Exemple #1
 public CardsMoveOneTimeStruct(Player from)
     Card_ids               = new List <int>();
     From_places            = new List <Place>();
     To_place               = Place.PlaceUnknown;;
     Reason                 = new CardMoveReason(CardMoveReason.MoveReason.S_REASON_UNKNOWN, string.Empty);
     From                   = from;
     To                     = null;
     From_pile_names        = new List <string>();
     To_pile_name           = string.Empty;
     Origin_from_places     = new List <Place>();
     Origin_to_place        = Place.PlaceUnknown;
     Origin_from            = null;
     Origin_to              = null;
     Origin_from_pile_names = new List <string>();
     Origin_to_pile_name    = string.Empty;
     Open                   = new List <bool>();
     Is_last_handcard       = false;
Exemple #2
 public CardsMoveStruct(int id, Player to, Place to_place, CardMoveReason reason)
     Card_ids = new List <int> {
     From_place            = Place.PlaceUnknown;
     To_place              = to_place;
     From                  = string.Empty;
     To                    = to != null ? to.Name : string.Empty;
     Reason                = reason;
     Is_last_handcard      = false;
     Open                  = false;
     From_pile_name        = null;
     To_pile_name          = null;
     Origin_from_place     = Place.PlaceUnknown;
     Origin_to_place       = Place.PlaceUnknown;
     Origin_from           = null;
     Origin_to             = null;
     Origin_from_pile_name = null;
     Origin_to_pile_name   = null;
Exemple #3
        public CardsMoveStruct(List <int> ids, Player from, Player to, Place from_place, Place to_place, CardMoveReason reason)
            Card_ids         = ids;
            From_place       = from_place;
            To_place         = to_place;
            From             = from != null ? from.Name: string.Empty;
            To               = to != null ? to.Name : string.Empty;
            Reason           = reason;
            Is_last_handcard = false;

            Open = false;

            From_pile_name        = null;
            To_pile_name          = null;
            Origin_from_place     = Place.PlaceUnknown;
            Origin_to_place       = Place.PlaceUnknown;
            Origin_from           = null;
            Origin_to             = null;
            Origin_from_pile_name = null;
            Origin_to_pile_name   = null;