public RemoveStudentForm(Teacher teacher) { InitializeComponent(); _teacher = teacher; _querey = new Querey(); using (_querey.connection = _querey.NewConn) // setting up dropdown menu { using (_querey.command = _querey.NewComm) { _querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT StudentId, Firstname, Secondname FROM TeacherStudent, Users WHERE StudentId = Users.Id AND TeacherId = @id ORDER BY Users.Id ASC;"; _querey.AddParameter("@id", _teacher.Id); using (_querey.reader = _querey.command.ExecuteReader()) { while (_querey.reader.Read()) { int id = _querey.reader.GetInt32(0); string name = _querey.reader.GetString(1) + " " + _querey.reader.GetString(2); Students.Items.Add(id + " : " + name); } } } } DeleteBtn.Enabled = false; }
private void CreateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Querey querey = new Querey(); int count; using (querey.connection = querey.NewConn) { using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) { querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT count(Sets.Id) FROM Sets WHERE Sets.OwnerId = @owner;"; querey.AddParameter("@owner", _student.Id); querey.command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; count = Convert.ToInt32(querey.command.ExecuteScalar()); } } if (count == 50) { new MessageForm("You've created the maximum number of sets").Show(); } else { new CreateSetForm(_student).Show(); this.Close(); } }
private void DeleteSetBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChooseSet.Text = ""; ChooseSet.Items.Remove(currentSet.SetName); Text1.Clear(); Text2.Clear(); Title1.Clear(); Title2.Clear(); PointerInput.Clear(); PointerVal.Text = ""; Querey querey = new Querey(); using (querey.connection = querey.NewConn) { string[][] tables = { new string[] { "Sets", "Id" }, new string[] { "Flashcards", "SetId" }, new string[] { "Permissions", "SetId" }, new string[] { "SetProgress", "SetId" } }; foreach (string[] table in tables) { using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) { querey.command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM " + table[0] + " WHERE " + table[1] + "= @setid;"; querey.AddParameter("@setid", currentCard.setId); querey.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } currentSet = null; ChangeEdit(false); SaveChanges(); new MessageForm("deleted").Show(); }
private void DeleteCardBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CountFlashcards() == 1) { MessageForm errorForm = new MessageForm("You cannot have an empty set."); errorForm.Show(); } else { Querey querey = new Querey(); using (querey.connection = querey.NewConn) { using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) { querey.command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Flashcards WHERE Flashcards.Id = @flashId;"; querey.AddParameter("@flashId",; querey.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } SaveChanges(); queue.Dequeue(); ChangeSetArray(); PointerVal.Text = queue.Backwards().ToString(); currentCard = queue.Load(); new MessageForm("deleted").Show(); } }
private void KeyBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (KeyIn.Text == key) { Querey insert = new Querey(); using (insert.connection = insert.NewConn) { using (insert.command = insert.NewComm) { Encrypt encrypt = new Encrypt(Password.Text); insert.command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Users (Firstname, Secondname, Email, Teacher, Password) VALUES (@first, @last, @email, @teacher, @pass);"; insert.AddParameter("@first", FirstName.Text); insert.AddParameter("@last", LastName.Text); insert.AddParameter("@email", Email.Text); insert.AddParameter("@teacher", Teacher.Checked ? "1" : "0"); insert.AddParameter("@pass", encrypt.Hashed); insert.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (Teacher.Checked) { int id; using (insert.command = insert.NewComm) { insert.command.CommandText = "SELECT Id FROM Users ORDER BY Id DESC;"; using (insert.reader = insert.command.ExecuteReader()) { insert.reader.Read(); id = insert.reader.GetInt32(0); } } string key = id.ToString() + "x"; // creating teacher key for connecting to students foreach (char character in FirstName.Text) { key += ((int)character).ToString(); } using (insert.command = insert.NewComm) { insert.command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Teacher (TeacherId, InviteKey) VALUES (@id, @key);"; insert.AddParameter("@id", id); insert.AddParameter("@key", key); insert.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } new MessageForm("inserted into teacher table").Show(); } } drive.UploadDatabase(); LoginForm loginForm = new LoginForm(); loginForm.Show(); this.Close(); } }
