//This Asset list generate with relation to fieldservice table.
        public static DataTable getAssetsByLocation(Int32 ID_Location)
            string strSql;

            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    DataTable dtAssets = new DataTable("dtAssets");
                    strSql = "select A.*, isNULL(E.UserName,'') as Employee from Assets A Left outer join Employees E on A.ID_Employee=E.ServerKey where A.ID_Location = " + ID_Location + " and  A.RowStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(RowStatus.Synchronized);
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtAssets, strSql);
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                strSql     = "select Top " + Login.ItemLimit.ToString() + " A.*, isNULL(E.UserName,'') as Employee from Assets A Left outer join Employees E on A.ID_Employee=E.ID_Employee where A.ID_Location = " + ID_Location;
                //strSql = "exec Update_Asset_Location_by_HH '" + TagID + "' ," + ID_Location + ", " + Login.ID + " ,0,'" + ReferenceNo + "'";
                //throw new ApplicationException("On line FS section not implemented yet.");
Exemple #2
        public static DataTable getLocationList(string searchString, ComboBox cb)
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select serverKey as ID_Location,Name from Locations where ServerKey<>0 and tagid<>'0000000000000000000000D' AND [Name] Like '" + searchString + "%' order by Name";
                    DataTable dtList = new DataTable();
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);
                    //return dtList;


                    LocationItem item;

                    if (dtList != null && dtList.Rows.Count > 0)
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dtList.Rows)
                            item = new LocationItem(dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["ID_Location"].ToString());
                    //dtt.Columns["ServerKey"].ColumnName = "ID_Location";

                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = " select ID_Location,Name from Locations where Is_Active=1 and Is_Deleted=0 and tagid<>'0000000000000000000000D' AND [Name] Like '" + searchString + "%' order by Name";

                DataTable dtList = (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);


                LocationItem item;

                if (dtList != null && dtList.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtList.Rows)
                        item = new LocationItem(dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["ID_Location"].ToString());

                //return (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);

                //return (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
Exemple #3
        public static DataTable getGroups(Int32 ParentID, string searchText)
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select ServerKey as ID_AssetGroup,Name from Asset_Groups where ParentID =" + ParentID + " AND [Name] LIKE '" + searchText + "%'";
                    DataTable dtList = new DataTable();
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = " select ID_AssetGroup,Name from Asset_Groups where ParentID =" + ParentID + " AND [Name] LIKE '" + searchText + "%'" + " and Is_Active=1 and Is_Deleted=0";

                DataTable dt;
                dt = (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);

                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
Exemple #4
        /* Commented Constructor will uncomment if required to get information by title.
         * public Locations(String Title)
         * {
         *  if (!Login.OnLineMode)
         *  {
         *      using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
         *      {
         *          string strSql;
         *          strSql = " select * from Locations where Title='" + Title + "'";
         *          SqlCeDataReader dr;
         *          dr = localDB.getReader(strSql);
         *          while (dr.Read())
         *          {
         *              _ServerKey = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ServerKey"].ToString().Trim());
         *              _Title = (String)dr["Title"];
         *              _Name = (String)dr["Name"];
         *              _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RowStatus"]);
         *          }
         *          dr.Close();
         *      }
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
         *      OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
         *      string strSql;
         *      strSql = " select Title,Name,ID_Location from Locations where Title='" + Title +"'";
         *      DataTable dt;
         *      dt = OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
         *      if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
         *      {
         *          _ServerKey = (int)dt.Rows[0]["ID_Location"];
         *          _Title = (String)dt.Rows[0]["Title"];
         *          _Name = (String)dt.Rows[0]["Name"];
         *          _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(RowStatus.Synchronized);
         *      }
         *      //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
         *  }
         * }

        //This location list generated with relation to FieldService table entries and employee [and due date when online].
        public static DataTable getLocationList()
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");

            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select distinct L.serverKey as ID_Location,L.Name "
                             + " from Locations L,FS_AssetStatus FS,Assets A "
                             + " where L.ServerKey<>0 and FS.ID_Asset=A.ServerKey "
                             + " and (FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")"
                             + " and L.ServerKey=A.ID_Location order by L.Name";
                    DataTable dtList = new DataTable();
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);
                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                //strSql = "select distinct L.ID_Location,L.Name from Locations L,FieldService FS,Employees E where L.ID_Location=FS.ID_Location and E.ID_Employee=FS.ID_Employee and FS.ID_Employee=" + Login.ID + " and FS.dueDate >= '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt") + "' order by L.Name";
                strSql = " select distinct L.ID_Location,L.Name "
                         + " from Locations L,FS_AssetStatus FS,Assets A "
                         + " where FS.ID_Asset=A.ID_Asset "
                         + " and (FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")"
                         + " and L.ID_Location=A.ID_Location and FS.Is_Active=1 and FS.Is_Deleted=0 order by L.Name";

