Exemple #1
        // update specific

        private void priorityIn(List <tListEntry> list, SelectorProtocol target, int nPriority, bool bPaused)
            tListEntry listElement = new tListEntry();

            listElement.target            = target;
            listElement.priority          = nPriority;
            listElement.paused            = bPaused;
            listElement.markedForDeletion = false;

            // list will not be empty, because it is new in init()
            int index = 0;

            foreach (tListEntry element in list)
                if (nPriority < element.priority)


            // Can not throw exception, because index in [0, count]
            list.Insert(index, listElement);

            // update hash entry for quick access
            tHashUpdateEntry hashElement = new tHashUpdateEntry();

            hashElement.target = target;
            hashElement.list   = list;
            hashElement.entry  = listElement;
            m_pHashForUpdates.Add(target, hashElement);
Exemple #2
        /** Schedules the 'update' selector for a given target with a given priority.
         *   The 'update' selector will be called every frame.
         *   The lower the priority, the earlier it is called.
         *   @since v0.99.3
        public void scheduleUpdateForTarget(SelectorProtocol targt, int nPriority, bool bPaused)
            tHashUpdateEntry hashElement = null;

            if (m_pHashForUpdates.ContainsKey(targt))
                // TODO: check if priority has changed!

                hashElement = m_pHashForUpdates[targt];
                hashElement.entry.markedForDeletion = false;

            // most of the updates are going to be 0, that's way there
            // is an special list for updates with priority 0
            if (nPriority == 0)
                appendIn(m_pUpdates0List, targt, bPaused);
            else if (nPriority < 0)
                priorityIn(m_pUpdatesNegList, targt, nPriority, bPaused);
                priorityIn(m_pUpdatesPosList, targt, nPriority, bPaused);
Exemple #3
        private void appendIn(List <tListEntry> list, SelectorProtocol target, bool bPaused)
            tListEntry listElement = new tListEntry();

            listElement.target            = target;
            listElement.paused            = bPaused;
            listElement.markedForDeletion = false;


            // update hash entry for quicker access
            tHashUpdateEntry hashElement = new tHashUpdateEntry();

            hashElement.target = target;
            hashElement.list   = list;
            hashElement.entry  = listElement;
            m_pHashForUpdates.Add(target, hashElement);
Exemple #4
        /** Unschedules the update selector for a given target
         *   @since v0.99.3
        public void unscheduleUpdateForTarget(SelectorProtocol target)
            if (target == null)

            if (m_pHashForUpdates.ContainsKey(target))
                tHashUpdateEntry element = m_pHashForUpdates[target];
                if (m_bUpdateHashLocked)
                    element.entry.markedForDeletion = true;
Exemple #5
        /** Resumes the target.
         *   The 'target' will be unpaused, so all schedule selectors/update will be 'ticked' again.
         *   If the target is not present, nothing happens.
         *   @since v0.99.3
        public void resumeTarget(SelectorProtocol target)
            if (target == null)

            // custom selectors
            if (m_pHashForSelectors.ContainsKey(target))
                m_pHashForSelectors[target].paused = false;

            // Update selector
            if (m_pHashForUpdates.ContainsKey(target))
                tHashUpdateEntry element = m_pHashForUpdates[target];
                Debug.Assert(element != null);
                element.entry.paused = false;
Exemple #6
        private void removeUpdateFromHash(tListEntry entry)
            if (m_pHashForUpdates.ContainsKey(entry.target))
                // list entry
                tHashUpdateEntry element = m_pHashForUpdates[entry.target];
                element.entry = null;

                // hash entry
                element.target = null;
                SelectorProtocol target = null;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <SelectorProtocol, tHashUpdateEntry> kvp in m_pHashForUpdates)
                    if (element == kvp.Value)
                        target = kvp.Key;
Exemple #7
        /** Pauses the target.
         *   All scheduled selectors/update for a given target won't be 'ticked' until the target is resumed.
         *   If the target is not present, nothing happens.
         *   @since v0.99.3
        public void pauseTarget(SelectorProtocol target)
            if (target == null)

            // custom selectors
            if (m_pHashForSelectors.ContainsKey(target))
                m_pHashForSelectors[target].paused = true;

            // Update selector
            if (m_pHashForUpdates.ContainsKey(target))
                tHashUpdateEntry element = m_pHashForUpdates[target];
                if (element != null)
                    element.entry.paused = true;