//main constructor public MainMenu(Form parent, ServiceClient server, int playerId) { InitializeComponent(); this.Location = parent.Location; this.playerId = playerId; this.server = server; }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { ServiceClient sc = new ServiceClient(); Console.WriteLine(sc.Ping()); Service2Client sc2 = new Service2Client(); Console.WriteLine(sc2.Ping2()); //Console.WriteLine("Sending..."); //int chunkSize = 16777216; //int totalSize = 134217728; //byte[] data = new byte[chunkSize]; //for (int i = 0; i < totalSize; i += chunkSize) // sc.Send(data); //Console.WriteLine("Sent."); Console.WriteLine("\nPress <any key> to continue."); Console.ReadKey(true); sc.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { while (ex != null) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); ex = ex.InnerException; } Console.ReadKey(true); } }
//main constructor public champanshipForm(Reg_Form parent, int id, ServiceClient server) { InitializeComponent(); playerId = id; this.Location = parent.Location; this.server = server; }
//main constructor public onlinePlayersForm(Form parent, ServiceClient server, int id, string playerName) { InitializeComponent(); this.Location = parent.Location; playerId = id; this.server = server; this.playerName = playerName; }
//main constructor public LogInPlayer(Form parent, ServiceClient server) { InitializeComponent(); this.Location = parent.Location; this.server = server; counter = 1; }
public Q3(ServiceClient server, int mode) { InitializeComponent(); this.server = server; dgv.CanUserAddRows = false; dgv.IsReadOnly = true; this.formMode = mode; }
//main constructor public adviserForm(Form parent, ServiceClient Server, int id) { InitializeComponent(); this.Location = parent.Location; playerId = id; server = Server; selectedAdvisors = new List<int>(); }
//main constructor public Reg_Form(MainProgram parent, ServiceClient Server) { InitializeComponent(); this.Location = parent.Location; pictureStremByte = null; comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1; server = Server; }
static void Main(string[] args) { ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient(); Console.WriteLine("正在处理 10..."); Console.WriteLine("服务返回: " + client.ProcessData(10)); Console.WriteLine("正在处理 30..."); Console.WriteLine("服务返回: " + client.ProcessData(30)); Console.ReadLine(); }
//main constructor public MainProgram() { InitializeComponent(); GameICallBack callBack = new GameICallBack(); InstanceContext context = new InstanceContext(callBack); server = new ServiceClient(context); callBack.server = server; }
public chooseQueriesForm(Form parent, int playerid,string playername,ServiceClient Server) { InitializeComponent(); this.Location = parent.Location; this.playerId = playerid; this.playerName = playername; this.server = Server; slowServer = false; }
public answerQuerieForm(int playerid, string playername, ServiceClient Server,int questionnum) { InitializeComponent(); comboBox1.Visible = false; label1.Visible = false; elementHost = new ElementHost(); this.playerId = playerid; this.playerName = playername; this.server = Server; this.questionNum = questionnum; editFlag = true; manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true); SuspendLayout(); switch (questionnum) { case 1: question1(); break; case 2: question2(); break; case 3: question3(); break; case 4: question4(); break; case 5: question5(); break; case 6: question6(); break; case 7: question7(); break; case 8: question8(); break; case 9: question9(); break; case 10: question10(); break; } ResumeLayout(false); }
public Q3(ServiceClient server, int mode, int playerId) { InitializeComponent(); this.server = server; dgv.CanUserAddRows = false; dgv.IsReadOnly = true; this.formMode = mode; this.playerId = playerId; this.editList = new List<Champpion>(); }
//main constructor public gameBoardForm(ServiceClient server, int playerId, int rivalId, string mode, bool turn) { InitializeComponent(); MainMenu.inGame = true; elementHost1 = new ElementHost(); this.Turn = turn; this.server = server; this.playerId = playerId; this.rivalId = rivalId; this.mode = mode; if (Turn) this.turn_label.Text = "Please make a move"; else this.turn_label.Text = "Please wait to your turn"; SuspendLayout(); next_btn.Enabled = false; back_btn.Enabled = false; next_btn.Visible = false; back_btn.Visible = false; switch (mode) { case "Easy": build3on3(); break; case "Medium": build4on4(); break; case "Hard": build5on5(); break; } ResumeLayout(false); if (viewButton) { this.turn_label.Text = ""; moveCounter = 0; allMoves = server.getMovesGameByGameId(gameBoardForm.gameId); if (allMoves.Length == 0) { showMsg("this game has no moves"); next_btn.Enabled = false; back_btn.Enabled = false; } } this.Text = "Game #" + gameId; }
//main constructor public InviteGameForm(string playerName, string gameType, ServiceClient server, int rivalId, int myId) { InitializeComponent(); timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); this.playerName = playerName; this.gameType = gameType; this.server = server; this.rivalId = rivalId; this.myId = myId; timer.Interval = 20000; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(TimerEventProcessor); timer.Start(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient(); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(IgnoreCertificateErrorHandler); serviceClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "******"; serviceClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "******"; string isOK = serviceClient.GetData(); Console.WriteLine(isOK); Console.ReadLine(); }
