private static int getWeakness(FullCombatCharacter fcc)
            int weakness = fcc.hp;

            if (fcc.hp <= 0)
                weakness = int.MaxValue;

            if (ModificationsGeneration.BasicModificationsGeneration.hasMod(fcc, "Guard"))
                weakness = weakness * 2;

            if (ModificationsGeneration.BasicModificationsGeneration.hasMod(fcc, "Ranged"))
                weakness = (int)(weakness * 3.5f);

            if (ModificationsGeneration.BasicModificationsGeneration.hasMod(fcc, "Reckless"))
                weakness = weakness / 4;

            return weakness;
        public static List<IEffect> getCommand(FullCombatCharacter source, List<FullCombatCharacter> targets, CombatData combatData)
            if (source.className == "Goblin")
                return Goblins.GoblinAbilityProcessing.getCommand(source, targets, combatData);

            return new List<IEffect>();
        //Basic Goblin, only attacks
        public static List<IEffect> getCommand(FullCombatCharacter source, List<FullCombatCharacter> targets, CombatData combatData)
            List<IEffect> effects = new List<IEffect>();
            FullCombatCharacter target = BasicAbilityProcessing.identifyWeakestTarget(targets);
            int dmg = (int)((source.strength * 5 / target.vitality));
            target.inflictDamage(ref dmg);
            effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.DealDamage, target.combatUniq, string.Empty, dmg));
            effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, + " has attacked " + + " for " + dmg.ToString() + " damage!", 0));
            GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(source, 1.0f);

            return effects;
Exemple #4
        private void calculateTurnOrder()
            List <int> usedUniqs = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < checkCharacterListDeath(npcs, true, true) + checkCharacterListDeath(pcs, true); i++)
                int  currentFastestUniq = 1;
                int  fastestTime        = int.MaxValue;
                bool isPC = false;
                foreach (int key in npcs.Keys)
                    FullCombatCharacter npc = npcs[key];
                    if (!usedUniqs.Contains(npc.combatUniq) && npc.nextAttackTime < fastestTime && npc.hp != 0)
                        currentFastestUniq = npc.combatUniq;
                        fastestTime        = npc.nextAttackTime;
                        isPC = false;
                        if (i == 0)
                            currentCharacter     = npc;
                            currentCharacterIsPC = false;

                foreach (int key in pcs.Keys)
                    FullCombatCharacter pc = pcs[key];
                    if (!usedUniqs.Contains(pc.combatUniq) && pc.nextAttackTime < fastestTime && pc.hp != 0)
                        currentFastestUniq = pc.combatUniq;
                        fastestTime        = pc.nextAttackTime;
                        isPC = true;
                        if (i == 0)
                            currentCharacter     = pc;
                            currentCharacterIsPC = true;

                if (isPC)
                    pcs[uniqBridge[currentFastestUniq]].turnOrder = i + 1;
                    npcs[currentFastestUniq].turnOrder = i + 1;
Exemple #5
        private void getXPAndCP(int xp, int cp)
            currentEffects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, "You received " + xp.ToString() + " XP and " + cp.ToString() + " CP.", 0));
            List <string> results = new List <string>();

            foreach (int key in pcs.Keys)
                FullCombatCharacter fcc = pcs[key];
                results = PlayerDataManager.giveXPCP(playerModel, fcc.characterUniq, xp, cp);
                foreach (string s in results)
                    currentEffects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, s, 0));
Exemple #6
        public ICombatStatus getStatus()
            List <ICharacterDisplay> pcDisplays = new List <ICharacterDisplay>();
            string fastestPCName = string.Empty;
            int    fastestPCTime = int.MaxValue;

            foreach (int key in pcs.Keys)
                FullCombatCharacter   current  = pcs[key];
                List <IStatusDisplay> statuses = new List <IStatusDisplay>();
                foreach (CombatModificationsModel cmm in current.mods)
                    statuses.Add(new StatusDisplay(Interfaces.Type.Text,;
                CharacterDisplay cd = new CharacterDisplay(, current.hp, current.maxHP,, current.maxMP, statuses, current.combatUniq, current.turnOrder, current.className, current.level);
                cd.setGlanceStats(current.strength, current.vitality, current.intellect, current.wisdom, current.agility, string.Empty);
                if (pcs[key].turnOrder < fastestPCTime && pcs[key].hp > 0)
                    fastestPCTime = pcs[key].turnOrder;
                    fastestPCName = pcs[key].name;
            List <ICharacterDisplay> npcDisplays = new List <ICharacterDisplay>();

