Draws a context title.
Inheritance: ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.ViewLeaf, IPaletteRibbonBack, IContentValues
Exemple #1
        private void SyncChildrenToContexts()
            // Find any filler child
            ViewBase filler = null;

            foreach (ViewBase child in this)
                if (GetDock(child) == ViewDockStyle.Fill)
                    filler = child;

            // Remove all child elements

            // Make sure we have enough cached elements
            if (_contextTitlesCache.Count < ViewLayoutRibbonTabs.ContextTabSets.Count)
                for (int i = _contextTitlesCache.Count; i < ViewLayoutRibbonTabs.ContextTabSets.Count; i++)
                    // Create a new view element and an associated button controller
                    ViewDrawRibbonContextTitle viewContextTitle = new ViewDrawRibbonContextTitle(_ribbon, _ribbon.StateContextCheckedNormal.RibbonTab)
                        MouseController = new ContextTitleController(_ribbon)

            // Add a view element per context and update with correct reference
            for (int i = 0; i < ViewLayoutRibbonTabs.ContextTabSets.Count; i++)
                ViewDrawRibbonContextTitle viewContext    = _contextTitlesCache[i];
                ContextTitleController     viewController = (ContextTitleController)viewContext.MouseController;
                viewContext.ContextTabSet    = ViewLayoutRibbonTabs.ContextTabSets[i];
                viewController.ContextTabSet = viewContext.ContextTabSet;

            // Put back any filler
            if (filler != null)
                Add(filler, ViewDockStyle.Fill);
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a layout of the elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Layout context.</param>
        public override void Layout(ViewLayoutContext context)
            Debug.Assert(context != null);

            // Sync children to match the current context tabs

            // We take on all the available display area
            ClientRectangle = context.DisplayRectangle;

            // Find any filler child
            ViewBase filler = null;

            foreach (ViewBase child in this)
                if (GetDock(child) == ViewDockStyle.Fill)
                    filler = child;

            int xLeftMost  = ClientRectangle.Right;
            int xRightMost = ClientRectangle.Left;

            // Find the correct position for each child context set
            foreach (ViewBase child in this)
                // Only interested in visible children
                if (child.Visible)
                    // We are only interested in laying out context titles
                    if (child is ViewDrawRibbonContextTitle)
                        ViewDrawRibbonContextTitle childContextTitle = child as ViewDrawRibbonContextTitle;

                        // Get the context set it is representing
                        ContextTabSet tabContext = childContextTitle.ContextTabSet;

                        // Get the screen position of the left and right hand positions
                        Point leftTab  = tabContext.GetLeftScreenPosition();
                        Point rightTab = tabContext.GetRightScreenPosition();

                        // If our position is above the ribbon control we must be in the chrome
                        if (_captionArea.UsingCustomChrome && !_captionArea.KryptonForm.ApplyComposition)
                            int leftPadding = _captionArea.RealWindowBorders.Left;
                            leftTab.X  += leftPadding;
                            rightTab.X += leftPadding;

                        // Convert the screen to our own coordinates
                        leftTab  = context.TopControl.PointToClient(leftTab);
                        rightTab = context.TopControl.PointToClient(rightTab);

                        // Calculate the position of the child and layout
                        context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(leftTab.X, ClientLocation.Y, rightTab.X - leftTab.X, ClientHeight);

                        // Track the left and right most positions
                        xLeftMost  = Math.Min(xLeftMost, leftTab.X);
                        xRightMost = Math.Max(xRightMost, rightTab.X);

            // Do we need to position a filler element?
            if (filler != null)
                // How much space available on the left side
                int leftSpace  = xLeftMost - ClientRectangle.Left;
                int rightSpace = ClientRectangle.Right - xRightMost;

                if (CenterLayout)
                    //TODO: test with xLeftMost/xRightMost, with ViewDrawRibbonContextTitle type
                    leftSpace  = this.Parent.ClientSize.Width - ClientRectangle.Left * 2;
                    rightSpace = this.Parent.ClientSize.Width - xRightMost * 2;

                // Use the side with the most space
                if (leftSpace >= rightSpace)
                    context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(ClientLocation.X, ClientLocation.Y, leftSpace, ClientHeight);
                    context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(xRightMost, ClientLocation.Y, rightSpace, ClientHeight);


            // Put the original value back again
            context.DisplayRectangle = ClientRectangle;