public SndReqForm(Student student) { InitializeComponent(); _student = student; IdTxt.Text = "Your Id :" + _student.Id; ConfirmBtn.Enabled = true; querey = new Querey(); }
private void SetIdCommand(Querey getSetId) { if (getSetId.connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { getSetId.connection.Open(); } getSetId.command.CommandText = "SELECT Id FROM Sets WHERE SetName LIKE @name"; getSetId.AddParameter("@name", SetName.Text); }
public LearnForm(Student student) { InitializeComponent(); _student = student; _querey = new Querey(); _first = true; int num = 0; using (_querey.connection = _querey.NewConn) { using (_querey.command = _querey.NewComm) { _querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT Sum(i.count) FROM(SELECT count(*) AS COUNT FROM Permissions WHERE UserId = @user UNION ALL SELECT Count(*) AS COUNT FROM Sets WHERE OwnerId = @user) i; "; _querey.AddParameter("@user", _student.Id); _querey.command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; size = Convert.ToInt32(_querey.command.ExecuteScalar()); } _sets = new Set[size]; using (_querey.command = _querey.NewComm) { _querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT Sets.Id, Sets.OwnerId, Sets.SetName, Sets.Title1, Sets.Title2 FROM Sets WHERE Sets.OwnerId = @user;"; _querey.AddParameter("@user", _student.Id); Read(ref num); } using (_querey.command = _querey.NewComm) { _querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT Sets.Id, Sets.OwnerId, Sets.SetName, Sets.Title1, Sets.Title2 FROM Sets, Permissions WHERE Sets.Id = Permissions.SetId AND Permissions.UserId = @user;"; _querey.AddParameter("@user", _student.Id); Read(ref num); } } QuickSort(_sets, 0, _sets.Length - 1); foreach (Set set in _sets) { double percent = Math.Round((1 - set.Urgency) * 100); // when showing to the user a larger percentage means a greater need to revise ChooseSet.Items.Add(set.SetName + " " + percent); } ReviseBtn.Enabled = false; TestBtn.Enabled = false; SwapBtn.Enabled = false; Titles.Enabled = false; Titles.Text = ""; }
private void NewCardBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Querey querey = new Querey(); if (CountFlashcards() == 64) { MessageForm errorForm = new MessageForm("You already have the maximum numbers of cards in this set."); errorForm.Show(); } else { int flashId = 0; using (querey.connection = querey.NewConn) { using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) { querey.command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Flashcards (SetId, Text1, Text2) VALUES (@setId, @text1, @text2);"; querey.AddParameter("@setId", currentCard.setId); querey.AddParameter("@text1", Text1.Text); querey.AddParameter("@text2", Text2.Text); querey.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) { querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT Flashcards.Id FROM Flashcards WHERE SetId = @setId AND Text1 = @text1 AND Text2 = @text2;"; querey.AddParameter("@setId", currentCard.setId); querey.AddParameter("@text1", Text1.Text); querey.AddParameter("@text2", Text2.Text); using (querey.reader = querey.command.ExecuteReader()) { while (querey.reader.Read()) { flashId = querey.reader.GetInt32(0); } } } } SaveChanges(); new MessageForm("insertion successful").Show(); queue.Enqueue(new Flashcard(flashId, currentCard.setId, Text1.Text, Text2.Text)); PointerVal.Text = queue.Forwards().ToString(); currentCard = queue.Load(); ChangeSetArray(); } }
private int CountFlashcards() { int count = 0; Querey querey = new Querey(); using (querey.connection = querey.NewConn) { using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) { querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT count(SetId) FROM Flashcards WHERE SetId = @setid;"; querey.AddParameter("@setid", currentCard.setId); querey.command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; count = Convert.ToInt32(querey.command.ExecuteScalar()); } } return(count); }