            foreach (int key in npcs.Keys)
                FullCombatCharacter   current  = npcs[key];
                List <IStatusDisplay> statuses = new List <IStatusDisplay>();
                bool hasGlance = false;
                foreach (CombatModificationsModel cmm in current.mods)
                    if ( == "Glance")
                        hasGlance = true;
                    statuses.Add(new StatusDisplay(Interfaces.Type.Text,;
                CharacterDisplay cd = new CharacterDisplay(, current.hp, current.maxHP,, current.maxMP, statuses, current.combatUniq, current.turnOrder, current.className, current.level);
                if (hasGlance)
                    cd.setGlanceStats(current.strength, current.vitality, current.intellect, current.wisdom, current.agility, EnemyDataClasses.DescriptionDirector.getDescription(current.className));

            return(new CombatStatus(fastestPCName, currentEffects, pcDisplays, npcDisplays, MapDataClasses.MapDataManager.getLocation(map)));
        public static int getNormalAttackValue(FullCombatCharacter fcc)
            int attackValue = fcc.strength;
            if (fcc.className == "Brawler")
                //Add bonus points for fist speciality
                attackValue += ((int)(fcc.classLevel / 5) + 1);

            if (ModificationsGeneration.BasicModificationsGeneration.hasMod(fcc, "Disarmed"))
                attackValue = (int)(attackValue * .75);

            return attackValue;
        public static void removeRanged(FullCombatCharacter fcc)
            CombatModificationsModel toRemove = null;
            foreach(CombatModificationsModel mod in fcc.mods)
                if ( == "Ranged")
                    toRemove = mod;

            if (toRemove != null)
Exemple #9
        private void updateDataModels()
            //Update the models list
            foreach (CombatCharacterModel ccm in combatCharacterModels)
                foreach (int key in pcs.Keys)
                    FullCombatCharacter fcc = pcs[key];
                    if (fcc.characterUniq == ccm.characterUniq)
                        ccm.nextAttackTime = fcc.nextAttackTime;
                        ccm.stats.hp       = fcc.hp;
                        ccm.classType      = fcc.className;

            foreach (PartyCharacterModel pcm in playerModel.getActiveParty().characters)
                foreach (int key in pcs.Keys)
                    FullCombatCharacter fcc = pcs[key];
                    if (fcc.characterUniq == pcm.characterUniq)
                        pcm.usedAbilities = fcc.usedAbilities;

            foreach (CombatCharacterModel ccm in combatNPCModels)
                foreach (int key in npcs.Keys)
                    FullCombatCharacter fcc = npcs[key];
                    if (fcc.combatUniq == ccm.combatUniq)
                        ccm.nextAttackTime = fcc.nextAttackTime;
                        ccm.stats.hp       = fcc.hp;

        public static List<IEffect> getCommand(FullCombatCharacter source, List<FullCombatCharacter> targets, CombatData combatData)
            List<IEffect> effects = new List<IEffect>();
            float coefficient = 1.0f;
            FullCombatCharacter target = BasicAbilityProcessing.identifyWeakestTarget(targets);
            int dmg = (int)((CombatCalculator.getNormalAttackValue(source) * 5 / target.vitality));
            if (target.inflictDamage(ref dmg) == FullCombatCharacter.HitEffect.Unbalance)
                coefficient = coefficient * 2;
            effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Attack, source.combatUniq, string.Empty, 0));
            effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.DealDamage, target.combatUniq, string.Empty, dmg));
            effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, + " has attacked " + + " for " + dmg.ToString() + " damage!", 0));
            GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(source, coefficient, combatData);

            return effects;
Exemple #11
        public ICombatStatus executeCommand(SelectedCommand command)
            FullCombatCharacter source = currentCharacter;

            if (command.commandName == "Double")
                combatData.doubleSelectionState = PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatDataModel.DoubleSelectionState.First;
                currentEffects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.TurnEnded, 0, string.Empty, 0));

