HashTable1[index].value_Renamed;
                    if (HashTable1[index].flag == HASHBETA && HashTable1[index].value_Renamed >= beta)
                        hvalue = beta;
                    if (HashTable1[index].flag == HASHBETA && HashTable1[index].value_Renamed > alpha)
                        newalpha = HashTable1[index].value_Renamed;
                bestMove = HashTable1[index].move;
            if (HashTable3[index].key == Zkey)
                hvalue = HashTable3[index].value_Renamed;
            beta = newbeta;
            alpha = newalpha;
            if (hvalue != -1)
                pv.length = 0;
                return hvalue;

            MoveList mypv = new MoveList();

            //entschiedene Positionen
            if (p.isWon(!p.toMove, move))
                pv.length = 0;
                addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, -1000 + p.numberOfDiscs(), HASHEXACT, -1);
                return -1000 + p.numberOfDiscs();

            if (p.Draw)
                pv.length = 0;
                addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, 0, HASHEXACT, -1);
                return 0;

            if (opening)
                if (p.numberOfDiscs() <= 8)
                    value_Renamed = searchBook(p);
                    if (value_Renamed != -1)
                        pv.length = 0;
                        addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, value_Renamed, HASHEXACT, -1);
                        return value_Renamed;

            //Interior Node Recognition
            firstFreeColumn = -1;
            secondFreeColumn = -1;
            freeColumns = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                if (p.height[i] != 6)
                    freeColumns += 1;
                    if (freeColumns == 3)
                    if (freeColumns == 1)
                        firstFreeColumn = i;
                    if (freeColumns == 2)
                        secondFreeColumn = i;

            //Wenn nur mehr wenige Spalten frei sind (Ende des Spieles)
            if (freeColumns == 1 || (freeColumns == 2 && (secondFreeColumn - firstFreeColumn >= 4)))
                if (acuteThreat(p, p.toMove) == -1 && acuteThreat(p, !p.toMove) == -1)
                    value_Renamed = evaluate(p, true);
                    pv.length = 0;
                    addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, value_Renamed, HASHEXACT, -1);
                    return value_Renamed;

            if (depth <= (0 - extension))
                int akut2 = acuteThreat(p, p.toMove);
                if (akut2 != -1)
                    pv.length = 0;
                    addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, 1000 - p.numberOfDiscs() - 1, HASHEXACT, -1);
                    return 1000 - p.numberOfDiscs() - 1;
                int akut = acuteThreat(p, !p.toMove);
                if (akut == -1)
                    pv.length = 0;
                    int val = evaluate(p, false);
                    addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, val, HASHEXACT, -1);
                    return val;
                extension += 2;
                Zkey = Zkey ^ (p.toMove ? zobristKeys[akut][0] : zobristKeys[akut][1]);
                int value_Renamed = -AlphaBeta(p, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, extension, mypv, Zkey, akut);
                Zkey = Zkey ^ (p.toMove ? zobristKeys[akut][0] : zobristKeys[akut][1]);
                if (value_Renamed >= beta)
                    addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension - 2, beta, HASHBETA, -1);
                    return beta;
                if (value_Renamed > alpha)
                    hashflag = HASHEXACT;
                    alpha = value_Renamed;
                    pv.First = new MoveListElement(akut);
                    if (mypv.length != 0)
                        pv.Rest = mypv;
                    pv.length = mypv.length + 1;
                addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension - 2, alpha, hashflag, -1);
                return alpha;

            int[] moves = generateMoves(p, searchDepth - depth);
            sort(moves, p);  //Sortiert Züge nach Feldgewichten und nach dem besten Zug aus den Hash Tables

            for (int i = 0; i < moves[7]; i++)
                Zkey = Zkey ^ (p.toMove ? zobristKeys[moves[i]][0] : zobristKeys[moves[i]][1]);
                value_Renamed = -AlphaBeta(p, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, extension, mypv, Zkey, moves[i]);
                Zkey = Zkey ^ (p.toMove ? zobristKeys[moves[i]][0] : zobristKeys[moves[i]][1]);
                if (value_Renamed >= beta)
                    addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, value_Renamed, HASHBETA, moves[i]);
                    return beta;
                if (value_Renamed > alpha)
                    hashflag = HASHEXACT;
                    alpha = value_Renamed;
                    pv.First = new MoveListElement(moves[i]);
                    if (mypv.length != 0)
                        pv.Rest = mypv;
                    pv.length = mypv.length + 1;
            addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, alpha, hashflag, (hashflag == HASHEXACT ? pv.pop() : -1));
            return alpha;
        *	Für den initialen Aufruf von AlphaBeta gibt es eine spezielle Funktion.
        *	a) Hier wird kein Wert aus den Hash Tables, aus dem Eröffnungsbuch oder aus einer Form von Evaluation übernommen,
        *	da man sonst 0 Level im Suchbaum und demzufolge keine PV, also auch keinen besten Zug erhält.
        *	b) Hier muß nicht auf gewonnene oder unentschiedene Positionen getestet werden, da playGame() solche Stellungen abfängt.
        *	c) Hier wird kein Zug-Argument übergeben. Diese Methode stellt stets den Wurzelknoten dar.

        public virtual int StartAlphaBeta(Position p, int depth, int alpha, int beta, double extension, MoveList pv, long Zkey)
            nodecount[0] += 1;
            int hashflag = HASHALPHA;

            //letzte Bits des Keys in Index umwandeln
            int index = (int)Zkey & (HASHSIZE - 1);
            //Hashtables zugriff
            bestMove = -1;
            if (HashTable1[index].key == Zkey) //HashTable 1 suchen
                bestMove = HashTable1[index].move;
            if (HashTable2[index].key == Zkey) //in HashTable 2 suchen
                bestMove = HashTable2[index].move;
            MoveList mypv = new MoveList();

            int[] moves = generateMoves(p, searchDepth - depth);    //mögliche Züge generieren
            sort(moves, p);     //Sortiert Züge nach Feldgewichten und nach dem besten Zug aus den Hash Tables 
            for (int i = 0; i < moves[7]; i++)  //moves[7] = Anzahl der möglichen Züge
                Zkey = Zkey ^ (p.toMove == Position.WHITE ? zobristKeys[moves[i]][0] : zobristKeys[moves[i]][1]);
                value_Renamed = -AlphaBeta(p, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, extension, mypv, Zkey, moves[i]);
                Zkey = Zkey ^ (p.toMove == Position.WHITE ? zobristKeys[moves[i]][0] : zobristKeys[moves[i]][1]);
                if (value_Renamed >= beta)
                    addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, value_Renamed, HASHBETA, moves[i]);
                    return beta;
                if (value_Renamed > alpha)
                    hashflag = HASHEXACT;
                    alpha = value_Renamed;
                    pv.First = new MoveListElement(moves[i]);
                    if (mypv.length != 0)
                        pv.Rest = mypv;
                    pv.length = mypv.length + 1;
            addHashEntries(Zkey, index, depth + extension, alpha, hashflag, (hashflag == HASHEXACT ? pv.pop() : -1));
            return alpha;
        *	Hauptmethode des Computerspielers, die eine Position annimmt und einen Zug zurückgibt.
        *	Sie kapselt den Alpha-Beta-Algorithmus.