Exemple #5
 public Task(Int32 TaskID)
     if (!Login.OnLineMode)
         using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
             string strSql;
             strSql = " select * from Tasks where ServerKey=" + TaskID;
             SqlCeDataReader dr;
             dr = localDB.getReader(strSql);
             while (dr.Read())
                 _ServerKey = TaskID;
                 _Title     = (String)dr["Title"];
                 _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RowStatus"]);
         RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
         OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
         string strSql;
         strSql = " select Title from Tasks where ID_Tasks=" + TaskID;
         DataTable dt;
         dt = OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
         if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
             _ServerKey = TaskID;
             _Title     = (String)dt.Rows[0]["Title"];
             _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(RowStatus.Synchronized);
Exemple #6
        public static DataTable getMenuOptionTable()
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql  = " select M.ID_MenuOptions,M.Name from Authority A ";
                    strSql += " inner join Menu_Options M on M.ServerKey=A.ID_MenuOptions ";
                    strSql += " where A.ID_SecurityGroups=" + _RoleId;

                    DataTable dtOptions = new DataTable("MenuOptions");
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtOptions, strSql);
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql  = " select M.ID_MenuOptions,M.Name from Authority A ";
                strSql += " inner join Menu_Options M on M.ID_MenuOptions=A.ID_MenuOptions ";
                strSql += " where A.ID_SecurityGroups=" + _RoleId;

                DataTable dt;
                dt = (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);

                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
Exemple #7
        public static DataTable GetAssetStatus()
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select ServerKey as ID_AssetStatus,Status from Asset_Status";
                    DataTable dtList = new DataTable();
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = " select ID_AssetStatus,Status from Asset_Status where Is_Active=1 and Is_Deleted=0";

                DataTable dt;
                dt = (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);

                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
Exemple #8
        public Locations(String TagID)
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select * from Locations where TagID='" + TagID + "'";
                    SqlCeDataReader dr;
                    dr = localDB.getReader(strSql);
                    while (dr.Read())
                        _ServerKey = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ServerKey"].ToString().Trim());
                        _TagNo     = (String)dr["TagID"];
                        _Name      = (String)dr["Name"];
                        _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RowStatus"]);

                        if (dr["LocationNo"] != DBNull.Value)
                            _LocNo = (String)dr["LocationNo"];
                            _LocNo = "";
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = " select TagID,Name,ID_Location,LocationNo from Locations where TagID='" + TagID + "'";
                DataTable dt;
                dt = OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
                    _ServerKey = (int)dt.Rows[0]["ID_Location"];
                    _TagNo     = (String)dt.Rows[0]["TagID"];
                    _Name      = (String)dt.Rows[0]["Name"];
                    _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(RowStatus.Synchronized);

                    if (dt.Rows[0]["LocationNo"] != DBNull.Value)
                        _LocNo = (String)dt.Rows[0]["LocationNo"];
                        _LocNo = "";
                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
Exemple #9
        //This Group list generate with relation to FieldService table.
        public static DataTable getGroups(Int32 ParentID)
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");

            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;

                    sql.Append(" select distinct G.ServerKey as ID_AssetGroup,G.Name from Asset_Groups G, Assets A, FS_AssetStatus FS ");
                    sql.Append(" where G.ParentID =" + ParentID + " and FS.ID_Asset=A.ServerKey ");
                    sql.Append(" and (FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")");
                    sql.Append(" and (A.GroupIDs like '%,'+ Convert(nvarchar(6),G.ID_AssetGroup) + ',%' or A.ID_AssetGroup=G.ServerKey)");

                    //strSql = " select distinct G.ServerKey as ID_AssetGroup,G.Name from Asset_Groups G, Assets A, FS_AssetStatus FS "
                    // + " where G.ParentID =" + ParentID + " and FS.ID_Asset=A.ServerKey "
                    // + " and (FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")"
                    // + " and (A.GroupIDs like '%,'+ Convert(nvarchar(6),G.ID_AssetGroup) + ',%' or A.ID_AssetGroup=G.ServerKey)";

                    strSql = sql.ToString();