public RemoveConnForm(Student student) { InitializeComponent(); _student = student; querey = new Querey(); using (querey.connection = querey.NewConn) // setting up drop down menu for deleting requests { using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) { querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT FriendRequest.ReceiverId, Users.FirstName, Users.SecondName FROM FriendRequest, Users WHERE FriendRequest.ReceiverId = Users.Id AND FriendRequest.SenderId = @sender ORDER BY Users.Id ASC;"; querey.AddParameter("@sender", _student.Id); using (querey.reader = querey.command.ExecuteReader()) { while (querey.reader.Read()) { int id = querey.reader.GetInt32(0); string name = querey.reader.GetString(1) + " " + querey.reader.GetString(2); SelectRequest.Items.Add(id + " : " + name); } } } using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) // setting up drop down menu for deleting friends { querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT Users.Id, Users.Firstname, Users.Secondname FROM Friends,Users WHERE Users.Id = Student1 AND Student2 = @id OR Users.Id = Student2 AND Student1 = @id ORDER BY Users.Id ASC;"; querey.AddParameter("@id", _student.Id); using (querey.reader = querey.command.ExecuteReader()) { while (querey.reader.Read()) { int id = querey.reader.GetInt32(0); string name = querey.reader.GetString(1) + " " + querey.reader.GetString(2); SelectFriend.Items.Add(id + " : " + name); } } } } DeleteRequestBtn.Enabled = false; DeleteFriendBtn.Enabled = false; }
public Teacher(int id, string email, string firstName, string lastName, List <int> ids) : base(id, email, firstName, lastName, ids) { _students = ids; Querey getKey = new Querey(); using (getKey.connection = getKey.NewConn) { using (getKey.command = getKey.NewComm) { getKey.command.CommandText = "SELECT InviteKey FROM Teacher WHERE TeacherId = @id"; getKey.AddParameter("@id", id); using (getKey.reader = getKey.command.ExecuteReader()) { getKey.reader.Read(); _key = getKey.reader.GetString(0); } } } _lastName = lastName; }
private void SaveTitleBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Querey querey = new Querey(); using (querey.connection = querey.NewConn) { using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) { querey.command.CommandText = "UPDATE Sets SET Title1 = @title1, Title2 = @title2 WHERE Id = @id;"; querey.AddParameter("@title1", Title1.Text); querey.AddParameter("@title2", Title2.Text); querey.AddParameter("@id", currentCard.setId); querey.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } currentSet.Title1 = Title1.Text; currentSet.Title2 = Title2.Text; SaveChanges(); }
public void Initialise() // written as a procedure so that I wouldn't need to write the same code out in both constructors { _sets = new Set[50]; ChangeEdit(false); Querey getSets = new Querey(); using (getSets.connection = getSets.NewConn) { using (getSets.command = getSets.NewComm) { getSets.command.CommandText = "SELECT Sets.Id, Sets.SetName, Sets.Title1, Sets.Title2 FROM Sets, Users WHERE Sets.OwnerId = Users.Id AND Sets.OwnerId = @userId;"; getSets.AddParameter("@userId", userId); using (getSets.reader = getSets.command.ExecuteReader()) { int i = 0; int setId = 0; string setName = ""; string title1 = ""; string title2 = ""; while (getSets.reader.Read()) { setId = getSets.reader.GetInt32(0); setName = getSets.reader.GetString(1); title1 = getSets.reader.GetString(2); title2 = getSets.reader.GetString(3); _sets[i] = new Set(setId, userId, setName, title1, title2); ChooseSet.Items.Add(_sets[i].SetName); i++; } } } } }
public Student(int id, string email, string firstName, string lastName, List <int> ids) : base(id, email, firstName, lastName, ids) { friends = ids; Querey getTeacherLink = new Querey(); using (getTeacherLink.connection = getTeacherLink.NewConn) { using (getTeacherLink.command = getTeacherLink.NewComm) { getTeacherLink.command.CommandText = "SELECT TeacherId, FirstName, SecondName FROM Users, TeacherStudent WHERE StudentId = " + id + " AND StudentId = Users.Id;"; getTeacherLink.reader = getTeacherLink.command.ExecuteReader(); using (getTeacherLink.reader) { if (getTeacherLink.reader.Read()) { teacherConn = new Tuple <int, string>(getTeacherLink.reader.GetInt32(0), getTeacherLink.reader.GetString(1) + " " + getTeacherLink.reader.GetString(2)); } } } } }
public Set(int id, int ownerId, string setName, string title1, string title2) { _id = id; _ownerId = ownerId; _setName = setName; _title1 = title1; _title2 = title2; _querey = new Querey(); _strengths = new double[] { 2.10, 3.48, 13.63, 59.16, 104.30, 153.92, 209.57, 313.04, 417.10, 521.39, 625.55 }; using (_querey.connection = _querey.NewConn) { using (_querey.command = _querey.NewComm) { _querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT count(SetId) FROM Flashcards WHERE SetId = @setid;"; _querey.AddParameter("@setid", _id); int length = Convert.ToInt32(_querey.command.ExecuteScalar()); _flashcards = new Flashcard[length]; } using (_querey.command = _querey.NewComm) { _querey.command.CommandText = "SELECT Flashcards.Id, Flashcards.Text1, Flashcards.Text2 FROM Flashcards, Sets WHERE Flashcards.SetId = Sets.Id AND Flashcards.SetId = @id;"; _querey.AddParameter("@id", id); using (_querey.reader = _querey.command.ExecuteReader()) { int i = 0; while (_querey.reader.Read()) { _flashcards[i] = new Flashcard(_querey.reader.GetInt32(0), id, _querey.reader.GetString(1), _querey.reader.GetString(2)); i++; } } } } }
