public virtual JsonResult ValidateEncryptionThumbprint(EncryptRequestModel model)
     var propertyName = model.PropertyName(x => x.Thumbprint);
     if (ModelState.IsValidField(propertyName)) return Json(true);
     var errorMessage = ModelState[propertyName].Errors.First().ErrorMessage;
     return Json(errorMessage);
        public virtual JsonResult Encrypt(EncryptRequestModel model)

            var config = CreateConfigXmlDocument(model.Thumbprint, model.XmlInput);


            // encrypt
            foreach (var node in GetEligibleCryptoNodes(config))
                // look for special nested section to encrypt
                var encryptableNode = FindNestedCryptoNode(node) ?? node;

                // strip off the configProtectionProvider attribute if it exists (do not want to encrypt it)
                if (encryptableNode.Attributes != null && encryptableNode.Attributes["configProtectionProvider"] != null)

                // encrypt the node
                var encryptedNode = _provider.Encrypt(encryptableNode);

                // create a new configProtectionProvider attribute
                var attribute = config.CreateAttribute("configProtectionProvider");
                attribute.Value = "CustomProvider";
                Debug.Assert(encryptableNode.Attributes != null);

                // append the attribute to the node that was encrypted (not the encryption result)

                // nest the encryption result into the node that was encrypted
                encryptableNode.InnerXml = encryptedNode.OuterXml;

            // format and return the encrypted xml
            var encrypted = config.GetFormattedXml();
            return Json(encrypted);