public override void Semantic() { if (assingBlock.Type != Block.BlockType.CLASS && assingBlock.Type != Block.BlockType.INTERFACE) { Interpreter.semanticError.Add(new Error("#602 Properties can be used only in Class and Interface!", Interpreter.ErrorType.ERROR, getToken())); } if (isOneNotDefined) { Interpreter.semanticError.Add(new Error("#604 Properties must define body!", Interpreter.ErrorType.ERROR, getToken())); } variable.Semantic(); setter?.Semantic(); getter?.Semantic(); }
public override void Semantic() { condition.Semantic(); left.Semantic(); right.Semantic(); }
public override void Semantic() { left.Semantic(); if (op.type == Token.Type.DOT) { if (left is UnaryOp && ((UnaryOp)left).Op == "call" && right is Variable) { if (((UnaryOp)left).usingFunction != null) { Function f = ((UnaryOp)left).usingFunction; ((Variable)right).setType(f.Returnt); } } } right.Semantic(); if (left.assingBlock == null) { left.assingBlock = assingBlock; } if (right.assingBlock == null) { right.assingBlock = assingBlock; } Variable v = left.TryVariable(); Variable r = right.TryVariable(); if (left is BinOp bi) { if (bi.op.Value == "dot") { Console.WriteLine("xxx"); } } if (op.Value == "dot" && left is UnaryOp leuop && right is Variable riva) { if (!(assingBlock.SymbolTable.Get(leuop.OutputType.Value) is Error)) { Types t = ((Class)assingBlock.SymbolTable.Get(leuop.OutputType.Value)).Block.SymbolTable.Get(riva.Value); if (t is Assign ta) { if (ta.Left is Variable tav) { riva.setType(tav.GetDateType()); } } else if (t is Variable tv) { riva.setType(tv.GetDateType()); } } } if (op.Value == "dot") { this.outputType = right.TryVariable().GetDateType(); } else { this.outputType = v.OutputType(op.type, v, r); } if (v.Type != "auto") { if (!v.SupportOp(op.type)) { Interpreter.semanticError.Add(new Error("#300 Varible type '" + v.Type + "' not support operator " + Variable.GetOperatorStatic(op.type), Interpreter.ErrorType.ERROR, left.getToken())); } else if (!v.SupportSecond(op.type, right, r)) { Interpreter.semanticError.Add(new Error("#301 Operator " + Variable.GetOperatorStatic(op.type) + " cannot be applied for '" + v.Type + "' and '" + r.Type + "'", Interpreter.ErrorType.ERROR, op)); } } if (op.Value == "dot") { Console.WriteLine("UnaryOp dot semantic: " + left.getToken().Value + " dot " + right.getToken().Value); } }
public override void Semantic() { expr.Semantic(); block.Semantic(); }