internal static void LoadUserConfig()
            //  Load global user settings into memory
            UserConfig GlobalUserConfig = UserConfig.Load(ModInstance.Helper.Data);

            //GlobalUserConfig = null; // Force full refresh of config file for testing purposes
            if (GlobalUserConfig == null || GlobalUserConfig.CreatedByVersion < CurrentVersion)
                if (GlobalUserConfig == null)
                    GlobalUserConfig = new UserConfig();
                GlobalUserConfig.CreatedByVersion = CurrentVersion;
                ModInstance.Helper.Data.WriteJsonFile(UserConfig.DefaultFilename, GlobalUserConfig);
            UserConfig = GlobalUserConfig;
Exemple #2
        internal static UserConfig Load(IDataHelper DataHelper)
            UserConfig Config = DataHelper.ReadJsonFile <UserConfig>(DefaultFilename);

            if (Config != null)
                if (Config.CombineKeyNames == null || !Config.CombineKeyNames.Any())
                    Config.CombineKeyNames = new List <string>()
                        SButton.LeftControl.ToString(), SButton.RightControl.ToString()
                if (Config.ProcessingModeExclusions == null)
                    Config.ProcessingModeExclusions = new List <string>();

Exemple #3
        private void Display_RenderedWorld(object sender, RenderedWorldEventArgs e)
            if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null)
                GameLocation CurrentLocation = Game1.player.currentLocation;

                bool IsHoveringPlacedObject = CurrentLocation.Objects.TryGetValue(HoveredTile, out SObject HoveredObject);
                if (IsHoveringPlacedObject)
                    if (UserConfig.DrawToolTip)
                        //  Draw a tooltip that shows how many of the machine were combined, and its total combined processing power
                        //  Such as: "Quantity: 5\nPower: 465%"
                        if (HoveredObject.TryGetCombinedQuantity(out int CombinedQuantity))
                            float UIScaleFactor = Game1.options.zoomLevel / Game1.options.uiScale;

                            SpriteFont DefaultFont          = Game1.dialogueFont;
                            int        Padding              = 25;
                            int        MarginBetweenColumns = 10;
                            int        MarginBetweenRows    = 5;
                            float      LabelTextScale       = 0.75f;
                            float      ValueTextScale       = 1.0f;

                            List <string> RowHeaders = new List <string>()
                                Helper.Translation.Get("ToolTipQuantityLabel"), Helper.Translation.Get("ToolTipPowerLabel")
                            List <Vector2> RowHeaderSizes = RowHeaders.Select(x => DefaultFont.MeasureString(x) * LabelTextScale).ToList();

                            double        ProcessingPower          = UserConfig.ComputeProcessingPower(CombinedQuantity) * 100.0;
                            string        FormattedProcessingPower = string.Format("{0}%", ProcessingPower.ToString("#.#"));
                            List <string> RowValues = new List <string>()
                                CombinedQuantity.ToString(), FormattedProcessingPower
                            List <Vector2> RowValueSizes = RowValues.Select(x => DrawHelpers.MeasureStringWithSpecialNumbers(x, ValueTextScale, 0.0f)).ToList();

                            //  Measure the tooltip
                            List <int> RowHeights = new List <int>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < RowHeaders.Count; i++)
                                RowHeights.Add((int)Math.Max(RowHeaderSizes[i].Y, RowValueSizes[i].Y));

                            List <int> ColumnWidths = new List <int> {
                                (int)RowHeaderSizes.Max(x => x.X),
                                (int)RowValueSizes.Max(x => x.X)

                            int   ToolTipTopWidth = Padding + ColumnWidths.Sum() + (ColumnWidths.Count - 1) * MarginBetweenColumns + Padding;
                            int   ToolTipHeight   = Padding + RowHeights.Sum() + (RowHeights.Count - 1) * MarginBetweenRows + Padding;
                            Point ToolTipTopleft  = DrawHelpers.GetTopleftPosition(new Point(ToolTipTopWidth, ToolTipHeight),
                                                                                   new Point((int)((MouseScreenPosition.X + UserConfig.ToolTipOffset.X) / UIScaleFactor), (int)((MouseScreenPosition.Y + UserConfig.ToolTipOffset.Y) / UIScaleFactor)), 100);

