/// <summary>
        /// Load the specified workset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workset">The workset that is to be processed.</param>
        protected virtual void LoadWorkset(Workset_t workset)
            // Skip, if the Dispose() method has been called.
            if (IsDisposed)

            // Ensure that the TextChanged event is not triggered as a result of specifying the Text property of the TextBox control.
            m_TextBoxName.TextChanged -= new EventHandler(m_TextBoxName_TextChanged);
            m_TextBoxName.Text = workset.Name;
            m_TextBoxName.TextChanged += new EventHandler(m_TextBoxName_TextChanged);

            m_TextBoxHeader1.Text = workset.Column[0].HeaderText;

            m_ListItemCount = workset.Count;

            m_WatchItems = new WatchItem_t[workset.WatchItems.Length];
            Array.Copy(workset.WatchItems, m_WatchItems, workset.WatchItems.Length);


            // ------------------------------------
            // Update the 'Column' ListBox control.
            // -------------------------------------
            WatchItemAddRange(m_ListBox1, workset.Column[0]);

            m_TextBoxSecurityLevel.Text = Security.GetSecurityDescription(workset.SecurityLevel);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the watch variables defined in the specified workset column to the <c>ListBox</c> controls that display the description and the chart recorder scaling 
        /// information for each chart recorder channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksetColumn">The column of the workset that is to be added to the <c>ListBox</c> control.</param>
        protected void WatchItemAddRange(Column_t worksetColumn)
            // Skip, if the Dispose() method has been called.
            if (IsDisposed)

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;



            WatchItem_t watchItem;
            short oldIdentifier;
            WatchVariable watchVariable;
            ChartScale_t chartScale;
            for (int index = 0; index < worksetColumn.OldIdentifierList.Count; index++)
                watchItem = new WatchItem_t();
                oldIdentifier = worksetColumn.OldIdentifierList[index];
                watchItem.OldIdentifier = oldIdentifier;
                watchItem.Added = true;

                // Check whether the watch variable exists.
                    watchVariable = watchVariable = Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.RecordList[oldIdentifier];
                    if (watchVariable == null)
                        throw new Exception();

                    // Check whether the chart scaling for the current watch variable has been defined.
                        chartScale = worksetColumn.ChartScaleList[index];
                    catch (Exception)
                        // No - Set up the default chart scaling for the watch variable based upon the data dictionary.
                        chartScale = new ChartScale_t();
                        chartScale.ChartScaleMax = watchVariable.MaxChartScale;
                        chartScale.ChartScaleMin = watchVariable.MinChartScale;
                        chartScale.Units = watchVariable.Units;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Watch variable does not exist.
                    chartScale.ChartScaleMax = double.NaN;
                    chartScale.ChartScaleMin = double.NaN;
                    chartScale.Units = CommonConstants.VariableNotDefinedUnitsString;



            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new, empty chart recorder/fault log workset.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateNewWorkset()
            // WatchItem - populate the array defining which watch variables have been added to the workset.
            m_WatchItems = new WatchItem_t[Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.RecordList.Count];
            WatchItem_t watchItem;
            WatchVariable watchVariable;
            for (short oldIdentifier = 0; oldIdentifier < Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.RecordList.Count; oldIdentifier++)
                watchItem = new WatchItem_t();
                watchItem.OldIdentifier = oldIdentifier;
                watchItem.Added = false;

                    watchVariable = Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.Items[oldIdentifier];

                    if (watchVariable == null)
                        watchItem.Exists = false;
                        watchItem.Exists = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    watchItem.Exists = false;

                m_WatchItems[oldIdentifier] = watchItem;

            m_ListItemCount = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// For the specified workset file update: (a) the baseline workset; (b) the WatchItems, WatchElementList and CountMax properties of all other worksets and (c) 
        /// the EntryCountMax field to be compatible with the new data dictionary. Also report any worksets that: (a) contain more watch values than are permitted 
        /// or (b) include one or more invalid old identifier references.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksetCollectionFile">The structure containing the de-serialized workset file.</param>
        private void Update(ref WorksetCollectionFile_t worksetCollectionFile)
            // Get the number of watch variables and the number of oldIdentifiers associated with the current data dictionary and the data dictionary associated with 
            // the workset.
            int dataDictionaryOldIdentifierCount = Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.RecordList.Count;
            int dataDictionaryWatchIdentifierCount = Lookup.WatchVariableTable.RecordList.Count;
            int worksetOldIdentifierCount = worksetCollectionFile.WorksetList[0].WatchItems.Length;
            int worksetWatchIdentifierCount = 0;
            for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < worksetOldIdentifierCount; elementIndex++)
                if (worksetCollectionFile.WorksetList[0].WatchItems[elementIndex].Exists == true)

