Exemple #1
 public List<BMapCell> GetByTargetFilter(Unit owner, BMapCell ownerCell, Targets appliesOn, int range)
     var res = new List<BMapCell>();
     if (appliesOn == null)
         return res;
     var all = GetCellsInRange(ownerCell.Axial, range);
     if (appliesOn.Allies)
         for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++)
             if (all[i].Unit != null && all[i].Unit.TeamId == owner.TeamId)
                 if (appliesOn.Dead ? all[i].Unit.CharCursI(CharType.Alive) == 0 : all[i].Unit.CharCursI(CharType.Alive) == 1)
     if (appliesOn.Enemies)
         for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++)
             if (all[i].Unit != null && all[i].Unit.TeamId != owner.TeamId)
                 if (appliesOn.Dead ? all[i].Unit.CharCursI(CharType.Alive) == 0 : all[i].Unit.CharCursI(CharType.Alive) == 1)
     if (appliesOn.MapCells)
         res.AddRange(all.Where(cell =>
         cell.Unit == null
     if (!appliesOn.Self)
     return res;
Exemple #2
 public int GetDirection(BMapCell start, BMapCell target)
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
         if (start.Neighbors[i] != null && start.Neighbors[i].Axial == target.Axial)
             return i;
     return -1;
Exemple #3
 public List<BMapCell> GetSheme(BMapCell startPoint, int[] sheme, int goesTo, bool includeStartPoint)
     var res = new List<BMapCell>();
     var cubes = CubeUtils.GetSheme(startPoint.Cube, sheme, goesTo, includeStartPoint);
     // Определим какие части схемы попали на карту.
     for (int cellsCounter = 0; cellsCounter < _notNullCells.Length; cellsCounter++)
         for (int cubesCounter = 0; cubesCounter < cubes.Count; cubesCounter++)
             if (_notNullCells[cellsCounter].Cube == cubes[cubesCounter])
     cubes = null;
     return res;
Exemple #4
 public List<BMapCell> GetAForAction(Unit owner, BMapCell ownerCell, Act action, bool forHero = false)
     var res = new List<BMapCell>();
     if (action == null || ownerCell == null || ownerCell.Unit == null)
         return res;
     if (action.BlockIfEnemyClose)
         for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
             if (ownerCell.Neighbors[i] != null && ownerCell.Neighbors[i].Unit != null && ownerCell.Unit.TeamId != ownerCell.Neighbors[i].Unit.TeamId)
                 return res;
     res.AddRange(GetByTargetFilter(owner, ownerCell, action.Targetting, action.Range == 1 ? owner.CharCursI(CharType.MoveRange) + 1 : action.Range));
     return res;
Exemple #5
 public List<BMapCell> GetPath(Unit unit, BMapCell start, BMapCell goal, List<BMapCell> moveAllowed)
     if (unit.CharCursI(CharType.MoveType) == (int)MoveTypes.Walk)
         var frontier = new Queue<BMapCell>(); //frontier = Queue()
         frontier.Enqueue(start); //frontier.put(start )
         var came_from = new Dictionary<BMapCell, BMapCell>(); //came_from = {}
                                                             //came_from.Add(new KeyValuePair<BMapCell, BMapCell>(start, null));// came_from[start] = None
         BMapCell current;
         while (frontier.Count > 0) //while not frontier.empty():
             current = frontier.Dequeue(); //current = frontier.get()
             if (current.Axial == goal.Axial) //if current == goal:
                 break; //break
             for (int i = 0; i < current.Neighbors.Length; i++) //for next in graph.neighbors(current):
                 var next = current.Neighbors[i];
                 if (next == null) continue;
                 if (!moveAllowed.Any(x => x.Axial == next.Axial)) continue;
                 if (came_from.All(x => x.Key.Axial != next.Axial)) //if next not in came_from:
                     frontier.Enqueue(next); //frontier.put(next)
                     came_from.Add(next, current);//came_from[next] = current
         current = goal; //current = goal 
         var res = new List<BMapCell>(); //path = []
         while (current != start) //while current != start:
             res.Add(came_from[current]); //path.append(current)
             current = came_from[current]; //current = came_from[current]
         res.Add(goal);//path.append(start) # optional
         if (res.Count > 1)
         return res;
         return new List<BMapCell>() { goal };
Exemple #6
 public List<BMapCell> GetSheme(BMapCell actionStart, Act action, int goesTo, List<BMapCell> availableToAction)
     var res = new List<BMapCell>();
     switch (action.ShemeType)
         case ShemeTypes.Sheme:
             res.AddRange(GetSheme(actionStart, action.Sheme, goesTo, action.IncludeStartPoint));
         case ShemeTypes.One:
         case ShemeTypes.All:
     return res;
Exemple #7
 public List<BMapCell> GetAFormMove(BMapCell start, int range, MoveTypes moveType)
     if (moveType == MoveTypes.Walk)
         var visited = new List<BMapCell>();// # set of hexes
         var fringes = new List<List<BMapCell>>();//var fringes = [] # array of arrays of hexes
         fringes.Add(new List<BMapCell>() { start });//fringes.append([start])
         for (int k = 1; k <= range; k++)//for each 1 < k ≤ movement:
             fringes.Add(new List<BMapCell>());//fringes.append([])
             for (int fc = 0; fc < fringes[k - 1].Count; fc++)//for each hex in fringes[k - 1]:
                 var hex = fringes[k - 1][fc];
                 for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++)//for each 0 ≤ dir < 6:
                     var neighbor = hex.GetDir(dir);//var neighbor = hex_neighbor(hex, dir)
                     if (neighbor == null) continue;
                     if (!visited.Contains(neighbor) && neighbor.Unit == null)//if neighbor not in visited and not blocked:
                         visited.Add(neighbor);//add neighbor to visited
         return visited;
         var res = new List<BMapCell>();
         var all = GetCellsInRange(start.Axial, range);
         for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++)
             if (all[i].Unit == null)
         return res;
Exemple #8
 public List<BMapCell> GetAForApply(Unit owner, BMapCell ownerCell, Targets appliesOn)
     return GetByTargetFilter(owner, ownerCell, appliesOn, 7);
Exemple #9
        public BMap(int sideCellCount, float hexRadius)
            SideCellCount = sideCellCount;
            ArraySize = sideCellCount * 2 - 1;
            HexOutRadius = hexRadius;