        public override int returnMove(Position arg)
            //Spielfeld übernehmen
            Position p = new Position(arg);
            //Startwerte für das Iterative Deepening
            nodecount[1] = savedSum;
            int lastRoundMove = -1;
            int lastRoundValue = -1000;
            int bestFoundValue = 0;                 // Bewertung des besten Zuges
            searchDepth = 1;                        //aktuelle Suchtiefe
            int alpha = -10000;
            int beta = 10000;
            MoveList pv = new MoveList();
            bool repeated = false;

            //Zobrist-Key erstellen
            long Zkey = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++)
                if ((p.whiteDiscs & (0x0000000000400000L << i)) == (0x0000000000400000L << i))
                    Zkey = Zkey ^ zobristKeys[i][0]; //^ = XOR
                else if ((p.blackDiscs & (0x0000000000400000L << i)) == (0x0000000000400000L << i))
                    Zkey = Zkey ^ zobristKeys[i][1];

            //Löschen der HashTables 1 und 2.
            for (int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++)

            //feststellen, ob man sich noch in der Eröffnung befindet
            if (bookEnabled && p.numberOfDiscs() < 8)
                opening = true;
                opening = false;

            while (!(searchDepth > (42 - p.numberOfDiscs())))

                repeated = false;
                nodecount[0] = 0;
                maxDepth = 100;
                counterrecognized = 0;
                counterevaluated = 0;
                counterhash1 = 0;
                counterhash2 = 0;
                counterhash3 = 0;

                pv = new MoveList();        //Zugliste
                long startTime = 0;
                long duration = 0;

                    //Aspiration Search verlangt ggf. mehrere Anläufe
                    while (true)
                        startTime = (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000;

                        bestFoundValue = StartAlphaBeta(p, searchDepth, alpha, beta, 0, pv, Zkey);  //Aufruf des eigentlichen Algorithmusses

                        duration = repeated ? duration + (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000 - startTime : (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000 - startTime;

                        //Start Aspiration Windows
                        if (bestFoundValue <= alpha && !repeated) //erweitern des Suchfenster nach unten
                            repeated = true;
                            alpha = -10000;
                            beta = bestFoundValue + 2;
                        if (bestFoundValue >= beta && !repeated) //erweitern des Suchfensters nach oben
                            repeated = true;
                            beta = 10000;
                            alpha = bestFoundValue - 2;
                        if (repeated && (bestFoundValue <= alpha || bestFoundValue >= beta)) //setzen des Suchfensters auf Startwerte
                            alpha = -10000;
                            beta = 10000;
                        if (bestFoundValue == 0) //Unentschieden oder Ungeklärte Situation
                            alpha = bestFoundValue - 2;
                            beta = bestFoundValue + 2;
                        if (bestFoundValue > 0 && bestFoundValue < 600) //alles offen
                            alpha = bestFoundValue;
                            beta = bestFoundValue + 2;
                        if (bestFoundValue < 0 && bestFoundValue > -600) //alles offen für anderen Spieler
                            alpha = bestFoundValue - 2;
                            beta = bestFoundValue;
                        if (bestFoundValue > 600) //sicher gewonnen
                            alpha = bestFoundValue - 1;
                            beta = bestFoundValue + 1;
                        if (bestFoundValue < -600) //sicher gewonnen für anderen Spieler
                            alpha = bestFoundValue - 1;
                            beta = bestFoundValue + 1;
                        //Ende Aspiration Windows
                catch (TooManyNodesException) //max. Anzahl von Knoten überschritten
                    duration = repeated ? duration + (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000 - startTime : (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000 - startTime;
                    totalDuration = totalDuration + duration;
                    nodecount[2] = nodecount[2] + nodecount[0];
                    nodecount[1] = nodecount[1] + nodecount[0];                    
                    return lastRoundMove;

                lastRoundMove = pv.pop();
                lastRoundValue = bestFoundValue;
                totalDuration = totalDuration + duration;
                nodecount[2] = nodecount[2] + nodecount[0];
                nodecount[1] = nodecount[1] + nodecount[0];
                int overwritten1 = 0;
                int overwritten2 = 0;
                int overwritten3 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++)
                    if (HashTable1[i].depth != -1)
                        counterhash1 += 1; overwritten1 += HashTable1[i].overwritten;
                    if (HashTable2[i].depth != -1)
                        counterhash2 += 1; overwritten2 += HashTable2[i].overwritten;
                    if (HashTable3[i].depth != -1)
                        counterhash3 += 1; overwritten3 += HashTable3[i].overwritten;

                if (bestFoundValue > 900 || bestFoundValue < -900)

                searchDepth += 1;

            if (bestFoundValue < -900)
                if (!opening)
                    return lastRoundMove;
                    //Wenn man in der Eröffnung in einer verlorenen Position ist, löscht man die Hash Tables und sucht ohne Eröffnungsbuch von vorne.
                    bookEnabled = false;
                    savedSum = nodecount[1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++)
                    int result = returnMove(p);
                    for (int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++)
                    savedSum = 0;
                    bookEnabled = true;
                    return result;
               return lastRoundMove;
        *	Sucht eine Stellung im Eröffnungsbuch. Dazu muß die Position ggf. gespiegelt und erneut gesucht werden.
        *	Wenn die Stellung nicht gefunden wird, wird -1 zurückgegeben.

        public virtual int searchBook(Position p)
            #region Zusammenbau des Spielfeldes in einen String von links nach rechts
            System.String s = new System.Text.StringBuilder().ToString();
            for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    if ((p.whiteDiscs & (0x0000000000400000L << (j * 7 + i))) == (0x0000000000400000L << (j * 7 + i)))
                        s = System.String.Concat(s, "x");
                    else if ((p.blackDiscs & (0x0000000000400000L << (j * 7 + i))) == (0x0000000000400000L << (j * 7 + i)))
                        s = System.String.Concat(s, "o");
                        s = System.String.Concat(s, "b");
                    s = System.String.Concat(s, ",");

            int result = binarySearch(s); //String suchen im Eröffnungsbuch (wenn nicht gefunden wird -1 zurückgegeben)
            if (result != -1)
                return result;