            int watchVariablesAddedTo = 0;
            int watchVariablesDeletedFrom = 0;
            if (dataDictionaryOldIdentifierCount > worksetOldIdentifierCount)
                watchVariablesAddedTo = dataDictionaryOldIdentifierCount - worksetOldIdentifierCount;
                watchVariablesDeletedFrom = watchVariablesAddedTo - (dataDictionaryWatchIdentifierCount - worksetWatchIdentifierCount);
            else if (worksetOldIdentifierCount > dataDictionaryOldIdentifierCount)
                watchVariablesDeletedFrom = worksetOldIdentifierCount - dataDictionaryOldIdentifierCount;
                watchVariablesAddedTo = watchVariablesDeletedFrom - (worksetWatchIdentifierCount - dataDictionaryWatchIdentifierCount);

            // Check whether the WatchItems property of the worksets in the specified workset collection need be updated i.e. check whether any watch variables have been 
            // added to or deleted from the the data dictionary since the workset was created.
            List<short> invalidOldIdentifierList;
            List<Workset_t> invalidOldIdentifierWorksetList, invalidWatchSizeWorksetList;
            if ((dataDictionaryOldIdentifierCount != worksetOldIdentifierCount) ||
                (dataDictionaryWatchIdentifierCount != worksetWatchIdentifierCount))
                #region - [Error Reporting] -
                // Check whether any watch variables have been deleted from the current data dictionary since the worksets were defined.
                if (watchVariablesDeletedFrom > 0)
                    // Yes - Get a list of any old identifiers in the workset file that are incompatible with the current data dictionary.
                    invalidOldIdentifierList = GetIncompatibleOldIdentifierList(worksetCollectionFile);
                    if (invalidOldIdentifierList.Count > 0)
                        // Get the list of worksets that are effected.
                        invalidOldIdentifierWorksetList = GetIncompatibleWorksetList(worksetCollectionFile, invalidOldIdentifierList);

                        if (invalidOldIdentifierWorksetList.Count > 0)
                            ReportIncompatibleWorksets(invalidOldIdentifierWorksetList, invalidOldIdentifierList, worksetCollectionFile.WorksetCollectionType); 
                #endregion - [Error Reporting] -

                #region - [WatchItems/WatchElementList Update] -
                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Update the WatchItems and WatchElementList fields of all of the workset in the file.
                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                for (short worksetIndex = 0; worksetIndex < worksetCollectionFile.WorksetList.Count; worksetIndex++)
                    // Replicate the workset.
                    Workset_t workset = new Workset_t();

                    //Create a new WatchItems propery for the current workset based upon the current data dictionary with the Added property of all elements set to false.
                    workset.WatchItems = new WatchItem_t[dataDictionaryOldIdentifierCount];
                    WatchItem_t watchItem;
                    for (short watchItemIndex = 0; watchItemIndex < dataDictionaryOldIdentifierCount; watchItemIndex++)
                        watchItem = new WatchItem_t();
                        watchItem.OldIdentifier = watchItemIndex;
                        watchItem.Added = false;

                            // Check whether the watch variable exists and set the Exists property of the watch item appropriately.
                            WatchVariable watchVariable = Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.Items[watchItemIndex];
                            watchItem.Exists = (watchVariable == null) ? false : true;
                        catch (Exception)
                            watchItem.Exists = false;

                        workset.WatchItems[watchItemIndex] = watchItem;

                    // Update the WatchElementList and the WatchItems properties of the workset using the old identifier values stored in each column of the workset.
                    workset.WatchElementList = new List<short>();
                    short oldIdentifier;
                    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < workset.Column.Length; columnIndex++)
                        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < workset.Column[columnIndex].OldIdentifierList.Count; rowIndex++)
                            // Get the old identifier value.
                            oldIdentifier = workset.Column[columnIndex].OldIdentifierList[rowIndex];

                            // Check whether the watch variable associated with the old identifier value exists in the current workset.
                                WatchVariable watchVariable = Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.Items[oldIdentifier];
                                if (watchVariable == null)
                                    // No, add the watch identifier value used to represent the watch variable not being defined in the current data dictionary.
                                    // Add the watch identifier of the watch variable corresponding to the specified old identifier to the list of watch identifiers.

