Exemple #1
 public GServerList(Server[] servers, int x, int y, int width, int height, int gumpID, IFont font, IHue hue, int selectionBorderColor, int selectionFillColor, int selectionFillAlpha)
     : base(gumpID, width, height, x, y, true)
     this.m_xLast = -2147483648;
     this.m_yLast = -2147483648;
     int offsetX = base.OffsetX;
     int offsetY = base.OffsetY;
     int useWidth = base.UseWidth;
     this.m_Entries = new GServerEntry[servers.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < servers.Length; i++)
         this.m_Entries[i] = new GServerEntry(servers[i], font, hue, offsetX, offsetY, useWidth, selectionBorderColor, selectionFillColor, ((float) selectionFillAlpha) / 255f);
         offsetY += this.m_Entries[i].Height - 1;
     offsetY -= base.OffsetY;
     if (offsetY > (base.UseHeight - 2))
         base.m_Children.Add(new GImage(0x101, this.Width - 6, 4));
         base.m_Children.Add(new GImage(0xff, this.Width - 6, this.Height - 0x25));
         for (int j = 0x22; (j + 0x20) < (this.Height - 5); j += 30)
             base.m_Children.Add(new GImage(0x100, this.Width - 6, j));
         base.m_NonRestrictivePicking = true;
         this.m_Slider = new GVSlider(0xfe, this.Width - 5, 0x11, 13, 0xec, 0.0, 0.0, (double) (offsetY - (base.UseHeight - 2)), 1.0);
         this.m_Slider.OnValueChange = new OnValueChange(this.OnScroll);
         this.m_Slider.ScrollOffset = 20.0;
         base.m_Children.Add(new GHotspot(this.Width - 6, 4, 15, this.Height - 9, this.m_Slider));
Exemple #2
 public GServerEntry(Server server, IFont font, IHue hue, int x, int y, int width, int selectedBorderColor, int selectedFillColor, float selectedFillAlpha)
     : base(x, y)
     this.m_yBase = y;
     this.m_SelectedBorderColor = selectedBorderColor;
     this.m_SelectedFillColor = selectedFillColor;
     this.m_SelectedFillAlpha = selectedFillAlpha;
     this.m_Server = server;
     this.m_Name = new GLabel(server.Name, font, hue, 4, 4);
     this.m_Name.X -= this.m_Name.Image.xMin;
     this.m_PercentFull = new GLabel(string.Format("{0}% full", server.PercentFull), font, hue, width - 5, 4);
     this.m_PercentFull.X -= this.m_PercentFull.Image.xMax;
     int num = (this.m_Name.Image.yMax - this.m_Name.Image.yMin) + 1;
     this.m_Height = num;
     num = (this.m_PercentFull.Image.yMax - this.m_PercentFull.Image.yMin) + 1;
     if (num > this.m_Height)
         this.m_Height = num;
     this.m_Height += 8;
     this.m_Name.Y = ((this.m_Height - ((this.m_Name.Image.yMax - this.m_Name.Image.yMin) + 1)) / 2) - this.m_Name.Image.yMin;
     this.m_PercentFull.Y = ((this.m_Height - ((this.m_PercentFull.Image.yMax - this.m_PercentFull.Image.yMin) + 1)) / 2) - this.m_PercentFull.Image.yMin;
     this.m_Width = width;
        public void ServerCreate()

            server = new Server
                Properties = new ServerProperties
                    Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                    Cores = 1,
                    Ram = 256

            server = serverApi.Create(datacenter.Id, server);

 public void serverConnect(Server s, Boolean isRightServer)
     if (isRightServer)
         RightServer = s;
         RightServer.Win = Win;
         RightServer.Side = 1;
         LeftServer = s;
         LeftServer.Win = Win;
         LeftServer.Side = 0;
        public int MouseHookProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            //Marshall the data from the callback.
            MouseHookStruct MyMouseHookStruct = (MouseHookStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(MouseHookStruct));
            int msg = wParam.ToInt32();

            double width = System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth;
            double height = System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight;