                    // strSql = " select distinct G.ServerKey as ID_AssetGroup,G.Name from Asset_Groups G where G.ParentID = " + ParentID;

                    DataTable dtList = new DataTable();
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);
                    //return localDB.GetGroups(strSql);
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                //strSql = " select ID_AssetGroup,Name from Asset_Groups where ParentID =" + ParentID + " and Is_Active=1 and Is_Deleted=0";

                sql.Append(" select distinct G.ID_AssetGroup,G.Name from Asset_Groups G, Assets A, FS_AssetStatus FS ");
                sql.Append(" where G.ParentID =" + ParentID + " and FS.ID_Asset=A.ID_Asset ");
                sql.Append(" and (FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")");
                sql.Append(" and (dbo.GetParentGroups(A.ID_AssetGroup) like '%,'+ Convert(nvarchar(6),G.ID_AssetGroup) + ',%' or A.ID_AssetGroup=G.ID_AssetGroup) and FS.IS_Active=1 and FS.IS_Deleted=0");

                //strSql = " select distinct G.ID_AssetGroup,G.Name from Asset_Groups G, Assets A, FS_AssetStatus FS "
                //     + " where G.ParentID =" + ParentID + " and FS.ID_Asset=A.ID_Asset "
                //     + " and (FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or FS.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")"
                //     + " and (dbo.GetParentGroups(A.ID_AssetGroup) like '%,'+ Convert(nvarchar(6),G.ID_AssetGroup) + ',%' or A.ID_AssetGroup=G.ID_AssetGroup) and FS.IS_Active=1 and FS.IS_Deleted=0";

                DataTable dt;
                dt = (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(sql.ToString());

                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
Exemple #10
        public Employee(Int32 EmpID)
            _ServerKey = EmpID;
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select * from Employees where ServerKey=" + _ServerKey;
                    SqlCeDataReader dr;
                    dr = localDB.getReader(strSql);
                    while (dr.Read())
                        _ID_SecurityGroup = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID_SecurityGroup"]);
                        _TagID            = (String)dr["TagID"];
                        if (dr["EmpNo"] != DBNull.Value)
                            _EmpNo = (String)dr["EmpNo"];
                        _UserName  = (String)dr["UserName"];
                        _ServerKey = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ServerKey"]);
                        _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RowStatus"]);
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = " select ID_Employee,ID_SecurityGroup,TagID,EmpNo,UserName from Employees where ID_Employee=" + _ServerKey;
                DataTable dt;
                dt = OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
                    _ID_SecurityGroup = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ID_SecurityGroup"]);
                    _TagID            = (String)dt.Rows[0]["TagID"];
                    if (dt.Rows[0]["EmpNo"] != DBNull.Value)
                        _EmpNo = (String)dt.Rows[0]["EmpNo"];
                    _UserName  = (String)dt.Rows[0]["UserName"];
                    _ServerKey = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ID_Employee"]);
                    _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(RowStatus.Synchronized);

                //throw new ApplicationException("Online Employee functionality not implemented yet.");
Exemple #11
        public FS_AssetStatus(Int32 FSID)
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select * from FS_AssetStatus where ServerKey=" + FSID;
                    SqlCeDataReader dr;
                    dr = localDB.getReader(strSql);
                    while (dr.Read())
                        _ServerKey   = FSID;
                        _ID_Tasks    = (Int32)dr["ID_Tasks"];
                        _ID_Asset    = (Int32)dr["ID_Asset"];
                        _ID_Template = (Int32)dr["ID_Template"];
                        _DueDate     = (DateTime)dr["DueDate"];
                        _FSStatus    = (Int32)dr["FSStatus"];
                        _TaskStatus  = (Int32)dr["TaskStatus"];
                        _ID_Employee = (Int32)dr["ID_Employee"];
                        _RowStatus   = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RowStatus"]);
                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");