            List <FullCombatCharacter> targets     = new List <FullCombatCharacter>();
            SelectedCommand            testCommand = command;

            while (testCommand != null)
                if (testCommand.targets != null)
                    foreach (int uniq in testCommand.targets)
                        FullCombatCharacter target = getTarget(uniq);
                testCommand = testCommand.subCommand;
            if (targets.Count == 0) //Pass in all enemies if no single target was selected
                foreach (int key in npcs.Keys)
            Func <FullCombatCharacter, List <FullCombatCharacter>, CombatData, List <IEffect> > cmdExecute = AbilityDirector.executeCommand(command);

            currentEffects = cmdExecute(source, targets, combatData);
            currentEffects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.TurnEnded, 0, string.Empty, 0));
        public static void calculateNextAttackTime(FullCombatCharacter character, float abilityCoefficient, CombatData combatData)
            int nextAttackTime;
            if (combatData.doubleSelectionState != PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatDataModel.DoubleSelectionState.None)
                abilityCoefficient = abilityCoefficient * 1.5f;

            if (BasicModificationsGeneration.hasMod(character, "Adrenaline"))
                nextAttackTime = calculateNextAttackTime(character.nextAttackTime, abilityCoefficient / 3, character.agility);
                nextAttackTime = calculateNextAttackTime(character.nextAttackTime, abilityCoefficient, character.agility);

            if (combatData.doubleSelectionState == PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatDataModel.DoubleSelectionState.None)
                character.nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime;
                if (combatData.doubleSelectionState == PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatDataModel.DoubleSelectionState.First)
                    combatData.doubleSelectionDelay = nextAttackTime;
                    combatData.doubleSelectionState = PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatDataModel.DoubleSelectionState.Second;
                    combatData.doubleSelectionDelay += (nextAttackTime - character.nextAttackTime);

                    character.nextAttackTime = combatData.doubleSelectionDelay;
                    combatData.doubleSelectionState = PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatDataModel.DoubleSelectionState.None;
        private ProcessResult Process(FullCombatCharacter source, List<FullCombatCharacter> target, CombatData combatData, List<IEffect> effects)
            //Deal damage etc.
            foreach (FullCombatCharacter t in target)
                int dmg = 0;
                if (damageType == DamageType.Physical)
                    dmg = (int)((CombatCalculator.getNormalAttackValue(source) * damageCoefficient * damageMultiplier / t.vitality));

                    for (int i = 0; i < hits; i++)
                        if (t.inflictDamage(ref dmg) == FullCombatCharacter.HitEffect.Unbalance)
                            attackTimeCoefficient = attackTimeCoefficient * 2;

                    effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.DealDamage, t.combatUniq, string.Empty, dmg));
                    string newMessage = message.Replace("{Name}",
                        .Replace("{Damage}", dmg.ToString())
                        .Replace("{HitCount}", hits.ToString());
                    if (newMessage != string.Empty)
                        effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, newMessage, 0));
                else if (damageType == DamageType.Magical)
                    dmg = (int)((CombatCalculator.getMagicAttackValue(source) * damageCoefficient * damageMultiplier / t.wisdom));

                    for (int i = 0; i < hits; i++)
                        t.inflictDamage(ref dmg);

                    effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.DealDamage, t.combatUniq, string.Empty, dmg));
                    string newMessage = message.Replace("{Name}",
                        .Replace("{Damage}", dmg.ToString())
                        .Replace("{HitCount}", hits.ToString());
                    if (newMessage != string.Empty)
                        effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, newMessage, 0));

            return ProcessResult.Normal;
Exemple #14
        public Combat(PlayerModels.PlayerModel playerModel, string map, int encounterSelection, Func <float> initiativeCalculator, Action onGameOver, Action onUpdate, Action <CombatEndType> onCombatComplete)
            int currentUniq = 1;

            this.playerModel = playerModel;
            uniqBridge       = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            pcs                   = new Dictionary <int, FullCombatCharacter>();
            npcs                  = new Dictionary <int, FullCombatCharacter>();
            currentEffects        = new List <IEffect>();
            currentCharacter      = new FullCombatCharacter();
            this.onGameOver       = onGameOver;
            this.onUpdate         = onUpdate;
            this.onCombatComplete = onCombatComplete;
                = map;
            bool canFlee = true;

