         * The initialise method fills the drink list with drinks.  It first attempts to do this
         * using a database, but failing that, uses hardcoded default drinks
        private void initialise()
            bool success = false;

            //Test code for entering values into the database:
            //string query = "INSERT INTO drinks (idDrinks, DrinksName, DrinksDesc, DrinksType,DrinksPrice, UsesWater, IsCarbonated, CountSugar, CountMilk, CountCoffee) VALUES('001', 'Carbonated Water', 'A nice cold glass of carbonated water.', '0', '02.00', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0')";

            //Fill the drink list from the database
            if (drinkDatabase.fillDictionary())
                myDrinkList = drinkDatabase.DrinkList;

            //If the drink list contains values, the read from database is assumed to have been a success
            if (myDrinkList != null) success = true;

            //If initialising from the database failed, this fills myDrinkList with default values
            if (!success)
                myDrinkList = new Dictionary<int, Drink>();

                //Drink: id, name, desc, type, price, water use, carbonation, sugar amount, milk amount
                Drink coldWater = new Drink
                    (000, "Cold Water", "A nice cold glass of water.", 0, 01.00m, 1, false, 0, 0);
                myDrinkList.Add(000, coldWater);
                Drink carbonatedWater = new Drink
                    (001, "Carbonated Water", "A nice cold glass of carbonated water.", 0, 02.00m, 1, true, 0, 0);
                myDrinkList.Add(001, carbonatedWater);
                Drink hotWater = new Drink
                    (002, "Tea", "A nice hot cup of tea water.", 0, 05.00m, 2, false, 0, 0);
                myDrinkList.Add(002, hotWater);
                Drink milk = new Drink
                    (003, "Milk", "A nice cold glass of milk.", 0, 05.00m, 0, false, 0, 1);
                myDrinkList.Add(003, milk);

                //Coffee: id, name, desc, type, price, water use, carbonation, sugar amount, milk amount, coffee amount
                Coffee blackCoffee = new Coffee
                    (010, "Black Coffee", "A steaming cup of black coffee.", 1, 10.00m, 2, false, 0, 0, 1);
                myDrinkList.Add(010, blackCoffee);
                Coffee sugarCoffee = new Coffee
                    (011, "Coffee with Sugar", "A steaming cup of coffee with added sugar.", 1, 15.00m, 2, false, 1, 0, 1);
                myDrinkList.Add(011, sugarCoffee);
                Coffee milkCoffee = new Coffee
                    (012, "Coffee with Milk", "A steaming cup of coffee with added milk.", 1, 15.00m, 2, false, 0, 1, 1);
                myDrinkList.Add(012, milkCoffee);
                Coffee milkSugarCoffee = new Coffee
                    (013, "House Coffee", "A steaming cup of coffee with added sugar and milk.", 1, 20.00m, 2, false, 1, 1, 1);
                myDrinkList.Add(013, milkSugarCoffee);
         * The fillDictionary method fills the Dictionary myDrinkList with data from the
         * database.
        public bool fillDictionary()
            string query = "SELECT * FROM drinks";

            //Open connection
            if (this.OpenConnection() == true)
                myDrinkList = new Dictionary<int, Drink>();

                //Create Command
                MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, connection);
                //Create a data reader and Execute the command
                MySqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                DataTable tableDrinks = new DataTable();

                foreach (DataRow row in tableDrinks.Rows)
                    int id = (int)row["idDrinks"];
                    string name = (string)row["DrinksName"];
                    string desc = (string)row["DrinksDesc"];
                    int type = (int)row["DrinksType"];
                    decimal price = (decimal)row["DrinksPrice"];
                    int water = (int)row["UsesWater"];
                    int carbo = (int)row["IsCarbonated"];
                    int sugar = (int)row["CountSugar"];
                    int milk = (int)row["CountMilk"];
                    int coffee = (int)row["CountCoffee"];

                    bool bCarbo = false;
                    Drink tempDrink = null;
                    Coffee tempCoffee = null;
                    if (carbo > 0) bCarbo = true;

                    if (type == 0)
                        tempDrink = new Drink(id, name, desc, type, price, water, bCarbo, sugar, milk);
                        myDrinkList.Add(id, tempDrink);
                        tempCoffee = new Coffee(id, name, desc, type, price, water, bCarbo, sugar, milk, coffee);
                        myDrinkList.Add(id, tempCoffee);

                //close Data Reader

                //close Connection

                return true;

            return false;