Exemple #1
 /// <summary>Discover attacks to squares using magics: cheap version</summary>
 public virtual long GetIndexAttacks(Board board, int index)
     if (index < 0 || index > 63)
         return 0;
     long all = board.GetAll();
     return ((board.blacks & pawnUpwards[index] | board.whites & pawnDownwards[index])
          & board.pawns) | (king[index] & board.kings) | (knight[index] & board.knights)
         | (GetRookAttacks(index, all) & (board.rooks | board.queens)) | (GetBishopAttacks
         (index, all) & (board.bishops | board.queens));
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>Discover attacks to squares using magics: cheap version</summary>
 public virtual bool IsIndexAttacked(Board board, byte index, bool white)
     if (((sbyte)index) < 0 || index > 63)
         return false;
     long others = (white ? board.blacks : board.whites);
     long all = board.GetAll();
     if (((white ? pawnUpwards[index] : pawnDownwards[index]) & board.pawns & others)
         != 0)
         return true;
         if ((king[index] & board.kings & others) != 0)
             return true;
             if ((knight[index] & board.knights & others) != 0)
                 return true;
                 if ((GetRookAttacks(index, all) & (board.rooks | board.queens) & others) != 0)
                     return true;
                     if ((GetBishopAttacks(index, all) & (board.bishops | board.queens) & others) != 0)
                         return true;
     return false;
 public virtual int GenerateMoves(Board board, int[] moves, int mIndex)
     this.moves = moves;
     bbAttacks = BitboardAttacks.GetInstance();
     moveIndex = mIndex;
     all = board.GetAll();
     // only for clearity
     mines = board.GetMines();
     others = board.GetOthers();
     byte index = 0;
     long square = unchecked((long)(0x1L));
     while (square != 0)
         if (board.GetTurn() == ((square & board.whites) != 0))
             if ((square & board.rooks) != 0)
                 // Rook
                 GenerateMovesFromAttacks(Move.ROOK, index, bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all));
                 if ((square & board.bishops) != 0)
                     // Bishop
                     GenerateMovesFromAttacks(Move.BISHOP, index, bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(index, all
                     if ((square & board.queens) != 0)
                         // Queen
                         GenerateMovesFromAttacks(Move.QUEEN, index, bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all));
                         GenerateMovesFromAttacks(Move.QUEEN, index, bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(index, all
                         if ((square & board.kings) != 0)
                             // King
                             GenerateMovesFromAttacks(Move.KING, index, bbAttacks.king[index]);
                             if ((square & board.knights) != 0)
                                 // Knight
                                 GenerateMovesFromAttacks(Move.KNIGHT, index, bbAttacks.knight[index]);
                                 if ((square & board.pawns) != 0)
                                     // Pawns
                                     if ((square & board.whites) != 0)
                                         if (((square << 8) & all) == 0)
                                             AddMoves(Move.PAWN, index, index + 8, (square << 8), false, true, 0);
                                             // Two squares if it is in he first row
                                             if (((square & BitboardUtils.b2_d) != 0) && (((square << 16) & all) == 0))
                                                 AddMoves(Move.PAWN, index, index + 16, (square << 16), false, false, 0);
                                         GeneratePawnCapturesFromAttacks(index, bbAttacks.pawnUpwards[index], board.GetPassantSquare
                                         if ((((long)(((ulong)square) >> 8)) & all) == 0)
                                             AddMoves(Move.PAWN, index, index - 8, ((long)(((ulong)square) >> 8)), false, true
                                                 , 0);
                                             // Two squares if it is in he first row
                                             if (((square & BitboardUtils.b2_u) != 0) && ((((long)(((ulong)square) >> 16)) & all
                                                 ) == 0))
                                                 AddMoves(Move.PAWN, index, index - 16, ((long)(((ulong)square) >> 16)), false, false
                                                     , 0);
                                         GeneratePawnCapturesFromAttacks(index, bbAttacks.pawnDownwards[index], board.GetPassantSquare
         square <<= 1;
     square = board.kings & mines;
     // my king
     byte myKingIndex = unchecked((byte)(-1));
     // Castling: disabled when in check or squares attacked
     if ((((all & (board.GetTurn() ? unchecked((long)(0x06L)) : unchecked((long)(0x0600000000000000L
         )))) == 0 && (board.GetTurn() ? board.GetWhiteKingsideCastling() : board.GetBlackKingsideCastling
         myKingIndex = BitboardUtils.Square2Index(square);
         if (!board.GetCheck() && !bbAttacks.IsIndexAttacked(board, unchecked((byte)(myKingIndex
              - 1)), board.GetTurn()) && !bbAttacks.IsIndexAttacked(board, unchecked((byte)(myKingIndex
              - 2)), board.GetTurn()))
             AddMoves(Move.KING, myKingIndex, myKingIndex - 2, 0, false, false, Move.TYPE_KINGSIDE_CASTLING
     if ((((all & (board.GetTurn() ? unchecked((long)(0x70L)) : unchecked((long)(0x7000000000000000L
         )))) == 0 && (board.GetTurn() ? board.GetWhiteQueensideCastling() : board.GetBlackQueensideCastling
         if (myKingIndex == -1)
             myKingIndex = BitboardUtils.Square2Index(square);
         if (!board.GetCheck() && !bbAttacks.IsIndexAttacked(board, unchecked((byte)(myKingIndex
              + 1)), board.GetTurn()) && !bbAttacks.IsIndexAttacked(board, unchecked((byte)(myKingIndex
              + 2)), board.GetTurn()))
             AddMoves(Move.KING, myKingIndex, myKingIndex + 2, 0, false, false, Move.TYPE_QUEENSIDE_CASTLING
     return moveIndex;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a boards creates a move from a String in uci format or short
        /// algebraic form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="board"></param>
        /// <param name="move"></param>
        public static int GetFromString(Board board, string move, bool checkLegality)
            int fromIndex = 0;
            int toIndex = 0;
            int moveType = 0;
            int pieceMoved = 0;
            // Ignore checks, captures indicators...
