public OrderFoodFormClient(User a)
     this.u = a;
     svcClient = new ServicesClient();
     lofd = new List<OrderFoodData>();
 public OrderFoodForm(MainForm mf, User p)
     InitializeComponent(); = mf;
     svcClient = new ServicesClient();
     this.u = p;
Exemple #3
 public override bool Hook_UserPart(Network network, User user, Channel channel, string message, bool updated)
     if (!updated)
         return true;
     Message(channel.retrieveWindow(), user.Nick + " parted");
     return false;
Exemple #4
 public override bool Hook_UserQuit(Network network, User user, string message, Graphics.Window window, bool updated)
     if (!updated)
         return true;
     Message(window, user.Nick + " joined");
     return false;
Exemple #5
 public override bool Hook_UserJoin(Network network, User user, Channel channel, bool updated)
     if (!updated)
         return true;
     Message(channel.retrieveWindow(), user.Nick + " joined");
     return false;
Exemple #6
 public static void Main(String[] args)
     Console.WriteLine("Press enter to call service...");
     var client = new ServiceProcessorClient();
     User user = new User();
     user.UserName = "******";
     user.Password = "******";
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if any of loaded ignores is matching this text
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="user"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool Matches(string text, User user = null)
     // we need to walk through list of all ignores to find out
     foreach (Ignore x in IgnoreList)
         // first of all we need to know if it's enabled, otherwise there is no point in checking it
         if (x.Enabled)
             // if it's simple match we only check the text
             if (x.Simple)
                 // if user is null we can skip it
                 if (user != null && x.type == Ignore.Type.User)
                     if (user.ToString().Contains(x.Text))
                         return true;
                 if (x.type == Ignore.Type.Everything)
                     if (text.Contains(x.Text))
                         return true;
                 if (user != null && x.type == Ignore.Type.User)
                     if (x.regex.IsMatch(user.ToString()))
                         return true;
                 if (x.type == Ignore.Type.Everything)
                     if (x.regex.IsMatch(text))
                         return true;
     return false;
        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            if (radioButtonUsr.IsChecked == true)
                User arg = klient.getUserByUserName(searchValue.Text);
                usr_help = arg;
                if (arg != null)
                    fill(Contactslist, klient.getContactsByUser(arg, 10).ToList());
            else if (radioButtonName.IsChecked == true)
                fill(Contactslist, klient.getContactByName(searchValue.Text, 10).ToList());
            else if (radioButtonMail.IsChecked == true)
                fill(Contactslist, klient.getContactByEmail(searchValue.Text, 10).ToList());
            else if (radioButtonTel.IsChecked == true)
                fill(Contactslist, klient.getContactBytel(searchValue.Text, 10).ToList());
            else if (radioButtonSkype.IsChecked == true)
                fill(Contactslist, klient.getContactBySkype(searchValue.Text, 10).ToList());
                MainWindow top = (MainWindow)Window.GetWindow(this);
                fill(Contactslist, klient.getContactsByUser(top.LoggedUser, 10).ToList());
            srch_text_help = searchValue.Text;
Exemple #9
 public virtual bool Hook_UserJoin(Network network, User user, Channel channel, bool updated)
     return true;
Exemple #10
 private bool ParseUser(string[] code, string realname)
     if (code.Length > 8)
         Channel channel = _Network.getChannel(code[3]);
         string ident = code[4];
         string host = code[5];
         string nick = code[7];
         string server = code[6];
         if (realname != null & realname.Length > 2)
             realname = realname.Substring(2);
         else if (realname == "0 ")
             realname = "";
         char mode = '\0';
         bool IsAway = false;
         if (code[8].Length > 0)
             // if user is away we flag him
             if (code[8].StartsWith("G", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                 IsAway = true;
             mode = code[8][code[8].Length - 1];
             if (!_Network.UChars.Contains(mode))
                 mode = '\0';
         if (channel != null)
             if (updated_text)
                 if (!channel.ContainsUser(nick))
                     User _user = null;
                     if (mode != '\0')
                         _user = new User(mode.ToString() + nick, host, _Network, ident, server);
                         _user = new User(nick, host, _Network, ident, server);
                     _user.LastAwayCheck = DateTime.Now;
                     _user.RealName = realname;
                     if (IsAway)
                         _user.AwayTime = DateTime.Now;
                     _user.Away = IsAway;
                     lock (channel.UserList)
                     return true;
                 lock (channel.UserList)
                     foreach (User u in channel.UserList)
                         if (u.Nick == nick)
                             u.Ident = ident;
                             u.Host = host;
                             u.Server = server;
                             u.RealName = realname;
                             u.LastAwayCheck = DateTime.Now;
                             if (!u.Away && IsAway)
                                 u.AwayTime = DateTime.Now;
                             u.Away = IsAway;
             if (Configuration.Kernel.HidingParsed && channel.IsParsingWhoData)
                 return true;
     return false;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called for PRIVMSG from server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ProcessPM(string source, string parameters, string value)
            string _nick = "{unknown nick}";
            string _ident = "{unknown ident}";
            string _host = "{unknown host}";
            string chan = null;
            if (source.Contains("!"))