            #region Zusammenbau des Spielfeldes in einen String von rechts nach links
            s = new System.Text.StringBuilder().ToString();
            for (int i = 6; i >= 0; i--)
                for (int j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    if ((p.whiteDiscs & (0x0000000000400000L << (j * 7 + i))) == (0x0000000000400000L << (j * 7 + i)))
                        s = System.String.Concat(s, "x");
                    else if ((p.blackDiscs & (0x0000000000400000L << (j * 7 + i))) == (0x0000000000400000L << (j * 7 + i)))
                        s = System.String.Concat(s, "o");
                        s = System.String.Concat(s, "b");
                    s = System.String.Concat(s, ",");

            return binarySearch(s);     //String suchen im Eröffnungsbuch (wenn nicht gefunden wird -1 zurückgegeben)
        *	Erzeugt alle Züge, es sei denn, einer der Spieler hat eine akute Drohung - dann nur einen Zug

        private int[] generateMoves(Position p, int depth)
            int b = acuteThreat(p, p.toMove);  //prüft, ob eine akute Drohung vorhanden ist (-1 = keine Drohung)
            if (b != -1)
                moves[depth][7] = 1;
                moves[depth][0] = b;
                return moves[depth];
            int a = acuteThreat(p, !p.toMove);
            if (a != -1)
                moves[depth][7] = 1;
                moves[depth][0] = a;
                return moves[depth];
            int size = 0;
            if (p.height[0] < 6)
                moves[depth][size] = p.height[0] * 7 + 0;
                size += 1;
            if (p.height[1] < 6)
                moves[depth][size] = p.height[1] * 7 + 1;
                size += 1;
            if (p.height[2] < 6)
                moves[depth][size] = p.height[2] * 7 + 2;
                size += 1;
            if (p.height[3] < 6)
                moves[depth][size] = p.height[3] * 7 + 3;
                size += 1;
            if (p.height[4] < 6)
                moves[depth][size] = p.height[4] * 7 + 4;
                size += 1;
            if (p.height[5] < 6)
                moves[depth][size] = p.height[5] * 7 + 5;
                size += 1;
            if (p.height[6] < 6)
                moves[depth][size] = p.height[6] * 7 + 6;
                size += 1;
            moves[depth][7] = size;
            return moves[depth];
        *	Stellt die aktuellen Drohungen von s in p fest und speichert sie in dem jeweiligen Threats-Array

        private void getthreats(Position p, bool s)

            ulong x = (ulong)(s == Position.WHITE ? p.whiteDiscs : p.blackDiscs);
            bool[][] threats = (s == Position.WHITE ? whitethreats : blackthreats);

            #region Spalte 1
            switch (p.height[0])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000003800000L) == 0x0000000003800000L)
                        threats[0][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000404040000000L) == 0x0000404040000000L)
                        threats[0][0] = true;
                        threats[0][0] = false;
                    goto case 1;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x00000001C0000000L) == 0x00000001C0000000L)
                        threats[0][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0020202000000000L) == 0x0020202000000000L)
                        threats[0][1] = true;
                        threats[0][1] = false;
                    goto case 2;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000000E000000000L) == 0x000000E000000000L)
                        threats[0][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x1010100000000000L) == 0x1010100000000000L)
                        threats[0][2] = true;
                        threats[0][2] = false;
                    goto case 3;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000700000000000L) == 0x0000700000000000L)
                        threats[0][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000002082000000L) == 0x0000002082000000L)
                        threats[0][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000001020400000L) == 0x0000001020400000L)
                        threats[0][3] = true;
                        threats[0][3] = false;
                    goto case 4;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x0038000000000000L) == 0x0038000000000000L)
                        threats[0][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000104100000000L) == 0x0000104100000000L)
                        threats[0][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000081020000000L) == 0x0000081020000000L)
                        threats[0][4] = true;
                        threats[0][4] = false;
                    goto case 5;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x1C00000000000000L) == 0x1C00000000000000L)
                        threats[0][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0008208000000000L) == 0x0008208000000000L)
                        threats[0][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0004081000000000L) == 0x0004081000000000L)
                        threats[0][5] = true;
                        threats[0][5] = false;
                    goto default;



            #region Spalte 2
            switch (p.height[1])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000003400000L) == 0x0000000003400000L)
                        threats[1][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000007000000L) == 0x0000000007000000L)
                        threats[1][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000808080000000L) == 0x0000808080000000L)
                        threats[1][0] = true;
                        threats[1][0] = false;
                    goto case 1;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x00000001A0000000L) == 0x00000001A0000000L)
                        threats[1][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000380000000L) == 0x0000000380000000L)
                        threats[1][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000404000400000L) == 0x0000404000400000L)
                        threats[1][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0040404000000000L) == 0x0040404000000000L)
                        threats[1][1] = true;
                        threats[1][1] = false;
                    goto case 2;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000000D000000000L) == 0x000000D000000000L)
                        threats[1][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x000001C000000000L) == 0x000001C000000000L)
                        threats[1][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0020200020000000L) == 0x0020200020000000L)
                        threats[1][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x2020200000000000L) == 0x2020200000000000L)
                        threats[1][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000080082000000L) == 0x0000080082000000L)
                        threats[1][2] = true;
                        threats[1][2] = false;
                    goto case 3;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000680000000000L) == 0x0000680000000000L)
                        threats[1][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000E00000000000L) == 0x0000E00000000000L)
                        threats[1][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000004104000000L) == 0x0000004104000000L)
                        threats[1][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0004004100000000L) == 0x0004004100000000L)
                        threats[1][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x1010001000000000L) == 0x1010001000000000L)
                        threats[1][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000002040800000L) == 0x0000002040800000L)
                        threats[1][3] = true;
                        threats[1][3] = false;
                    goto case 4;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x0034000000000000L) == 0x0034000000000000L)
                        threats[1][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0070000000000000L) == 0x0070000000000000L)
                        threats[1][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000208200000000L) == 0x0000208200000000L)
                        threats[1][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0200208000000000L) == 0x0200208000000000L)
                        threats[1][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000102040000000L) == 0x0000102040000000L)
                        threats[1][4] = true;
                        threats[1][4] = false;
                    goto case 5;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x1A00000000000000L) == 0x1A00000000000000L)
                        threats[1][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x3800000000000000L) == 0x3800000000000000L)
                        threats[1][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0010410000000000L) == 0x0010410000000000L)
                        threats[1][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0008102000000000L) == 0x0008102000000000L)
                        threats[1][5] = true;
                        threats[1][5] = false;
                    goto default;



