public void SpyCardConstructorTest() { Player playerShowingCard = new Player("player"); Card cardSeen = new Weapon("card"); SpyCard target = new SpyCard(playerShowingCard, cardSeen); Assert.AreSame(playerShowingCard, target.Player); Assert.AreSame(cardSeen, target.Card); }
public void GetContraintsMissingNodesTest() { Player playerShowingCard = new Player("test"); Card cardSeen = new Weapon("test"); Card anotherCard = new Suspect("test"); Node[] nodes = new Node[] { new Node(playerShowingCard, cardSeen), new Node(playerShowingCard, anotherCard), }; new SpyCard(playerShowingCard, cardSeen).GetConstraints(nodes.Where((n, i) => i == 1)).Count(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Suspicion"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="suspect">The suspect.</param> /// <param name="weapon">The weapon.</param> /// <param name="place">The place.</param> public Suspicion(Suspect suspect, Weapon weapon, Place place) { Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(suspect != null, "suspect"); Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(weapon != null, "weapon"); Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(place != null, "place"); this.suspect = suspect; this.weapon = weapon; = place; Contract.Assume(this.Cards.Count() == 3); }
public void CardsTest() { var w = new Weapon("weapon"); var s = new Suspect("suspect"); var l = new Place("location"); Suspicion target = new Suspicion(s, w, l); List<Card> cards = target.Cards.ToList(); CollectionAssert.Contains(cards, w); CollectionAssert.Contains(cards, s); CollectionAssert.Contains(cards, l); Assert.AreEqual(3, cards.Count); }
public void GetConstraintsTest() { Player playerShowingCard = new Player("test"); Card cardSeen = new Weapon("test"); Card anotherCard = new Suspect("test"); Node[] nodes = new Node[] { new Node(playerShowingCard, cardSeen), new Node(playerShowingCard, anotherCard), }; SpyCard target = new SpyCard(playerShowingCard, cardSeen); var actual = target.GetConstraints(nodes); Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Count()); SelectionCountConstraint c = actual.First() as SelectionCountConstraint; Assert.IsNotNull(c); Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Min); Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Max); Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Nodes.Count()); Assert.AreSame(nodes[0], c.Nodes.First()); }
public void WeaponConstructorTest() { const string name = "Test"; Card c = new Weapon(name); Assert.AreEqual(name, c.Name); }