private void SaveCardsBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { currentCard.text1 = Text1.Text; currentCard.text2 = Text2.Text; Querey querey = new Querey(); foreach (Flashcard card in currentSet.Flashcards) { using (querey.connection = querey.NewConn) { using (querey.command = querey.NewComm) { querey.command.CommandText = "UPDATE Flashcards SET Text1 = @text1, Text2 = @text2 WHERE Flashcards.Id = @flashId;"; querey.AddParameter("@text1", currentCard.text1); querey.AddParameter("@text2", currentCard.text2); querey.AddParameter("@flashId",; querey.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } SaveChanges(); new MessageForm("changes saved").Show(); }
private void Insert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // inserts set into database and then updates cloud { Querey getSetId = new Querey(); bool used; using (getSetId.connection = getSetId.NewConn) { using (getSetId.command = getSetId.NewComm) { SetIdCommand(getSetId); using (getSetId.reader = getSetId.command.ExecuteReader()) { used = getSetId.reader.Read(); } } } if (SetName.Text == "") { MessageForm errorForm = new MessageForm("Please enter a set name."); errorForm.Show(); } else if (!used) { if (Title1.Text == "" || Title2.Text == "") { MessageForm errorForm = new MessageForm("Please enter titles for your sets."); errorForm.Show(); } else { Querey insert = new Querey(); using (insert.connection = insert.NewConn) { using (insert.command = insert.NewComm) { insert.command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Sets (OwnerId, SetName, Title1, Title2) VALUES (@owner, @name, @title1, @title2);"; insert.AddParameter("@owner", _userId); insert.AddParameter("@name", SetName.Text); insert.AddParameter("@title1", Title1.Text); insert.AddParameter("@title2", Title2.Text); if (insert.connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { insert.connection.Open(); } insert.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); insert.Close(); } } getSetId = new Querey(); int setId; using (getSetId.connection = getSetId.NewConn) { using (getSetId.command = getSetId.NewComm) { SetIdCommand(getSetId); using (getSetId.reader = getSetId.command.ExecuteReader()) { getSetId.reader.Read(); setId = getSetId.reader.GetInt32(0); } } } insert = new Querey(); using (insert.connection = insert.NewConn) { int count = 0; while (count < 64 && _data[count, 0] != null) { using (insert.command = insert.NewComm) { insert.command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Flashcards (SetId, Text1, Text2) VALUES (@setId, @text1, @text2);"; insert.AddParameter("@setId", setId); insert.AddParameter("@text1", _data[count, 0]); insert.AddParameter("@text2", _data[count, 1]); insert.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); count++; } } string[] tables = { "Permissions", "SetProgress" }; // done this way to allow easier error checking and make queries more readable for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++) { using (insert.command = insert.NewComm) { if (_student != null) { insert.command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + tables[i] + " (UserId, SetId) SELECT Users.Id, Sets.Id FROM Users, Sets, Friends WHERE Student1 = @id AND Sets.Id = @setId AND Sets.OwnerId = Student1 AND Users.Id = Student2 OR Student2 = @id AND Sets.Id = @setId AND Sets.OwnerId = Student2 AND Users.Id = Student1;"; } else { insert.command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + tables[i] + " (UserId, SetId) SELECT Users.Id, Sets.Id FROM Users, Sets, TeacherStudent WHERE TeacherId = @id AND Sets.Id = @setId AND Sets.OwnerId = TeacherId AND Users.Id = StudentId;"; } insert.AddParameter("@id", _userId); insert.AddParameter("@setId", setId); insert.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); new MessageForm("inserted").Show(); } } using (insert.command = insert.NewComm) { insert.command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO SetProgress (UserId, SetId) SELECT OwnerId, Id FROM Sets WHERE id = @setId;"; insert.AddParameter("setId", setId); insert.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (insert.command = insert.NewComm) { double initialStrength = 2.10; insert.command.CommandText = "UPDATE SetProgress SET LastReview = @now, Strength = @strength WHERE SetId = @set;"; insert.AddParameter("@now", DateTime.Now.ToString()); insert.AddParameter("@strength", initialStrength); insert.AddParameter("@set", setId); insert.