                _nick = source.Substring(0, source.IndexOf("!", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                _ident = source.Substring(source.IndexOf("!", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                _ident = _ident.Substring(0, _ident.IndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                Core.DebugLog("Parser error: " + source);

            if (source.Contains("@"))
                _host = source.Substring(source.IndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);

            chan = parameters.Replace(" ", "");
            User user = null;
            string message = value;
            if (!chan.Contains(_Network.channel_prefix))
                string uc;
                if (message.StartsWith(_Protocol.delimiter.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    string trimmed = message;
                    if (trimmed.StartsWith(_Protocol.delimiter.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        trimmed = trimmed.Substring(1);
                    if (trimmed.Length > 1 && trimmed[trimmed.Length - 1] == _Protocol.delimiter)
                        trimmed = trimmed.Substring(0, trimmed.Length - 1);
                    if (message.StartsWith(_Protocol.delimiter.ToString() + "ACTION", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        message = message.Substring("xACTION".Length);
                        if (message.Length > 1 && message.EndsWith(_Protocol.delimiter.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            message = message.Substring(0, message.Length - 1);
                        user = _Network.getUser(_nick);
                        if (user != null)
                            lock (_Network.PrivateWins)
                                if (_Network.PrivateWins.ContainsKey(user))
                                    WindowText(_Network.PrivateWins[user], Configuration.CurrentSkin.Message2 + _nick + message, Client.ContentLine.MessageStyle.Action, updated_text,
                                        date, !updated_text);
                                    return true;
                                    Core.DebugLog("Network " + _Network.ServerName + " doesn't have user (" + _nick + ") ignoring ctcp");
                            Core.DebugLog("Message from unknown user: "******" "))
                            uc = uc.Substring(0, uc.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                        uc = uc.ToUpper();
                        if (!Configuration.irc.FirewallCTCP)
                            if (Hooks._Network.ParseCTCP(_Network, user, message))
                                return true;
                            switch (uc)
                                case "VERSION":
                                    reply = "VERSION " + Configuration.Version + " build: " + RevisionProvider.GetHash() + "";
                                    if (Configuration.irc.DetailedVersion)
                                        reply += " operating system " + Environment.OSVersion.ToString();
                                    _Network.Transfer("NOTICE " + _nick + " :" + _Protocol.delimiter.ToString() + reply,
                                case "TIME":
                                    reply = "TIME " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                                    _Network.Transfer("NOTICE " + _nick + " :" + _Protocol.delimiter.ToString() + reply,
                                case "PING":
                                    if (message.Length > 6)
                                        string time = message.Substring(6);
                                        if (time.Contains(_Network._Protocol.delimiter))
                                            reply = "PING " + time;
                                            time = message.Substring(0, message.IndexOf(_Network._Protocol.delimiter));
                                            _Network.Transfer("NOTICE " + _nick + " :" + _Protocol.delimiter.ToString() + reply,
                                case "DCC":
                                    string message2 = message;
                                    if (message.Length < 5 || !message.Contains(" "))
                                        Core.DebugLog("Malformed DCC " + message);
                                        return false;
                                    if (message2.EndsWith(_Protocol.delimiter.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                        message2 = message2.Substring(0, message2.Length - 1);
                                    string[] list = message2.Split(' ');
                                    if (list.Length < 5)
                                        Core.DebugLog("Malformed DCC " + message);
                                        return false;
                                    string type = list[1];
                                    int port = 0;
                                    if (!int.TryParse(list[4], out port))
                                        Core.DebugLog("Malformed DCC " + message2);
                                        return false;
                                    if (port < 1)
                                        Core.DebugLog("Malformed DCC " + message2);
                                        return false;
                                    switch (type.ToLower())
                                        case "send":
                                        case "chat":
                                            Core.OpenDCC(list[3], port, _nick, false, false, _Network);
                                            return true;
                                        case "securechat":
                                            Core.OpenDCC(list[3], port, _nick, false, true, _Network);
                                            return true;
                                    Core.DebugLog("Malformed DCC " + message2);
                                    return false;
