Exemple #1
        /* Function: CreateFromIterators
         * Creates a new tokenizer from the range between two <LineIterators>.  The line the ending iterator is
         * on is not included in the range.  The new tokenizer has a copy of the memory and is thus independent.  This
         * is faster than creating a new tokenizer around a substring of the raw text because it doesn't need to be
         * tokenized all over again.  It also carries over any defined token information like <CommentParsingTypes>.
        public Tokenizer CreateFromIterators(LineIterator start, LineIterator end)
            Tokenizer result = CreateFromIterators(start.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.Everything),

            result.lines = lines.GetRange(start.LineIndex, end.LineIndex - start.LineIndex);

Exemple #2
        /* Function: CreateFromIterators
         * Creates a new tokenizer from the range between two <LineIterators>.  The line the ending iterator is
         * on is not included in the range.  The new tokenizer has a copy of the memory and is thus independent.  This
         * is faster than creating a new tokenizer around a substring of the raw text because it doesn't need to be
         * tokenized all over again.  It also carries over any defined token information like <CommentParsingTypes>.
        public static Tokenizer CreateFromIterators(LineIterator start, LineIterator end)
            Tokenizer extracted = CreateFromIterators(start.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.Everything),

            extracted.lines = start.Tokenizer.lines.GetRange(start.LineIndex, end.LineIndex - start.LineIndex);