            move = move.Replace("+", string.Empty).Replace("x", string.Empty).Replace("-", string.Empty
                ).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("#", string.Empty).ReplaceAll(" ", string.Empty
                ).ReplaceAll("0", "o").ReplaceAll("O", "o");
            if ("ooo".Equals(move))
                if (board.GetTurn())
                    move = "e1c1";
                    move = "e8c8";
                if ("oo".Equals(move))
                    if (board.GetTurn())
                        move = "e1g1";
                        move = "e8g8";
            char promo = move[move.Length - 1];
            switch (System.Char.ToLower(promo))
                case 'q':
                    moveType = TYPE_PROMOTION_QUEEN;

                case 'n':
                    moveType = TYPE_PROMOTION_KNIGHT;

                case 'b':
                    moveType = TYPE_PROMOTION_BISHOP;

                case 'r':
                    moveType = TYPE_PROMOTION_ROOK;
            // If promotion, remove the last char
            if (moveType != 0)
                move = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(move, 0, move.Length - 1);
            // To is always the last 2 characters
            toIndex = BitboardUtils.Algebraic2Index(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(move, move.Length
                 - 2, move.Length));
            long to = unchecked((long)(0x1L)) << toIndex;
            long from = 0;
            BitboardAttacks bbAttacks = BitboardAttacks.GetInstance();
            switch (move[0])
                case 'N':
                    // Fills from with a mask of possible from values
                    from = board.knights & board.GetMines() & bbAttacks.knight[toIndex];

                case 'K':
                    from = board.kings & board.GetMines() & bbAttacks.king[toIndex];

                case 'R':
                    from = board.rooks & board.GetMines() & bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(toIndex, board.GetAll

                case 'B':
                    from = board.bishops & board.GetMines() & bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(toIndex, board

                case 'Q':
                    from = board.queens & board.GetMines() & (bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(toIndex, board
                        .GetAll()) | bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(toIndex, board.GetAll()));
            if (from != 0)
                // remove the piece char
                move = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(move, 1);
                // Pawn moves
                if (move.Length == 2)
                    if (board.GetTurn())
                        from = board.pawns & board.GetMines() & (((long)(((ulong)to) >> 8)) | ((((long)((
                            (ulong)to) >> 8)) & board.GetAll()) == 0 ? ((long)(((ulong)to) >> 16)) : 0));
                        from = board.pawns & board.GetMines() & ((to << 8) | (((to << 8) & board.GetAll()
                            ) == 0 ? (to << 16) : 0));
                if (move.Length == 3)
                    // Pawn capture
                    from = board.pawns & board.GetMines() & (board.GetTurn() ? bbAttacks.pawnDownwards
                        [toIndex] : bbAttacks.pawnUpwards[toIndex]);
            if (move.Length == 3)
                // now disambiaguate
                char disambiguate = move[0];
                int i = "abcdefgh".IndexOf(disambiguate);
                if (i >= 0)
                    from &= BitboardUtils.COLUMN[i];
                int j = "12345678".IndexOf(disambiguate);
                if (j >= 0)
                    from &= BitboardUtils.RANK[j];
            // if (BitboardUtils.popCount(from) > 1) {
            // logger.error("Move NOT disambiaguated:\n"+board.toString() + "\n" +
            // in);
            // System.exit(-1);
            // return -1;
            // }
            if (move.Length == 4)
                // was algebraic complete e2e4 (=UCI!)
                from = BitboardUtils.Algebraic2Square(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(move, 0, 2));
            if (from == 0)
                return -1;
            // Treats multiple froms, choosing the first Legal Move
            while (from != 0)
                long myFrom = BitboardUtils.Lsb(from);
                from ^= myFrom;
                fromIndex = BitboardUtils.Square2Index(myFrom);
                bool capture = false;
                if ((myFrom & board.pawns) != 0)
                    pieceMoved = PAWN;
                    // for passant captures
                    if ((toIndex != (fromIndex - 8)) && (toIndex != (fromIndex + 8)) && (toIndex != (
                        fromIndex - 16)) && (toIndex != (fromIndex + 16)))
                        if ((to & board.GetAll()) == 0)
                            moveType = TYPE_PASSANT;
                            capture = true;
                    // later is changed if it was not a pawn
                    // Default promotion to queen if not specified
                    if ((to & (BitboardUtils.b_u | BitboardUtils.b_d)) != 0 && (moveType < TYPE_PROMOTION_QUEEN
                        moveType = TYPE_PROMOTION_QUEEN;
                if ((myFrom & board.bishops) != 0)
                    pieceMoved = BISHOP;
                    if ((myFrom & board.knights) != 0)
                        pieceMoved = KNIGHT;
                        if ((myFrom & board.rooks) != 0)
                            pieceMoved = ROOK;
                            if ((myFrom & board.queens) != 0)
                                pieceMoved = QUEEN;
                                if ((myFrom & board.kings) != 0)
                                    pieceMoved = KING;
                                    // Only if origin square is king's initial square TODO FRC
                                    if (fromIndex == 3 || fromIndex == 3 + (8 * 7))
                                        if (toIndex == (fromIndex + 2))
                                            moveType = TYPE_QUEENSIDE_CASTLING;
                                        if (toIndex == (fromIndex - 2))
                                            moveType = TYPE_KINGSIDE_CASTLING;
                // Now set captured piece flag
                if ((to & (board.whites | board.blacks)) != 0)
                    capture = true;
                int moveInt = Move.GenMove(fromIndex, toIndex, pieceMoved, capture, moveType);
                if (checkLegality && board.DoMove(moveInt, false))
                    return moveInt;
                    return moveInt;
            return -1;
 // Values are rotated for whites, so when white is playing is like shown in the code TODO at the moment must be symmetric
 public override int EvaluateBoard(Board board, int alpha, int beta)
     long all = board.GetAll();
     int[] materialValue = new int[] { 0, 0 };
     int[] pawnMaterialValue = new int[] { 0, 0 };
     int[] pcsqValue = new int[] { 0, 0 };
     int[] pcsqOpeningValue = new int[] { 0, 0 };
     int[] pcsqEndgameValue = new int[] { 0, 0 };
     bool[] noQueen = new bool[] { true, true };
     long square = 1;
     byte index = 0;
     while (square != 0)
         bool isWhite = ((board.whites & square) != 0);
         int color = (isWhite ? 0 : 1);
         int pcsqIndex = (isWhite ? 63 - index : index);
         if ((square & all) != 0)
             if ((square & board.pawns) != 0)
                 pawnMaterialValue[color] += PAWN;
                 pcsqValue[color] += pawnSquare[pcsqIndex];
                 if ((square & board.knights) != 0)
                     materialValue[color] += KNIGHT;
                     pcsqValue[color] += knightSquare[pcsqIndex];
                     if ((square & board.bishops) != 0)
                         materialValue[color] += BISHOP;
                         pcsqValue[color] += bishopSquare[pcsqIndex];
                         if ((square & board.rooks) != 0)
                             materialValue[color] += ROOK;
                             pcsqValue[color] += rookSquare[pcsqIndex];
                             if ((square & board.queens) != 0)
                                 pcsqValue[color] += queenSquare[pcsqIndex];
                                 materialValue[color] += QUEEN;
                                 noQueen[color] = false;
                                 if ((square & board.kings) != 0)
                                     pcsqOpeningValue[color] += kingSquareOpening[pcsqIndex];
                                     pcsqEndgameValue[color] += kingSquareEndGame[pcsqIndex];
         square <<= 1;
     int value = 0;
     value += pawnMaterialValue[0] - pawnMaterialValue[1];
     value += materialValue[0] - materialValue[1];
     value += pcsqValue[0] - pcsqValue[1];
     // Endgame
     // 1. Both sides have no queens or
     // 2. Every side which has a queen has additionally no other pieces or one minorpiece maximum.