            List <PlayerModels.Models.PartyCharacterModel> partyCharacterModels = PlayerModels.PlayerDataManager.getCurrentPartyPartyStats(playerModel);
            List <int> characterUniqs = new List <int>();

            foreach (PlayerModels.Models.PartyCharacterModel pcm in partyCharacterModels)
            List <PlayerModels.Models.CharacterModel> characterModels = PlayerModels.PlayerDataManager.getCurrentParty(playerModel, characterUniqs);
            bool hasPreviousCombatModels = false;

            if (playerModel.currentCombat == null)
                combatCharacterModels                 = new List <PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel>();
                combatNPCModels                       = new List <CombatCharacterModel>();
                playerModel.currentCombat             = new CombatModel();
                playerModel.currentCombat.currentTime = 0;
                playerModel.currentCombat.pcs         = combatCharacterModels;
                playerModel.currentCombat.npcs        = combatNPCModels;
                combatCharacterModels   = playerModel.currentCombat.pcs;
                combatNPCModels         = playerModel.currentCombat.npcs;
                hasPreviousCombatModels = true;

            foreach (int characterUniq in characterUniqs)
                string name           = string.Empty;
                int    hp             = 0;
                int    maxHP          = 0;
                int    mp             = 0;
                int    maxMP          = 0;
                int    turnOrder      = 0;
                string classType      = string.Empty;
                int    level          = 0;
                int    strength       = 0;
                int    vitality       = 0;
                int    agility        = 0;
                int    intellect      = 0;
                int    wisdom         = 0;
                int    nextAttackTime = 0;
                int    classLevel     = 0;
                int    combatUniq     = currentUniq;
                List <CombatModificationsModel> mods = new List <CombatModificationsModel>();
                List <string> usedAbilities          = new List <string>();
                uniqBridge.Add(currentUniq, characterUniq);

                foreach (PlayerModels.Models.CharacterModel cm in characterModels)
                    if (cm.uniq == characterUniq)
                        name      =;
                        maxHP     = cm.stats.maxHP;
                        maxMP     = cm.stats.maxMP;
                        classType = cm.currentClass;
                        level     = cm.lvl;
                        strength  = cm.stats.strength;
                        vitality  = cm.stats.vitality;
                        agility   = cm.stats.agility;
                        intellect = cm.stats.intellect;
                        wisdom    = cm.stats.wisdom;

                        foreach (PlayerModels.Models.CharacterClassModel ccm in cm.characterClasses)
                            if (ccm.className == classType)
                                classLevel = ccm.lvl;

                foreach (PlayerModels.Models.PartyCharacterModel pcm in partyCharacterModels)
                    if (pcm.characterUniq == characterUniq)
                        hp            = pcm.hp;
                        mp            =;
                        usedAbilities = (pcm.usedAbilities == null ? new List <string>() : pcm.usedAbilities);

                nextAttackTime = GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(0, initiativeCalculator(), agility);

                if (hasPreviousCombatModels)
                    foreach (CombatCharacterModel ccm in combatCharacterModels)
                        if (ccm.characterUniq == characterUniq)
                            nextAttackTime = ccm.nextAttackTime;
                            hp             = ccm.stats.hp;
                            mp             =;
                            combatUniq     = ccm.combatUniq;
                    combatCharacterModels.Add(new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel()
                        characterUniq = characterUniq,
                        stats         = new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.TemporaryCombatStatsModel()
                            hp = hp, mp = mp
                        nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                        combatUniq     = combatUniq

                pcs.Add(characterUniq, new FullCombatCharacter()
                    name           = name,
                    maxHP          = maxHP,
                    hp             = hp,
                    maxMP          = maxMP,
                    mp             = mp,
                    characterUniq  = characterUniq,
                    combatUniq     = currentUniq,
                    className      = classType,
                    classLevel     = classLevel,
                    level          = level,
                    strength       = strength,
                    vitality       = vitality,
                    intellect      = intellect,
                    agility        = agility,
                    wisdom         = wisdom,
                    nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                    mods           = new List <CombatModificationsModel>(),
                    usedAbilities  = usedAbilities

                combatCharacterModels[combatCharacterModels.Count - 1].mods = pcs[characterUniq].mods;


            if (hasPreviousCombatModels) //Combat was already initialized previously, just load the previous combatants
                foreach (CombatCharacterModel ccm in combatNPCModels)
                    int    hp             = ccm.stats.hp;
                    int    mp             =;
                    string name           =;
                    int    nextAttackTime = ccm.nextAttackTime;
                    List <CombatModificationsModel> mods = ccm.mods;
                    List <string> usedAbilities          = new List <string>();

