public SubSystem(ConversationFactory convoFactory, AppState appState, IPEndPoint TCPEP, IPEndPoint UDPEP) { ProcessID = 0; this.appState = appState; this.conversationFactory = convoFactory; convoFactory.ManagingSubsystem = this; //Set the convsersation factories SubSystem to this class. dispatcher = new Dispatcher(inQueue); dispatcher.conversationFactory = convoFactory; tcpcomm = new TcpCommunicator(inQueue, outQueue, TCPEP); udpcomm = new UdpCommunicator(inQueue, outQueue, UDPEP); //Set port for udp recieving. this.conversationFactory.Initialize(); }
public SubSystem(ConversationFactory convoFactory, AppState appState) { ProcessID = (short)Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; this.appState = appState; this.conversationFactory = convoFactory; convoFactory.ManagingSubsystem = this; //Set the convsersation factories SubSystem to this class. dispatcher = new Dispatcher(inQueue); dispatcher.conversationFactory = convoFactory; tcpcomm = new TcpCommunicator(inQueue, outQueue, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0)); udpcomm = new UdpCommunicator(inQueue, outQueue, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0)); //Set port for udp recieving. this.conversationFactory.Initialize(); }