public async Task <int> RunCommand(
            CommandInfo commandInfo,
            List <ArgumentInfo> parameterValues)
            parameterValues = parameterValues ?? new List <ArgumentInfo>();

            //get values for method invocation
            object[] mergedParameters = _argumentMerger.Merge(parameterValues);

            //validate all parameters
            foreach (dynamic param in mergedParameters)

            //create instance
            object instance = _appInstanceCreator.CreateInstance(_type, _constructorParamValues, _dependencyResolver, _modelValidator);

            CommandInvocation commandInvocation = new CommandInvocation
                CommandInfo            = commandInfo,
                ParamsForCommandMethod = mergedParameters,
                Instance    = instance,
                ArgsFromCli = parameterValues

            object returnedObject = _appSettings.CommandInvoker.Invoke(commandInvocation);

            //disposing --
            switch (instance)
            case IDisposable disposable: disposable.Dispose();
            //disposing --

            //default return code for cases when method is of type void instead of int
            int returnCode = 0;

            //wait for method to complete
            switch (returnedObject)
            case Task <int> intPromise:
                returnCode = await intPromise;

            case Task promise:
                await promise;

            case int intValue:
                returnCode = intValue;
                //for void and every other return type, the value is already set to 0

            //return the actual return code
        public async Task <int> RunCommand(
            CommandInfo commandInfo,
            List <ArgumentInfo> parameterValues)
            parameterValues = parameterValues ?? new List <ArgumentInfo>();

            //create instance
            object instance = _appInstanceCreator.CreateInstance(_type, _constrcutorParamValues, _dependencyResolver, _modelValidator);

            //dentify method to invove
            MethodInfo theMethod = instance.GetType().GetMethod(commandInfo.MethodName);

            //get values for method invokation
            object[] mergedParameters = _argumentMerger.Merge(parameterValues);

            //validate all parameters
            foreach (dynamic param in mergedParameters)

            //invoke method
            object returnedObject = theMethod.Invoke(instance, mergedParameters);

            //default return code for cases when method is of type void instead of int
            int returnCode = 0;

            //wait for method to complete
            switch (returnedObject)
            case Task <int> intPromise:
                returnCode = await intPromise;

            case Task promise:
                await promise;

            case int intValue:
                returnCode = intValue;
                //for void and every other return type, the value is already set to 0

            //return the actual return code