            #region Spalte 3
            switch (p.height[2])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000002C00000L) == 0x0000000002C00000L)
                        threats[2][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000006800000L) == 0x0000000006800000L)
                        threats[2][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x000000000E000000L) == 0x000000000E000000L)
                        threats[2][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0001010100000000L) == 0x0001010100000000L)
                        threats[2][0] = true;
                        threats[2][0] = false;
                    goto case 1;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000160000000L) == 0x0000000160000000L)
                        threats[2][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000340000000L) == 0x0000000340000000L)
                        threats[2][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000700000000L) == 0x0000000700000000L)
                        threats[2][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000082002000000L) == 0x0000082002000000L)
                        threats[2][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000808000800000L) == 0x0000808000800000L)
                        threats[2][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0080808000000000L) == 0x0080808000000000L)
                        threats[2][1] = true;
                        threats[2][1] = false;
                    goto case 2;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000000B000000000L) == 0x000000B000000000L)
                        threats[2][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x000001A000000000L) == 0x000001A000000000L)
                        threats[2][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000038000000000L) == 0x0000038000000000L)
                        threats[2][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000400040400000L) == 0x0000400040400000L)
                        threats[2][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0040400040000000L) == 0x0040400040000000L)
                        threats[2][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x4040400000000000L) == 0x4040400000000000L)
                        threats[2][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000100104000000L) == 0x0000100104000000L)
                        threats[2][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0004100100000000L) == 0x0004100100000000L)
                        threats[2][2] = true;
                        threats[2][2] = false;
                    goto case 3;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000580000000000L) == 0x0000580000000000L)
                        threats[2][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000D00000000000L) == 0x0000D00000000000L)
                        threats[2][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0001C00000000000L) == 0x0001C00000000000L)
                        threats[2][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0020002020000000L) == 0x0020002020000000L)
                        threats[2][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x2020002000000000L) == 0x2020002000000000L)
                        threats[2][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000008208000000L) == 0x0000008208000000L)
                        threats[2][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0008008200000000L) == 0x0008008200000000L)
                        threats[2][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0208008000000000L) == 0x0208008000000000L)
                        threats[2][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000004081000000L) == 0x0000004081000000L)
                        threats[2][3] = true;
                        threats[2][3] = false;
                    goto case 4;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x002C000000000000L) == 0x002C000000000000L)
                        threats[2][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0068000000000000L) == 0x0068000000000000L)
                        threats[2][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x00E0000000000000L) == 0x00E0000000000000L)
                        threats[2][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000410400000000L) == 0x0000410400000000L)
                        threats[2][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0400410000000000L) == 0x0400410000000000L)
                        threats[2][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x1000101000000000L) == 0x1000101000000000L)
                        threats[2][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000204080000000L) == 0x0000204080000000L)
                        threats[2][4] = true;
                        threats[2][4] = false;
                    goto case 5;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x1600000000000000L) == 0x1600000000000000L)
                        threats[2][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x3400000000000000L) == 0x3400000000000000L)
                        threats[2][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x7000000000000000L) == 0x7000000000000000L)
                        threats[2][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0020820000000000L) == 0x0020820000000000L)
                        threats[2][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0010204000000000L) == 0x0010204000000000L)
                        threats[2][5] = true;
                        threats[2][5] = false;
                    goto default;



            #region Spalte 4
            switch (p.height[3])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000001C00000L) == 0x0000000001C00000L)
                        threats[3][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000005800000L) == 0x0000000005800000L)
                        threats[3][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x000000000D000000L) == 0x000000000D000000L)
                        threats[3][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x000000001C000000L) == 0x000000001C000000L)
                        threats[3][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000082080000000L) == 0x0000082080000000L)
                        threats[3][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0002020200000000L) == 0x0002020200000000L)
                        threats[3][0] = true;
                        threats[3][0] = false;
                    goto case 1;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x00000000E0000000L) == 0x00000000E0000000L)
                        threats[3][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x00000002C0000000L) == 0x00000002C0000000L)
                        threats[3][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000680000000L) == 0x0000000680000000L)
                        threats[3][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000E00000000L) == 0x0000000E00000000L)
                        threats[3][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000104004000000L) == 0x0000104004000000L)
                        threats[3][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0004104000000000L) == 0x0004104000000000L)
                        threats[3][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0001010001000000L) == 0x0001010001000000L)
                        threats[3][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0101010000000000L) == 0x0101010000000000L)
                        threats[3][1] = true;
                        threats[3][1] = false;
                    goto case 2;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x0000007000000000L) == 0x0000007000000000L)
                        threats[3][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000016000000000L) == 0x0000016000000000L)
                        threats[3][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000034000000000L) == 0x0000034000000000L)
                        threats[3][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000070000000000L) == 0x0000070000000000L)
                        threats[3][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000800080800000L) == 0x0000800080800000L)
                        threats[3][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0080800080000000L) == 0x0080800080000000L)
                        threats[3][2] = true;
                        if ((x & 0x8080800000000000L) == 0x8080800000000000L)
                            threats[3][2] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0000200208000000L) == 0x0000200208000000L)
                            threats[3][2] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0008200200000000L) == 0x0008200200000000L)
                            threats[3][2] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0208200000000000L) == 0x0208200000000000L)
                            threats[3][2] = true;
                            threats[3][2] = false;
                    goto case 3;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000380000000000L) == 0x0000380000000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000B00000000000L) == 0x0000B00000000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0001A00000000000L) == 0x0001A00000000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0003800000000000L) == 0x0003800000000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000004040400000L) == 0x0000004040400000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0040004040000000L) == 0x0040004040000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x4040004000000000L) == 0x4040004000000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000010410000000L) == 0x0000010410000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0010010400000000L) == 0x0010010400000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0410010000000000L) == 0x0410010000000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000008102000000L) == 0x0000008102000000L)
                        threats[3][3] = true;
                        threats[3][3] = false;
                    goto case 4;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x001C000000000000L) == 0x001C000000000000L)
                        threats[3][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0058000000000000L) == 0x0058000000000000L)
                        threats[3][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x00D0000000000000L) == 0x00D0000000000000L)
                        threats[3][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x01C0000000000000L) == 0x01C0000000000000L)
                        threats[3][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000202020000000L) == 0x0000202020000000L)
                        threats[3][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x2000202000000000L) == 0x2000202000000000L)
                        threats[3][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000820800000000L) == 0x0000820800000000L)
                        threats[3][4] = true;
                        if ((x & 0x0800820000000000L) == 0x0800820000000000L)
                            threats[3][4] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0000408100000000L) == 0x0000408100000000L)
                            threats[3][4] = true;
                            threats[3][4] = false;
                    goto case 5;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x0E00000000000000L) == 0x0E00000000000000L)
                        threats[3][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x2C00000000000000L) == 0x2C00000000000000L)
                        threats[3][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x6800000000000000L) == 0x6800000000000000L)
                        threats[3][5] = true;
                        if ((x & 0xE000000000000000L) == 0xE000000000000000L)
                            threats[3][5] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0010101000000000L) == 0x0010101000000000L)
                            threats[3][5] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0041040000000000L) == 0x0041040000000000L)
                            threats[3][5] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0020408000000000L) == 0x0020408000000000L)
                            threats[3][5] = true;
                            threats[3][5] = false;
                    goto default;