                            //  Draw tooltip background
                            DrawHelpers.DrawBox(e.SpriteBatch, new Rectangle(ToolTipTopleft.X, ToolTipTopleft.Y, ToolTipTopWidth, ToolTipHeight));

                            //  Draw each row's header and value
                            int CurrentY = ToolTipTopleft.Y + Padding;
                            for (int i = 0; i < RowHeights.Count; i++)
                                int CurrentRowHeight = RowHeights[i];

                                //  Draw the row header
                                Vector2 RowHeaderPosition = new Vector2(
                                    ToolTipTopleft.X + Padding + ColumnWidths[0] - RowHeaderSizes[i].X,
                                    CurrentY + (RowHeights[i] - RowHeaderSizes[i].Y) / 2.0f
                                e.SpriteBatch.DrawString(DefaultFont, RowHeaders[i], RowHeaderPosition, Color.Black, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, LabelTextScale, SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f);

                                //  Draw the row value
                                Vector2 RowValuePosition = new Vector2(
                                    ToolTipTopleft.X + Padding + ColumnWidths[0] + MarginBetweenColumns,
                                    CurrentY + (RowHeights[i] - RowValueSizes[i].Y) / 2.0f
                                DrawHelpers.DrawStringWithSpecialNumbers(e.SpriteBatch, RowValuePosition, RowValues[i], ValueTextScale, Color.White);

                                CurrentY += CurrentRowHeight + MarginBetweenRows;
        private void Display_RenderedWorld(object sender, RenderedWorldEventArgs e)
            if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null)
                GameLocation CurrentLocation = Game1.player.currentLocation;

                bool IsHoveringPlacedObject = CurrentLocation.Objects.TryGetValue(HoveredTile, out SObject HoveredObject);
                if (IsHoveringPlacedObject)
                    if (UserConfig.DrawToolTip)
                        //  Draw a tooltip that shows how many of the machine were combined, and its total combined processing power
                        //  Such as: "Quantity: 5\nPower: 465%"
                        if (HoveredObject.TryGetCombinedQuantity(out int CombinedQuantity))
                            Cask    Cask        = HoveredObject as Cask;
                            bool    IsCask      = Cask != null;
                            CrabPot CrabPot     = HoveredObject as CrabPot;
                            bool    IsCrabPot   = CrabPot != null;
                            bool    IsScarecrow = HoveredObject.IsScarecrow();

                            bool HasHeldObject = HoveredObject.heldObject?.Value != null;

                            float UIScaleFactor = Game1.options.zoomLevel / Game1.options.uiScale;

                            SpriteFont DefaultFont          = Game1.dialogueFont;
                            int        Padding              = 25;
                            int        MarginBetweenColumns = 10;
                            int        MarginBetweenRows    = 5;
                            float      LabelTextScale       = 0.75f;
                            float      ValueTextScale       = 1.0f;

                            bool ShowDurationInfo = UserConfig.ToolTipShowDuration && UserConfig.ShouldModifyProcessingSpeed(HoveredObject);
                            bool ShowQuantityInfo = UserConfig.ToolTipShowQuantity && UserConfig.ShouldModifyInputsAndOutputs(HoveredObject);

                            //  Compute row headers
                            List <string> RowHeaders = new List <string>()
                                Helper.Translation.Get("ToolTipQuantityLabel"), Helper.Translation.Get("ToolTipPowerLabel")
                            if (ShowDurationInfo)
                                if (IsCask)
                                    if (HasHeldObject)
                                else if (IsCrabPot)
                                    if (HasHeldObject)
                            if (ShowQuantityInfo)
                                if (HasHeldObject && HoveredObject.HasModifiedOutput())
                            if (IsScarecrow)
                            List <Vector2> RowHeaderSizes = RowHeaders.Select(x => DefaultFont.MeasureString(x) * LabelTextScale).ToList();