                                    // Update the Exists and Added properties of the WatchItem element corresponding to the specified old identifier.
                                    workset.WatchItems[oldIdentifier].Added = true;
                                    workset.WatchItems[oldIdentifier].Exists = true;
                            catch (Exception)
                                // No, add the watch identifier value used to represent the watch variable not being defined in the current data dictionary.


                    // Replace the workset.
                    worksetCollectionFile.WorksetList[worksetIndex] = workset;
                    #endregion - [WatchItems/WatchElementList Update] -

            // Only carry out watch size processing if the workset collection corresponds to a watch window workset.
            if (worksetCollectionFile.WorksetCollectionType == Configuration.WorksetCollectionType.RecordedWatch)
                #region - [Error Reporting] -
                invalidWatchSizeWorksetList = GetIncompatibleWorksetList(worksetCollectionFile, Parameter.WatchSize);
                if (invalidWatchSizeWorksetList.Count > 0)
                #endregion - [Error Reporting] -

                #region - [WatchSize Update] -
                // Update the EntryCountMax field of the workset file, if required.
                if (worksetCollectionFile.EntryCountMax != Parameter.WatchSize)
                    worksetCollectionFile.EntryCountMax = Parameter.WatchSize;

                // Update the baseline workset and the EntryCount max field of individual worksets, if required.
                for (int worksetIndex = 0; worksetIndex < worksetCollectionFile.WorksetList.Count; worksetIndex++)
                    Workset_t workset;
                    if (worksetCollectionFile.WorksetList[worksetIndex].CountMax != Parameter.WatchSize)
                        // If the workset is the baseline workset, update it.
                        if (worksetIndex == 0)
                            workset = CreateBaselineWorkset();

                            workset = worksetCollectionFile.WorksetList[worksetIndex];
                            workset.CountMax = Parameter.WatchSize;

                        worksetCollectionFile.WorksetList[worksetIndex] = workset;
                #endregion - [WatchSize Update] -
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an array of watch items based upon the specified list of watch elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="watchElementList">The list containing the watch elements.</param>
        /// <param name="oldIdentifierCount">The number of entries in the old identifier lookup table associated with the current data dictionary.</param>
        /// <returns>The array of watch items showing which watch variables have been added to the workset.</returns>
        public WatchItem_t[] CreateWatchItems(List<short> watchElementList, int oldIdentifierCount)
            WatchItem_t[] watchItems = new WatchItem_t[oldIdentifierCount];
            WatchItem_t watchItem;
            WatchVariable watchVariable;

            // Create an array of watch items where the Added property of each watch item is set to false.
            for (short oldIdentifier = 0; oldIdentifier < oldIdentifierCount; oldIdentifier++)
                watchItem = new WatchItem_t();
                watchItem.OldIdentifier = oldIdentifier;
                watchItem.Added = false;

                    watchVariable = Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.Items[oldIdentifier];
                    if (watchVariable == null)
                        watchItem.Exists = false;
                        watchItem.Exists = true;
                    watchItem.Exists = false;

                watchItems[oldIdentifier] = watchItem;

            // Now update the Added property to reflect the list of watch elements.
            for (short watchElementIndex = 0; watchElementIndex < WatchElementList.Count; watchElementIndex++)
                    // Get the old identifier corresponding to the watch element and update the appropriate element of the WatchItems array.
                    watchVariable = Lookup.WatchVariableTable.Items[watchElementList[watchElementIndex]];
                    if (watchVariable == null)

                    watchItems[watchVariable.OldIdentifier].Added = true;
                catch (Exception)
            return watchItems;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the watch variables defined in the specified workset column to the <c>ListBox</c> controls that display the description and the chart recorder scaling 
        /// information for each chart recorder channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listBox">The <c>ListBox</c> to which the items are to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="worksetColumn">The column of the workset that is to be added to the <c>ListBox</c> control.</param>
        protected override void WatchItemAddRange(ListBox listBox, Column_t worksetColumn)
            // Skip, if the Dispose() method has been called.
            if (IsDisposed)

