public void UnInitializeControl()
            if (this.DesignMode)

            _chartSeries = null;

            _account.UpdatedEvent -= new Account.AccountUpdateDelegate(_account_UpdateEvent);
        private void buttonPut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            float[] values = new float[(int)numericUpDownEnd.Value - (int)numericUpDownStart.Value];
            float price = (float)numericUpDownPrice.Value;
            float strike = (float)numericUpDownStrike.Value;

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                float difference = price + strike - i;
                if (difference > 0)
                    values[i] = difference / (float)numericUpDownPrice.Value;

            LinesChartSeries series = new LinesChartSeries();
            series.Name = "call " + price.ToString("#.00") + ";" + strike.ToString("#.00");

 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public void SetResultSetChartType(string setName, LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum chartType)
     _resultSetsChartTypes[setName] = chartType;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        protected void DrawItemSet(LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum type, GraphicsWrapper g, Pen pen, Brush fill, int unitsUnification,
            RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, object tag)
            PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();

            int startIndex, endIndex;
            GetDrawingRangeIndecesFromClippingRectange(clippingRectangle, drawingPoint, unitsUnification, out startIndex, out endIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin);

            // Need to go up to (ItemsCount + unitsUnification) since the size of the step is (unitsUnification).
            for (int i = startIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i < endIndex && i < ItemsCount + unitsUnification; i += unitsUnification)
                int actualIndex = i;
                int actualPreviousIndex = Math.Max(0, i - unitsUnification);

                if (actualIndex < 0 || actualIndex >= ItemsCount)
                {// Cycle conditions are loose and this is possible.

                switch (type)
                    case LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.ColoredArea:
                        DrawColorAreaItem(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex,
                            actualPreviousIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin, tag);

                    case LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.Histogram:
                        DrawHistogramBar(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex,
                            actualPreviousIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin, unitsUnification, tag);

                    case LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.Line:
                            float previousValue = GetDrawingValueAt(actualPreviousIndex, tag);
                            float value = GetDrawingValueAt(actualIndex, tag);

                            if (float.IsNaN(previousValue) == false && float.IsNaN(value) == false
                                && float.IsInfinity(previousValue) == false && float.IsInfinity(value) == false)
                                g.DrawLine(pen, drawingPoint.X, drawingPoint.Y + previousValue, drawingPoint.X + itemMargin + itemWidth, drawingPoint.Y + value);


                drawingPoint.X = (i + 1) * (itemMargin + itemWidth);
        private void buttonCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List<double> positiveResults = new List<double>();
            List<double> negativeResults = new List<double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)numericUpDownIterations.Value; i++)
                int positives, negatives;
                PerformConsecutivesIteration(out positives, out negatives);

                if (positiveResults.Count < positives + 1)
                    positiveResults.AddRange(new double[positives - positiveResults.Count + 1]);
                    negativeResults.AddRange(new double[positives - negativeResults.Count + 1]);

                if (negativeResults.Count < negatives + 1)
                    positiveResults.AddRange(new double[negatives - positiveResults.Count + 1]);
                    negativeResults.AddRange(new double[negatives - negativeResults.Count + 1]);

                positiveResults[positives] = positiveResults[positives] + 1;
                negativeResults[negatives] = negativeResults[negatives] + 1;

            LinesChartSeries series1 = new LinesChartSeries("+", LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.Histogram, GeneralHelper.DoublesToFloats(positiveResults.ToArray()));
            series1.DefaultPen = Pens.Green;

            LinesChartSeries series2 = new LinesChartSeries("-", LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.Histogram, GeneralHelper.DoublesToFloats(negativeResults.ToArray()));
            series2.DefaultPen = Pens.Red;

            graphControl.MasterPane.FitDrawingSpaceToScreen(true, true);