public static float distance(TileIndex tile1, TileIndex tile2)
     return (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(tile1.x_ - tile2.x_, 2) + Math.Pow(tile1.y_ - tile2.y_, 2));
        private static TileIndex getNearest(TileGrid grid, TileIndex start, TileIndex destination, float radius, Height height)
            radius = radius / (TileGrid.TILEHEIGHT + TileGrid.TILEWIDTH) / 2;

            Tile dest = grid.getTile(destination);

            if (!dest.collides(height, radius))
                return destination;

            short manhattan = 1;

            // Expand outward by increasing the manhattan distance
            // Until finding some subset of tiles which we can walk on
            // TODO
            // Don't use heap space here
            List<TileIndex> closest = new List<TileIndex>();
            while (closest.Count == 0)
                Tile cur;
                int newX;
                int newY;

                for (short i = 0; i < manhattan - 1; i++)
                    // Quadrant I
                    newX = destination.x_ + i;
                    newY = destination.y_ + (manhattan - i);
                    cur = grid.getTile(newX, newY);
                    if (!cur.collides(height, radius))
                        closest.Add(new TileIndex((short)newX, (short)newY));

                    // Quadrant II
                    newX = destination.x_ - i;
                    newY = destination.y_ + (manhattan - i);
                    cur = grid.getTile(newX, newY);
                    if (!cur.collides(height, radius))
                        closest.Add(new TileIndex((short)newX, (short)newY));

                    // Quadrant III
                    newX = destination.x_ - i;
                    newY = destination.y_ - (manhattan - i);
                    cur = grid.getTile(newX, newY);
                    if (!cur.collides(height, radius))
                        closest.Add(new TileIndex((short)newX, (short)newY));

                    // Quadrant IV
                    newX = destination.x_ + i;
                    newY = destination.y_ - (manhattan - i);
                    cur = grid.getTile(newX, newY);
                    if (!cur.collides(height, radius))
                        closest.Add(new TileIndex((short)newX, (short)newY));

                if (manhattan > 10)
                    return new TileIndex(-1, -1);

            // We've found walkable tiles, and they are all the same manhattan
            //  distance from the destination, so pick closest to the start
            // TODO
            // Determine whether it's better to pick closest real distance to
            //  destination first
            TileIndex best = new TileIndex(-1, -1);
            float bestScore = float.MaxValue;
            for (int i = 0; i < closest.Count; i++)
                float score = CommonFunctions.distance(closest[i], start);
                if (score < bestScore)
                    bestScore = score;
                    best = closest[i];

            return best;
 internal ActionTakeCover(NonPlayableCharacterAbstract character, ref TileIndex coverLocation)
     : base(character)
     coverLocation_ = coverLocation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a particular node in the search space to the open list if
        /// it qualifies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">X Index of the node to be added</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y Index of the node to be added</param>
        /// <param name="g">Cost to reach this node</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Node expanded to reach this node</param>
        protected static void mark(short x, short y, float g, ref TileIndex parent)
            // Verify that we are not outside the search space
            if (x < 0 || x >= SEARCH_SPACE_WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= SEARCH_SPACE_HEIGHT)

            // Verify that we can walk on this particular tile
            if (collision(getTile(x,y)))

            // If we haven't been here yet or our cost is better, update it
            // and add to the openlist
            if (!touched_[x, y] || (searchSpace_[x, y].open && g < searchSpace_[x, y].g))
                searchSpace_[x, y].parent = parent;
                searchSpace_[x, y].g = g;
                searchSpace_[x, y].f = g + heuristicDistance(x, y);

                // Hasn't been found before, so add it to openlist
                if (!touched_[x, y])
                    touched_[x, y] = true;
                    searchSpace_[x, y].open = true;

                    TileIndex tile = new TileIndex(x, y); // stack
        protected static void setupSearch(TileGrid grid, TileIndex start, TileIndex destination, float radius, Height height)
            // Initialize the static structures used by the search

            start_ = start;
            goal_ = destination;

            // Project our start and goal nodes into the search space, if possible
            // TODO
            // For now, if they are farther apart than the size of the search space in
            // any dimension, we give up - in the future, they will try to get as close
            // as possible
            short manhattanX = (short)Math.Abs(start_.x_ - goal_.x_);
            short manhattanY = (short)Math.Abs(start_.y_ - goal_.y_);
            short leftOffset = (short)Math.Floor((SEARCH_SPACE_WIDTH - manhattanX) / 2.0f);
            short rightOffset = (short)Math.Ceiling((SEARCH_SPACE_WIDTH - manhattanX) / 2.0f);
            short bottomOffset = (short)Math.Floor((SEARCH_SPACE_HEIGHT - manhattanY) / 2.0f);
            short topOffset = (short)Math.Ceiling((SEARCH_SPACE_HEIGHT - manhattanY) / 2.0f);
            gridXOffset_ = (short)(Math.Min(start_.x_, goal_.x_) - leftOffset);
            gridYOffset_ = (short)(Math.Min(start_.y_, goal_.y_) - topOffset);

            if (gridXOffset_ < 0) gridXOffset_ = 0;
            if (gridYOffset_ < 0) gridYOffset_ = 0;
            start_.x_ -= gridXOffset_;
            start_.y_ -= gridYOffset_;
            goal_.x_ -= gridXOffset_;
            goal_.y_ -= gridYOffset_;

            searchRadius_ =
                (float)(radius / ((TileGrid.TILEWIDTH + TileGrid.TILEHEIGHT) / 2.0f));
            grid_ = grid;
            searchHeight_ = height;
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan the openlist for the lowest f-value, which is the next node to
        /// expand, remove it from the openlist, and return it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The next node for A* to expand</returns>
        protected static TileIndex getNext()
            short bestX = -1;
            short bestY = -1;
            int bestIndex = -1;

            float bestVal = float.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < openlist_.Count; i++)
                short curX = openlist_[i].x_;
                short curY = openlist_[i].y_;

                if (searchSpace_[curX, curY].f < bestVal && searchSpace_[curX, curY].open)
                    bestVal = searchSpace_[curX, curY].f;
                    bestX = curX;
                    bestY = curY;
                    bestIndex = i;