            MouseStruct mystruct = new MouseStruct();

            mystruct.me = msg;
            mystruct.mhs = MyMouseHookStruct;

            int y = (int)((mystruct.mhs.pt.y / height) * 65535);

            short mouseD = (short)(mystruct.mhs.mouseData >> 16);
            mystruct.mhs.mouseData = mouseD;

            if (nCode < 0)
                return CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);

                if ((mystruct.mhs.pt.x >= width || mystruct.mhs.pt.x <= 0) && !isCapturing && ((RightServer != null && RightServer.Status == 1) || (LeftServer != null && LeftServer.Status == 1)))

                    if (mystruct.mhs.pt.x >= width && RightServer != null && RightServer.Status == 1 && !isCapturing)
                        isCapturing = true;
                        currentServer = RightServer;
                        mouse_event(0x0001 | 0x8000, (uint)((8 / width) * 65535), (uint)y, 0, UIntPtr.Zero);


                        return 1;
                    else if (mystruct.mhs.pt.x <= 0 && LeftServer != null && LeftServer.Status == 1 && !isCapturing)
                        isCapturing = true;
                        currentServer = LeftServer;
                        mouse_event(1 | 0x8000, 65520, (uint)y, 0, UIntPtr.Zero);


                        return 1;

                if (mystruct.mhs.pt.x <= 0 && isCapturing && currentServer == RightServer)

                    isCapturing = false;
                    mouse_event(1 | 0x8000, (uint)(((width - 4) / width) * 65535), (uint)y, 0, UIntPtr.Zero);


                    return 1;
                else if (mystruct.mhs.pt.x >= width && isCapturing && currentServer == LeftServer)

                    isCapturing = false;
                    mouse_event(1 | 0x8000, (uint)((10 / width) * 65535), (uint)y, 0, UIntPtr.Zero);


                    return 1;


                if (isCapturing && currentServer != null && currentServer.Status == 1)

                        mystruct.mhs.pt.x = (int)((mystruct.mhs.pt.x / width) * 65535);
                        mystruct.mhs.pt.y = (int)((mystruct.mhs.pt.y / height) * 65535);
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.None;
                        UdpClient uc = currentServer.getUdpClient();
                        String strCaption = "x = " +
                                        MyMouseHookStruct.pt.x.ToString("d") +
                                            "  y = " +

                        Int32 im = 0;
                        byte[] mouse = BitConverter.GetBytes(im);

                        byte[] bytestream = getBytes(mystruct);
                        byte[] sending = new byte[bytestream.Length + sizeof(Int32)];
                        mouse.CopyTo(sending, 0);
                        bytestream.CopyTo(sending, sizeof(Int32));

                        uc.Send(sending, sending.Length);

                        //You must get the active form because it is a static function.
                        Console.WriteLine(strCaption + " event" + msg);

                        if (wParam != (IntPtr)WM_MOUSEMOVE)
                            return 1;

                    catch (Exception e)
                        isCapturing = false;

                return CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
 public void addListnewItem(String nickName, String ipAddress, Int32 port, string user, string pass, Boolean Connection)
     Server s = new Server(ipAddress, port, nickName, user, pass);
     pcRemote.ItemsSource = items;
 public void setConnectionHandler(Server s)
     s.PropertyChanged += ConnectionHandler;
        public void connectionProblem(Server s)
            if (s.Status != 0)
                Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                   if (s != null && s.Side == 0)
                       System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("C'è un problema di connessione con il LeftServer", "Errore", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                   else if (s != null && s.Side == 1)
                       System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("C'è un problema di connessione con il RightServer", "Errore", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning);


        private void Configure()
            Configuration = new Configuration
                Username = "******",
                Password = "******",


            dcApi = new DataCenterApi(configuration);
            serverApi = new ServerApi(configuration);
            nicApi = new NetworkInterfacesApi(configuration);
            lbApi = new LoadBalancerApi(configuration);
            fwApi = new FirewallRuleApi(configuration);