                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = " select F.ID_Tasks, F.ID_Asset, F.ID_Template, F.DueDate, F.TaskStatus, F.FSStatus, F.ID_Employee  from FieldService where ID_FieldService=" + FSID;
                DataTable dt;
                dt = OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
                    _ServerKey   = FSID;
                    _ID_Tasks    = (Int32)dt.Rows[0]["ID_Tasks"];
                    _ID_Asset    = (Int32)dt.Rows[0]["ID_Asset"];
                    _ID_Template = (Int32)dt.Rows[0]["ID_Template"];
                    _DueDate     = (DateTime)dt.Rows[0]["DueDate"];
                    _FSStatus    = (Int32)dt.Rows[0]["FSStatus"];
                    _TaskStatus  = (Int32)dt.Rows[0]["TaskStatus"];
                    _ID_Employee = (Int32)dt.Rows[0]["ID_Employee"];
                    _RowStatus   = Convert.ToInt32(RowStatus.Synchronized);
        public FieldServices(Int32 FSID)
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select * from FieldService where ServerKey=" + FSID;
                    SqlCeDataReader dr;
                    dr = localDB.getReader(strSql);
                    while (dr.Read())
                        _ServerKey   = FSID;
                        _Title       = (String)dr["Title"];
                        _ID_Location = (Int32)dr["ID_Location"];
                        _ID_Employee = (Int32)dr["ID_Employee"];
                        _RowStatus   = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RowStatus"]);
                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");

                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = " select Title,ID_Location,ID_Employee from FieldService where ID_FieldService=" + FSID;
                DataTable dt;
                dt = OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
                    _ServerKey   = FSID;
                    _Title       = (String)dt.Rows[0]["Title"];
                    _ID_Location = (Int32)dt.Rows[0]["ID_Location"];
                    _ID_Employee = (Int32)dt.Rows[0]["ID_Employee"];
                    _RowStatus   = Convert.ToInt32(RowStatus.Synchronized);
Exemple #13
        public static DataTable getTaskList(Int64 ID_Asset, Int64 ID_Template)
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select Tsk.serverKey as ID_Tasks,Tsk.Title,FS.FSStatus,FS.TaskStatus,FS.ID_FSAssetStatus,FS.Comments,FS.DueDate "
                             + " from FS_Templates T,FS_AssetStatus FS, Assets A, Tasks Tsk"
                             + " where T.ServerKey<>0 and FS.ID_Template=T.ServerKey and FS.ID_Asset=A.ServerKey "
                             + " and (FS.FSStatus = " + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or FS.FSStatus = " + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")"
                             + " and T.ServerKey = " + ID_Template + " and FS.ID_Tasks=Tsk.ServerKey"
                             + " and A.ServerKey=" + ID_Asset + " order by Tsk.Title";
                    DataTable dtList = new DataTable();
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);
                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                //strSql = "select distinct L.ID_Location,L.Name from Locations L,FieldService FS,Employees E where L.ID_Location=FS.ID_Location and E.ID_Employee=FS.ID_Employee and FS.ID_Employee=" + Login.ID + " and FS.dueDate >= '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt") + "' order by L.Name";

                strSql = " select distinct Tsk.ID_Tasks,Tsk.Title,FS.FSStatus,FS.TaskStatus,FS.ID_FSAssetStatus,FS.Comments,FS.DueDate "
                         + " from FS_Templates T, FS_AssetStatus FS, Assets A, Tasks as Tsk "
                         + " where T.ID_Template<>0 and FS.ID_Template=T.ID_Template and FS.ID_Asset=A.ID_Asset and A.ID_Asset=" + ID_Asset
                         + " and (FS.FSStatus = " + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or FS.FSStatus = " + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")"
                         + " and T.ID_Template = " + ID_Template + " and FS.ID_Tasks=Tsk.ID_Tasks"
                         + " and FS.Is_Active=1 and FS.Is_Deleted=0 order by Tsk.Title";

                //strSql = " select distinct L.ID_Location,L.Name "
                //     + "from Locations L,FS_AssetStatus FS,Assets A "
                //     + "where FS.ID_Asset=A.ID_Asset and L.ID_Location=A.ID_Location and FS.Is_Active=1 and FS.Is_Deleted=0 order by L.Name";

Exemple #14
        //This Asset list generate with relation to fieldservice table.
        public static DataTable getAssets(Int64 ID_Location, Int64 ID_AssetGroup, Int64 ID_Asset)
            string strSql;

            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    DataTable dtAssets = new DataTable("dtAssets");
                    strSql = "select distinct A.ServerKey as ID_Asset, A.TagID,A.Name,A.ID_Employee,A.Date_Modified,A.ID_Location,A.ID_AssetGroup,A.RowStatus,A.AssetNo,A.GroupIDs, E.UserName as Employee from Assets A " +
                             " Left outer join Employees E on A.ID_Employee=E.ServerKey "
                             + " inner join FS_AssetStatus F on A.ServerKey=F.ID_Asset "
                             + " where (A.ID_Location = " + ID_Location + " or 0=" + ID_Location + "  or -2=" + ID_Location + ")"
                             + " and (A.GroupIDs like '%," + ID_AssetGroup + ",%' or A.ID_AssetGroup = " + ID_AssetGroup + " or 0=" + ID_AssetGroup + " or -2=" + ID_AssetGroup + ")"
                             + " and  (F.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or F.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")"
                             + " and  (A.ServerKey=" + ID_Asset + " or 0 =" + ID_Asset + ") ";

