public WheelAlignment(WheelAlignmentGUI _waGUI)
            //Sign Convention is same as that mentioned in the Optimum Kinematics File

            WADataTable = _waGUI.WADataTableGUI;

            #region Static Camber and Toe Initialization
            StaticCamber  = _waGUI._StaticCamber /** (Math.PI / 180)*/;
            StaticToe     = _waGUI._StaticToe /** (Math.PI / 180)*/;
            SteeringRatio = _waGUI._SteeringRatio;
        public void CreateNewWheelAlignment(int l_create_wa, WheelAlignmentGUI create_waGUI_list)
            ///This section of the code creates a new tire and addes it to the List of tire objects

            #region Adding the new Wheel Alignment object to the list of Wheel Alignment objects
            WheelAlignmentGUI waGUI = create_waGUI_list;
            Assy_List_WA.Insert(l_create_wa, new WheelAlignment(waGUI));
            Assy_List_WA[l_create_wa]._WAName                     = "WA " + Convert.ToString(l_create_wa + 1);
            Assy_List_WA[l_create_wa].WheelAlignmentID            = l_create_wa + 1;
            Assy_List_WA[l_create_wa]._UndocommandsWheelAlignment = new Stack <ICommand>();
            Assy_List_WA[l_create_wa]._RedocommandsWheelAlignment = new Stack <ICommand>();
        public void ModifyObjectData(int l_modify_wa, object modify_wa_list, bool redo_Identifier)
            ///In this section of the code, the tire is bring modified and it is placed under the method called Execute because it is an Undoable operation

            #region Editing the Wheel Alignment Object
            WheelAlignment wa_list;

            if (redo_Identifier == false)
                wa_list = new WheelAlignment((WheelAlignmentGUI)modify_wa_list);
                wa_list = (WheelAlignment)modify_wa_list;

            ICommand cmd = Assy_List_WA[l_modify_wa];

            wa_list._UndocommandsWheelAlignment = Assy_List_WA[l_modify_wa]._UndocommandsWheelAlignment;
            wa_list._RedocommandsWheelAlignment = Assy_List_WA[l_modify_wa]._RedocommandsWheelAlignment;
            wa_list._WAName = Assy_List_WA[l_modify_wa]._WAName;

            Assy_List_WA[l_modify_wa]                          = wa_list;
            Assy_List_WA[l_modify_wa].WADataTable              = wa_list.WADataTable;
            Assy_List_WA[l_modify_wa].WheelAlignmentID         = l_modify_wa + 1;
            Assy_List_WA[l_modify_wa].WheelAlignmentIsModified = true;


            if (redo_Identifier == false)


            Kinematics_Software_New.WA_ModifyInVehicle(l_modify_wa, Assy_List_WA[l_modify_wa]);

        public void Undo_ModifyObjectData(int l_unexcute_wa, ICommand command)
            /// This code is to undo the modification action which the user has performed
            /// </summary>

                #region Undo the wheel alignment modification
                ICommand cmd = Assy_List_WA[l_unexcute_wa];

                Assy_List_WA[l_unexcute_wa] = (WheelAlignment)command;



                Kinematics_Software_New.WA_ModifyInVehicle(l_unexcute_wa, Assy_List_WA[l_unexcute_wa]);

            catch (Exception) { }