            //Create a datacenter.
            if (datacenter == null)
                datacenter = new Datacenter
                    Properties = new DatacenterProperties
                        Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                        Description = "Unit test for .Net SDK PB REST V2",
                        Location = "us/lasdev"

                datacenter = dcApi.Create(datacenter);

            if (server == null)
                server = new Server
                    Properties = new ServerProperties
                        Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                        Cores = 1,
                        Ram = 256

                server = serverApi.Create(datacenter.Id, server);

            if (nic == null)
                nic = new Nic { Properties = new NicProperties { Lan = 1 } };

                nic = nicApi.Create(datacenter.Id, server.Id, nic);


            bool isBusy = true;
            while (isBusy == true)
                var temp = dcApi.FindById(datacenter.Id);
                if (temp.Metadata.State != "BUSY") isBusy = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Server Creates a server within an existing datacenter. You can configure the boot volume and connect the server to an existing LAN.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datacenterId"></param>
        /// <param name="server">Server to be created</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">Controls whether response is pretty-printed (with indentation and new lines)</param>
        /// <param name="depth">Controls the details depth of response objects. \nEg. GET /datacenters/[ID]\n	- depth=0: only direct properties are included. Children (servers etc.) are not included\n	- depth=1: direct properties and children references are included\n	- depth=2: direct properties and children properties are included\n	- depth=3: direct properties and children properties and children&#39;s children are included\n	- depth=... and so on</param>
        /// <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Server)</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ApiResponse<Server>> CreateAsyncWithHttpInfo(string datacenterId, Server server, bool? parameter = null, int? depth = null)
            // verify the required parameter 'datacenterId' is set
            if (datacenterId == null) throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'datacenterId' when calling Create");
            // verify the required parameter 'server' is set
            if (server == null) throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'server' when calling Create");

            var path_ = "/datacenters/{datacenterId}/servers";

            var pathParams = new Dictionary<String, String>();
            var queryParams = new Dictionary<String, String>();
            var headerParams = new Dictionary<String, String>();
            var formParams = new Dictionary<String, String>();
            var fileParams = new Dictionary<String, FileParameter>();
            Object postBody = null;

            // to determine the Content-Type header
            String[] httpContentTypes = new String[] {
                "application/json", "application/vnd.profitbricks.resource+json"
            String httpContentType = Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderContentType(httpContentTypes);

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] httpHeaderAccepts = new String[] {
            String httpHeaderAccept = Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
            if (httpHeaderAccept != null)
                headerParams.Add("Accept", httpHeaderAccept);

            // set "format" to json by default
            // e.g. /pet/{petId}.{format} becomes /pet/{petId}.json
            pathParams.Add("format", "json");
            if (datacenterId != null) pathParams.Add("datacenterId", Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToString(datacenterId)); // path parameter

            if (parameter != null) queryParams.Add("parameter", Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToString(parameter)); // query parameter
            if (depth != null) queryParams.Add("depth", Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToString(depth)); // query parameter

            postBody = Configuration.ApiClient.Serialize(server); // http body (model) parameter

            // authentication (basicAuth) required

            // http basic authentication required
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.Username) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.Password))
                headerParams["Authorization"] = "Basic " + ApiClient.Base64Encode(Configuration.Username + ":" + Configuration.Password);

            // make the HTTP request
            IRestResponse response = (IRestResponse)await Configuration.ApiClient.CallApiAsync(path_,
                Method.POST, queryParams, postBody, headerParams, formParams, fileParams,
                pathParams, httpContentType);

            int statusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;

            if (statusCode >= 400)
                throw new ApiException(statusCode, "Error calling Create: " + response.Content, response.Content);
            else if (statusCode == 0)
                throw new ApiException(statusCode, "Error calling Create: " + response.ErrorMessage, response.ErrorMessage);

            return new ApiResponse<Server>(statusCode,
                response.Headers.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Value.ToString()),
                (Server)Configuration.ApiClient.Deserialize(response, typeof(Server)));

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Server Creates a server within an existing datacenter. You can configure the boot volume and connect the server to an existing LAN.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datacenterId"></param>
        /// <param name="server">Server to be created</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">Controls whether response is pretty-printed (with indentation and new lines)</param>
        /// <param name="depth">Controls the details depth of response objects. \nEg. GET /datacenters/[ID]\n	- depth=0: only direct properties are included. Children (servers etc.) are not included\n	- depth=1: direct properties and children references are included\n	- depth=2: direct properties and children properties are included\n	- depth=3: direct properties and children properties and children&#39;s children are included\n	- depth=... and so on</param>
        /// <returns>Task of Server</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Server> CreateAsync(string datacenterId, Server server, bool? parameter = null, int? depth = null)
            ApiResponse<Server> response = await CreateAsyncWithHttpInfo(datacenterId, server, parameter, depth);
            return response.Data;