                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtAssets, strSql);
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                strSql     = "select distinct top 100 A.*, isNULL(E.UserName,'') as Employee from Assets A "
                             + " Left outer join Employees E on A.ID_Employee=E.ID_Employee "
                             + " inner join FS_AssetStatus F on A.ID_Asset=F.ID_Asset "
                             + " where (A.ID_Location = " + ID_Location + " or 0=" + ID_Location + " or -2=" + ID_Location + ")"
                             + " and (dbo.GetParentGroups(A.ID_AssetGroup) like '%," + ID_AssetGroup + ",%' or A.ID_AssetGroup = " + ID_AssetGroup + " or 0=" + ID_AssetGroup + " or -2=" + ID_AssetGroup + ")"
                             + " and  (A.ID_Asset=" + ID_Asset + " or 0 =" + ID_Asset + ")"
                             + " and  (F.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.New) + " or F.FSStatus=" + Convert.ToInt32(FSStatusType.InProcess) + ")"
                             + " and  F.IS_Active=1 and F.Is_Deleted=0";

                //strSql = "exec Update_Asset_Location_by_HH '" + TagID + "' ," + ID_Location + ", " + Login.ID + " ,0,'" + ReferenceNo + "'";
                //throw new ApplicationException("On line FS section not implemented yet.");
Exemple #15
 public static DataTable getTasksList()
     if (!Login.OnLineMode)
         using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
             string strSql;
             strSql = " select serverKey as ID_Tasks,Title from Tasks where ServerKey<>0 order by Title";
             DataTable dtList = new DataTable();
             localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);
         RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
         OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
         string strSql;
         strSql = " select ID_Tasks,Title from Tasks where Is_Active=1 and Is_Deleted=0 order by Title";
Exemple #16
        //public Reasons(Int32 ReasonID)

        //    if (!Login.OnLineMode)
        //    {
        //        using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
        //        {
        //            string strSql;
        //            strSql = " select * from Locations where ServerKey=" + LocID;
        //            SqlCeDataReader dr;
        //            dr = localDB.getReader(strSql);
        //            while (dr.Read())
        //            {
        //                _ServerKey = LocID;
        //                _TagNo = (String)dr["TagID"];
        //                _Name = (String)dr["Name"];
        //                _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RowStatus"]);
        //            }
        //            dr.Close();
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
        //        OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
        //        string strSql;
        //        strSql = " select TagID,Name from Locations where ID_Location=" + LocID;
        //        DataTable dt;
        //        dt = OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
        //        if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
        //        {
        //            _ServerKey = LocID;
        //            _TagNo = (String)dt.Rows[0]["TagID"];
        //            _Name = (String)dt.Rows[0]["Name"];
        //            _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(RowStatus.Synchronized);
        //        }
        //        //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
        //    }

        public static DataTable getReasonsList()
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select serverKey as ID_Reason,Name from Reasons where ServerKey<>0 order by Name";
                    DataTable dtList = new DataTable();
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = " select ID_Reason,Name from Reasons where Is_Active=1 and Is_Deleted=0 order by Name";
                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
        /* Commented Constructor will uncomment if required to get information by title.
         * public Locations(String Title)
         * {
         *  if (!Login.OnLineMode)
         *  {
         *      using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
         *      {
         *          string strSql;
         *          strSql = " select * from Locations where Title='" + Title + "'";
         *          SqlCeDataReader dr;
         *          dr = localDB.getReader(strSql);
         *          while (dr.Read())
         *          {
         *              _ServerKey = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ServerKey"].ToString().Trim());
         *              _Title = (String)dr["Title"];
         *              _Name = (String)dr["Name"];
         *              _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RowStatus"]);
         *          }
         *          dr.Close();
         *      }
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
         *      OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
         *      string strSql;
         *      strSql = " select Title,Name,ID_Location from Locations where Title='" + Title +"'";
         *      DataTable dt;
         *      dt = OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
         *      if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
         *      {
         *          _ServerKey = (int)dt.Rows[0]["ID_Location"];
         *          _Title = (String)dt.Rows[0]["Title"];
         *          _Name = (String)dt.Rows[0]["Name"];
         *          _RowStatus = Convert.ToInt32(RowStatus.Synchronized);
         *      }
         *      //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
         *  }
         * }

