private void toolStripButton15_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (FarPoint.Win.Spread.Design.BorderEditor borderedit = new FarPoint.Win.Spread.Design.BorderEditor(fpSpread1))
         borderedit.Shown += new EventHandler(borderedit_Shown);
         if (sheet.SelectionCount == 0)
             borderedit.StartColumn = sheet.ActiveColumnIndex;
             borderedit.ColumnCount = 1;
             borderedit.StartRow    = sheet.ActiveRowIndex;
             borderedit.RowCount    = 1;
             CellRange range = sheet.GetSelection(0); //选中区域
             if (range != null)
                 borderedit.StartColumn = range.Column;
                 borderedit.ColumnCount = range.ColumnCount;
                 borderedit.StartRow    = range.Row;
                 borderedit.RowCount    = range.RowCount;
     btn_save.Enabled = true;
 private void tool_borderSet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (FarPoint.Win.Spread.Design.BorderEditor borderedit = new FarPoint.Win.Spread.Design.BorderEditor(fpSpread1))
         borderedit.Shown += new EventHandler(borderedit_Shown);
         if (borderedit.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);
             if (cell != null)
                 List <CellStruct> list = DesignHelper.GetListCellStruct(cell, dt);
                 foreach (CellStruct cellStruct in list)
                     if (cell.Border == null)
                         cellStruct.DrawInfo.BoundaryLine.UpperBoundaryLine  = cell.Border.Inset.Top == 1;
                         cellStruct.DrawInfo.BoundaryLine.LowerBoundaryLine  = cell.Border.Inset.Bottom == 1;
                         cellStruct.DrawInfo.BoundaryLine.LeftBoundaryLine   = cell.Border.Inset.Left == 1;
                         cellStruct.DrawInfo.BoundaryLine.RightBooundaryLine = cell.Border.Inset.Right == 1;
        private void InitContent(Text text, int index)
                FarPoint.Win.IBorder border = new FarPoint.Win.LineBorder(Color.Black, 1, text.Attribute.BoundaryLine.LeftBoundaryLine, text.Attribute.BoundaryLine.UpperBoundaryLine, text.Attribute.BoundaryLine.RightBooundaryLine, text.Attribute.BoundaryLine.LowerBoundaryLine);

                int X = text.OriginalLocation.Y1 - 1 + index;
                int Y = text.OriginalLocation.X1 - 1;

                SizeF sizef = report.GraphicsBuffer.MeasureString(text.CellText, text.Attribute.Font);
                if (sizef.Height > sheet.Rows[X].Height && text.RowSpan == 1)
                    sheet.Rows[X].Height = sizef.Height;
                sheet.Cells[X, Y].Text = text.CellText;
                sheet.AddSpanCell(X, Y, text.RowSpan, text.ColumnSpan);

                sheet.Cells[X, Y].Font   = text.Attribute.Font;
                sheet.Cells[X, Y].Border = border;
                sheet.Cells[X, Y].HorizontalAlignment = DesignHelper.ConvertStringAlignmentToHAlignment(text.Attribute.Valign.LineAlignment);
                sheet.Cells[X, Y].VerticalAlignment   = DesignHelper.ConvertStringAlignmentToVAlignment(text.Attribute.Valign.Alignment);

                sheet.Cells[X, Y].Tag = text.Attribute.Diagonal;
                throw new CellLocationInvalidExcption(text.ToString());
        private void 右对齐ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);

            if (cell != null)
                cell.HorizontalAlignment = CellHorizontalAlignment.Right;
                btn_save.Enabled         = true;
        private void  对齐ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);

            if (cell != null)
                cell.VerticalAlignment = CellVerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                btn_save.Enabled       = true;
        private void  对齐ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);

            if (cell != null)
                List <CellStruct> list = DesignHelper.GetListCellStruct(cell, dt);
                cell.VerticalAlignment = CellVerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                foreach (CellStruct cellStruct in list)
                    cellStruct.DrawInfo.Format.Alignment = DesignHelper.ConvertVAlignmentToStringAlignment(CellVerticalAlignment.Bottom);
                tool_Save.Enabled = true;
        private void 右对齐ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);

            if (cell != null)
                List <CellStruct> list = DesignHelper.GetListCellStruct(cell, dt);
                cell.HorizontalAlignment = CellHorizontalAlignment.Right;
                foreach (CellStruct cellStruct in list)
                    cellStruct.DrawInfo.Format.LineAlignment = DesignHelper.ConvertHAlignmentToStringAlignment(CellHorizontalAlignment.Right);
                tool_Save.Enabled = true;
 private void FontSet(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (FontDialog f = new FontDialog())
         if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);
             if (cell != null)
                 cell.Font        = f.Font;
                 btn_save.Enabled = true;
        private void tool_CancelMerge_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CellRange range = sheet.GetSelection(0);

            if (range != null)
                CellStruct orginalCellStrct = dt.Rows[range.Row][range.Column] as CellStruct;
                int        x = orginalCellStrct.DrawInfo.Point.X;
                int        y = orginalCellStrct.DrawInfo.Point.Y;
                for (int i = range.Row; i < range.Row + range.RowCount; i++)
                    int height = Convert.ToInt32(sheet.Rows[i].Height);
                    for (int j = range.Column; j < range.Column + range.ColumnCount; j++)
                        sheet.RemoveSpanCell(i, j);
                        //CellStruct cellStruct = dt.Rows[i][j] as CellStruct;
                        CellStruct cellStruct = new CellStruct("", null, null);
                        cellStruct.Context = sheet.Cells[i, j].Text;
                        DrawInfo drawInfo = new DrawInfo();