                    MapDataClasses.MapDataClasses.Enemy enemy = MapDataClasses.MapDataManager.getEnemy(map, ccm.classType);

                    if (!this.npcs.ContainsKey(currentUniq))
                        this.npcs.Add(currentUniq, new FullCombatCharacter()
                            name           = name,
                            hp             = hp,
                            maxHP          = enemy.maxHP,
                            mp             = mp,
                            maxMP          = enemy.maxMP,
                            characterUniq  = 0,
                            combatUniq     = currentUniq,
                            className      = enemy.type,
                            level          = enemy.level,
                            strength       = enemy.strength,
                            vitality       = enemy.vitality,
                            agility        = enemy.agility,
                            intellect      = enemy.intellect,
                            wisdom         = enemy.wisdom,
                            nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                            mods           = mods,
                            usedAbilities  = usedAbilities

            else //Generate a new encounter based on the map type
                Encounter encounter = MapDataClasses.MapDataManager.getEncounter(this.playerModel.getActiveParty().location, playerModel.rootX, playerModel.rootY, encounterSelection);
                currentEffects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, encounter.message, 0));
                combatNPCModels = new List <PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel>();
                canFlee         = encounter.canFlee;
                foreach (MapDataClasses.MapDataClasses.Enemy enemy in encounter.enemies)
                    int nextAttackTime = GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(0, initiativeCalculator(), enemy.agility);
                    int hp             = enemy.maxHP;
                    int mp             = enemy.maxMP;
                    int combatUniq     = currentUniq;
                    List <CombatModificationsModel> mods = new List <CombatModificationsModel>();
                    List <string> usedAbilities          = new List <string>();

                    this.npcs.Add(currentUniq, new FullCombatCharacter()
                        name           =,
                        hp             = hp,
                        maxHP          = enemy.maxHP,
                        mp             = mp,
                        maxMP          = enemy.maxMP,
                        characterUniq  = 0,
                        combatUniq     = currentUniq,
                        className      = enemy.type,
                        level          = enemy.level,
                        strength       = enemy.strength,
                        vitality       = enemy.vitality,
                        agility        = enemy.agility,
                        intellect      = enemy.intellect,
                        wisdom         = enemy.wisdom,
                        nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                        mods           = mods,
                        usedAbilities  = usedAbilities

                    this.combatNPCModels.Add(new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel()
                        name  =,
                        stats = new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.TemporaryCombatStatsModel()
                            hp = hp,
                            mp = mp
                        nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                        combatUniq     = currentUniq,
                        characterUniq  = 0,
                        classType      = enemy.type,
                        mods           = this.npcs[currentUniq].mods


            playerModel.currentCombat.npcs = combatNPCModels;
            if (combatNPCModels.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("No NPCs were loaded :(");

            this.combatData = new CombatData(playerModel.currentCombat, canFlee);

            if (!this.combatData.combatInitalized)
                foreach (int key in pcs.Keys) //Check for initial code
                    FullCombatCharacter fcc        = pcs[key];
                    List <IEffect>      newEffects = GeneralProcessor.initialExecute(fcc)(getAllPcsAsList(), getAllNpcsAsList(), this.combatData);

                this.combatData.combatInitalized = true;
        public bool isDisabled(string abilityName, FullCombatCharacter source, CombatData combatData)
            if (abilityName == "First Strike")
                if (!combatData.isFirstTurn(
                    return true;

            return false;
        public Combat(PlayerModels.PlayerModel playerModel, string map, int encounterSelection, Func<float> initiativeCalculator, Action onGameOver, Action onUpdate, Action<CombatEndType> onCombatComplete)
            int currentUniq = 1;
            this.playerModel = playerModel;
            uniqBridge = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            pcs = new Dictionary<int, FullCombatCharacter>();
            npcs = new Dictionary<int, FullCombatCharacter>();
            currentEffects = new List<IEffect>();
            currentCharacter = new FullCombatCharacter();
            this.onGameOver = onGameOver;
            this.onUpdate = onUpdate;
            this.onCombatComplete = onCombatComplete;
   = map;
            bool canFlee = true;

            List<PlayerModels.Models.PartyCharacterModel> partyCharacterModels = PlayerModels.PlayerDataManager.getCurrentPartyPartyStats(playerModel);
            List<int> characterUniqs = new List<int>();
            foreach (PlayerModels.Models.PartyCharacterModel pcm in partyCharacterModels)
            List<PlayerModels.Models.CharacterModel> characterModels = PlayerModels.PlayerDataManager.getCurrentParty(playerModel, characterUniqs);
            bool hasPreviousCombatModels = false;
            if (playerModel.currentCombat == null)
                combatCharacterModels = new List<PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel>();
                combatNPCModels = new List<CombatCharacterModel>();
                playerModel.currentCombat = new CombatModel();
                playerModel.currentCombat.currentTime = 0;
                playerModel.currentCombat.pcs = combatCharacterModels;
                playerModel.currentCombat.npcs = combatNPCModels;
                combatCharacterModels = playerModel.currentCombat.pcs;
                combatNPCModels = playerModel.currentCombat.npcs;
                hasPreviousCombatModels = true;