     if ((noQueen[0] || materialValue[0] <= QUEEN + BISHOP) && (noQueen[1] || materialValue
         [1] <= QUEEN + BISHOP))
         value += pcsqEndgameValue[0] - pcsqEndgameValue[1];
         value += pcsqOpeningValue[0] - pcsqOpeningValue[1];
     return value;
 //        logger.debug("***PAWN");
 //        printPcsq(pawnIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***KNIGHT");
 //        printPcsq(knightIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***BISHOP");
 //        printPcsq(bishopIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***ROOK");
 //        printPcsq(rookIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***QUEEN");
 //        printPcsq(queenIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***KING");
 //        printPcsq(kingIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("PCSQ tables generated");
 //    private static void printPcsq(int pcsq[]) {
 //        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 //        for (int k=0; k<2; k++) {
 //            if (k==0) sb.append("Opening:\n");
 //            else sb.append("Endgame:\n");
 //            for (int i = 0; i<64; i++) {
 //                String aux = "     " + (k==0 ? o(pcsq[i]) : e(pcsq[i]));
 //                aux = aux.substring(aux.length()-5);
 //                sb.append(aux);
 //                if (i%8 != 7) {
 //                    sb.append(",");
 //                } else {
 //                    sb.append("\n");
 //                }
 //            }
 //        }
 //        logger.debug(sb.toString());
 //    }
 public override int EvaluateBoard(Board board, int alpha, int beta)
     long square = 1;
     byte index = 0;
     all = board.GetAll();
     superiorPieceAttacked[0] = superiorPieceAttacked[1] = 0;
     attacksColor[0] = attacksColor[1] = 0;
     material[0] = material[1] = 0;
     pawnMaterial[0] = pawnMaterial[1] = 0;
     center[0] = center[1] = 0;
     positional[0] = positional[1] = 0;
     mobility[0] = mobility[1] = 0;
     attacks[0] = attacks[1] = 0;
     kingAttackersCount[0] = kingAttackersCount[1] = 0;
     kingSafety[0] = kingSafety[1] = 0;
     kingDefense[0] = kingDefense[1] = 0;
     pawnStructure[0] = pawnStructure[1] = 0;
     passedPawns[0] = passedPawns[1] = 0;
     bishopCount[0] = bishopCount[1] = 0;
     // Squares attackeds by pawns
     pawnAttacks[0] = ((board.pawns & board.whites & ~BitboardUtils.b_l) << 9) | ((board
         .pawns & board.whites & ~BitboardUtils.b_r) << 7);
     pawnAttacks[1] = ((long)(((ulong)(board.pawns & board.blacks & ~BitboardUtils.b_r
         )) >> 9)) | ((long)(((ulong)(board.pawns & board.blacks & ~BitboardUtils.b_l)) >>
     // Square that pawn attacks or can attack by advancing
     pawnCanAttack[0] = pawnAttacks[0] | pawnAttacks[0] << 8 | pawnAttacks[0] << 16 |
         pawnAttacks[0] << 24 | pawnAttacks[0] << 32 | pawnAttacks[0] << 40;
     pawnCanAttack[1] = pawnAttacks[1] | (long)(((ulong)pawnAttacks[1]) >> 8) | (long)
         (((ulong)pawnAttacks[1]) >> 16) | (long)(((ulong)pawnAttacks[1]) >> 24) | (long)
         (((ulong)pawnAttacks[1]) >> 32) | (long)(((ulong)pawnAttacks[1]) >> 40);
     // Squares surrounding King
     squaresNearKing[0] = bbAttacks.king[BitboardUtils.Square2Index(board.whites & board
         .kings)] | board.whites & board.kings;
     squaresNearKing[1] = bbAttacks.king[BitboardUtils.Square2Index(board.blacks & board
         .kings)] | board.blacks & board.kings;
     minorPiecesDefendedByPawns[0] = board.whites & (board.bishops | board.knights) &
     minorPiecesDefendedByPawns[1] = board.blacks & (board.bishops | board.knights) &
     // first build attacks info
     square = 1;
     for (index = 0; ((sbyte)index) < 64; index++)
         if ((square & all) != 0)
             bool isWhite = ((board.whites & square) != 0);
             int color = (isWhite ? 0 : 1);
             if ((square & board.pawns) != 0)
                 pieceAttacks = (isWhite ? bbAttacks.pawnUpwards[index] : bbAttacks.pawnDownwards[
                 if ((square & board.knights) != 0)
                     pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.knight[index];
                     if ((square & board.bishops) != 0)
                         pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(index, all);
                         if ((square & board.rooks) != 0)
                             pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all);
                             if ((square & board.queens) != 0)
                                 pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all) | bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(
                                     index, all);
                                 if ((square & board.kings) != 0)
                                     pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.king[index];
                                     pieceAttacks = 0;
             attacksColor[color] |= pieceAttacks;
             attacksSquare[index] = pieceAttacks;
         square <<= 1;
     // Ok, ended initialization
     square = 1;
     index = 0;
     while (square != 0)
         if ((square & all) != 0)
             bool isWhite = ((board.whites & square) != 0);
             int color = (isWhite ? 0 : 1);
             long mines = (isWhite ? board.whites : board.blacks);
             long others = (isWhite ? board.blacks : board.whites);
             long otherPawnAttacks = (isWhite ? pawnAttacks[1] : pawnAttacks[0]);
             int pcsqIndex = (isWhite ? index : 63 - index);
             int rank = index >> 3;
             int column = 7 - index & 7;
             pieceAttacks = attacksSquare[index];
             if ((square & board.pawns) != 0)
                 pawnMaterial[color] += PAWN;
                 center[color] += pawnIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                 if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[1 - color] & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                     kingSafety[color] += PAWN_ATTACKS_KING;
                 // TODO: if two pawns attacks the same square, add only once
                 if ((pieceAttacks & board.knights & others) != 0)
                     attacks[color] += PAWN_ATTACKS_KNIGHT;
                 if ((pieceAttacks & board.bishops & others) != 0)
                     attacks[color] += PAWN_ATTACKS_BISHOP;
                 if ((pieceAttacks & board.rooks & others) != 0)
                     attacks[color] += PAWN_ATTACKS_ROOK;
                 if ((pieceAttacks & board.queens & others) != 0)
                     attacks[color] += PAWN_ATTACKS_QUEEN;
                 superiorPieceAttacked[color] |= pieceAttacks & others & (board.knights | board.bishops
                      | board.rooks | board.queens);
                 bool isolated = (BitboardUtils.COLUMNS_ADJACENTS[column] & board.pawns & mines) ==
                 bool doubled = (BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] & BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color]
                     [rank] & board.pawns & mines) != 0;
                 //					boolean backwards = ((BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] | BitboardUtils.COLUMNS_ADJACENTS[column]) & ~BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank] & board.pawns & mines) == 0;
                 //					boolean weak = !isolated && (pawnAttacks[color] & square) == 0
                 //					&& pcsqIndex >= 24;
                 //					 // not defended is weak
                 //					if (weak) {
                 //						// Can be defended advancing one pawn
                 //						auxLong = (isWhite ? BitboardAttacks.pawnDownwards[color] : BitboardAttacks.pawnUpwards[color]) & ~otherPawnAttacks & ~all;
                 //						while (auxLong != 0) { // Not attacked by other pawn and empty
                 //							auxLong2 = BitboardUtils.lsb(auxLong);
                 //							auxLong &= ~auxLong2;
                 //							auxLong2 = isWhite ?  auxLong2 >>> 8 : auxLong2 << 8;
                 //							if ((auxLong2 & mines & board.pawns) !=0) {
                 //								weak = false;
                 //							} else { // Defended advancing one pawn two squares
                 //								if ((auxLong2 & all) == 0) { // empty square
                 //									auxLong2 = (isWhite ? auxLong2 >>> 8 : auxLong2 << 8);
                 //									if (((isWhite ? BitboardUtils.RANK[1] : BitboardUtils.RANK[6]) & auxLong2 & board.pawns & mines) != 0) {
                 //										weak = false;