                    if (Configuration.irc.DisplayCtcp)
                        WindowText(_Network.SystemWindow, "CTCP from (" + _nick + ") " + trimmed,
                            Client.ContentLine.MessageStyle.Message, true, date, !updated_text);
                    if (Configuration.irc.ShowReplyForCTCP && reply != null)
                        WindowText(_Network.SystemWindow, "CTCP response to (" + _nick + ") " + reply,
                            Client.ContentLine.MessageStyle.Message, true, date, !updated_text);
                    return true;
            user = new User(_nick, _host, _Network, _ident);
            Channel channel = null;
            if (chan.StartsWith(_Network.channel_prefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                channel = _Network.getChannel(chan);
                if (channel != null)
                    Graphics.Window window;
                    window = channel.RetrieveWindow();
                    if (window != null)
                        if (Ignoring.Matches(message, user))
                            if (Hooks._Scrollback.Ignore(window, user, message, updated_text, date))
                                return true;
                        if (message.StartsWith(_Protocol.delimiter.ToString() + "ACTION", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            message = message.Substring("xACTION".Length);
                            if (message.Length > 1 && message.EndsWith(_Protocol.delimiter.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                message = message.Substring(0, message.Length - 1);
                            if (isServices)
                                if (_nick == _Network.Nickname)
                                    WindowText(window, Configuration.CurrentSkin.Message2 + _nick + message, Client.ContentLine.MessageStyle.Action,
                                        !channel.TemporarilyHidden, date, true);
                                    return true;
                            WindowText(window, Configuration.CurrentSkin.Message2 + _nick + message, Client.ContentLine.MessageStyle.Action,
                                !channel.TemporarilyHidden, date, !updated_text);
                            return true;
                        if (!Configuration.irc.DisplayMode)
                            WindowText(window, Protocol.PRIVMSG(user.Nick, message),
                            Client.ContentLine.MessageStyle.Message, !channel.TemporarilyHidden, date, !updated_text);
                            WindowText(window, Protocol.PRIVMSG(user.ChannelPrefix + user.Nick, message),
                            Client.ContentLine.MessageStyle.Message, !channel.TemporarilyHidden, date, !updated_text);
                    return true;
                return true;
            if (chan == _Network.Nickname)
                chan = source.Substring(0, source.IndexOf("!", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                lock (_Protocol.Windows)
                    if (!_Protocol.Windows.ContainsKey(_Network.SystemWindowID + chan))
                    Graphics.Window w = _Protocol.Windows[_Network.SystemWindowID + chan];
                    WindowText(w, Protocol.PRIVMSG(chan, message),
                        Client.ContentLine.MessageStyle.Message, updated_text, date, !updated_text);
                    if (Configuration.Kernel.Notice && Configuration.Window.NotifyPrivate && w.Highlights && updated_text)
                        if (Core.SystemForm.Chat != w)
                            Core.DisplayNote(message, chan);
                return true;
            return false;
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Create private message to user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">User name</param>
 public User Private(string user)
     User referenced_user = new User(user, "", this, "");
     PrivateWins.Add(referenced_user, _Protocol.CreateChat(user, Configuration.UserData.SwitchWindowOnJoin, this, true, null, false, true));
     PrivateWins[referenced_user].isPM = true;
     if (Configuration.UserData.SwitchWindowOnJoin)
     return referenced_user;
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// When ignore happen
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="window">Window</param>
 /// <param name="message">Message that was ignored</param>
 /// <param name="updated"></param>
 /// <param name="date"></param>
 /// <param name="user"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool Ignore(Graphics.Window window, User user, string message, bool updated, long date)
     bool ok = true;
     foreach (Extension extension in Core.Extensions)
             if (extension._Status == Extension.Status.Active)
                 Extension.MessageArgs data = new Extension.MessageArgs();
                 data.updated = updated;
        = date;
                 data.user = user;
                 data.text = message;
                 data.window = window;
                 if (!extension.Hook_BeforeIgnore(data))
                     ok = false;
         catch (Exception mf)
             Core.DebugLog("Error in hook Ignore(Graphics.Window window, string message, bool updated, long date) module " + extension.Name);
     return ok;
 public MainForm(ClientLogin cl, User u)
     InitializeComponent(); = cl;
     this.u = u;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// User kick
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="network"></param>
 /// <param name="user"></param>
 /// <param name="kicker"></param>
 /// <param name="channel"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 public static bool UserKick(Network network, User user, User kicker, Channel channel, string message)
     return true;
Exemple #16
            /// <summary>
            /// Channel info
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="curr">XmlNode</param>
            /// <param name="protocol">Protocol which owns this request</param>
            public static void sChannelInfo(XmlNode curr, ProtocolSv protocol)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(curr.InnerText))