                        if (sheet.Cells[i, j].Border != null)
                            drawInfo.BoundaryLine.UpperBoundaryLine  = sheet.Cells[i, j].Border.Inset.Top == 1;
                            drawInfo.BoundaryLine.LowerBoundaryLine  = sheet.Cells[i, j].Border.Inset.Bottom == 1;
                            drawInfo.BoundaryLine.LeftBoundaryLine   = sheet.Cells[i, j].Border.Inset.Left == 1;
                            drawInfo.BoundaryLine.RightBooundaryLine = sheet.Cells[i, j].Border.Inset.Right == 1;

                        int width = Convert.ToInt32(sheet.Columns[j].Width);
                        drawInfo.Size  = new Size(width, height);
                        drawInfo.Point = new Point(x, y);
                        x += width;

                        drawInfo.Format.LineAlignment = DesignHelper.ConvertHAlignmentToStringAlignment(sheet.Cells[i, j].HorizontalAlignment);
                        drawInfo.Format.Alignment     = DesignHelper.ConvertVAlignmentToStringAlignment(sheet.Cells[i, j].VerticalAlignment);

                        drawInfo.Font = sheet.Cells[i, j].Font;

                        cellStruct.DrawInfo = drawInfo;

                        cellStruct.ExcelInfo = new ExcelInfo(1, 1);

                        dt.Rows[i][j] = cellStruct;
                    y += height;
        private void tool_cancelBorder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);

            if (cell != null)
                FarPoint.Win.BevelBorder border = new FarPoint.Win.BevelBorder(FarPoint.Win.BevelBorderType.Raised, Color.Black, Color.Black, 1, false, false, false, false);
                cell.Border = border;
                List <CellStruct> list = DesignHelper.GetListCellStruct(cell, dt);
                foreach (CellStruct cellStruct in list)
                tool_Save.Enabled = true;
        private void InitSheetView()
                sheet.ColumnCount = pageInfo.ContainCols.Count;
                sheet.RowCount    = dt.Rows.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                        CellStruct cellStruct = dt.Rows[i][j] as CellStruct;
                        if (!CellStruct.IsNullOrEmpty(cellStruct))
                            sheet.Cells[i, j].Text = cellStruct.Context;
                            sheet.Cells[i, j].Font = cellStruct.DrawInfo.Font;
                            FarPoint.Win.IBorder border = new FarPoint.Win.LineBorder(Color.Black, 1,

                            sheet.Cells[i, j].Border = border;
                            sheet.Cells[i, j].RowSpan    = cellStruct.ExcelInfo.RowMerge;
                            sheet.Cells[i, j].ColumnSpan = cellStruct.ExcelInfo.ColMerge;

                            sheet.Cells[i, j].HorizontalAlignment = DesignHelper.ConvertStringAlignmentToHAlignment(cellStruct.DrawInfo.Format.LineAlignment);
                            sheet.Cells[i, j].VerticalAlignment   = DesignHelper.ConvertStringAlignmentToVAlignment(cellStruct.DrawInfo.Format.Alignment);
                    sheet.Rows[i].Height = pageInfo.PageRowHeight[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < pageInfo.ColumnInfo.Length; i++)
                    sheet.Columns[i].Width = pageInfo.ColumnInfo[i].Width;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
 protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
     if (keyData == Keys.Delete)
         Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);
         if (cell != null)
             cell.Text = "";
             List <CellStruct> list = DesignHelper.GetListCellStruct(cell, dt);
             foreach (CellStruct cellStruct in list)
                 cellStruct.Context = "";
             tool_Save.Enabled = true;
     return(base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData));
 private void tool_FontSet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (FontDialog f = new FontDialog())
         if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);
             if (cell != null)
                 List <CellStruct> list = DesignHelper.GetListCellStruct(cell, dt);
                 foreach (CellStruct cellStruct in list)
                     cellStruct.DrawInfo.Font = f.Font;
                 cell.Font         = f.Font;
                 tool_Save.Enabled = true;
        private void toolStripButton17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cell cell = DesignHelper.GetSelectedCell(sheet);