                 //									}
                 //								}
                 //							}
                 //						}
                 //						if (weak) {
                 //							// Can advance to be supported
                 //							auxLong = (isWhite ? square << 8 : square >>> 8) & ~otherPawnAttacks & ~all;
                 //							if (auxLong != 0) {
                 //								if ((auxLong & pawnAttacks[color]) != 0) {
                 //									weak = false;
                 //								} else {
                 //									// Checks advancing two squares if in initial position
                 //									if (((isWhite ? BitboardUtils.RANK[1] : BitboardUtils.RANK[6]) & square) != 0) {
                 //										auxLong = (isWhite ? square << 16 : square >>> 16) & ~otherPawnAttacks & ~all;
                 //										if ((auxLong & pawnAttacks[color]) != 0) weak = false;
                 //									}
                 //								}
                 //							}
                 //						}
                 //					}
                 //					if (weak) pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_WEAK;
                 ////					if (weak) {
                 ////						System.out.println("weak pawn: \n" + board.toString());
                 ////						System.out.println("square: \n" + BitboardUtils.toString(square));
                 ////					}
                 // No pawns in front
                 if ((BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] & BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank] & board
                     .pawns) == 0)
                     if (doubled)
                         pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_NO_FRONT_DOUBLED;
                         if (isolated)
                             pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_NO_FRONT_DOUB_ISO;
                         if (isolated)
                             pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_NO_FRONT_ISOLATED;
                     // pawns in front
                     if (doubled)
                         pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_FRONT_DOUBLED;
                         if (isolated)
                             pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_FRONT_DOUB_ISO;
                         if (isolated)
                             pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_FRONT_ISOLATED;
                 // Backwards pawns and advance squares attacked by opposite pawns (TODO only three)
                 //					if (backwards && (BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] & BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank] & otherPawnAttacks) !=0)
                 //						pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_BACKWARDS;
                 // Passed Pawns
                 if (((BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] | BitboardUtils.COLUMNS_ADJACENTS[column]) & BitboardUtils
                     .RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank] & board.pawns & others) == 0)
                     // Static part
                     passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     if ((square & pawnAttacks[color]) != 0)
                         passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER_PROTECTED[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     if ((BitboardUtils.ROWS_LEFT[column] & board.pawns & others) == 0 && (BitboardUtils
                         .ROWS_RIGHT[column] & board.pawns & others) == 0)
                         passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER_OUTSIDE[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     // Dynamic part
                     auxLong = BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] & BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank];
                     if ((auxLong & mines) == 0)
                         passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER_NO_MINES[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     if ((auxLong & others) == 0)
                         passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER_NO_OTHERS[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     if (((isWhite ? square << 8 : (long)(((ulong)square) >> 8)) & others) == 0)
                         passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER_MOBILE[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     if ((auxLong & ~attacksColor[color] & attacksColor[1 - color]) == 0)
                         passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER_RUNNER[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     if ((BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] & BitboardUtils.RANKS_BACKWARD[color][rank] & board
                         .rooks & mines) != 0)
                         passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER_ROOK_BEHIND[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     // Candidates is the same check but removing opposite pawns attacking our square
                     if (((BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] | BitboardUtils.COLUMNS_ADJACENTS[column]) & BitboardUtils
                         .RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank] & (isWhite ? bbAttacks.pawnUpwards[index] : bbAttacks
                         .pawnDownwards[index]) & board.pawns & others) == 0)
                         passedPawns[color] += PAWN_CANDIDATE[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                 if ((square & board.knights) != 0)
                     material[color] += KNIGHT;
                     center[color] += knightIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                     // Only mobility forward
                     mobility[color] += KNIGHT_M * BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & ~mines & ~otherPawnAttacks
                          & BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank]);
                     if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[1 - color] & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                         kingSafety[color] += KNIGHT_ATTACKS_KING;
                     if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[color]) != 0)
                         kingDefense[color] += KNIGHT_DEFENDS_KING;
                     if ((pieceAttacks & board.pawns & others & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                         attacks[color] += KNIGHT_ATTACKS_PU_P;
                     if ((pieceAttacks & board.bishops & others & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                         attacks[color] += KNIGHT_ATTACKS_PU_B;
                     if ((pieceAttacks & (board.rooks | board.queens) & others) != 0)
                         attacks[color] += KNIGHT_ATTACKS_RQ;
                     superiorPieceAttacked[color] |= pieceAttacks & others & (board.rooks | board.queens
                     // Knight Outpost: no opposite pawns can attack the square
                     if ((square & OUTPOST_MASK[color] & ~pawnCanAttack[1 - color]) != 0)
                         positional[color] += KNIGHT_OUTPOST;
                         // Defended by one of our pawns
                         if ((square & pawnAttacks[color]) != 0)
                             positional[color] += KNIGHT_OUTPOST;
                             // Attacks squares near king or other pieces pawn undefended
                             if ((pieceAttacks & (squaresNearKing[1 - color] | others) & ~otherPawnAttacks) !=
                                 positional[color] += KNIGHT_OUTPOST_ATTACKS_NK_PU[pcsqIndex];
                     if ((square & board.bishops) != 0)
                         material[color] += BISHOP;
                         if (bishopCount[color]++ == 2)
                             material[color] += BISHOP_PAIR;
                         center[color] += bishopIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                         mobility[color] += BISHOP_M * BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & ~mines & ~otherPawnAttacks
                              & BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank]);
                         if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[1 - color] & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                             kingSafety[color] += BISHOP_ATTACKS_KING;
                         if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[color]) != 0)