                            double ProcessingPower          = UserConfig.ComputeProcessingPower(CombinedQuantity) * 100.0;
                            string FormattedProcessingPower = string.Format("{0}%", ProcessingPower.ToString("0.#"));

                            //  Compute row values
                            List <string> RowValues = new List <string>()
                                CombinedQuantity.ToString(), FormattedProcessingPower
                            if (ShowDurationInfo)
                                if (IsCask)
                                    if (HasHeldObject)
                                        RowValues.Add(Math.Ceiling(Cask.daysToMature.Value / Cask.agingRate.Value).ToString("0.##"));
                                else if (IsCrabPot)
                                    CrabPot.TryGetProcessingInterval(out double Power, out double IntervalHours, out int IntervalMinutes);
                                    if (HasHeldObject)
                            if (ShowQuantityInfo)
                                if (HasHeldObject && HoveredObject.HasModifiedOutput())
                            if (IsScarecrow)
                                //  Subtract 1 because the game internally counts the scarecrow's occupied tile as part of its radius, but users usually would be confused by that
                                //  So a typical user expects radius=8 for a regular scarecrow, even though the game does its calculations with radius=9
                                int OriginalRadius = HoveredObject.GetScarecrowBaseRadius() - 1;
                                int AlteredRadius  = HoveredObject.GetScarecrowRadius() - 1;
                                //RowValues.Add(string.Format("{0}-->{1}", OriginalRadius, AlteredRadius));
                            List <Vector2> RowValueSizes = RowValues.Select(x => DrawHelpers.MeasureStringWithSpecialNumbers(x, ValueTextScale, 0.0f)).ToList();

                            //  Measure the tooltip
                            List <int> RowHeights = new List <int>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < RowHeaders.Count; i++)
                                RowHeights.Add((int)Math.Max(RowHeaderSizes[i].Y, RowValueSizes[i].Y));

                            List <int> ColumnWidths = new List <int> {
                                (int)RowHeaderSizes.Max(x => x.X),
                                (int)RowValueSizes.Max(x => x.X)

                            int   ToolTipTopWidth = Padding + ColumnWidths.Sum() + (ColumnWidths.Count - 1) * MarginBetweenColumns + Padding;
                            int   ToolTipHeight   = Padding + RowHeights.Sum() + (RowHeights.Count - 1) * MarginBetweenRows + Padding;
                            Point ToolTipTopleft  = DrawHelpers.GetTopleftPosition(new Point(ToolTipTopWidth, ToolTipHeight),
                                                                                   new Point((int)((MouseScreenPosition.X + UserConfig.ToolTipOffset.X) / UIScaleFactor), (int)((MouseScreenPosition.Y + UserConfig.ToolTipOffset.Y) / UIScaleFactor)), 100);

                            //  Draw tooltip background
                            DrawHelpers.DrawBox(e.SpriteBatch, new Rectangle(ToolTipTopleft.X, ToolTipTopleft.Y, ToolTipTopWidth, ToolTipHeight));

                            //  Draw each row's header and value
                            int CurrentY = ToolTipTopleft.Y + Padding;
                            for (int i = 0; i < RowHeights.Count; i++)
                                int CurrentRowHeight = RowHeights[i];

                                //  Draw the row header
                                Vector2 RowHeaderPosition = new Vector2(
                                    ToolTipTopleft.X + Padding + ColumnWidths[0] - RowHeaderSizes[i].X,
                                    CurrentY + (RowHeights[i] - RowHeaderSizes[i].Y) / 2.0f
                                e.SpriteBatch.DrawString(DefaultFont, RowHeaders[i], RowHeaderPosition, Color.Black, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, LabelTextScale, SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f);

                                //  Draw the row value
                                Vector2 RowValuePosition = new Vector2(
                                    ToolTipTopleft.X + Padding + ColumnWidths[0] + MarginBetweenColumns,
                                    CurrentY + (RowHeights[i] - RowValueSizes[i].Y) / 2.0f
                                DrawHelpers.DrawStringWithSpecialNumbers(e.SpriteBatch, RowValuePosition, RowValues[i], ValueTextScale, Color.White);

                                CurrentY += CurrentRowHeight + MarginBetweenRows;