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;



            bool hexFormat = false;
            WatchItem_t watchItem;
            short oldIdentifier;
            WatchVariable watchVariable;
            ChartScale_t chartScale;
            for (int index = 0; index < worksetColumn.OldIdentifierList.Count; index++)
                watchItem = new WatchItem_t();
                oldIdentifier = worksetColumn.OldIdentifierList[index];
                watchItem.OldIdentifier = oldIdentifier;
                watchItem.Added = true;

                // Check whether the watch variable exists.
                    watchVariable = Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.RecordList[oldIdentifier];
                    if (watchVariable == null)
                        throw new Exception();

                    // Determine the format of the watch variable.
                    hexFormat = (watchVariable.FormatString.ToLower().Equals(CommonConstants.DDFormatStringHex)) ? true : false;

                    // Check whether the chart scaling for the current watch variable has been defined.
                        chartScale = worksetColumn.ChartScaleList[index];
                    catch (Exception)
                        // No - Set up the default chart scaling for the watch variable based upon the data dictionary.
                        chartScale = new ChartScale_t();
                        chartScale.ChartScaleLowerLimit = watchVariable.MinChartScale;
                        chartScale.ChartScaleUpperLimit = watchVariable.MaxChartScale;
                        chartScale.Units = watchVariable.Units;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Watch variable does not exist.
                    chartScale.ChartScaleLowerLimit = double.NaN;
                    chartScale.ChartScaleUpperLimit = double.NaN;
                    chartScale.Units = CommonConstants.ChartScaleUnitsNotDefinedString;

                // Rather tha displaying 'NaN' if the chart scale values are undefined, display the default string used to represent a chart scale value that is not defined.
                if (chartScale.ChartScaleLowerLimit.Equals(double.NaN))
                    if (hexFormat == true)
                        m_ListBoxChartScaleLowerLimit.Items.Add(CommonConstants.HexValueIdentifier + ((uint)chartScale.ChartScaleLowerLimit).ToString(CommonConstants.FormatStringHex));

                if (chartScale.ChartScaleUpperLimit.Equals(double.NaN))
                    if (hexFormat == true)
                        m_ListBoxChartScaleUpperLimit.Items.Add(CommonConstants.HexValueIdentifier + ((uint)chartScale.ChartScaleUpperLimit).ToString(CommonConstants.FormatStringHex));



            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the watch variables defined in the specified list of old identifiers to the specified <c>ListBox</c> control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listBox">The <c>ListBox</c> to which the items are to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="plotTabPage">The plot tab page of the workset that is to be added to the <c>ListBox</c> control.</param>
        protected void WatchItemAddRange(ListBox listBox, PlotTabPage_t plotTabPage)
            // Skip, if the Dispose() method has been called.
            if (IsDisposed)

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            List<short> oldIdentifierList = plotTabPage.OldIdentifierList;
            List<uint> displayMaskList = plotTabPage.DisplayMaskList;

            Debug.Assert(oldIdentifierList.Count == displayMaskList.Count, "FormPlotDefine.WatchItemAddRange() - oldIdentifierList.Count == displayMaskList.Count[]");


            WatchItem_t watchItem;
            short oldIdentifier;
            uint displayMask;
            for (int index = 0; index < oldIdentifierList.Count; index++)
                watchItem = new WatchItem_t();
                oldIdentifier = oldIdentifierList[index];
                displayMask = displayMaskList[index];
                watchItem.OldIdentifier = oldIdentifier;

                // The DisplayMask field is only applicable to bitmask watch variables and is used to define which bits of the bitmask watch variable.
                watchItem.DisplayMask = displayMask;
                watchItem.Added = true;

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the <c>ListBox</c> control that displays the list of available watch variables that match the current search criteria with the list of currently 
        /// available watch variables, sorted alpha-numerically. 
        /// </summary>
        protected override void UpdateListBoxAvailable(WatchItem_t[] watchItems)
            // Skip, if the Dispose() method has been called.
            if (IsDisposed)

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            // The list of watch items that are to be added to the ListBox control. The type parameter must be an object type rather than a WatchItem_t type so that
            // the ToArray() method can be used to generate an object[] which can then be added to existing the ListBox.Items using the AddRange method.
            List<object> watchItemList = new List<object>();

            WatchItem_t watchItem;
            for (short oldIdentifier = 0; oldIdentifier < watchItems.Length; oldIdentifier++)
                watchItem = watchItems[oldIdentifier];

                // Ensure that the DisplayMask field is set to display all bits if the watch varable is a bitmask watch variable.
                watchItem.DisplayMask = uint.MaxValue;

                // If the watch variable has been added to the workset, add it to the list of available watch variables, provided that it exists in the new 
                // data dictionary.
                if ((watchItem.Exists == true) &&
                    (watchItem.Added == true))

            // Sort the list alpha-numerically.