 /// <summary>
 /// Create a Server Creates a server within an existing datacenter. You can configure the boot volume and connect the server to an existing LAN.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="datacenterId"></param> 
 /// <param name="server">Server to be created</param> 
 /// <param name="parameter">Controls whether response is pretty-printed (with indentation and new lines)</param> 
 /// <param name="depth">Controls the details depth of response objects. \nEg. GET /datacenters/[ID]\n	- depth=0: only direct properties are included. Children (servers etc.) are not included\n	- depth=1: direct properties and children references are included\n	- depth=2: direct properties and children properties are included\n	- depth=3: direct properties and children properties and children&#39;s children are included\n	- depth=... and so on</param> 
 /// <returns>Server</returns>
 public Server Create(string datacenterId, Server server, bool? parameter = null, int? depth = null)
     ApiResponse<Server> response = CreateWithHttpInfo(datacenterId, server, parameter, depth);
     response.Data.Request = response.Headers["Location"];
     return response.Data;
 /// <summary>
 /// Modify a Server You can use update attributes of a server
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="datacenterId"></param> 
 /// <param name="serverId">The unique ID of the server</param> 
 /// <param name="server">Modified Server</param> 
 /// <param name="parameter">Controls whether response is pretty-printed (with indentation and new lines)</param> 
 /// <param name="depth">Controls the details depth of response objects. \nEg. GET /datacenters/[ID]\n	- depth=0: only direct properties are included. Children (servers etc.) are not included\n	- depth=1: direct properties and children references are included\n	- depth=2: direct properties and children properties are included\n	- depth=3: direct properties and children properties and children&#39;s children are included\n	- depth=... and so on</param> 
 /// <returns>Server</returns>
 public Server Update(string datacenterId, string serverId, Server server, bool? parameter = null, int? depth = null)
     ApiResponse<Server> response = UpdateWithHttpInfo(datacenterId, serverId, server, parameter, depth);
     return response.Data;
        private void Configure()
            configuration = new Configuration
                Username = "******",
                Password = "******",

            dcApi = new DataCenterApi(configuration);
            serverApi = new ServerApi(configuration);
            volumeApi = new VolumeApi(configuration);
            attachedVolumesApi = new AttachedVolumesApi(configuration);

            //Create a datacenter.
            if (datacenter == null)
                datacenter = new Datacenter
                    Properties = new DatacenterProperties
                        Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                        Description = "Unit test for .Net SDK PB REST V2",
                        Location = "us/lasdev"

                datacenter = dcApi.Create(datacenter);
            if (server == null)
                server = new Server
                    Properties = new ServerProperties
                        Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                        Cores = 1,
                        Ram = 1024

                server = serverApi.Create(datacenter.Id, server);

Exemple #15
 public PServerSelection(Server server)
     : base(160, string.Format("Server Selection ({0})", server.Name), 3)
     base.m_Stream.Write((short) server.ServerID);
Exemple #16
 private static void ServerList(PacketReader pvSrc)
     int num = pvSrc.ReadInt16();
     if (num <= 0)
         xGumps.SetVariable("FailMessage", "The Ultima Online servers are currently down. Please try again in a few moments.");
         Cursor.Hourglass = false;
         Server[] array = new Server[num];
         Server server = null;
         for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
             array[i] = new Server(pvSrc.ReadInt16(), pvSrc.ReadString(0x20), pvSrc.ReadByte(), pvSrc.ReadSByte(), new IPAddress((long) pvSrc.ReadUInt32()));
             if (array[i].ServerID == NewConfig.LastServerID)
                 server = array[i];
         Engine.Servers = array;
         Engine.LastServer = server;
         if (Engine.m_QuickLogin)
             for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
                 if ((array[j].ServerID == Engine.m_QuickEntry.ServerID) && (array[j].Name == Engine.m_QuickEntry.ServerName))
                     Cursor.Hourglass = true;
             Cursor.Hourglass = false;
             xGumps.SetVariable("FailMessage", "That server was not found on the server list.");
             Cursor.Hourglass = false;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var configuration = new Configuration
                Username = "******",
                Password = "******",

            var dcApi = new DataCenterApi(configuration);
            var serverApi = new ServerApi(configuration);
            var volumeApi = new VolumeApi(configuration);
            var attachedVolumesApi = new AttachedVolumesApi(configuration);
            var nicApi = new NetworkInterfacesApi(configuration);