            #region Spalte 5
            switch (p.height[4])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000003800000L) == 0x0000000003800000L)
                        threats[4][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x000000000B000000L) == 0x000000000B000000L)
                        threats[4][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x000000001A000000L) == 0x000000001A000000L)
                        threats[4][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000104100000000L) == 0x0000104100000000L)
                        threats[4][0] = true;
                        threats[4][0] = false;
                    goto case 1;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x00000001C0000000L) == 0x00000001C0000000L)
                        threats[4][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000580000000L) == 0x0000000580000000L)
                        threats[4][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000D00000000L) == 0x0000000D00000000L)
                        threats[4][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0002020002000000L) == 0x0002020002000000L)
                        threats[4][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000208008000000L) == 0x0000208008000000L)
                        threats[4][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0008208000000000L) == 0x0008208000000000L)
                        threats[4][1] = true;
                        threats[4][1] = false;
                    goto case 2;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000000E000000000L) == 0x000000E000000000L)
                        threats[4][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x000002C000000000L) == 0x000002C000000000L)
                        threats[4][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000068000000000L) == 0x0000068000000000L)
                        threats[4][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0001000101000000L) == 0x0001000101000000L)
                        threats[4][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0101000100000000L) == 0x0101000100000000L)
                        threats[4][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000400410000000L) == 0x0000400410000000L)
                        threats[4][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0010400400000000L) == 0x0010400400000000L)
                        threats[4][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0410400000000000L) == 0x0410400000000000L)
                        threats[4][2] = true;
                        threats[4][2] = false;
                    goto case 3;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000700000000000L) == 0x0000700000000000L)
                        threats[4][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0001600000000000L) == 0x0001600000000000L)
                        threats[4][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0003400000000000L) == 0x0003400000000000L)
                        threats[4][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000008080800000L) == 0x0000008080800000L)
                        threats[4][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0080008080000000L) == 0x0080008080000000L)
                        threats[4][3] = true;
                        if ((x & 0x8080008000000000L) == 0x8080008000000000L)
                            threats[4][3] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0020020800000000L) == 0x0020020800000000L)
                            threats[4][3] = true;
                            if ((x & 0x0820020000000000L) == 0x0820020000000000L)
                                threats[4][3] = true;
                            else if ((x & 0x0000010204000000L) == 0x0000010204000000L)
                                threats[4][3] = true;
                                threats[4][3] = false;
                    goto case 4;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x0038000000000000L) == 0x0038000000000000L)
                        threats[4][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x00B0000000000000L) == 0x00B0000000000000L)
                        threats[4][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x01A0000000000000L) == 0x01A0000000000000L)
                        threats[4][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000404040000000L) == 0x0000404040000000L)
                        threats[4][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x4000404000000000L) == 0x4000404000000000L)
                        threats[4][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x1001040000000000L) == 0x1001040000000000L)
                        threats[4][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000810200000000L) == 0x0000810200000000L)
                        threats[4][4] = true;
                        threats[4][4] = false;
                    goto case 5;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x1C00000000000000L) == 0x1C00000000000000L)
                        threats[4][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x5800000000000000L) == 0x5800000000000000L)
                        threats[4][5] = true;
                        if ((x & 0xD000000000000000L) == 0xD000000000000000L)
                            threats[4][5] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0020202000000000L) == 0x0020202000000000L)
                            threats[4][5] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0040810000000000L) == 0x0040810000000000L)
                            threats[4][5] = true;
                            threats[4][5] = false;
                    goto default;



            #region Spalte 6
            switch (p.height[5])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000007000000L) == 0x0000000007000000L)
                        threats[5][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000016000000L) == 0x0000000016000000L)
                        threats[5][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000208200000000L) == 0x0000208200000000L)
                        threats[5][0] = true;
                        threats[5][0] = false;
                    goto case 1;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000380000000L) == 0x0000000380000000L)
                        threats[5][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000000B00000000L) == 0x0000000B00000000L)
                        threats[5][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000410010000000L) == 0x0000410010000000L)
                        threats[5][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0010410000000000L) == 0x0010410000000000L)
                        threats[5][1] = true;
                        threats[5][1] = false;
                    goto case 2;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000001C000000000L) == 0x000001C000000000L)
                        threats[5][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000058000000000L) == 0x0000058000000000L)
                        threats[5][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0002000202000000L) == 0x0002000202000000L)
                        threats[5][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0020800800000000L) == 0x0020800800000000L)
                        threats[5][2] = true;
                        if ((x & 0x0820800000000000L) == 0x0820800000000000L)
                            threats[5][2] = true;
                            threats[5][2] = false;
                    goto case 3;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000E00000000000L) == 0x0000E00000000000L)
                        threats[5][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0002C00000000000L) == 0x0002C00000000000L)
                        threats[5][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000010101000000L) == 0x0000010101000000L)
                        threats[5][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0100010100000000L) == 0x0100010100000000L)
                        threats[5][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x1040040000000000L) == 0x1040040000000000L)
                        threats[5][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000020408000000L) == 0x0000020408000000L)
                        threats[5][3] = true;
                        threats[5][3] = false;
                    goto case 4;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x0070000000000000L) == 0x0070000000000000L)
                        threats[5][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0160000000000000L) == 0x0160000000000000L)
                        threats[5][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000808080000000L) == 0x0000808080000000L)
                        threats[5][4] = true;
                        if ((x & 0x8000808000000000L) == 0x8000808000000000L)
                            threats[5][4] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0001020400000000L) == 0x0001020400000000L)
                            threats[5][4] = true;
                            threats[5][4] = false;
                    goto case 5;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x3800000000000000L) == 0x3800000000000000L)
                        threats[5][5] = true;
                        if ((x & 0xB000000000000000L) == 0xB000000000000000L)
                            threats[5][5] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0040404000000000L) == 0x0040404000000000L)
                            threats[5][5] = true;
                        else if ((x & 0x0081020000000000L) == 0x0081020000000000L)
                            threats[5][5] = true;
                            threats[5][5] = false;
                    goto default;



            #region Spalte 7
            switch (p.height[6])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x000000000E000000L) == 0x000000000E000000L)
                        threats[6][0] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000410400000000L) == 0x0000410400000000L)
                        threats[6][0] = true;
                        threats[6][0] = false;
                    goto case 1;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000700000000L) == 0x0000000700000000L)
                        threats[6][1] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0020820000000000L) == 0x0020820000000000L)
                        threats[6][1] = true;
                        threats[6][1] = false;
                    goto case 2;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x0000038000000000L) == 0x0000038000000000L)
                        threats[6][2] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x1041000000000000L) == 0x1041000000000000L)
                        threats[6][2] = true;
                        threats[6][2] = false;
                    goto case 3;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0001C00000000000L) == 0x0001C00000000000L)
                        threats[6][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000020202000000L) == 0x0000020202000000L)
                        threats[6][3] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0000040810000000L) == 0x0000040810000000L)
                        threats[6][3] = true;
                        threats[6][3] = false;
                    goto case 4;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x00E0000000000000L) == 0x00E0000000000000L)
                        threats[6][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0001010100000000L) == 0x0001010100000000L)
                        threats[6][4] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0002040800000000L) == 0x0002040800000000L)
                        threats[6][4] = true;
                        threats[6][4] = false;
                    goto case 5;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x7000000000000000L) == 0x7000000000000000L)
                        threats[6][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0080808000000000L) == 0x0080808000000000L)
                        threats[6][5] = true;
                    else if ((x & 0x0102040000000000L) == 0x0102040000000000L)
                        threats[6][5] = true;
                        threats[6][5] = false;
                    goto default;



            for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < p.height[i]; j++)
                    threats[i][j] = false;
        *	Gibt -1 zurück, falls s keine akute Drohung in p hat, ansonsten die erste gefundene

        private int acuteThreat(Position p, bool s)

            ulong x = (ulong)(s == Position.WHITE ? p.whiteDiscs : p.blackDiscs);

