public GroupedCheckPointDataSource (CheckPointController controller)
			this.Controller = controller;
			this.groupers = new Dictionary<GroupingChoices, CheckPointGrouper> () 
				{GroupingChoices.ByTimeOfDay,new GroupCheckPointsByTimeOfDay ()},
				{GroupingChoices.ByStatus,new GroupCheckPointsByStatus ()},
				{GroupingChoices.ByCategory,new GroupCheckPointsByCategory ()}

			var right = Emoji.BLACK_RIGHTWARDS_ARROW.Unified;
			var left = Emoji.LEFTWARDS_BLACK_ARROW.Unified;
			var down = Emoji.DOWNWARDS_BLACK_ARROW.Unified;
			var gear = Emoji.All["gear"].Unified;
			var cal = Emoji.CALENDAR.Unified;

			this.instructions = new List<string>()
				"To edit a goal, swipe it to the right {0}; swipe left {1} to complete it.".FormatWith(right,left),
				"pull down {0} to add a new goal".FormatWith(down),
				"press settings {0} to access settings and history {1}".FormatWith(gear,cal)
 public CheckPointDataSource(CheckPointController controller,DataModel data)
     this.Controller = controller;
     this.checkPointData = data;