                    if (curr.Attributes.Count > 1)
                        if (curr.Attributes[1].Name == "channels")
                            string[] channellist = curr.Attributes[1].Value.Split('!');
                            Network nw = protocol.retrieveNetwork(curr.Attributes[0].Value);
                            if (nw != null)
                                foreach (string channel in channellist)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel))
                                        if (nw.getChannel(channel) == null)
                                            Channel xx = nw.Channel(channel, !Configuration.UserData.SwitchWindowOnJoin);
                                            if (Configuration.Services.UsingCache)
                                                string ID = protocol.sBuffer.getUID(curr.Attributes[0].Value);
                                                if (ID != null && protocol.sBuffer.networkInfo.ContainsKey(ID))
                                                    Graphics.Window window = xx.RetrieveWindow();
                                                    if (xx != null)
                                                        protocol.sBuffer.networkInfo[ID].recoverWindowText(window, window.WindowName);
                                                    Services.Buffer.ChannelInfo channel_info = protocol.sBuffer.networkInfo[ID].getChannel(channel);
                                                    if (channel_info != null)
                                                        xx.Bans = channel_info.Bans;
                                                        xx.Exceptions = channel_info.Exceptions;
                                                        xx.ChannelWork = channel_info.ChannelWork;
                                                        xx.Invites = channel_info.Invites;
                                                        xx.Name = channel_info.Name;
                                                        xx.IsParsingBanData = channel_info.parsing_bans;
                                                        xx.IsParsingWhoisData = channel_info.parsing_wh;
                                                        xx.IsParsingWhoData = channel_info.parsing_who;
                                                        xx.ChannelMode = new NetworkMode(channel_info.mode);
                                                        xx.IsParsingExceptionData = channel_info.parsing_xe;
                                                        xx.Redraw = channel_info.Redraw;
                                                        xx.TemporarilyHidden = channel_info.temporary_hide;
                                                        xx.Topic = channel_info.Topic;
                                                        xx.TopicDate = channel_info.TopicDate;
                                                        xx.TopicUser = channel_info.TopicUser;
                                        if (!Configuration.Services.Retrieve_Sv)
                                            protocol.SendData(nw.ServerName, "TOPIC " + channel, Configuration.Priority.Normal);
                                            protocol.SendData(nw.ServerName, "MODE " + channel, Configuration.Priority.Low);
                                        Datagram response2 = new Datagram("CHANNELINFO", "INFO");
                                        response2.Parameters.Add("network", curr.Attributes[0].Value);
                                        response2.Parameters.Add("channel", channel);
                                        lock (protocol.RemainingJobs)
                                            protocol.RemainingJobs.Add(new ProtocolSv.Request(channel, ProtocolSv.Request.Type.ChannelInfo));
                if (curr.Attributes[1].Name == "channel")
                    string[] userlist = curr.Attributes[2].Value.Split(':');
                    Network nw = protocol.retrieveNetwork(curr.Attributes[0].Value);
                    if (nw != null)
                        lock (protocol.RemainingJobs)
                            ProtocolSv.Request item = null;
                            foreach (ProtocolSv.Request work in protocol.RemainingJobs)
                                if (work.type == ProtocolSv.Request.Type.ChannelInfo && curr.Attributes[1].Value == work.Name)
                                    item = work;

                            if (item != null)
                        Channel channel = nw.getChannel(curr.Attributes[1].Value);

                        if (channel != null)
                            foreach (string user in userlist)
                                if (user.Contains("!") && user.Contains("@"))
                                    string us = "";
                                    string ident;
                                    us = user.Substring(0, user.IndexOf("!", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                    if (channel.ContainsUser(us))
                                    ident = user.Substring(user.IndexOf("!", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                                    if (ident.StartsWith("@", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                        ident = "";
                                        if (ident.Contains("@"))
                                            ident = ident.Substring(0, ident.IndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                    string host = user.Substring(user.IndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                                    if (host.StartsWith("+", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                        host = "";
                                        if (host.Contains("+"))
                                            host = host.Substring(0, host.IndexOf("+", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                    lock (channel.UserList)