            #region Spalte 1
            switch (p.height[0])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000003800000L) == 0x0000000003800000L)
                        return 0;
                    if ((x & 0x0000404040000000L) == 0x0000404040000000L)
                        return 0;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x00000001C0000000L) == 0x00000001C0000000L)
                        return 7;
                    if ((x & 0x0020202000000000L) == 0x0020202000000000L)
                        return 7;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000000E000000000L) == 0x000000E000000000L)
                        return 14;
                    if ((x & 0x1010100000000000L) == 0x1010100000000000L)
                        return 14;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000700000000000L) == 0x0000700000000000L)
                        return 21;
                    if ((x & 0x0000002082000000L) == 0x0000002082000000L)
                        return 21;
                    if ((x & 0x0000001020400000L) == 0x0000001020400000L)
                        return 21;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x0038000000000000L) == 0x0038000000000000L)
                        return 28;
                    if ((x & 0x0000104100000000L) == 0x0000104100000000L)
                        return 28;
                    if ((x & 0x0000081020000000L) == 0x0000081020000000L)
                        return 28;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x1C00000000000000L) == 0x1C00000000000000L)
                        return 35;
                    if ((x & 0x0008208000000000L) == 0x0008208000000000L)
                        return 35;
                    if ((x & 0x0004081000000000L) == 0x0004081000000000L)
                        return 35;



            #region Spalte 2
            switch (p.height[1])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000003400000L) == 0x0000000003400000L)
                        return 1;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000007000000L) == 0x0000000007000000L)
                        return 1;
                    if ((x & 0x0000808080000000L) == 0x0000808080000000L)
                        return 1;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x00000001A0000000L) == 0x00000001A0000000L)
                        return 8;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000380000000L) == 0x0000000380000000L)
                        return 8;
                    if ((x & 0x0000404000400000L) == 0x0000404000400000L)
                        return 8;
                    if ((x & 0x0040404000000000L) == 0x0040404000000000L)
                        return 8;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000000D000000000L) == 0x000000D000000000L)
                        return 15;
                    if ((x & 0x000001C000000000L) == 0x000001C000000000L)
                        return 15;
                    if ((x & 0x0020200020000000L) == 0x0020200020000000L)
                        return 15;
                    if ((x & 0x2020200000000000L) == 0x2020200000000000L)
                        return 15;
                    if ((x & 0x0000080082000000L) == 0x0000080082000000L)
                        return 15;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000680000000000L) == 0x0000680000000000L)
                        return 22;
                    if ((x & 0x0000E00000000000L) == 0x0000E00000000000L)
                        return 22;
                    if ((x & 0x0000004104000000L) == 0x0000004104000000L)
                        return 22;
                    if ((x & 0x0004004100000000L) == 0x0004004100000000L)
                        return 22;
                    if ((x & 0x1010001000000000L) == 0x1010001000000000L)
                        return 22;
                    if ((x & 0x0000002040800000L) == 0x0000002040800000L)
                        return 22;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x0034000000000000L) == 0x0034000000000000L)
                        return 29;
                    if ((x & 0x0070000000000000L) == 0x0070000000000000L)
                        return 29;
                    if ((x & 0x0000208200000000L) == 0x0000208200000000L)
                        return 29;
                    if ((x & 0x0200208000000000L) == 0x0200208000000000L)
                        return 29;
                    if ((x & 0x0000102040000000L) == 0x0000102040000000L)
                        return 29;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x1A00000000000000L) == 0x1A00000000000000L)
                        return 36;
                    if ((x & 0x3800000000000000L) == 0x3800000000000000L)
                        return 36;
                    if ((x & 0x0010410000000000L) == 0x0010410000000000L)
                        return 36;
                    if ((x & 0x0008102000000000L) == 0x0008102000000000L)
                        return 36;



            #region Spalte 3
            switch (p.height[2])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000002C00000L) == 0x0000000002C00000L)
                        return 2;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000006800000L) == 0x0000000006800000L)
                        return 2;
                    if ((x & 0x000000000E000000L) == 0x000000000E000000L)
                        return 2;
                    if ((x & 0x0001010100000000L) == 0x0001010100000000L)
                        return 2;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000160000000L) == 0x0000000160000000L)
                        return 9;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000340000000L) == 0x0000000340000000L)
                        return 9;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000700000000L) == 0x0000000700000000L)
                        return 9;
                    if ((x & 0x0000082002000000L) == 0x0000082002000000L)
                        return 9;
                    if ((x & 0x0000808000800000L) == 0x0000808000800000L)
                        return 9;
                    if ((x & 0x0080808000000000L) == 0x0080808000000000L)
                        return 9;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000000B000000000L) == 0x000000B000000000L)
                        return 16;
                    if ((x & 0x000001A000000000L) == 0x000001A000000000L)
                        return 16;
                    if ((x & 0x0000038000000000L) == 0x0000038000000000L)
                        return 16;
                    if ((x & 0x0000400040400000L) == 0x0000400040400000L)
                        return 16;
                    if ((x & 0x0040400040000000L) == 0x0040400040000000L)
                        return 16;
                    if ((x & 0x4040400000000000L) == 0x4040400000000000L)
                        return 16;
                    if ((x & 0x0000100104000000L) == 0x0000100104000000L)
                        return 16;
                    if ((x & 0x0004100100000000L) == 0x0004100100000000L)
                        return 16;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000580000000000L) == 0x0000580000000000L)
                        return 23;
                    if ((x & 0x0000D00000000000L) == 0x0000D00000000000L)
                        return 23;
                    if ((x & 0x0001C00000000000L) == 0x0001C00000000000L)
                        return 23;
                    if ((x & 0x0020002020000000L) == 0x0020002020000000L)
                        return 23;
                    if ((x & 0x2020002000000000L) == 0x2020002000000000L)
                        return 23;
                    if ((x & 0x0000008208000000L) == 0x0000008208000000L)
                        return 23;
                    if ((x & 0x0008008200000000L) == 0x0008008200000000L)
                        return 23;
                    if ((x & 0x0208008000000000L) == 0x0208008000000000L)
                        return 23;
                    if ((x & 0x0000004081000000L) == 0x0000004081000000L)
                        return 23;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x002C000000000000L) == 0x002C000000000000L)
                        return 30;
                    if ((x & 0x0068000000000000L) == 0x0068000000000000L)
                        return 30;
                    if ((x & 0x00E0000000000000L) == 0x00E0000000000000L)
                        return 30;
                    if ((x & 0x0000410400000000L) == 0x0000410400000000L)
                        return 30;
                    if ((x & 0x0400410000000000L) == 0x0400410000000000L)
                        return 30;
                    if ((x & 0x1000101000000000L) == 0x1000101000000000L)
                        return 30;
                    if ((x & 0x0000204080000000L) == 0x0000204080000000L)
                        return 30;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x1600000000000000L) == 0x1600000000000000L)
                        return 37;
                    if ((x & 0x3400000000000000L) == 0x3400000000000000L)
                        return 37;
                    if ((x & 0x7000000000000000L) == 0x7000000000000000L)
                        return 37;
                    if ((x & 0x0020820000000000L) == 0x0020820000000000L)
                        return 37;
                    if ((x & 0x0010204000000000L) == 0x0010204000000000L)
                        return 37;



