Exemple #1
 public OpenLoopMotionGuidanceStrategy(TrajectoryQueue queue, Communicator.Communicator com, int timeCycle)
     communicator  = com;
     commandsQueue = queue;
     Ts            = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeCycle);
     internalState = ModuleState.Inactive;
        public LowLevelLayer(Communicator.Communicator com, WorldModel worldModel, double timeStep, short degrees)
            internalState = ModuleState.Inactive;
            communicator  = com;
            WM            = worldModel;
            DOF           = degrees;
            Ts            = timeStep;
            mLogger       = Logger.Logger.Instance;
            planTime      = new Stopwatch();
            Hashtable consts = WM.GetConstants();

            maxTime       = (double)consts["MoveInterval"];
            commandsQueue = new TrajectoryQueue(DOF, new double[2] {
                -1000, 0
            bounderyConditions = new PointParams();

            //motionGuidanceStrategy = new OpenLoopMotionGuidanceStrategy(commandsQueue, com, Ts);
            motionGuidanceStrategy     = new PDMotionGuidanceStrategy(commandsQueue, com, Ts, WM);
            actionPlanningStrategy     = new SimpleLinesActionPlanningStrategy(WM);
            trajectoryPlanningStrategy = new PolynomialTrajectoryPlanningStrategy(Ts, maxTime);

            // dummy planning to warm up the containers
            #region Warmup

             * PointParams init = new PointParams();
             * init.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * init.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * init.T = DateTime.Now;
             * //init.T = 0;
             * PointParams final = new PointParams();
             * final.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * final.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * final.T = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2);
             * state = WM.GetPhysicalState();
             * actionPlanningStrategy.ActionPlanning(AHEntities.Action.DEFENSE_ATTACK, true);
             * trajectoryPlanningStrategy.TrajectoryPlanning(init, final);
            #endregion Warmup
        public void Init()
            mComm              = Communicator.Communicator.Instance;
            mComm.IncomingMsg += AHMessageManager;

            mState = GameState.Disconnected;
            WM     = new WorldModel();
            WM.SetConstants(maxScore, width, height, fps, timeStep, timeScale, puckRadius, malletRadius, delayMeasurement, delayControl,
                            actionPlanPeriod, maxMoveInterval);

            mVisualSensing = new Perception(WM);

            mLowLevelLayer = new LowLevelLayer(mComm, WM, timeStep, DOF);

            mTacticsLayer = new TacticLayer(WM, mLowLevelLayer);
            mVisualSensing.OnEstimationUpdate += mTacticsLayer.StartNewPlan;

            mStrategyLayer = new StrategicLayer(WM);
 public void SubscribeComm(Communicator.Communicator comm)
     comm.IncomingMsg += comm_IncomingMsg;
Exemple #5
        public static async Task Main()
            using (var communicator = new Communicator("localhost", 8881))
                await communicator.Connect(new CancellationTokenSource(WebsocketConnectTimeout).Token);

                // https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/1-2/Debugger

                await communicator.SendCommand("Runtime.enable");

                await communicator.SendCommand("Debugger.enable");

                // First script loaded is from the ClearScript V8ScriptEngine - contains helper functions such as invokeMethod, getStackTrace etc
                // We don't see that script until we send the Debugger.enable command
                await communicator.WaitForEventAsync <ScriptParsedEvent>(new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).Token);

                // We need to tell V8 that we've assumed they responsibility of the debugger it was waiting for. If we didn't do that
                // and closed the websocket, the V8 process would remain halted.
                await communicator.SendCommand("Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger");

                // After resuming the script (runIfWaitingForDebugger) we should get both a ScriptParsed event & a DebuggerPaused event.
                // This second script is the one we're actually debugging (i.e. the one the 'debugger' statement in it)
                var scriptParsedEvent = await communicator.WaitForEventAsync <ScriptParsedEvent>(new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).Token);

                var commandResult = await communicator.SendCommand("Debugger.getScriptSource", new { scriptId = scriptParsedEvent.ScriptId });

                var scriptSourceResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <V8CommandResponse <GetScriptSourceResponse> >(commandResult);
                Console.Out.WriteLine($"Debugging script: {scriptSourceResponse.Result.ScriptSource}");

                // Break on debugger connection (as requested)
                await communicator.WaitForEventAsync <DebuggerPausedEvent>(new CancellationTokenSource(WaitForDebuggerTimeout).Token);

                Console.Out.WriteLine("Resuming debugger");
                await communicator.SendCommand("Debugger.resume");

                // Break on our user breakpoint (debugger keyword)
                var debuggerPausedEvent = await communicator.WaitForEventAsync <DebuggerPausedEvent>(new CancellationTokenSource(WaitForDebuggerTimeout).Token);

                // Pull out the callFrameId for that frame
                string callFrameId = debuggerPausedEvent.CallFrames[0].CallFrameId;
                // Pull out a reference to the global object id (top scope of that call frame)
                string globalObjectId = debuggerPausedEvent.CallFrames[0].ScopeChain[0].Object.ObjectId;

                // Evaluate the variable 'two' (should be undefined)
                commandResult = await communicator.SendCommand("Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame", new { callFrameId, expression = "two" });

                var evaluateResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <V8CommandResponse <EvaluateOnCallFrameResponse> >(commandResult);
                Console.Out.WriteLine($"Result from evaluating expression 'two' before setVariableValue: type: {evaluateResult.Result.Result.ObjectType}, value: {evaluateResult.Result.Result.Value}");

                // Set the value of the variable 'two'. Note that setting a variable value will cause a scriptParsed event to be emitted, as will evaluating on call frame (below)
                await communicator.SendCommand("Debugger.setVariableValue", new { scopeNumber = 0, variableName = "two", newValue = new { value = 3 }, callFrameId });

                // Evaluate the variable 'two' again (should be 3)
                commandResult = await communicator.SendCommand("Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame", new { callFrameId, expression = "two" });

                evaluateResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <V8CommandResponse <EvaluateOnCallFrameResponse> >(commandResult);
                Console.Out.WriteLine($"Result from evaluating expression 'two' after setVariableValue: type: {evaluateResult.Result.Result.ObjectType}, value: {evaluateResult.Result.Result.Value}");

                // Get the global object scope
                commandResult = await communicator.SendCommand("Runtime.getProperties",
                    accessorPropertiesOnly = false, generatePreview = true, objectId = globalObjectId,
                    ownProperties          = false

                var objectProperties = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <V8CommandResponse <GetPropertiesResponse> >(commandResult);

                await communicator.Disconnect(new CancellationTokenSource(WebsocketConnectTimeout).Token);