            TileIndex best = new TileIndex(bestX, bestY); // stack


            return best;
 /// <summary>
 /// Possibly unnecessary function, try without it
 /// </summary>
 protected static void init()
     // testing
     for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < 60; j++)
             searchSpace[i, j].open = false;
 protected static Tile getTile(TileIndex index)
     return grid_.getTile(index.x_ + gridXOffset_, index.y_ + gridYOffset_);
 public static List<TileIndex> calculateNearbyPath(TileGrid grid, TileIndex start, TileIndex destination, float radius, Height height)
     TileIndex newdest = getNearest(grid, start, destination, radius, height);
     if (newdest.x_ == -1 || newdest.y_ == -1)
         //throw new Exception("AStarPathfinder failed to find a nearest tile!");
         return null;
     return calculateExactPath(grid, start, newdest, radius, height);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add legal neighbor nodes to the open list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cur">Current position in the grid</param>
        /// <param name="cost">Cost to reach this position</param>
        protected static void expand(ref TileIndex cur, float cost)
            short x = cur.x_;
            short y = cur.y_;

            // Mark nodes in 8 directions around the current position
            mark((short)(x - 1), (short)(y - 1), cost + 1.41f, ref cur);
            mark((short)(x - 1), y, cost + 1.0f, ref cur);
            mark((short)(x - 1), (short)(y + 1), cost + 1.41f, ref cur);
            mark(x, (short)(y - 1), cost + 1.0f, ref cur);
            mark(x, (short)(y + 1), cost + 1.0f, ref cur);
            mark((short)(x + 1), (short)(y - 1), cost + 1.41f, ref cur);
            mark((short)(x + 1), y, cost + 1.0f, ref cur);
            mark((short)(x + 1), (short)(y + 1), cost + 1.41f, ref cur);
 internal ActionPickupAmmo(NonPlayableCharacterAbstract character, ref TileIndex ammoLocation, Object tempHandle)
     : base(character)
     ammoLocation_ = ammoLocation;
     tempHandle_ = tempHandle;
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the A* algorithm to get a navigation path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The area being searched</param>
        /// <param name="start">Index of the start tile.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">Index of the destination tile.</param>
        /// <param name="radius">Radius of the character performing the search</param>
        /// <param name="tileHeight">Height of the character performing the search</param>
        /// <returns>Waypoints which should allow the character to reach the goal.</returns>
        public static List<TileIndex> calculateExactPath(TileGrid grid, TileIndex start, TileIndex destination, float radius, Height height)
            #if DEBUG

            setupSearch(grid, start, destination, radius, height);

            //Console.WriteLine("Pathfind Start: " + start_.x_ + "," + start_.y_);
            //Console.WriteLine("Pathfind Goal: " + goal_.x_ + "," + goal_.y_);

            TileIndex cur = start_;
            searchSpace_[cur.x_, cur.y_].g = 0;
            searchSpace_[cur.x_, cur.y_].f = heuristicDistance(cur.x_, cur.y_);
            searchSpace_[cur.x_, cur.y_].parent = new TileIndex(-1, -1); // stack
            touched_[cur.x_, cur.y_] = true;

            // As long as we aren't at the goal, keep expanding outward and checking
            // the next most promising node
            while (!TileIndex.equals(goal_, cur))
                searchSpace_[cur.x_, cur.y_].open = false;
                expand(ref cur, searchSpace_[cur.x_, cur.y_].g);

                // If we are out of nodes to check, no path exists
                if (openlist_.Count == 0)
            #if DEBUG
                    return null;
                    cur = getNext();
            #if DEBUG
            return recreatePath();
Exemple #12
 public bool isPointWithinTile(Vector2 position, TileIndex tile)
     TileIndex actual = getTileIndex(position);
     return TileIndex.equals(actual, tile);
Exemple #13
 public Vector2 getTileCenter(TileIndex tile)
     float x = tile.x_ * TILEWIDTH + TILEWIDTH / 2;
     float y = tile.y_ * TILEHEIGHT + TILEHEIGHT / 2;
     return new Vector2(x, y);
Exemple #14
 public Tile getTile(TileIndex index)
     if (index.x_ >= width_ || index.y_ >= height_ || index.x_ < 0 || index.y_ < 0)
         return IMPASSABLE;
     return tiles_[index.y_, index.x_]; // TILES IS Y, X
Exemple #15
 public static bool equals(TileIndex lhs, TileIndex rhs)
     return lhs.x_ == rhs.x_ && lhs.y_ == rhs.y_;
Exemple #16
 public ActionGoto(NonPlayableCharacterAbstract character, TileIndex target)
     : base(character)
     target_ = target;