            foreach (int characterUniq in characterUniqs)
                string name = string.Empty;
                int hp = 0;
                int maxHP = 0;
                int mp = 0;
                int maxMP = 0;
                int turnOrder = 0;
                string classType = string.Empty;
                int level = 0;
                int strength = 0;
                int vitality = 0;
                int agility = 0;
                int intellect = 0;
                int wisdom = 0;
                int nextAttackTime = 0;
                int classLevel = 0;
                int combatUniq = currentUniq;
                List<CombatModificationsModel> mods = new List<CombatModificationsModel>();
                List<string> usedAbilities = new List<string>();
                uniqBridge.Add(currentUniq, characterUniq);

                foreach (PlayerModels.Models.CharacterModel cm in characterModels)
                    if (cm.uniq == characterUniq)
                        name =;
                        maxHP = cm.stats.maxHP;
                        maxMP = cm.stats.maxMP;
                        classType = cm.currentClass;
                        level = cm.lvl;
                        strength = cm.stats.strength;
                        vitality = cm.stats.vitality;
                        agility = cm.stats.agility;
                        intellect = cm.stats.intellect;
                        wisdom = cm.stats.wisdom;

                        foreach (PlayerModels.Models.CharacterClassModel ccm in cm.characterClasses)
                            if (ccm.className == classType)
                                classLevel = ccm.lvl;

                foreach (PlayerModels.Models.PartyCharacterModel pcm in partyCharacterModels)
                    if (pcm.characterUniq == characterUniq)
                        hp = pcm.hp;
                        mp =;
                        usedAbilities = (pcm.usedAbilities == null ? new List<string>() : pcm.usedAbilities);

                nextAttackTime = GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(0, initiativeCalculator(), agility);

                if (hasPreviousCombatModels)
                    foreach (CombatCharacterModel ccm in combatCharacterModels)
                        if (ccm.characterUniq == characterUniq)
                            nextAttackTime = ccm.nextAttackTime;
                            hp = ccm.stats.hp;
                            mp =;
                            combatUniq = ccm.combatUniq;
                else {
                    combatCharacterModels.Add(new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel()
                        characterUniq = characterUniq,
                        stats = new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.TemporaryCombatStatsModel() { hp = hp, mp = mp },
                        nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                        combatUniq = combatUniq

                pcs.Add(characterUniq, new FullCombatCharacter() {
                   name = name,
                   maxHP = maxHP,
                   hp =  hp,
                   maxMP = maxMP,
                   mp = mp,
                   characterUniq = characterUniq,
                   combatUniq = currentUniq,
                   className = classType,
                   classLevel = classLevel,
                   level = level,
                   strength = strength,
                   vitality = vitality,
                   intellect = intellect,
                   agility = agility,
                   wisdom = wisdom,
                   nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                   mods = new List<CombatModificationsModel>(),
                   usedAbilities = usedAbilities

                combatCharacterModels[combatCharacterModels.Count - 1].mods = pcs[characterUniq].mods;


            if (hasPreviousCombatModels) //Combat was already initialized previously, just load the previous combatants
                foreach (CombatCharacterModel ccm in combatNPCModels)
                    int hp = ccm.stats.hp;
                    int mp =;
                    string name =;
                    int nextAttackTime = ccm.nextAttackTime;
                    List<CombatModificationsModel> mods = ccm.mods;
                    List<string> usedAbilities = new List<string>();

                    MapDataClasses.MapDataClasses.Enemy enemy = MapDataClasses.MapDataManager.getEnemy(map, ccm.classType);

                    if (!this.npcs.ContainsKey(currentUniq))
                        this.npcs.Add(currentUniq, new FullCombatCharacter()
                            name = name,
                            hp = hp,
                            maxHP = enemy.maxHP,
                            mp = mp,
                            maxMP = enemy.maxMP,
                            characterUniq = 0,
                            combatUniq = currentUniq,
                            className = enemy.type,
                            level = enemy.level,
                            strength = enemy.strength,
                            vitality = enemy.vitality,
                            agility = enemy.agility,
                            intellect = enemy.intellect,
                            wisdom = enemy.wisdom,
                            nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                            mods = mods,
                            usedAbilities = usedAbilities