                             kingDefense[color] += BISHOP_DEFENDS_KING;
                         if ((pieceAttacks & board.pawns & others & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                             attacks[color] += BISHOP_ATTACKS_PU_P;
                         if ((pieceAttacks & board.knights & others & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                             attacks[color] += BISHOP_ATTACKS_PU_K;
                         if ((pieceAttacks & (board.rooks | board.queens) & others) != 0)
                             attacks[color] += BISHOP_ATTACKS_RQ;
                         superiorPieceAttacked[color] |= pieceAttacks & others & (board.rooks | board.queens
                         pieceAttacksXray = bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(index, all & ~(pieceAttacks & others
                             )) & ~pieceAttacks;
                         if ((pieceAttacksXray & (board.rooks | board.queens | board.kings) & others) != 0)
                             attacks[color] += PINNED_PIECE;
                         // Bishop Outpost: no opposite pawns can attack the square and defended by one of our pawns
                         if ((square & OUTPOST_MASK[color] & ~pawnCanAttack[1 - color] & pawnAttacks[color
                             ]) != 0)
                             positional[color] += BISHOP_OUTPOST;
                             // Attacks squares near king or other pieces pawn undefended
                             if ((pieceAttacks & (squaresNearKing[1 - color] | others) & ~otherPawnAttacks) !=
                                 positional[color] += BISHOP_OUTPOST_ATT_NK_PU;
                         // Pawns in our color
                         if ((square & BitboardUtils.WHITE_SQUARES) != 0)
                             auxLong = BitboardUtils.WHITE_SQUARES;
                             auxLong = BitboardUtils.BLACK_SQUARES;
                         positional[color] += ((int)(((uint)BitboardUtils.PopCount(auxLong & board.pawns &
                              mines) + BitboardUtils.PopCount(auxLong & board.pawns & mines)) >> 1)) * BISHOP_PAWN_IN_COLOR;
                         positional[color] += ((int)(((uint)BitboardUtils.PopCount(auxLong & board.pawns &
                              others & BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank])) >> 1)) * BISHOP_FORWARD_P_PU;
                         if ((BISHOP_TRAPPING[index] & board.pawns & others) != 0)
                             mobility[color] += BISHOP_TRAPPED;
                         // TODO protection
                         if ((square & board.rooks) != 0)
                             material[color] += ROOK;
                             center[color] += rookIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                             mobility[color] += ROOK_M * BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & ~mines & ~otherPawnAttacks
                             if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[1 - color] & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                                 kingSafety[color] += ROOK_ATTACKS_KING;
                             if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[color]) != 0)
                                 kingDefense[color] += ROOK_DEFENDS_KING;
                             if ((pieceAttacks & board.pawns & others & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                                 attacks[color] += ROOK_ATTACKS_PU_P;
                             if ((pieceAttacks & (board.bishops | board.knights) & others & ~otherPawnAttacks)
                                  != 0)
                                 attacks[color] += ROOK_ATTACKS_PU_BK;
                             if ((pieceAttacks & board.queens & others) != 0)
                                 attacks[color] += ROOK_ATTACKS_Q;
                             superiorPieceAttacked[color] |= pieceAttacks & others & board.queens;
                             pieceAttacksXray = bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all & ~(pieceAttacks & others)
                                 ) & ~pieceAttacks;
                             if ((pieceAttacksXray & (board.queens | board.kings) & others) != 0)
                                 attacks[color] += PINNED_PIECE;
                             auxLong = (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.b_u : BitboardUtils.b_d);
                             if ((square & auxLong) != 0 && (others & board.kings & auxLong) != 0)
                                 positional[color] += ROOK_8_KING_8;
                             if ((square & (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.r2_u : BitboardUtils.r2_d)) != 0 & (others
                                  & (board.kings | board.pawns) & (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.b2_u : BitboardUtils.b2_d
                                 )) != 0)
                                 positional[color] += ROOK_7_KP_78;
                                 if ((others & board.kings & auxLong) != 0 && (pieceAttacks & others & (board.queens
                                      | board.rooks) & (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.r2_u : BitboardUtils.r2_d)) != 0)
                                     positional[color] += ROOK_7_P_78_K_8_RQ_7;
                             if ((square & (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.r3_u : BitboardUtils.r3_d)) != 0 & (others
                                  & (board.kings | board.pawns) & (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.b3_u : BitboardUtils.b3_d
                                 )) != 0)
                                 positional[color] += ROOK_6_KP_678;
                             auxLong = BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] & BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank];
                             if ((auxLong & board.pawns & mines) == 0)
                                 positional[color] += ROOK_COLUMN_SEMIOPEN;
                                 if ((auxLong & board.pawns) == 0)
                                     if ((auxLong & minorPiecesDefendedByPawns[1 - color]) == 0)
                                         positional[color] += ROOK_COLUMN_OPEN_NO_MG;
                                         if ((auxLong & minorPiecesDefendedByPawns[1 - color] & pawnCanAttack[color]) == 0)
                                             positional[color] += ROOK_COLUMN_OPEN_MG_NP;
                                             positional[color] += ROOK_COLUMN_OPEN_MG_P;
                                     // There is an opposite backward pawn
                                     if ((auxLong & board.pawns & others & pawnCanAttack[1 - color]) == 0)
                                         positional[color] += ROOK_COLUMN_SEMIOPEN_BP;
                                 if ((auxLong & board.kings & others) != 0)
                                     positional[color] += ROOK_COLUMN_SEMIOPEN_K;
                             // Rook Outpost: no opposite pawns can attack the square and defended by one of our pawns
                             if ((square & OUTPOST_MASK[color] & ~pawnCanAttack[1 - color] & pawnAttacks[color
                                 ]) != 0)
                                 positional[color] += ROOK_OUTPOST;
                                 // Attacks squares near king or other pieces pawn undefended
                                 if ((pieceAttacks & (squaresNearKing[1 - color] | others) & ~otherPawnAttacks) !=
                                     positional[color] += ROOK_OUTPOST_ATT_NK_PU;
                             if ((square & board.queens) != 0)
                                 material[color] += QUEEN;
                                 center[color] += queenIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                                 mobility[color] += QUEEN_M * BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & ~mines & ~otherPawnAttacks
                                 if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[1 - color] & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                                     kingSafety[color] += QUEEN_ATTACKS_KING;
                                 if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[color]) != 0)
                                     kingDefense[color] += QUEEN_DEFENDS_KING;
                                 if ((pieceAttacks & others & ~otherPawnAttacks) != 0)
