/// <summary>
        /// Converts a FavoritesNode into the corresponding XBEL xml-element, depending on its type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="favoritesNode">FavoritesNode instance to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>XBEL XmlElement (folder or bookmark)</returns>
        private XmlElement Transform(FavoritesNode favoritesNode)
            XmlElement result;

            if (favoritesNode.NodeType == FavoritesNodeType.Folder)
                // create a 'folder' element with the attibutes 'id', 'folded' and 'added'
                result = xmlDocument.CreateElement("folder");
                result.SetAttribute("folded", "yes");
                result.SetAttribute("added", FormatDate(DateTime.Now));
                // add a 'title' child element
                result.AppendChild(xmlDocument.CreateElement(titleElementName)).InnerText = favoritesNode.DisplayName;
                // add the nested children
                foreach (FavoritesNode childNode in favoritesNode)
                // create a 'bookmark' element with the attributes 'id', 'href' and 'modified'
                result = xmlDocument.CreateElement("bookmark");
                result.SetAttribute("href", favoritesNode.Url);
                result.SetAttribute("modified", FormatDate(favoritesNode.ModifiedTime));
                result.AppendChild(xmlDocument.CreateElement(titleElementName)).InnerText       = favoritesNode.DisplayName;
                result.AppendChild(xmlDocument.CreateElement(descriptionElementName)).InnerText = "";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Converts the passed FavoritesNode instance into an XBEL formatted XmlDocument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="favoritesNode">FavoritesNode instance to convert into XBEL</param>
        private XBELConverter(FavoritesNode favoritesNode)
            // reset the id counter
            idCounter   = 0;
            xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

            // header stuff needed for the XBEL file:
            xmlDocument.AppendChild(xmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null));
            xmlDocument.AppendChild(xmlDocument.CreateDocumentType("xbel", "+//IDN python.org//DTD XML Bookmark Exchange Language 1.0//EN//XML", "http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/topics/dtds/xbel-1.0.dtd", null));

            // create the 'xbel' root element with 'id', 'added' and 'version' attributes
            XmlElement rootElement = (XmlElement)xmlDocument.CreateElement("xbel");

            rootElement.SetAttribute("added", FormatDate(DateTime.Now));
            rootElement.SetAttribute("version", "1.0");

            // add the title and description elements to the xbel element. The description could be something more creative
            rootElement.AppendChild(xmlDocument.CreateElement(titleElementName)).InnerText       = "Bookmarks of " + Environment.UserName;
            rootElement.AppendChild(xmlDocument.CreateElement(descriptionElementName)).InnerText = "Description";

            // walk the children of the main favorites node, and add them too
            foreach (FavoritesNode child in favoritesNode)

            // finally attach the root element to the xml document
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FavoritesNode node = FavoritesNode.LoadRoot();

            XBELConverter.ConvertFavoritesToXBEL(node, "bookmarks.xml");

            // in this case we have to make a XmlReader with special XmlReaderSettings and set ProhibitDtd to false
            // otherwise the XmlTransform will refuse to process the XBEL related DTD.
            XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            readerSettings.ProhibitDtd = false;
            XmlReader            xmlReader         = XmlReader.Create("bookmarks.xml", readerSettings);
            XslCompiledTransform compiledTransform = new XslCompiledTransform();
            compiledTransform.Transform(xmlReader, new XsltArgumentList(), new StreamWriter("bookmarks.html"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the given Favorites tree into an UTF-8 XBEL file at the specified path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="favoritesNode">Favorites tree to convert</param>
        /// <param name="filename">Destination file</param>
        public static void ConvertFavoritesToXBEL(FavoritesNode favoritesNode, string filename)
            XBELConverter favoritesToXBEL = new XBELConverter(favoritesNode);