        //This location list generated with relation to FieldService table entries and employee [and due date when online].
        public static DataTable getLocationList()
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select distinct L.serverKey as ID_Location,L.Name from Locations L,FieldService FS,Employees E where L.ServerKey<>0 and L.ServerKey=FS.ID_Location and E.ServerKey=FS.ID_Employee and FS.ID_Employee=" + Login.ID + " order by L.Name";
                    DataTable dtList = new DataTable();
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);
                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");
                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = "select distinct L.ID_Location,L.Name from Locations L,FieldService FS,Employees E where L.ID_Location=FS.ID_Location and E.ID_Employee=FS.ID_Employee and FS.ID_Employee=" + Login.ID + " and FS.dueDate >= '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt") + "' order by L.Name";
Exemple #18
        public static object getLocationList(string searchString, bool serachForTagID, ListView lv)
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                string strSql;

                if (serachForTagID)
                    strSql = " select serverKey as ID_Location,Name,TagID from Locations where ServerKey<>0 and tagid<>'0000000000000000000000D' AND [TagID] Like '%" + searchString + "%' order by UsageCount Desc,Name";
                    strSql = " select serverKey as ID_Location,Name,TagID from Locations where ServerKey<>0 and tagid<>'0000000000000000000000D' AND [Name] Like '" + searchString + "%' order by UsageCount Desc,Name";
                DataTable dtList = new DataTable();

                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);


                    //string[] subitems = new string[3];
                    //if (dtList != null && dtList.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //    foreach (DataRow dr in dtList.Rows)
                    //    {
                    //        subitems[0] = dr["ID_Location"].ToString();
                    //        subitems[1] = dr["Name"].ToString();
                    //        subitems[2] = dr["TagID"].ToString();

                    //        lv.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(subitems));

                    //    }

                //dtt.Columns["ServerKey"].ColumnName = "ID_Location";

                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;

                if (serachForTagID)
                    strSql = " select ID_Location,Name,TagID from Locations where Is_Active=1 and Is_Deleted=0 and tagid<>'0000000000000000000000D' AND [TagID] Like '%" + searchString + "%' order by UsageCount Desc,Name";
                    strSql = " select ID_Location,Name,TagID from Locations where Is_Active=1 and Is_Deleted=0 and tagid<>'0000000000000000000000D' AND [Name] Like '" + searchString + "%' order by UsageCount Desc,Name";
                //return (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);
                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");

                // ----------------------------------------------
                DataTable dtLocs = (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);


                //string[] subitems = new string[3];

                //foreach (DataRow dr in dtLocs.Rows)
                //    subitems[0] = dr["ID_Location"].ToString();
                //    subitems[1] = dr["Name"].ToString();
                //    subitems[2] = dr["TagID"].ToString();

                //    lv.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(subitems));


                // -------------------------------------------
Exemple #19
        public static DataTable getGroups(Int32 ParentID, ListView lv)
            if (!Login.OnLineMode)
                DataTable dtList = null;
                using (CEConn localDB = new CEConn())
                    string strSql;
                    strSql = " select ServerKey as ID_AssetGroup,Name from Asset_Groups where ParentID =" + ParentID + "";

                    localDB.FillDataTable(ref dtList, strSql);

                    //return dtList;


                if (dtList != null)
                    string[] subitems = new string[3];

                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtList.Rows)
                        subitems[0] = dr["ID_AssetGroup"].ToString();
                        subitems[1] = dr["Name"].ToString();
                        subitems[2] = "";

                        lv.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(subitems));

                //dtt.Columns["ServerKey"].ColumnName = "ID_Location";

                RConnection.RConnection OnConn = new RConnection.RConnection();
                OnConn.Url = Login.webConURL;
                string strSql;
                strSql = " select ID_AssetGroup,Name from Asset_Groups where ParentID =" + ParentID + " and Is_Active=1 and Is_Deleted=0";

                DataTable dt;
                dt = (DataTable)OnConn.getDataTable(strSql);


                string[] subitems = new string[3];

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    subitems[0] = dr["ID_AssetGroup"].ToString();
                    subitems[1] = dr["Name"].ToString();
                    subitems[2] = "";

                    lv.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(subitems));

                //return dt;


                //throw new ApplicationException("Online functionality not implemented yet.");