                                     attacks[color] += QUEEN_ATTACKS_PU;
                                 pieceAttacksXray = (bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all & ~(pieceAttacks & others
                                     )) | bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(index, all & ~(pieceAttacks & others))) & ~pieceAttacks;
                                 if ((pieceAttacksXray & board.kings & others) != 0)
                                     attacks[color] += PINNED_PIECE;
                                 auxLong = (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.b_u : BitboardUtils.b_d);
                                 auxLong2 = (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.r2_u : BitboardUtils.r2_d);
                                 if ((square & auxLong2) != 0 && (others & (board.kings | board.pawns) & (auxLong
                                     | auxLong2)) != 0)
                                     attacks[color] += QUEEN_7_KP_78;
                                     if ((board.rooks & mines & auxLong2 & pieceAttacks) != 0 && (board.kings & others
                                          & auxLong) != 0)
                                         positional[color] += QUEEN_7_P_78_K_8_R_7;
                                 if ((square & board.kings) != 0)
                                     center[color] += kingIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                                     // If king is in the first rank, we add the pawn shield
                                     if ((square & (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.RANK[0] : BitboardUtils.RANK[7])) != 0)
                                         kingDefense[color] += KING_PAWN_SHIELD * BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & mines
                                              & board.pawns);
         square <<= 1;
     // Ponder opening and Endgame value depending of the non-pawn pieces:
     // opening=> gamephase = 255 / ending => gamephase ~= 0
     int gamePhase = ((material[0] + material[1]) << 8) / 5000;
     if (gamePhase > 256)
         gamePhase = 256;
     // Security
     int value = 0;
     // First Material
     value += pawnMaterial[0] - pawnMaterial[1] + material[0] - material[1];
     // Tempo
     value += (board.GetTurn() ? TEMPO : -TEMPO);
     int oe = config.GetEvalCenter() * (center[0] - center[1]) + config.GetEvalPositional
         () * (positional[0] - positional[1]) + config.GetEvalAttacks() * (attacks[0] - attacks
         [1]) + config.GetEvalMobility() * (mobility[0] - mobility[1]) + config.GetEvalPawnStructure
         () * (pawnStructure[0] - pawnStructure[1]) + config.GetEvalPassedPawns() * (passedPawns
         [0] - passedPawns[1]) + config.GetEvalKingSafety() * (kingDefense[0] - kingDefense
         [1]) + config.GetEvalKingSafety() * (KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount[0]] *
          kingSafety[0] - KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount[1]] * kingSafety[1]) + config
         .GetEvalAttacks() * ((BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked[0]) >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES
          : 0) - (BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked[1]) >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0
     value += (gamePhase * O(oe)) / (256 * 100);
     // divide by 256
     value += ((256 - gamePhase) * E(oe)) / (256 * 100);
     if (debug)
         logger.Debug("\n" + board.ToString());
         logger.Debug("materialValue          = " + (material[0] - material[1]));
         logger.Debug("pawnMaterialValue      = " + (pawnMaterial[0] - pawnMaterial[1]));
         logger.Debug("centerOpening          = " + O(center[0] - center[1]));
         logger.Debug("centerEndgame          = " + E(center[0] - center[1]));
         logger.Debug("positionalOpening      = " + O(positional[0] - positional[1]));
         logger.Debug("positionalEndgame      = " + E(positional[0] - positional[1]));
         logger.Debug("attacksO 				 = " + O(attacks[0] - attacks[1]));
         logger.Debug("attacksE 				 = " + E(attacks[0] - attacks[1]));
         logger.Debug("mobilityO              = " + O(mobility[0] - mobility[1]));
         logger.Debug("mobilityE              = " + E(mobility[0] - mobility[1]));
         logger.Debug("pawnsO                 = " + O(pawnStructure[0] - pawnStructure[1])
         logger.Debug("pawnsE                 = " + E(pawnStructure[0] - pawnStructure[1])
         logger.Debug("passedPawnsO           = " + O(passedPawns[0] - passedPawns[1]));
         logger.Debug("passedPawnsE           = " + E(passedPawns[0] - passedPawns[1]));
         logger.Debug("kingSafetyValueO       = " + O(KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount
             [0]] * kingSafety[0] - KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount[1]] * kingSafety[1]
         logger.Debug("kingSafetyValueE       = " + E(KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount
             [0]] * kingSafety[0] - KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount[1]] * kingSafety[1]
         logger.Debug("kingDefenseO           = " + O(kingDefense[0] - kingDefense[1]));
         logger.Debug("kingDefenseE           = " + E(kingDefense[0] - kingDefense[1]));
         logger.Debug("HungPiecesO 		     = " + O((BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked
             [0]) >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0) - (BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked[1])
              >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0)));
         logger.Debug("HungPiecesE 		     = " + O((BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked
             [0]) >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0) - (BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked[1])
              >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0)));
         logger.Debug("gamePhase              = " + gamePhase);
         logger.Debug("tempo                  = " + (board.GetTurn() ? TEMPO : -TEMPO));
         logger.Debug("value                  = " + value);
     return value;
 // D5
 //        logger.debug("***PAWN");
 //        printPcsq(pawnIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***KNIGHT");
 //        printPcsq(knightIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***BISHOP");
 //        printPcsq(bishopIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***ROOK");
 //        printPcsq(rookIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***QUEEN");
 //        printPcsq(queenIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("***KING");
 //        printPcsq(kingIndexValue);
 //        logger.debug("PCSQ tables generated");
 //    private static void printPcsq(int pcsq[][]) {
 //        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 //        for (int k=0; k<2; k++) {
 //            if (k==0) sb.append("Opening:\n");
 //            else sb.append("Endgame:\n");
 //            for (int i = 0; i<64; i++) {
 //                String aux = "     " + pcsq[i][k];
 //                aux = aux.substring(aux.length()-5);
 //                sb.append(aux);
 //                if (i%8 != 7) {
 //                    sb.append(",");
 //                } else {
 //                    sb.append("\n");
 //                }
 //            }
 //        }
 //        logger.debug(sb.toString());
 //    }
 //    int kingDefense[] = {0,0};
 // Squares attackeds by pawns
 // Squares surrounding King
 public override int EvaluateBoard(Board board, int alpha, int beta)
     all = board.GetAll();
     Arrays.Fill(bishopCount, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(superiorPieceAttacked, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(material, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(pawnMaterial, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(mobility, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(attacks, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(center, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(positional, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(kingAttackersCount, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(kingSafety, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(pawnStructure, 0);
     Arrays.Fill(passedPawns, 0);
     // Squares attackeds by pawns
     pawnAttacks[0] = ((board.pawns & board.whites & ~BitboardUtils.b_l) << 9) | ((board