            else //Generate a new encounter based on the map type
                Encounter encounter = MapDataClasses.MapDataManager.getEncounter(this.playerModel.getActiveParty().location, playerModel.rootX, playerModel.rootY, encounterSelection);
                currentEffects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, encounter.message, 0));
                combatNPCModels = new List<PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel>();
                canFlee = encounter.canFlee;
                foreach (MapDataClasses.MapDataClasses.Enemy enemy in encounter.enemies)
                    int nextAttackTime = GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(0, initiativeCalculator(), enemy.agility);
                    int hp = enemy.maxHP;
                    int mp = enemy.maxMP;
                    int combatUniq = currentUniq;
                    List<CombatModificationsModel> mods = new List<CombatModificationsModel>();
                    List<string> usedAbilities = new List<string>();

                    this.npcs.Add(currentUniq, new FullCombatCharacter()
                        name =,
                        hp = hp,
                        maxHP = enemy.maxHP,
                        mp = mp,
                        maxMP = enemy.maxMP,
                        characterUniq = 0,
                        combatUniq = currentUniq,
                        className = enemy.type,
                        level = enemy.level,
                        strength = enemy.strength,
                        vitality = enemy.vitality,
                        agility = enemy.agility,
                        intellect = enemy.intellect,
                        wisdom = enemy.wisdom,
                        nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                        mods = mods,
                        usedAbilities = usedAbilities

                    this.combatNPCModels.Add(new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel()
                        name =,
                        stats = new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.TemporaryCombatStatsModel()
                            hp = hp,
                            mp = mp
                        nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime,
                        combatUniq = currentUniq,
                        characterUniq = 0,
                        classType = enemy.type,
                        mods = this.npcs[currentUniq].mods


            playerModel.currentCombat.npcs = combatNPCModels;
            if (combatNPCModels.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("No NPCs were loaded :(");

            this.combatData = new CombatData(playerModel.currentCombat, canFlee);

            if (!this.combatData.combatInitalized)
                foreach (int key in pcs.Keys) //Check for initial code
                    FullCombatCharacter fcc = pcs[key];
                    List<IEffect> newEffects = GeneralProcessor.initialExecute(fcc)(getAllPcsAsList(), getAllNpcsAsList(), this.combatData);

                this.combatData.combatInitalized = true;
        public static bool hasMod(FullCombatCharacter fcc, string modName)
            foreach (CombatModificationsModel cmm in fcc.mods)
                if ( == modName)
                    return true;

            return false;
        private void calculateTurnOrder()
            List<int> usedUniqs = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < checkCharacterListDeath(npcs, true, true) + checkCharacterListDeath(pcs, true); i++)
                int currentFastestUniq = 1;
                int fastestTime = int.MaxValue;
                bool isPC = false;
                foreach (int key in npcs.Keys)
                    FullCombatCharacter npc = npcs[key];
                    if (!usedUniqs.Contains(npc.combatUniq) && npc.nextAttackTime < fastestTime && npc.hp != 0)
                        currentFastestUniq = npc.combatUniq;
                        fastestTime = npc.nextAttackTime;
                        isPC = false;
                        if (i == 0)
                            currentCharacter = npc;
                            currentCharacterIsPC = false;

                foreach (int key in pcs.Keys)
                    FullCombatCharacter pc = pcs[key];
                    if (!usedUniqs.Contains(pc.combatUniq) && pc.nextAttackTime < fastestTime && pc.hp != 0)
                        currentFastestUniq = pc.combatUniq;
                        fastestTime = pc.nextAttackTime;
                        isPC = true;
                        if (i == 0)
                            currentCharacter = pc;
                            currentCharacterIsPC = true;

                if (isPC)
                    pcs[uniqBridge[currentFastestUniq]].turnOrder = i + 1;
                    npcs[currentFastestUniq].turnOrder = i + 1;
        public static List<ICommand> getClassCommands(FullCombatCharacter source, CombatData combatData)
            if (processors.ContainsKey(source.className))
                return processors[source.className].getClassCommands(source, combatData);

