void bttnMain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selection.SelectedCount == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values)) { Common.setMessageBox("No Selection Made for Printing of Receipts", Program.ApplicationName, 3); return; } else { if (Program.stateCode == "20") { if (radioGroup1.EditValue == null) { Common.setMessageBox("Receipt Printing Options", Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { using ( FrmMainFest frmMainFest = new FrmMainFest(strCollectionReportID, values, criteria2, false, Convert.ToInt32(radioGroup1.EditValue)) { IDList = strCollectionReportID }) { frmMainFest.ShowDialog(); } } } else { using ( FrmMainFest frmMainFest = new FrmMainFest(strCollectionReportID, values, criteria2, false) { IDList = strCollectionReportID }) { frmMainFest.ShowDialog(); } } } //using (FrmMainFest frmMainFest = new FrmMainFest(strCollectionReportID, values, criteria2, false) { IDList = strCollectionReportID }) //{ // frmMainFest.ShowDialog(); //} }
//private void GridView3_CustomColumnDisplayText(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CustomColumnDisplayTextEventArgs e) //{ // DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn Col = e.Column; // if (Col.Name == "colSN") // { // without " before and after yourColName // if (e.ListSourceRowIndex >= 0) // { // e.DisplayText = (e.ListSourceRowIndex + 1).ToString(); // } // } //} void btnMain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selection.SelectedCount == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values)) { Common.setMessageBox("No Selection Made for Printing of Receipts", Program.ApplicationName, 3); return; } else { using (FrmMainFest frmMainFest = new FrmMainFest(strCollectionReportID, values, criteria2, false) { IDList = strCollectionReportID }) { frmMainFest.ShowDialog(); } } }
void btnMain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dtn == null) { Common.setMessageBox("No Records Printing of Receipts", Program.ApplicationName, 3); return; } else { using (FrmMainFest frmMainFest = new FrmMainFest(strCollectionReportID, values, criteria2, false) { IDList = strCollectionReportID }) { frmMainFest.ShowDialog(); } gridControl4.Enabled = false; } }
public FrmMainFest() { InitializeComponent(); publicInstance = this; publicStreetGroup = this; setImages(); ToolStripEvent(); iTransType = TransactionTypeCode.New; //Load += OnFormLoad; gbj = 0; SetReload(); btnApply.Click += btnApply_Click; btnPrint.Click += btnPrint_Click; if (Program.UserID == "" || Program.UserID == null) { user = "******"; } else { user = Program.UserID; } //generate number BatchNumber = String.Format("{0:d9}", (DateTime.Now.Ticks / 10) % 1000000000); }
void bttn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sender == btnConfirm) { //loop the TableLayoutCellPaintEventArgs if reason is empty foreach (DataRow row in dtget.Rows) { if ((row["Reasons"] is DBNull) || (row["Reasons"] == "") || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(row["Reasons"])))) { isEmpty = true; Common.setMessageBox("Reason Can't be Empty", "Request Sending", 2); break; } else { using (WaitDialogForm form = new WaitDialogForm("Application Working...,Please Wait...", "Sending Request")) { try { using (var receiptsserv = new ReceiptService()) { dsreturn = receiptsserv.LogReceiptsReprintRequest((string)row["ReceiptNo"], (string)row["PaymentRefNumber"], string.Empty, Program.UserID, (string)row["Reasons"], "NONE", string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, Program.stationCode); } isEmpty = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Common.setMessageBox(string.Format("{0}----{1}..Sending Request Reprint of Receipt Failed", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace), Program.ApplicationName, 3); return; } } } } if (!isEmpty) { //get return message from online if (dsreturn.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnmessage"].ToString() == "-1") { Common.setMessageBox(dsreturn.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnmessage1"].ToString(), Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("UpdateRequestSent", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@status", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = "Sent"; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@tblCollectionReport_Temp", SqlDbType.Structured)).Value = dtget; System.Data.DataSet response = new System.Data.DataSet(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(response); connect.Close(); if (response.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() != "00") { Common.setMessageBox(response.