            // CreateDataCenterRequest.
            // The only required field is DataCenterName.
            // If location parameter is left empty data center will be created in the default region of the customer
            var datacenter = new Datacenter
                Properties = new DatacenterProperties
                    Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                    Description = "Unit test for .Net SDK PB REST V2",
                    Location = "us/lasdev"

            // Response will contain Id of a newly created data center.
            datacenter = dcApi.Create(datacenter);

            // CreateServer.
            // DataCenterId: Defines the data center wherein the server is to be created.
            // AvailabilityZone: Selects the zone in which the server is going to be created (AUTO, ZONE_1, ZONE_2).
            // Cores: Number of cores to be assigned to the specified server. Required field.
            // InternetAccess: Set to TRUE to connect the server to the Internet via the specified LAN ID.
            // OsType: Sets the OS type of the server.
            // Ram: Number of RAM memory (in MiB) to be assigned to the server.
            var server = new Server
                Properties = new ServerProperties
                    Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                    Cores = 1,
                    Ram = 256

            // response will contain Id of a newly created server.
            server = serverApi.Create(datacenter.Id, server);

            // UpdateServer
            // ServerId: Id of the server to be updated.
            // ServerName: Renames target virtual server
            // Cores: Updates the amount of cores of the target virtual server
            // Ram: Updates the RAM memory (in MiB) of the target virtual server. The minimum RAM size is 256 MiB
            server = serverApi.PartialUpdate(datacenter.Id, server.Id, new ServerProperties { Name = server.Properties.Name + " -Updated" });

            // CreateVolume
            // DataCenterId: Defines the data center wherein the storage is to be created. If left empty, the storage will be created in a new data center
            // Size: Storage size (in GiB). Required Field.
            // Type: SSD or HDD disk type, Required Field
            var volume = new Volume
                Properties = new VolumeProperties
                    Size = 4,
                    Image = "fbaae2b2-c899-11e5-aa10-52540005ab80",
                    Type = "HDD",
                    Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                    SshKeys = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> { "hQGOEJeFL91EG3+l9TtRbWNjzhDVHeLuL3NWee6bekA=" }

            // Response will contain Id of a newly created volume.
            volume = volumeApi.Create(datacenter.Id, volume);

            // AttachVolume
            // ServerId: Identifier of the target virtual storage. Required field.
            // StorageId: Identifier of the virtual storage to be connected. Required field.
            // BusType: Bus type to which the storage will be connected
            attachedVolumesApi.AttachVolume(datacenter.Id, server.Id, new Volume { Id = volume.Id });

            attachedVolumesApi.DetachVolume(datacenter.Id, server.Id, volume.Id);

            // Fetches list of all Data Centers
            var dcs = dcApi.FindAll(depth: 5);

            // Fetches list of all Servers
            var servers = serverApi.FindAll(datacenter.Id, depth: 5);

            // Fetches list of all Volumes
            var volumes = volumeApi.FindAll(datacenter.Id, depth: 5);

            // CreateNicRequest
            // Identifier of the target virtual server. Required field.
            // Nic: Names the NIC
            // Toggles usage of ProfitBricks DHCP
            // Lan
            var nic = new Nic { Properties = new NicProperties { Lan = 1 , Dhcp = true, Name = "Nic name"} };

            nic = nicApi.Create(datacenter.Id, server.Id, nic);
        private void Configure()
            configuration = new Configuration
                Username = "******",
                Password = "******",


            dcApi = new DataCenterApi(configuration);
            serverApi = new ServerApi(configuration);
            nicApi = new NetworkInterfacesApi(configuration);
            lbApi = new LoadBalancerApi(configuration);

            //Create a datacenter.
            if (datacenter == null)
                datacenter = new Datacenter
                    Properties = new DatacenterProperties
                        Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                        Description = "Unit test for .Net SDK PB REST V2",
                        Location = "us/lasdev"

                datacenter = dcApi.Create(datacenter);

            if(server == null)
                server = new Server
                    Properties = new ServerProperties
                        Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                        Cores = 1,
                        Ram = 256

                server = serverApi.Create(datacenter.Id, server);

            if (lb == null)
                lb = new Loadbalancer
                    Properties = new LoadbalancerProperties { Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() }

                lb = lbApi.Create(datacenter.Id, lb);
