Exemple #1
 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (name.Text == "" || name.Text == "First Name" || surname.Text == "" || surname.Text == "Last Name" || email.Text == "" || email.Text == "E-mail" || password.Text == "" || password.Text == "Password" || confpassword.Text == "" || confpassword.Text == "Confirm Password")
         lbl.Text = "Please complete all fields";
     else if (password.Text != confpassword.Text)
         lbl.Text = "Password's do not match";
         lbl.Text = "Registration...";
         ServiceContainer.Instance.User = new User {
             FirstName = name.Text,
             LastName  = surname.Text,
             Password  = MD5Core.GetHashString(password.Text),
             Email     = email.Text
         if (Service.RegisterUser(ServiceContainer.Instance.User))
             lbl.Text = "User has been created";
             lbl.Text = "Error";
Exemple #2
        public static byte[] GetHash(byte[] input)
            if (null == input)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("input", "Unable to calculate hash over null input data");

            //Intitial values defined in RFC 1321
            ABCDStruct abcd = new ABCDStruct();

            abcd.A = 0x67452301;
            abcd.B = 0xefcdab89;
            abcd.C = 0x98badcfe;
            abcd.D = 0x10325476;

            //We pass in the input array by block, the final block of data must be handled specialy for padding & length embeding
            int startIndex = 0;

            while (startIndex <= input.Length - 64)
                MD5Core.GetHashBlock(input, ref abcd, startIndex);
                startIndex += 64;
            // The final data block.
            return(MD5Core.GetHashFinalBlock(input, startIndex, input.Length - startIndex, abcd, (Int64)input.Length * 8));
Exemple #3
 private void login_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (Login.Text != "" && Password.Text != "" && Login.Text != "Login" && Password.Text != "Password")
         if (ServiceContainer.Instance.User == null)
             ServiceContainer.Instance.User = new User();
         ServiceContainer.Instance.User.Email    = Login.Text;
         ServiceContainer.Instance.User.Password = MD5Core.GetHashString(Password.Text);
         User user = ServiceContainer.Instance.User;
         try {
             Service.AuthorizeUser(ref user);
         } catch (ServiceException m) {