            #region Spalte 4
            switch (p.height[3])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000001C00000L) == 0x0000000001C00000L)
                        return 3;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000005800000L) == 0x0000000005800000L)
                        return 3;
                    if ((x & 0x000000000D000000L) == 0x000000000D000000L)
                        return 3;
                    if ((x & 0x000000001C000000L) == 0x000000001C000000L)
                        return 3;
                    if ((x & 0x0000082080000000L) == 0x0000082080000000L)
                        return 3;
                    if ((x & 0x0002020200000000L) == 0x0002020200000000L)
                        return 3;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x00000000E0000000L) == 0x00000000E0000000L)
                        return 10;
                    if ((x & 0x00000002C0000000L) == 0x00000002C0000000L)
                        return 10;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000680000000L) == 0x0000000680000000L)
                        return 10;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000E00000000L) == 0x0000000E00000000L)
                        return 10;
                    if ((x & 0x0000104004000000L) == 0x0000104004000000L)
                        return 10;
                    if ((x & 0x0004104000000000L) == 0x0004104000000000L)
                        return 10;
                    if ((x & 0x0001010001000000L) == 0x0001010001000000L)
                        return 10;
                    if ((x & 0x0101010000000000L) == 0x0101010000000000L)
                        return 10;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x0000007000000000L) == 0x0000007000000000L)
                        return 17;
                    if ((x & 0x0000016000000000L) == 0x0000016000000000L)
                        return 17;
                    if ((x & 0x0000034000000000L) == 0x0000034000000000L)
                        return 17;
                    if ((x & 0x0000070000000000L) == 0x0000070000000000L)
                        return 17;
                    if ((x & 0x0000800080800000L) == 0x0000800080800000L)
                        return 17;
                    if ((x & 0x0080800080000000L) == 0x0080800080000000L)
                        return 17;
                    if ((x & 0x8080800000000000L) == 0x8080800000000000L)
                        return 17;
                    if ((x & 0x0000200208000000L) == 0x0000200208000000L)
                        return 17;
                    if ((x & 0x0008200200000000L) == 0x0008200200000000L)
                        return 17;
                    if ((x & 0x0208200000000000L) == 0x0208200000000000L)
                        return 17;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000380000000000L) == 0x0000380000000000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x0000B00000000000L) == 0x0000B00000000000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x0001A00000000000L) == 0x0001A00000000000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x0003800000000000L) == 0x0003800000000000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x0000004040400000L) == 0x0000004040400000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x0040004040000000L) == 0x0040004040000000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x4040004000000000L) == 0x4040004000000000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x0000010410000000L) == 0x0000010410000000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x0010010400000000L) == 0x0010010400000000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x0410010000000000L) == 0x0410010000000000L)
                        return 24;
                    if ((x & 0x0000008102000000L) == 0x0000008102000000L)
                        return 24;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x001C000000000000L) == 0x001C000000000000L)
                        return 31;
                    if ((x & 0x0058000000000000L) == 0x0058000000000000L)
                        return 31;
                    if ((x & 0x00D0000000000000L) == 0x00D0000000000000L)
                        return 31;
                    if ((x & 0x01C0000000000000L) == 0x01C0000000000000L)
                        return 31;
                    if ((x & 0x0000202020000000L) == 0x0000202020000000L)
                        return 31;
                    if ((x & 0x2000202000000000L) == 0x2000202000000000L)
                        return 31;
                    if ((x & 0x0000820800000000L) == 0x0000820800000000L)
                        return 31;
                    if ((x & 0x0800820000000000L) == 0x0800820000000000L)
                        return 31;
                    if ((x & 0x0000408100000000L) == 0x0000408100000000L)
                        return 31;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x0E00000000000000L) == 0x0E00000000000000L)
                        return 38;
                    if ((x & 0x2C00000000000000L) == 0x2C00000000000000L)
                        return 38;
                    if ((x & 0x6800000000000000L) == 0x6800000000000000L)
                        return 38;
                    if ((x & 0xE000000000000000L) == 0xE000000000000000L)
                        return 38;
                    if ((x & 0x0010101000000000L) == 0x0010101000000000L)
                        return 38;
                    if ((x & 0x0041040000000000L) == 0x0041040000000000L)
                        return 38;
                    if ((x & 0x0020408000000000L) == 0x0020408000000000L)
                        return 38;



            #region Spalte 5
            switch (p.height[4])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000003800000L) == 0x0000000003800000L)
                        return 4;
                    if ((x & 0x000000000B000000L) == 0x000000000B000000L)
                        return 4;
                    if ((x & 0x000000001A000000L) == 0x000000001A000000L)
                        return 4;
                    if ((x & 0x0000104100000000L) == 0x0000104100000000L)
                        return 4;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x00000001C0000000L) == 0x00000001C0000000L)
                        return 11;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000580000000L) == 0x0000000580000000L)
                        return 11;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000D00000000L) == 0x0000000D00000000L)
                        return 11;
                    if ((x & 0x0002020002000000L) == 0x0002020002000000L)
                        return 11;
                    if ((x & 0x0000208008000000L) == 0x0000208008000000L)
                        return 11;
                    if ((x & 0x0008208000000000L) == 0x0008208000000000L)
                        return 11;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000000E000000000L) == 0x000000E000000000L)
                        return 18;
                    if ((x & 0x000002C000000000L) == 0x000002C000000000L)
                        return 18;
                    if ((x & 0x0000068000000000L) == 0x0000068000000000L)
                        return 18;
                    if ((x & 0x0001000101000000L) == 0x0001000101000000L)
                        return 18;
                    if ((x & 0x0101000100000000L) == 0x0101000100000000L)
                        return 18;
                    if ((x & 0x0000400410000000L) == 0x0000400410000000L)
                        return 18;
                    if ((x & 0x0010400400000000L) == 0x0010400400000000L)
                        return 18;
                    if ((x & 0x0410400000000000L) == 0x0410400000000000L)
                        return 18;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000700000000000L) == 0x0000700000000000L)
                        return 25;
                    if ((x & 0x0001600000000000L) == 0x0001600000000000L)
                        return 25;
                    if ((x & 0x0003400000000000L) == 0x0003400000000000L)
                        return 25;
                    if ((x & 0x0000008080800000L) == 0x0000008080800000L)
                        return 25;
                    if ((x & 0x0080008080000000L) == 0x0080008080000000L)
                        return 25;
                    if ((x & 0x8080008000000000L) == 0x8080008000000000L)
                        return 25;
                    if ((x & 0x0020020800000000L) == 0x0020020800000000L)
                        return 25;
                    if ((x & 0x0820020000000000L) == 0x0820020000000000L)
                        return 25;
                    if ((x & 0x0000010204000000L) == 0x0000010204000000L)
                        return 25;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x0038000000000000L) == 0x0038000000000000L)
                        return 32;
                    if ((x & 0x00B0000000000000L) == 0x00B0000000000000L)
                        return 32;
                    if ((x & 0x01A0000000000000L) == 0x01A0000000000000L)
                        return 32;
                    if ((x & 0x0000404040000000L) == 0x0000404040000000L)
                        return 32;
                    if ((x & 0x4000404000000000L) == 0x4000404000000000L)
                        return 32;
                    if ((x & 0x1001040000000000L) == 0x1001040000000000L)
                        return 32;
                    if ((x & 0x0000810200000000L) == 0x0000810200000000L)
                        return 32;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x1C00000000000000L) == 0x1C00000000000000L)
                        return 39;
                    if ((x & 0x5800000000000000L) == 0x5800000000000000L)
                        return 39;
                    if ((x & 0xD000000000000000L) == 0xD000000000000000L)
                        return 39;
                    if ((x & 0x0020202000000000L) == 0x0020202000000000L)
                        return 39;
                    if ((x & 0x0040810000000000L) == 0x0040810000000000L)
                        return 39;