public Q1(int playerid, string playername, ServiceClient Server, int mode) { InitializeComponent(); this.playerId = playerid; this.playerName = playername; this.server = Server; editList = new List<Players>(); dgv.CanUserAddRows = false; dgv.IsReadOnly = true; picByte = null; this.formMode = mode; }
public Board3x3(bool turn,ServiceClient Server,int playerid,int rivalid,gameBoardForm gbf) { InitializeComponent(); moveCounter = 0; this.gameBoard = gbf; this.Turn=turn; this.playerId = playerid; this.rivalId = rivalid; this.win = false; this.draw = false; for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++) { for (int z = 0; z < BOARD_SIZE; z++) { gameBoardForm.boardGame3x3[i,z] = 2; } } //Determine who is cross or circle if (Turn) { shape = 1; gameBoard.turn_label.Text = "Please make a move"; } else { gameBoard.turn_label.Text = "Please wait to your turn"; shape = 0; } this.server = Server; refernceArr.Clear(); IEnumerable<StackPanel> collection = grid.Children.OfType<StackPanel>(); foreach (var item in collection) { refernceArr.Add(item); } }
public void Update(int milliseconds) { new Thread( () => { // Thread.Sleep(50); lock (UpdateLock) { try { var sleepTime = milliseconds; // var items = myService.GetRecords().Select(p => p.Name); try { var sleepTime2 = sleepTime; using ( ServiceClient myService2 = new ServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IService", Constants.ServerAddress)) { myService2.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = "******"; myService2.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = "******"; var customer = myService2.GetCustomerByRFID(CurrentRFID); var stations = myService2.GetAllStations(); // LocationOverview.ItemsSource = items; GoogleMaps.Locations = stations.ToArray(); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( DispatcherPriority.Normal , new Action(() => { try { image = null; int BytesToRead = 100; WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(new Uri(customer.Picture, UriKind.Absolute)); request.Timeout = -1; WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); if (responseStream != null) { var reader = new BinaryReader(responseStream); var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); var bytebuffer = new byte[BytesToRead]; int bytesRead = reader.Read(bytebuffer, 0, BytesToRead); while (bytesRead > 0) { memoryStream.Write(bytebuffer, 0, bytesRead); bytesRead = reader.Read(bytebuffer, 0, BytesToRead); } image = new BitmapImage(); image.BeginInit(); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); image.StreamSource = memoryStream; } image.EndInit(); } catch (Exception) { //Default no pic pic } if (image != null && image.StreamSource.CanRead) CustomerProfile.CustomerProfilePicture.Source = image; CarInfoWidget.CarMake.Content = customer.CarMake; CarInfoWidget.CarModel.Content = customer.CarModel; CarInfoWidget. CarPlate.Content = customer.CarLicense; CustomerProfile.CustomerName.Content = (customer).Name; CustomerProfile.CustomerEmail.Content = customer.Email; CustomerProfile.CustomerPhone.Content = customer.Phone; CustomerProfile.CustomerAddress.Text = customer.Address; try { var charge = customer.ChargeRemaining; if (charge == null) charge = "0"; BatteryInfoWidget. CurrentCharge.Content = charge; BatteryInfoWidget.BatteryAnimation.PercentCharged = Convert.ToInt32(charge); BatteryInfoWidget.LastCharged.Content = customer.LastRechargeDate; BatteryInfoWidget.AccountBalance.Content = customer.AccountBalance; } catch (Exception ex) { } Dictionary<string,BitmapImage> stationlist= new Dictionary<string, BitmapImage>(); int count = 0; foreach (var stationViewModel in stations) { if(stationlist.Count>=6) break; if (stationlist.ContainsKey(stationViewModel.Name)) stationViewModel.Name = stationViewModel.Name + count; stationlist.Add(stationViewModel.Name,stationViewModel.Available?OnlineIcon:OfflineIcon); } LocationWidget.StationList.Images.ItemsSource = stationlist; // .Content = (customer).Name; NavigatePage(); })); if (_dismissTimer != null) { _dismissTimer.Stop(); _dismissTimer = null; } _dismissTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); _dismissTimer.Elapsed += delegate { Switcher.Switch(AdvertPlayer.Instance); _dismissTimer.Stop(); }; _dismissTimer.Interval = (milliseconds); _dismissTimer.Start(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace + "\n" + ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Instance.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate { CustomerProfile. CustomerName.Content = "Invalid Customer"; return null; })); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace + "\n" + ex.Message); ; } } }).Start(); }
public Q4(ServiceClient Server) { InitializeComponent(); this.server = Server; }
public EnterpriseClient(IPEndPoint[] endpoints) { this.endpoints = endpoints; internalClient = new ServiceClient(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { serviceClient = ServiceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(s_connectionString01); StartClient(); Console.ReadLine(); }