         .pawns & board.whites & ~BitboardUtils.b_r) << 7);
     pawnAttacks[1] = ((long)(((ulong)(board.pawns & board.blacks & ~BitboardUtils.b_r
         )) >> 9)) | ((long)(((ulong)(board.pawns & board.blacks & ~BitboardUtils.b_l)) >>
     // Squares surrounding King
     squaresNearKing[0] = bbAttacks.king[BitboardUtils.Square2Index(board.whites & board
     squaresNearKing[1] = bbAttacks.king[BitboardUtils.Square2Index(board.blacks & board
     // From material imbalances (Larry Kaufmann):
     // A further refinement would be to raise the knight's value by 1/16 and lower the rook's value by 1/8
     // for each pawn above five of the side being valued, with the opposite adjustment for each pawn short of five
     int whitePawnsCount = BitboardUtils.PopCount(board.pawns & board.whites);
     int blackPawnsCount = BitboardUtils.PopCount(board.pawns & board.blacks);
     knightKaufBonus[0] = KNIGHT_KAUF_BONUS * (whitePawnsCount - 5);
     knightKaufBonus[1] = KNIGHT_KAUF_BONUS * (blackPawnsCount - 5);
     rookKaufBonus[0] = ROOK_KAUF_BONUS * (whitePawnsCount - 5);
     rookKaufBonus[1] = ROOK_KAUF_BONUS * (blackPawnsCount - 5);
     square = 1;
     index = 0;
     while (square != 0)
         isWhite = ((board.whites & square) != 0);
         color = (isWhite ? 0 : 1);
         mines = (isWhite ? board.whites : board.blacks);
         others = (isWhite ? board.blacks : board.whites);
         pcsqIndex = (isWhite ? index : 63 - index);
         if ((square & all) != 0)
             int rank = index >> 3;
             int column = 7 - index & 7;
             if ((square & board.pawns) != 0)
                 pawnMaterial[color] += PAWN;
                 center[color] += pawnIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                 pieceAttacks = (isWhite ? bbAttacks.pawnUpwards[index] : bbAttacks.pawnDownwards[
                 superiorPieceAttacked[color] |= pieceAttacks & others & (board.knights | board.bishops
                      | board.rooks | board.queens);
                 if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[1 - color]) != 0)
                     kingSafety[color] += PAWN_ATTACKS_KING;
                 // Doubled pawn detection
                 if ((BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] & BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank] & board
                     .pawns & mines) != square)
                     pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_DOUBLED;
                 // Blocked Pawn
                 //					boolean blocked = ((isWhite ? (square<< 8)  : (square >>> 8)) & others) != 0;
                 //					if (blocked) pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_BLOCKED;
                 // Backwards Pawn
                 //					if (((BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] | BitboardUtils.COLUMNS_ADJACENTS[column]) & ~BitboardUtils.RANKS_FORWARD[color][rank] & board.pawns & mines) == 0)
                 //						pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_BACKWARD;
                 // Passed Pawn
                 if (((BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column] | BitboardUtils.COLUMNS_ADJACENTS[column]) & (
                     isWhite ? BitboardUtils.RANKS_UPWARDS[rank] : BitboardUtils.RANKS_DOWNWARDS[rank
                     ]) & board.pawns & others) == 0)
                     passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     if ((square & pawnAttacks[color]) != 0)
                         passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER_SUPPORT[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)];
                     passedPawns[color] += PAWN_PASSER_KING_D[(isWhite ? rank : 7 - rank)] * BitboardUtils
                         .Distance(index, BitboardUtils.Square2Index(board.kings & others));
                 // Isolated pawn
                 bool isolated = (BitboardUtils.COLUMNS_ADJACENTS[column] & board.pawns & mines) ==
                 if (isolated)
                     pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_ISOLATED;
                 long auxLong;
                 long auxLong2;
                 bool weak = !isolated && (pawnAttacks[color] & square) == 0;
                 //						&& pcsqIndex >= 24
                 // not defended is weak and only if over rank 2
                 if (weak)
                     // Can be defended advancing one square
                     auxLong = (isWhite ? bbAttacks.pawnDownwards[color] : bbAttacks.pawnUpwards[color
                         ]) & ~pawnAttacks[1 - color] & ~all;
                     while (auxLong != 0)
                         // Not attacked by other pawn and empty
                         auxLong2 = BitboardUtils.Lsb(auxLong);
                         auxLong &= ~auxLong2;
                         auxLong2 = isWhite ? (long)(((ulong)auxLong2) >> 8) : auxLong2 << 8;
                         if ((auxLong2 & mines & board.pawns) != 0)
                             weak = false;
                             // Defended advancing one pawn two squares
                             if ((auxLong2 & all) == 0)
                                 // empty square
                                 auxLong2 = (isWhite ? (long)(((ulong)auxLong2) >> 8) : auxLong2 << 8);
                                 if (((isWhite ? BitboardUtils.RANK[1] : BitboardUtils.RANK[6]) & auxLong2 & board
                                     .pawns & mines) != 0)
                                     weak = false;
                     if (weak)
                         // Can advance to be supported
                         auxLong = (isWhite ? square << 8 : (long)(((ulong)square) >> 8)) & ~pawnAttacks[1
                              - color] & ~all;
                         if (auxLong != 0)
                             if ((auxLong & pawnAttacks[color]) != 0)
                                 weak = false;
                                 // Checks advancing two squares if in initial position
                                 if (((isWhite ? BitboardUtils.RANK[1] : BitboardUtils.RANK[6]) & square) != 0)
                                     auxLong = (isWhite ? square << 16 : (long)(((ulong)square) >> 16)) & ~pawnAttacks
                                         [1 - color] & ~all;
                                     if ((auxLong & pawnAttacks[color]) != 0)
                                         weak = false;
                 if (weak)
                     pawnStructure[color] += PAWN_WEAK;
                 //					if (weak) {
                 //						System.out.println("weak pawn: \n" + board.toString());
                 //						System.out.println("square: \n" + BitboardUtils.toString(square));
                 //					}
                 if ((square & board.knights) != 0)
                     material[color] += KNIGHT + knightKaufBonus[color];
                     center[color] += knightIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                     pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.knight[index];
                     auxInt = BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & ~mines & ~pawnAttacks[1 - color])
                         - KNIGHT_M_UNITS;
                     mobility[color] += KNIGHT_M * auxInt;
                     if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[color]) != 0)
                         kingSafety[color] += KNIGHT_ATTACKS_KING;
                     superiorPieceAttacked[color] |= pieceAttacks & others & (board.rooks | board.queens
                     // Knight outpost: no opposite pawns can attack the square and is defended by one of our pawns
                     if (((BitboardUtils.COLUMNS_ADJACENTS[column] & (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.RANKS_UPWARDS
                         [rank] : BitboardUtils.RANKS_DOWNWARDS[rank]) & board.pawns & others) == 0) && (
                         ((isWhite ? bbAttacks.pawnDownwards[index] : bbAttacks.pawnUpwards[index]) & board
                         .pawns & mines) != 0))
                         positional[color] += KNIGTH_OUTPOST[pcsqIndex];
                     if ((square & board.bishops) != 0)
                         material[color] += BISHOP;
                         if (bishopCount[color]++ == 2)
                             material[color] += BISHOP_PAIR;
                         center[color] += bishopIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                         pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(index, all);