            #region Spalte 6
            switch (p.height[5])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000007000000L) == 0x0000000007000000L)
                        return 5;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000016000000L) == 0x0000000016000000L)
                        return 5;
                    if ((x & 0x0000208200000000L) == 0x0000208200000000L)
                        return 5;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000380000000L) == 0x0000000380000000L)
                        return 12;
                    if ((x & 0x0000000B00000000L) == 0x0000000B00000000L)
                        return 12;
                    if ((x & 0x0000410010000000L) == 0x0000410010000000L)
                        return 12;
                    if ((x & 0x0010410000000000L) == 0x0010410000000000L)
                        return 12;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x000001C000000000L) == 0x000001C000000000L)
                        return 19;
                    if ((x & 0x0000058000000000L) == 0x0000058000000000L)
                        return 19;
                    if ((x & 0x0002000202000000L) == 0x0002000202000000L)
                        return 19;
                    if ((x & 0x0020800800000000L) == 0x0020800800000000L)
                        return 19;
                    if ((x & 0x0820800000000000L) == 0x0820800000000000L)
                        return 19;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0000E00000000000L) == 0x0000E00000000000L)
                        return 26;
                    if ((x & 0x0002C00000000000L) == 0x0002C00000000000L)
                        return 26;
                    if ((x & 0x0000010101000000L) == 0x0000010101000000L)
                        return 26;
                    if ((x & 0x0100010100000000L) == 0x0100010100000000L)
                        return 26;
                    if ((x & 0x1040040000000000L) == 0x1040040000000000L)
                        return 26;
                    if ((x & 0x0000020408000000L) == 0x0000020408000000L)
                        return 26;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x0070000000000000L) == 0x0070000000000000L)
                        return 33;
                    if ((x & 0x0160000000000000L) == 0x0160000000000000L)
                        return 33;
                    if ((x & 0x0000808080000000L) == 0x0000808080000000L)
                        return 33;
                    if ((x & 0x8000808000000000L) == 0x8000808000000000L)
                        return 33;
                    if ((x & 0x0001020400000000L) == 0x0001020400000000L)
                        return 33;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x3800000000000000L) == 0x3800000000000000L)
                        return 40;
                    if ((x & 0xB000000000000000L) == 0xB000000000000000L)
                        return 40;
                    if ((x & 0x0040404000000000L) == 0x0040404000000000L)
                        return 40;
                    if ((x & 0x0081020000000000L) == 0x0081020000000000L)
                        return 40;



            #region Spalte 7
            switch (p.height[6])

                case 0:
                    if ((x & 0x000000000E000000L) == 0x000000000E000000L)
                        return 6;
                    if ((x & 0x0000410400000000L) == 0x0000410400000000L)
                        return 6;

                case 1:
                    if ((x & 0x0000000700000000L) == 0x0000000700000000L)
                        return 13;
                    if ((x & 0x0020820000000000L) == 0x0020820000000000L)
                        return 13;

                case 2:
                    if ((x & 0x0000038000000000L) == 0x0000038000000000L)
                        return 20;
                    if ((x & 0x1041000000000000L) == 0x1041000000000000L)
                        return 20;

                case 3:
                    if ((x & 0x0001C00000000000L) == 0x0001C00000000000L)
                        return 27;
                    if ((x & 0x0000020202000000L) == 0x0000020202000000L)
                        return 27;
                    if ((x & 0x0000040810000000L) == 0x0000040810000000L)
                        return 27;

                case 4:
                    if ((x & 0x00E0000000000000L) == 0x00E0000000000000L)
                        return 34;
                    if ((x & 0x0001010100000000L) == 0x0001010100000000L)
                        return 34;
                    if ((x & 0x0002040800000000L) == 0x0002040800000000L)
                        return 34;

                case 5:
                    if ((x & 0x7000000000000000L) == 0x7000000000000000L)
                        return 41;
                    if ((x & 0x0080808000000000L) == 0x0080808000000000L)
                        return 41;
                    if ((x & 0x0102040000000000L) == 0x0102040000000000L)
                        return 41;



            return -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Start a new game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        public Connect4Game(GameSettings.GAMEMODE mode, int startingPlayer, GameSettings.DIFFICULTY difficulty, GameSettings settings)
            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            RED_PLAYER = settings.RED_PLAYER;
            YELLOW_PLAYER = settings.YELLOW_PLAYER;

            COLUMNS = settings.COLUMNS;
            ROWS = settings.ROWS;

            this.aiStrength = difficulty;

            this.GameMode = mode;

            this.STARTING_PLAYER = startingPlayer;

            this.activePlayer = startingPlayer;

            map = new int[settings.COLUMNS, settings.ROWS];

            switch (GameMode)
                case (GameSettings.GAMEMODE.SinglePlayer):
                        position = new Position();
                        zuege = new MoveList();
                        comp = new ComputerPlayer(Position.WHITE, "Machine", true, difficulty);

                        this.GameState = GameSettings.GAMESTATE.S_BeforeGame;

                case (GameSettings.GAMEMODE.CPUvsCPU):
                        position = new Position();
                        zuege = new MoveList();
                        comp = new ComputerPlayer(Position.WHITE, "Machine1", true, difficulty);

                        if (this.STARTING_PLAYER == RED_PLAYER)
                            this.GameState = GameSettings.GAMESTATE.S_WaitForCPU;
                            this.HUMAN_PLAYER = RED_PLAYER;
                            this.GameState = GameSettings.GAMESTATE.S_WaitForCPU;
                            this.HUMAN_PLAYER = YELLOW_PLAYER;


                case (GameSettings.GAMEMODE.LocalMultiPlayer):
                        position = new Position();
                        zuege = new MoveList();

                        this.GameState = GameSettings.GAMESTATE.S_BeforeGame;

                case (GameSettings.GAMEMODE.NetworkGame):
                        position = new Position();
                        zuege = new MoveList();

                        /*string line = "";
                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("net.txt"))
                            string tmp;
                            while ((tmp = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                line = tmp;

                        int port = Convert.ToInt32(line.Split(',')[0]);
                        string ip = line.Split(',')[1];

                        if (Convert.ToInt32(line.Split(',')[2]) == 2)
                            netStartPlayer = 1;
                            netStartPlayer = 2;

                        NetGame = new Networking(port, ip);*/
                        this.GameState = GameSettings.GAMESTATE.S_WaitForConnection;

        // Free ressources
        public void Dispose()
            position = null;
            comp = null;
            zuege = null;
            AIStarted = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Reset for a new game
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearGame()
            for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ROWS; j++)
                    Map[i,j] = 0;

            position = new Position();
            turnCounter = 0;
            row = 0;
            turn = 0;
            won = 0;

            // Set the first player and the column the first stone is placed
            this.activePlayer = this.STARTING_PLAYER;