            // Now search the list for those variables that match the search text.
            List<object> searchItemList = watchItemList.FindAll(ContainsSearchText);

            // Add the items to the ListBox control.

            // Update the watch variable count.
            m_LabelAvailableCount.Text = Resources.LegendAvailable + CommonConstants.Colon + m_ListBoxAvailable.Items.Count.ToString();
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes an new instance of the form. This constructor is used when a new workset is being created. Populates the 'Available' 
        /// <c>ListBox</c> controls with the appropriate watch variables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksetCollection">The workset collection that is to be managed.</param>
        public FormWorksetDefine(WorksetCollection worksetCollection)

            m_WorksetCollection = worksetCollection;
            m_EntryCountMax = m_WorksetCollection.EntryCountMax;

            // Set the flag to indicate that the form has been called in order to add a new workset.
            m_CreateMode = true;

            // Use the default new name for the workset.
            m_DefaultNewWorksetName = Resources.NameNewWorksetDefault;

            // Ensure that the TextChanged event is not triggered as a result of specifying the Text property of the TextBox control.
            m_TextBoxName.TextChanged -= new EventHandler(m_TextBoxName_TextChanged);
            m_TextBoxName.Text = m_DefaultNewWorksetName;
            m_TextBoxName.TextChanged += new EventHandler(m_TextBoxName_TextChanged);

            // Update the security description to reflect the current security level.
            m_TextBoxSecurityLevel.Text = Security.Description;
            // ---------
            // WatchItem
            // ---------
            // Populate the array defining which watch variables have been added to the workset.
            m_WatchItems = new WatchItem_t[Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.RecordList.Count];
            WatchItem_t watchItem;
            WatchVariable watchVariable;
            for (short oldIdentifier = 0; oldIdentifier < Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.RecordList.Count; oldIdentifier++)
                watchItem = new WatchItem_t();
                watchItem.OldIdentifier = oldIdentifier;
                watchItem.Added = false;

                    watchVariable = Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.Items[oldIdentifier];

                    if (watchVariable == null)
                        watchItem.Exists = false;
                        watchItem.Exists = true;
                    watchItem.Exists = false;

                m_WatchItems[oldIdentifier] = watchItem;


            // Update the m_ListBoxSelected reference to point at the ListBox control associated with the default TabPage.
            m_ListBoxSelected = m_ListBox1;
            // ----------------------------
            // OK, Cancel and Apply buttons.
            // ----------------------------
            // Hide the Apply button in this mode and move the position of the OK and Cancel buttons.
            m_ButtonApply.Visible = false;
            m_ButtonOK.Location = m_ButtonCancel.Location;
            m_ButtonCancel.Location = m_ButtonApply.Location;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add the watch variables defined in the specified list of old identifiers to the specified <c>ListBox</c> control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listBox">The <c>ListBox</c> to which the items are to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="worksetColumn">The column of the workset that is to be added to the <c>ListBox</c> control.</param>
        protected virtual void WatchItemAddRange(ListBox listBox, Column_t worksetColumn)
            // Skip, if the Dispose() method has been called.
            if (IsDisposed)

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            List<short> oldIdentifierList = worksetColumn.OldIdentifierList;


            WatchItem_t watchItem;
            short oldIdentifier;
            for (int index = 0; index < oldIdentifierList.Count; index++)
                watchItem = new WatchItem_t();
                oldIdentifier = oldIdentifierList[index];
                watchItem.OldIdentifier = oldIdentifier;
                watchItem.Added = true;

                // The DisplayMask field is only applicable to bitmask watch variables and is used to define which bits of the bitmask watch variable
                // are to be plotted.
                watchItem.DisplayMask = uint.MaxValue;

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;