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnMessage"].ToString(), "Manifest", 2); return; } else { Common.setMessageBox("Request Sent for Approval..", Program.ApplicationName, 1); Common.setMessageBox("Call your Admin Office for Record Aproval..,Click on Get Record Approval to get Record", Program.ApplicationName, 1); } } return; } } } else if (sender == btnMain) { using (FrmMainFest frmMainFest = new FrmMainFest(strCollectionReportID, criteria3, criteria2, true) { IDList = strCollectionReportID }) { frmMainFest.ShowDialog(); } } else if (sender == btnPrint) { if (selection.SelectedCount == 0) { Common.setMessageBox("No Selection Made for Printing of Receipts", Program.ApplicationName, 3); return; } else { //criteria3 = GetPayRef(); using (SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { SqlTransaction transaction; db.Open(); transaction = db.BeginTransaction(); try { using (System.Data.DataSet dds = new System.Data.DataSet("DsCollectionReport")) { SqlDataAdapter ada; using (WaitDialogForm form = new WaitDialogForm()) { string strFormat = null; query = string.Format("SELECT [ID] , [Provider] , [Channel] ,[PaymentRefNumber] , [DepositSlipNumber] , CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(DATETime,[PaymentDate])) AS PaymentDate,[PayerID] , UPPER([PayerName]) AS [PayerName], [Amount] ,[PaymentMethod] ,[ChequeNumber] ,[ChequeValueDate] ,[ChequeStatus] ,[DateChequeReturned] ,[TelephoneNumber] ,[ReceiptNo] ,[ReceiptDate] ,UPPER([PayerAddress]) as [PayerAddress] ,[Status] ,[User] ,[RevenueCode] ,[Description] , [ChequeBankCode] ,[ChequeBankName] ,[AgencyName] ,[AgencyCode] ,[BankCode] ,[BankName] ,[BranchCode] ,[BranchName] ,[ZoneCode] ,[ZoneName] ,[Username] ,[State] ,[AmountWords] ,[URL] ,[EReceipts] ,[EReceiptsDate] ,[GeneratedBy] ,[DateValidatedAgainst] ,[DateDiff] ,[UploadStatus] ,[PrintedBY] ,[DatePrinted] ,[ControlNumber] ,[BatchNumber] ,[StationCode] ,(Select StationName from tblStation2 WHERE tblStation2.StationCode = tblCollectionReport.[StationCode]) AS StationName from tblCollectionReport WHERE RevenueCode NOT IN (SELECT RevenueCode FROM [tblPrintingRevenueCode]) AND PaymentRefNumber IN (SELECT PaymentRefNumber FROM [tblReceipt] where sentby ='{0}' AND Isprinted=0) AND EReceipts IN (SELECT ReceiptNo FROM [tblReceipt]) ORDER BY tblCollectionReport.StationCode , tblCollectionReport.AgencyCode ,tblCollectionReport.RevenueCode,tblCollectionReport.EReceipts", Program.UserID); DataTable Dt = dds.Tables.Add("CollectionReportTable"); ada = new SqlDataAdapter(query, Logic.ConnectionString); ada.Fill(dds, "CollectionReportTable"); Logic.ProcessDataTable(Dt);; strCollectionReportID = strFormat; } XRepReceipt recportRec = new XRepReceipt { DataSource = dds /*recportRec.DataAdapter = ada;*/, DataMember = "CollectionReportTable" }; recportRec.logoPath = Logic.singaturepth; recportRec.ShowPreviewDialog(); } } catch (SqlException sqlError) { //transaction.Rollback(); Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(sqlError); } catch (Exception ex) { Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(ex); } db.Close(); } btnMain.Enabled = true; btnPrint.Enabled = false; //btnSearch.Enabled = false; gridControl4.Enabled = false; //Common.setMessageBox(convert.tostring(DateTime.Now), Program.ApplicationName, 1); //ask if the print was sucessfull DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(" Is Receipt Printing Successful ?", Program.ApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { //update the collection table by seting the isprinted to true using (SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { SqlTransaction transaction; db.Open(); transaction = db.BeginTransaction(); try { string query1 = String.Format("UPDATE tblCollectionReport SET isPrinted=1,IsPrintedDate= '{0:MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt}',PrintedBY='{1}' WHERE PaymentRefNumber IN (SELECT PaymentRefNumber FROM [tblReceipt] where SentBy='{1}')", DateTime.Now, Program.UserID); using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(query1, db, transaction)) { sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(ex); return; } transaction.Commit(); db.Close(); } } // //} // //else // //{ // // return; // //} } //else // return; } else if (sender == btnGet) { try { using (var receiptsserv = new ReceiptService()) { dsGetapp = receiptsserv.GetReceiptReprintApproved(Program.stationCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.setMessageBox(ex.StackTrace + ex.Message.ToString(), "Error", 3); return; } if (dsGetapp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnmessage"].ToString() == "-1") { Common.setMessageBox(dsGetapp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnmessage1"].ToString(), Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { if (dsGetapp.Tables.Count == 0 || dsGetapp.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1) { Common.setMessageBox("No records have been approval yet", "Get Approval Record", 1); return; } else { using (WaitDialogForm form = new WaitDialogForm("Application Working...,Please Wait...", "Getting Approval Records")) { //insert record into collection dstretval = InsertData(dsGetapp); //send return data online for update try { using (var receiptsserv = new ReceiptService()) { dsGetappup = receiptsserv.UpdateReceiptReprintApproved(dstretval); } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (dsGetappup.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { iTransType = TransactionTypeCode.Edit; voidgetRec(dstretval); OnFormLoad(null, null); return; } else { Common.setMessageBox(string.Format("Error Updating Approval Record, {0}...", dsGetappup.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnMessage"]), Program.ApplicationName, 3); return; } } } } } }