            // Fill all
            Cells = new BMapCell[ArraySize, ArraySize];
            for (int row = 0; row < ArraySize; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < ArraySize; col++)
                    Cells[col, row] = new BMapCell(col, row);

            int notNullCellsCount = ArraySize * ArraySize;
            // Remove top-left corner
            for (int row = 0; row < (sideCellCount - 1); row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < (sideCellCount - row - 1); col++)
                    Cells[col, row] = null;

            // Remove bottom-right corner
            for (int row = sideCellCount; row < ArraySize; row++)
                for (int col = (ArraySize - row + sideCellCount - 1); col < ArraySize; col++)
                    Cells[col, row] = null;

            _notNullCells = new BMapCell[notNullCellsCount];
            notNullCellsCount = 0;
            for (int row = 0; row < ArraySize; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < ArraySize; col++)
                    if (Cells[col, row] != null)
                        _notNullCells[notNullCellsCount] = Cells[col, row];

            // [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]
            // [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
            // [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
            // [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
            // [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [X]

            HexWidth = (float)Math.Sqrt(3) * HexOutRadius;
            HexInRadius = HexWidth / 2f;
            HexHeight = 2f * HexOutRadius;

            WidthSpacing = HexWidth;
            HeightSpacing = HexHeight * 3f / 4f;

            // Fill hexes
            List<BMapCell> neighs = new List<BMapCell>();
            for (int row = 0; row < ArraySize; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < ArraySize; col++)
                    if (Cells[col, row] != null)
                        var hex = new Hex(
                            new PointF(
                                HexWidth + (col - (ArraySize - sideCellCount - 1)) * (WidthSpacing) + row * (HexInRadius), 
                                HexOutRadius + row * (HeightSpacing)
                        Cells[col, row].Hex = hex;
                        Cells[col, row].ModelSize = new RectangleF(hex.Center.X - (HexWidth * 0.9f) / 2f, hex.Center.Y - (HexWidth * 0.9f) / 2f, HexWidth * 0.9f, HexWidth * 0.9f);
                        Cells[col, row].StepsSize = new RectangleF(hex.Center.X - (HexWidth * 0.4f) / 2f, hex.Center.Y - (HexWidth * 0.4f) / 2f, HexWidth * 0.4f, HexWidth * 0.4f);
                        if ((col + 1).Between(-1, ArraySize) && (row + 0).Between(-1, ArraySize)) neighs.Add(Cells[col + 1, row + 0]); else neighs.Add(null);
                        if ((col + 1).Between(-1, ArraySize) && (row - 1).Between(-1, ArraySize)) neighs.Add(Cells[col + 1, row - 1]); else neighs.Add(null);
                        if ((col + 0).Between(-1, ArraySize) && (row - 1).Between(-1, ArraySize)) neighs.Add(Cells[col + 0, row - 1]); else neighs.Add(null);
                        if ((col - 1).Between(-1, ArraySize) && (row + 0).Between(-1, ArraySize)) neighs.Add(Cells[col - 1, row + 0]); else neighs.Add(null);
                        if ((col - 1).Between(-1, ArraySize) && (row + 1).Between(-1, ArraySize)) neighs.Add(Cells[col - 1, row + 1]); else neighs.Add(null);
                        if ((col + 0).Between(-1, ArraySize) && (row + 1).Between(-1, ArraySize)) neighs.Add(Cells[col + 0, row + 1]); else neighs.Add(null);
                        Cells[col, row].Neighbors = neighs.ToArray();
            neighs = null;

            // Prepare layout
            Width = TMath.Round(HexWidth * ArraySize + 1 + (ArraySize*5));
            Height = TMath.Round(HexHeight + HeightSpacing * (ArraySize - 1) + 1 + (ArraySize*5));

            Bitmap b = new Bitmap(Width, Height);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b);
            //g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height));

            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
            for (int i = 0; i < _notNullCells.Length; i++)
                g.FillPolygon(Brushes.Gainsboro, _notNullCells[i].Hex.K);
                var s = String.Format("{0}", _notNullCells[i].Axial); var w = g.MeasureString(s, _fnt).Width;
                g.DrawString(s, _fnt, _brush, _notNullCells[i].Hex.Center.X - w / 2, _notNullCells[i].Hex.Center.Y - 35, _drawFormat);
                s = String.Format("{0}", _notNullCells[i].Cube); w = g.MeasureString(s, _fnt).Width;
                g.DrawString(s, _fnt, _brush, _notNullCells[i].Hex.Center.X - w / 2, _notNullCells[i].Hex.Center.Y + 20, _drawFormat);
            GridLayout = new Bitmap(b);
            g = null;
            b = null;

Exemple #10
 public int GetDirection(BMapCell c, int x, int y)
     return c.Hex.Center.Angle(x, y) / 60;