Exemple #1
        public void Ejecutar(int k)
            var inicio = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            var kmeans = new KMeans().Cluster(LstDocumentos, k);
            var fin = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            var transcurrido = new TimeSpan(fin - inicio).TotalMilliseconds;

            while (transcurrido <= 1000)
                var cluster = MinimoDePuntos(kmeans);

                _eps = EpsilonMaximo(kmeans[cluster]);
                _minPts = kmeans[cluster].Count;

                LstDocumentos = new DBSCAN(_eps, _minPts, _laMatrixDeSimilitud).BuildCluster(LstDocumentos);
                var res = (from c in LstDocumentos
                           group c by c.ClusterID
                           into g
                           select new {clusterID = g.Key, miembros = g.Select(x => x.ClusterID).Count()}).OrderBy(
                               d => d.clusterID).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("Eps: {0}\tMinPts: {1}\tK: {2}", _eps, _minPts, k);

                foreach (var r in res)
                    Console.WriteLine("#Cluster: {0}\tMiembros: {1}", r.clusterID, r.miembros);
                fin = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                kmeans = new KMeans().Cluster(LstDocumentos, k);
                transcurrido = new TimeSpan(fin - inicio).TotalMilliseconds;
            Console.WriteLine("Transcurrido: {0}", transcurrido);
Exemple #2
        private void kmeans()
            // Retrieve the number of clusters
            int k = (int)numClusters.Value;

            // Load original image
            Bitmap image = Properties.Resources.leaf;

            // Create conversors
            ImageToArray imageToArray = new ImageToArray(min: -1, max: +1);
            ArrayToImage arrayToImage = new ArrayToImage(image.Width, image.Height, min: -1, max: +1);

            // Transform the image into an array of pixel values
            double[][] pixels; imageToArray.Convert(image, out pixels);

            // Create a K-Means algorithm using given k and a
            //  square euclidean distance as distance metric.
            KMeans kmeans = new KMeans(k, Distance.SquareEuclidean);

            // Compute the K-Means algorithm until the difference in
            //  cluster centroids between two iterations is below 0.05
            int[] idx = kmeans.Compute(pixels, 0.05);

            // Replace every pixel with its corresponding centroid
            pixels.ApplyInPlace((x, i) => kmeans.Clusters.Centroids[idx[i]]);

            // Show resulting image in the picture box
            Bitmap result; arrayToImage.Convert(pixels, out result);

            pictureBox.Image = result;
        public void Learn(double[][] observations, int amountOfClusters)
            var kmeans = new KMeans(amountOfClusters);

            _clusters = kmeans.Learn(observations);
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.SetWindowSize(100, 50);

            // Read in the Online Retail feature dataset
            // TODO: change the path to point to your data directory
            string dataDirPath = @"\\Mac\Home\Documents\c-sharp-machine-learning\ch.6\input-data";

            // Load the data into a data frame
            string dataPath = Path.Combine(dataDirPath, "features.csv");

            Console.WriteLine("Loading {0}\n\n", dataPath);
            var ecommerceDF = Frame.ReadCsv(
                hasHeaders: true,
                inferTypes: true

            Console.WriteLine("* Shape: {0}, {1}", ecommerceDF.RowCount, ecommerceDF.ColumnCount);

            string[] features = new string[] { "NetRevenuePercentile", "AvgUnitPricePercentile", "AvgQuantityPercentile" };
            Console.WriteLine("* Features: {0}\n\n", String.Join(", ", features));

            var normalizedDf = Frame.CreateEmpty <int, string>();
            var average      = ecommerceDF.Columns[features].Sum() / ecommerceDF.RowCount;

            foreach (string feature in features)
                normalizedDf.AddColumn(feature, (ecommerceDF[feature] - average[feature]) / ecommerceDF[feature].StdDev());

            double[][] sampleSet = BuildJaggedArray(
                normalizedDf.Columns[features].ToArray2D <double>(),

            // Create a new K-Means algorithm with n clusters
            Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

            int[]         numClusters      = new int[] { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
            List <string> clusterNames     = new List <string>();
            List <double> silhouetteScores = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numClusters.Length; i++)
                KMeans kmeans = new KMeans(numClusters[i]);
                KMeansClusterCollection clusters = kmeans.Learn(sampleSet);
                int[] labels = clusters.Decide(sampleSet);

                string colname = String.Format("Cluster-{0}", numClusters[i]);

                normalizedDf.AddColumn(colname, labels);
                ecommerceDF.AddColumn(colname, labels);

                Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n#####################    {0}    ###########################", colname);

                Console.WriteLine("\n\n* Centroids for {0} clusters:", numClusters[i]);

                PrintCentroidsInfo(clusters.Centroids, features);

                VisualizeClusters(normalizedDf, colname, "NetRevenuePercentile", "AvgUnitPricePercentile");
                VisualizeClusters(normalizedDf, colname, "AvgUnitPricePercentile", "AvgQuantityPercentile");
                VisualizeClusters(normalizedDf, colname, "NetRevenuePercentile", "AvgQuantityPercentile");

                for (int j = 0; j < numClusters[i]; j++)
                    GetTopNItemsPerCluster(ecommerceDF, j, colname);

                double silhouetteScore = CalculateSilhouetteScore(normalizedDf, features, numClusters[i], colname);
                Console.WriteLine("\n\n* Silhouette Score: {0}", silhouetteScore.ToString("0.0000"));


            for (int i = 0; i < clusterNames.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("- Silhouette Score for {0}: {1}", clusterNames[i], silhouetteScores[i].ToString("0.0000"));