            if (cell != null)
                if (cell.Font == null)
                    cell.Font = new Font("宋体", 9);
                if (cell.Font.Underline)
                    cell.Font = new Font(cell.Font.FontFamily, cell.Font.Size, cell.Font.Style ^ FontStyle.Underline);
                    cell.Font = new Font(cell.Font.FontFamily, cell.Font.Size, cell.Font.Style | FontStyle.Underline);
                btn_save.Enabled = true;
 private void InsertCol(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (ColumnNameInputDlg dlg = new ColumnNameInputDlg("", "", report.OriginalData.Columns))
         if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             if (DesignHelper.ContainColumnName(report, dlg.IColumnText, ""))
                 Function.Alert("已经存在当前内部名称,插入列失败", "提示");
             ReportColumn newColumn = new ReportColumn(dlg.IColumnText);
             newColumn.Attibutes.NameZh_cn = dlg.EColumnText;
             int columnIndex = sheet.ActiveColumnIndex;
             sheet.Columns.Add(columnIndex, 1);
             sheet.ColumnHeader.Cells[0, columnIndex].Text = newColumn.Attibutes.NameZh_cn;
             sheet.ColumnHeader.Cells[1, columnIndex].Text = newColumn.ColumnName;
             newColumn.ColumnWidth = Convert.ToInt32(sheet.Columns[columnIndex].Width);
             report.Columns.Insert(columnIndex, newColumn);
             btn_save.Enabled = true;
        private void SetColName(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int columnIndex = sheet.ActiveColumnIndex;

            using (ColumnNameInputDlg dlg = new ColumnNameInputDlg(sheet.ColumnHeader.Cells[0, columnIndex].Text, sheet.ColumnHeader.Cells[1, columnIndex].Text, report.OriginalData.Columns))
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    if (DesignHelper.ContainColumnName(report, dlg.IColumnText, sheet.ColumnHeader.Cells[1, columnIndex].Text))
                        Function.Alert("列中已经存在了当前内部名称,修改失败", "提示");
                    sheet.ColumnHeader.Cells[0, columnIndex].Text = dlg.EColumnText;
                    sheet.ColumnHeader.Cells[1, columnIndex].Text = dlg.IColumnText;
                    report.Columns.SetColumnName(report.Columns[columnIndex], dlg.IColumnText);
                    //report.Columns[columnIndex].ColumnName =

                    report.Columns[columnIndex].Attibutes.NameZh_cn = dlg.EColumnText;
                    sheet.Columns[columnIndex].Tag = dlg.IColumnText;
                    btn_save.Enabled = true;
        private void Save()
            List <ReportColumn> listReportColumn = new List <ReportColumn>();

            foreach (Column col in sheet.Columns)
                if (col.Label.ToLower() == "rowgroup")
                ReportColumn reportColumn = report.Columns[col.Label];
            foreach (ReportColumn reportColumn in listReportColumn)

            int index     = 0;
            int bandIndex = 0;
            int count     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < sheet.RowCount; i++)
                if (sheet.Rows[i].Tag != null)
                    count = 0;
                    switch (sheet.Rows[i].Tag.ToString())
                    case "标题":
                        bandIndex = 1;
                        index     = startHeadIndex;

                    case "表头":
                        bandIndex = 2;
                        index     = startTitileIndex;

                    case "表体":
                        bandIndex = 3;
                        index     = startBodyIndex;

                    case "页汇":
                        bandIndex = 4;
                        index     = startPageIndex;

                    case "表脚":
                        bandIndex = 5;
                        index     = startFootIndex;
                    report.Bands.SetBindRowNum(bandIndex, 0);
                if (sheet.Cells[i, sheet.ColumnCount - 1].Text != "True")
                    report.Bands.SetBindRowEcho(bandIndex, i - index + 1, false);
                report.Bands.SetBindRowNum(bandIndex, count);

                for (int j = 0; j < sheet.ColumnCount; j++)
                    if (sheet.Cells[i, j].CellType is FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType.CheckBoxCellType)
                    DataRow[] rows = dtSpan.Select(string.Format("{0} >= minY and {0} <= maxY and {1} >= minX and {1} <= maxX", i, j));
                    if (rows.Length == 0)
                        Text text = new Text();
                        text.BandIndex   = bandIndex;
                        text.Context     = sheet.Cells[i, j].Text;
                        text.Location.X1 = j + 1;
                        text.Location.Y1 = i + 1 - index;
                        text.Location.X2 = j + sheet.Cells[i, j].ColumnSpan;
                        text.Location.Y2 = i + sheet.Cells[i, j].RowSpan - index;

                        SpecialLine line = specialLineInfo.GetSpecialLine(sheet.Cells[i, j]);
                        if (line != null)
                            text.Attribute.Diagonal = line.LineType;

                        DesignHelper.SetTextPropertys(sheet.Cells[i, j], text);

                        DataRow row = dtSpan.NewRow();
                        row["minX"] = j;
                        row["minY"] = i;
                        row["maxX"] = j + sheet.Cells[i, j].ColumnSpan - 1;
                        row["maxY"] = i + sheet.Cells[i, j].RowSpan - 1;
            btn_save.Enabled = false;