                                        if (!channel.ContainsUser(us))
                                            User f2 = new User(us, host, nw, ident);
                                            if (user.Contains("+") && !user.StartsWith("+", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                                f2.ChannelMode.ChangeMode(user.Substring(user.IndexOf("+", StringComparison.Ordinal)));
                            Datagram response = new Datagram("USERLIST", "INFO");
                            response.Parameters.Add("network", curr.Attributes[0].Value);
                            response.Parameters.Add("channel", channel.Name);
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// This function returns a special user mode for a user that should be in user list (for example % for halfop or @ for operator)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nick"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static string uchr(User nick)
     return nick.ChannelPrefix;
Exemple #18
 public virtual bool Hook_UserQuit(Network network, User user, string message, Graphics.Window window, bool updated)
     return true;
Exemple #19
 public virtual bool Hook_UserTalk(Network network, User user, Channel channel, string message, bool updated)
     return true;
Exemple #20
 /// <summary>
 /// If this return true it means that underlying extension or code has processed this CTCP and it can be ignored by irc parser
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="network"></param>
 /// <param name="user"></param>
 /// <param name="CTCP"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool ParseCTCP(Network network, User user, string CTCP)
     return false;
        private void Contactslist_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            Contact uus = new Contact();
            List<string> result = new List<string>();

            if (Contactslist.SelectedIndex >= 0)

                if (usr_help != null)
                    uus = klient.getContactsByUser(usr_help, 10).ToList().ElementAt(Contactslist.SelectedIndex);
                else if (radioButtonSkype.IsChecked == true)
                    uus = klient.getContactBySkype(srch_text_help, 10).ToList().ElementAt(Contactslist.SelectedIndex);
                else if (radioButtonName.IsChecked == true)
                    uus = klient.getContactByName(srch_text_help, 10).ToList().ElementAt(Contactslist.SelectedIndex);
                else if (radioButtonTel.IsChecked == true)
                    uus = klient.getContactBytel(srch_text_help, 10).ToList().ElementAt(Contactslist.SelectedIndex);
                else if (radioButtonSkype.IsChecked == true)
                    uus = klient.getContactByEmail(srch_text_help, 10).ToList().ElementAt(Contactslist.SelectedIndex);
                    MainWindow top = (MainWindow)Window.GetWindow(this);
                    uus = klient.getContactsByUser(top.LoggedUser, 10).ToList().ElementAt(Contactslist.SelectedIndex);
            if (uus != null)
                if (uus.FirstName != null)
                    deatilslist.Items.Add("FirstName: " + uus.FirstName.ToString());
                if (uus.LastName != null)
                    deatilslist.Items.Add("LastName: " + uus.LastName.ToString());
                if (uus.Tel != null)
                 deatilslist.Items.Add("Telefon: " + uus.Tel.ToString());
                if (uus.Email != null)
                    deatilslist.Items.Add("Email: " + uus.Email.ToString());
                if (uus.Skype != null)
                 deatilslist.Items.Add("Skype: " + uus.Skype.ToString());
                 if (uus.Address != null)
                    deatilslist.Items.Add("Adress: " + uus.Address.ToString());
                if (uus.Muudetud != null)
                    deatilslist.Items.Add("Changed: " + uus.Muudetud.ToString());
                if (uus.Loodud != null)
                    deatilslist.Items.Add("Created: " + uus.Loodud.ToString());
                usr_help = null;
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// User talk
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="network"></param>
 /// <param name="user"></param>
 /// <param name="channel"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 /// <param name="updated"></param>
 /// <param name="date"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool UserTalk(Network network, User user, Channel channel, string message, bool updated, long date)
     bool ok = true;
     foreach (Extension extension in Core.Extensions)
             if (extension._Status == Extension.Status.Active)
     #pragma warning disable
                 if (!extension.Hook_UserTalk(network, user, channel, message, updated))
                     Core.DebugLog("Compatibility warning: extension with name " + extension.Name + " is using obsolete" +
                         " function extension.Hook_UserTalk(network, user, channel, message, updated)");
                     ok = false;
     #pragma warning restore
                 Extension.NetworkTextArgs data = new Extension.NetworkTextArgs();
        = network;
                 data.updated = updated;
        = date;
                 data.message = message;
                 data.user = user;
                 if (!extension.Hook_UserTalk(data))
                     ok = false;
         catch (Exception mf)
             Core.DebugLog("Error in hook UserTalk(Network network, User user, Channel channel, string message) module " + extension.Name);
     return ok;
 public ProfileForm(User u)
     svcClient = new ServicesClient();
     this.u = u;
Exemple #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Channel topic is retrieved from server
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="topic">Topic</param>
 /// <param name="user">User who set it</param>
 /// <param name="network">Network</param>
 /// <param name="channel">Channel</param>
 public static bool ChannelTopic(string topic, User user, Network network, Channel channel)
     bool ok = true;
     return ok;