            return new List<ICommand>();
 public Func<List<FullCombatCharacter>, List<FullCombatCharacter>, CombatData, List<IEffect>> initialExecute(FullCombatCharacter source)
     return ((List<FullCombatCharacter> allies, List<FullCombatCharacter> enemies, CombatData combatData) =>
         List<IEffect> effects = new List<IEffect>();
         if (source.className == "Adventurer" && source.classLevel >= 13)
             foreach (FullCombatCharacter fcc in enemies)
                 if (!BasicModificationsGeneration.hasMod(fcc, "Glance"))
                     CombatModificationsModel cmm = new CombatModificationsModel();
            = "Glance";
                     cmm.conditions = new List<CombatConditionModel>();
                     cmm = null;
             effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, "All enemies have been glanced by " + + "'s Insight ability!", 0));
         return effects;
        public static Func<List<FullCombatCharacter>, List<FullCombatCharacter>, CombatData, List<IEffect>> initialExecute(FullCombatCharacter source)
            if (processors.ContainsKey(source.className))
                return processors[source.className].initialExecute(source);

            return ((List<FullCombatCharacter> allies, List<FullCombatCharacter> enemies, CombatData combatData) =>
                return new List<IEffect>();
        public static bool isDisabled(string abilityName, FullCombatCharacter source, CombatData combatData)
                return processors[source.className].isDisabled(abilityName, source, combatData);

            return false;
        private ProcessResult PreProcess(FullCombatCharacter source, List<FullCombatCharacter> target, CombatData combatData, List<IEffect> effects)
            //Determine if it's a valid skill or on cooldown etc
            if (source.classLevel < requiredClassLevel || combatData.hasCooldown(, cooldown) || target.Count > maxTargets)
                return ProcessResult.EndTurn;

            if (BasicModificationsGeneration.hasMod(source, "Ranged"))
                damageCoefficient = damageCoefficient * .75f;

                if (!ranged)
                    effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, "Using a melee attack has removed the ranged advantage!", 0));

            if (oncePerRest != string.Empty && source.usedAbilities.Contains(oncePerRest))
                return ProcessResult.EndTurn;

            return ProcessResult.Normal;
        private ProcessResult PostProcess(FullCombatCharacter source, List<FullCombatCharacter> target, CombatData combatData, List<IEffect> effects)
            //Set next attack time etc.
            if (cooldown != string.Empty)
                combatData.cooldowns.Add(new CooldownModel
                    character =,
                    name = cooldown,
                    time = (source.nextAttackTime + cooldownDuration)

            GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(source, attackTimeCoefficient, combatData);

            if (oncePerRest != string.Empty)

            if (mpCost != 0)
       = - mpCost;

            return ProcessResult.Normal;
 private ProcessResult processFunction(Func<FullCombatCharacter, List<FullCombatCharacter>, CombatData, List<IEffect>, AbilityInfo, ProcessResult> executingFunction,
     FullCombatCharacter source,
     List<FullCombatCharacter> targets,
     CombatData combatData,
     List<IEffect> effects)
     if (executingFunction != null)
         return executingFunction(source, targets, combatData, effects, this);
     return ProcessResult.Normal;
        public static int getMagicAttackValue(FullCombatCharacter fcc)
            int attackValue = fcc.intellect;

            return attackValue;
 public static List<ICommand> getClassAbilities(FullCombatCharacter source, CombatData combatData)
     return GeneralProcessor.getClassCommands(source, combatData);
        public List<ICommand> getClassCommands(FullCombatCharacter source, CombatData combatData)
            List<ICommand> commands = new List<ICommand>();

            int level = source.classLevel;
            commands.Add(new Command(false, new List<ICommand>(), false, 0, 0, "Glance", false, 0, true, isDisabled("Glance", source, combatData)));
            if (level >= 3)
                commands.Add(new Command(false, new List<ICommand>(), false, 0, 0, "Guarded Strike", false, 0, true, isDisabled("Guarded Strike", source, combatData)));
            if (level >= 5)
                commands.Add(new Command(false, new List<ICommand>(), false, 0, 0, "Reckless Hit", false, 0, true, isDisabled("Reckless Hit", source, combatData)));
            if (level >= 7)
                commands.Add(new Command(false, new List<ICommand>(), false, 0, 0, "Guided Strike", false, 0, true, isDisabled("Guided Strike", source, combatData)));
            if (level >= 9)
                commands.Add(new Command(false, new List<ICommand>(), false, 0, 0, "Throw Rock", false, 0, true, isDisabled("Throw Rock", source, combatData)));
            if (level >= 15)
                commands.Add(new Command(false, new List<ICommand>(), false, 0, 0, "First Strike", false, 0, true, isDisabled("First Strike", source, combatData)));

            return commands;