                         auxInt = BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & ~mines & ~pawnAttacks[1 - color])
                             - BISHOP_M_UNITS;
                         mobility[color] += BISHOP_M * auxInt;
                         if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[1 - color]) != 0)
                             kingSafety[color] += BISHOP_ATTACKS_KING;
                         pieceAttacksXray = bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(index, all & ~(pieceAttacks & others
                             )) & ~pieceAttacks;
                         if ((pieceAttacksXray & (board.rooks | board.queens | board.kings) & others) != 0)
                             attacks[color] += PINNED_PIECE;
                         superiorPieceAttacked[color] |= pieceAttacks & others & (board.rooks | board.queens
                         if ((BISHOP_TRAPPING[index] & board.pawns & others) != 0)
                             mobility[color] += BISHOP_TRAPPED;
                         if ((square & board.rooks) != 0)
                             material[color] += ROOK + rookKaufBonus[color];
                             center[color] += rookIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                             pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all);
                             auxInt = BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & ~mines & ~pawnAttacks[1 - color])
                                 - ROOK_M_UNITS;
                             mobility[color] += ROOK_M * auxInt;
                             pieceAttacksXray = bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all & ~(pieceAttacks & others)
                                 ) & ~pieceAttacks;
                             if ((pieceAttacksXray & (board.queens | board.kings) & others) != 0)
                                 attacks[color] += PINNED_PIECE;
                             if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[1 - color]) != 0)
                                 kingSafety[color] += ROOK_ATTACKS_KING;
                             superiorPieceAttacked[color] |= pieceAttacks & others & board.queens;
                             if ((pieceAttacks & mines & (board.rooks)) != 0)
                                 positional[color] += ROOK_CONNECT;
                             pieceAttacks = BitboardUtils.COLUMN[column];
                             if ((pieceAttacks & board.pawns) == 0)
                                 positional[color] += ROOK_COLUMN_OPEN;
                                 if ((pieceAttacks & board.pawns & mines) == 0)
                                     positional[color] += ROOK_COLUMN_SEMIOPEN;
                             if ((square & board.queens) != 0)
                                 center[color] += queenIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                                 material[color] += QUEEN;
                                 pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all) | bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(
                                     index, all);
                                 auxInt = BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & ~mines & ~pawnAttacks[1 - color])
                                     - QUEEN_M_UNITS;
                                 mobility[color] += QUEEN_M * auxInt;
                                 if ((pieceAttacks & squaresNearKing[1 - color]) != 0)
                                     kingSafety[color] += QUEEN_ATTACKS_KING;
                                 pieceAttacksXray = (bbAttacks.GetRookAttacks(index, all & ~(pieceAttacks & others
                                     )) | bbAttacks.GetBishopAttacks(index, all & ~(pieceAttacks & others))) & ~pieceAttacks;
                                 if ((pieceAttacksXray & board.kings & others) != 0)
                                     attacks[color] += PINNED_PIECE;
                                 if ((square & board.kings) != 0)
                                     pieceAttacks = bbAttacks.king[index];
                                     center[color] += kingIndexValue[pcsqIndex];
                                     // TODO
                                     if ((square & (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.RANK[1] : BitboardUtils.RANK[7])) != 0)
                                         positional[color] += KING_PAWN_NEAR * BitboardUtils.PopCount(pieceAttacks & mines
                                              & board.pawns);
         square <<= 1;
     // Ponder opening and Endgame value depending of the non-pawn pieces:
     // opening=> gamephase = 255 / ending => gamephase ~= 0
     int gamePhase = ((material[0] + material[1]) << 8) / 5000;
     if (gamePhase > 256)
         gamePhase = 256;
     // Security
     int value = 0;
     // First Material
     value += pawnMaterial[0] - pawnMaterial[1] + material[0] - material[1];
     // Tempo
     value += (board.GetTurn() ? TEMPO : -TEMPO);
     int oe = config.GetEvalCenter() * (center[0] - center[1]) + config.GetEvalPositional
         () * (positional[0] - positional[1]) + config.GetEvalAttacks() * (attacks[0] - attacks
         [1]) + config.GetEvalMobility() * (mobility[0] - mobility[1]) + config.GetEvalPawnStructure
         () * (pawnStructure[0] - pawnStructure[1]) + config.GetEvalPassedPawns() * (passedPawns
         [0] - passedPawns[1]) + (config.GetEvalKingSafety() / 8) * ((KING_SAFETY_PONDER[
         kingAttackersCount[0]] * kingSafety[0] - KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount[1
         ]] * kingSafety[1])) + config.GetEvalAttacks() * ((BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked
         [0]) >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0) - (BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked[1])
          >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0));
     // Divide by eight
     value += (gamePhase * O(oe)) / (256 * 100);
     // divide by 256
     value += ((256 - gamePhase) * E(oe)) / (256 * 100);
     if (debug)
         logger.Debug("\n" + board.ToString());
         logger.Debug("materialValue          = " + (material[0] - material[1]));
         logger.Debug("pawnMaterialValue      = " + (pawnMaterial[0] - pawnMaterial[1]));
         logger.Debug("centerOpening          = " + O(center[0] - center[1]));
         logger.Debug("centerEndgame          = " + E(center[0] - center[1]));
         logger.Debug("positionalOpening      = " + O(positional[0] - positional[1]));
         logger.Debug("positionalEndgame      = " + E(positional[0] - positional[1]));
         logger.Debug("attacksO 				 = " + O(attacks[0] - attacks[1]));
         logger.Debug("attacksE 				 = " + E(attacks[0] - attacks[1]));
         logger.Debug("mobilityO              = " + O(mobility[0] - mobility[1]));
         logger.Debug("mobilityE              = " + E(mobility[0] - mobility[1]));
         logger.Debug("pawnsO                 = " + O(pawnStructure[0] - pawnStructure[1])
         logger.Debug("pawnsE                 = " + E(pawnStructure[0] - pawnStructure[1])
         logger.Debug("passedPawnsO           = " + O(passedPawns[0] - passedPawns[1]));
         logger.Debug("passedPawnsE           = " + E(passedPawns[0] - passedPawns[1]));
         logger.Debug("kingSafetyValueO       = " + O(KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount
             [0]] * kingSafety[0] - KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount[1]] * kingSafety[1]
         logger.Debug("kingSafetyValueE       = " + E(KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount
             [0]] * kingSafety[0] - KING_SAFETY_PONDER[kingAttackersCount[1]] * kingSafety[1]
         logger.Debug("HungPiecesO 		     = " + O((BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked
             [0]) >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0) - (BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked[1])
              >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0)));
         logger.Debug("HungPiecesE 		     = " + O((BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked
             [0]) >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0) - (BitboardUtils.PopCount(superiorPieceAttacked[1])
              >= 2 ? HUNG_PIECES : 0)));
         logger.Debug("gamePhase              = " + gamePhase);
         logger.Debug("tempo                  = " + (board.GetTurn() ? TEMPO : -TEMPO));
         logger.Debug("value                  = " + value);
     return value;