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } GDrive drive = new GDrive(); drive.UploadDatabase(); ConfirmMsg.Enabled = false; OpenFile.Reset(); SetName.Clear(); Title1.Clear(); Title2.Clear(); OpenFile.Reset(); FileName.Text = ""; } } else { MessageForm errorForm = new MessageForm("This set name has already been used. Please choose a different one."); errorForm.Show(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool success = false; Querey getUserDetails = new Querey(); using (getUserDetails.connection = getUserDetails.NewConn) { using (getUserDetails.command = getUserDetails.NewComm) { getUserDetails.command.CommandText = "SELECT Id, Email, Firstname, Secondname, Password, Teacher FROM Users WHERE Email LIKE @email AND Password = @pass;"; Encrypt encrypt = new Encrypt(Password.Text); getUserDetails.AddParameter("@email", Email.Text); getUserDetails.AddParameter("@pass", encrypt.Hashed); getUserDetails.reader = getUserDetails.command.ExecuteReader(); using (getUserDetails.reader) { if (getUserDetails.reader.Read()) // getting user details { id = getUserDetails.reader.GetInt32(0); email = getUserDetails.reader.GetString(1); firstName = getUserDetails.reader.GetString(2); lastName = getUserDetails.reader.GetString(3); password = getUserDetails.reader.GetString(4); teacher = (getUserDetails.reader.GetString(5) == "1"); // if the value stored is 1 then teacher will be set to true success = true; } } } } if (!success) { MessageForm errorForm = new MessageForm("Username or password is incorrect"); errorForm.Show(); } else { List <int> ids = new List <int> { }; Querey getIds = new Querey(); using (getIds.connection = getIds.NewConn) { using (getIds.command = getIds.NewComm) { if (teacher) { getIds.command.CommandText = "SELECT StudentId FROM TeacherStudent, Users WHERE TeacherId = Users.Id AND TeacherId = @id"; getIds.AddParameter("@id", id); getIds.reader = getIds.command.ExecuteReader(); using (getIds.reader) { while (getIds.reader.Read()) { ids.Add(getIds.reader.GetInt32(0)); MessageForm errorForm = new MessageForm(getIds.reader.GetInt32(0).ToString()); errorForm.Show(); } } Teacher teacherAcc = new Teacher(id, email, firstName, lastName, ids); new TeacherMainMenu(teacherAcc).Show(); this.Close(); } else { getIds.command.CommandText = "SELECT Student1 FROM Friends WHERE Student2 = @id;"; getIds.AddParameter("@id", id); getIds.reader = getIds.command.ExecuteReader(); using (getIds.reader) { while (getIds.reader.Read()) { ids.Add(getIds.reader.GetInt32(0)); } } getIds.command.CommandText = "SELECT Student2 FROM Friends WHERE Student1 = @id;"; getIds.AddParameter("@id", id); getIds.reader = getIds.command.ExecuteReader(); using (getIds.reader) { while (getIds.reader.Read()) { ids.Add(getIds.reader.GetInt32(0)); } } Student studentAcc = new Student(id, email, firstName, lastName, ids); StudentMainMenu studentMainMenu = new StudentMainMenu(studentAcc); studentMainMenu.Show(); this.Close(); } } } } }
private void Register_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string errormsg = ""; string pattern = @"^([A-Za-z0-9]+[!#$%&'*+\-/=?^_`{|.(),:;[\]]?)+@[A-Za-z0-9-.]+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$"; // regex if (FirstName.Text == "") { errormsg += "Please enter your first name.\n\n"; } if (LastName.Text == "") { errormsg += "Please enter your second name.\n\n"; } if (Email.Text == "") { errormsg += "Please enter your email address.\n\n"; } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(Email.Text, pattern)) { errormsg += "Please enter a valid email address.\n\n"; } if (Password.Text == "") { errormsg += "Please enter your password.\n\n"; } if (RepPassword.Text == "") { errormsg += "Please re-enter your password.\n\n"; } if (errormsg != "") { Fail(errormsg); } else { if (Password.Text != RepPassword.Text) { Fail("The passwords do not match."); } else { Querey checkEmail = new Querey(); using (checkEmail.connection = checkEmail.NewConn) { using (checkEmail.command = checkEmail.NewComm) { checkEmail.command.CommandText = "SELECT Email FROM Users WHERE Email LIKE @email;"; checkEmail.AddParameter("@email", Email.Text); checkEmail.reader = checkEmail.command.ExecuteReader(); using (checkEmail.reader) { if (checkEmail.reader.Read()) { Fail("This email address is already linked to an account."); } else { Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { key += (char)rnd.Next(33, 127); } SendKey(); KeyBtn.Enabled = true; Resend.Enabled = true; } } } } } } }