public void RunApplication(string[] args)
            using (IUpdateContext updateContext = PersistentStore.OpenUpdateContext(UpdateContextSyncMode.Flush))
                IPartitionArchiveEntityBroker partitionBroker = updateContext.GetBroker<IPartitionArchiveEntityBroker>();
                PartitionArchiveSelectCriteria partitionCriteria = new PartitionArchiveSelectCriteria();

                PartitionArchive activePartition = partitionBroker.FindOne(partitionCriteria);
                if (activePartition == null)
                    Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "No active ArchivePartition were found.");

                IList<ServerEntityKey> partitionKeys = new List<ServerEntityKey>();
                foreach (PartitionArchive partition in partitionBroker.Find(partitionCriteria))

                IArchiveQueueEntityBroker queueBroker = updateContext.GetBroker<IArchiveQueueEntityBroker>();
                ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria queueCriteria = new ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria();
                queueCriteria.ArchiveQueueStatusEnum.In(new ArchiveQueueStatusEnum[] { ArchiveQueueStatusEnum.Failed, ArchiveQueueStatusEnum.Pending });

                ArchiveQueueUpdateColumns queueColumns = new ArchiveQueueUpdateColumns()
                    PartitionArchiveKey = activePartition.Key,
                    ArchiveQueueStatusEnum = ArchiveQueueStatusEnum.Pending,
                    ProcessorId = "",
                    ScheduledTime = Platform.Time

                if (queueBroker.Update(queueCriteria, queueColumns))
		public bool ResetArchiveQueueItem(IList<ArchiveQueue> items, DateTime time)
			if (items == null || items.Count == 0)
				return false;

			ArchiveQueueUpdateColumns columns = new ArchiveQueueUpdateColumns();
			columns.ArchiveQueueStatusEnum = ArchiveQueueStatusEnum.Pending;
			columns.ProcessorId = "";
			columns.ScheduledTime = time;

			bool result = true;
			IPersistentStore store = PersistentStoreRegistry.GetDefaultStore();
			using (IUpdateContext ctx = store.OpenUpdateContext(UpdateContextSyncMode.Flush))
				IArchiveQueueEntityBroker archiveQueueBroker = ctx.GetBroker<IArchiveQueueEntityBroker>();
				foreach (ArchiveQueue item in items)
					// Only do an update if its a failed status currently
					ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria criteria = new ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria();

					if (!archiveQueueBroker.Update(criteria, columns))
						result = false;

				if (result)

			return result;
		public int GetArchiveQueueCount(Study study)
			Platform.CheckForNullReference(study, "Study");

			ArchiveQueueAdaptor adaptor = new ArchiveQueueAdaptor();
			ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria archiveQueueCriteria = new ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria();
			return adaptor.GetCount(archiveQueueCriteria);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the specified partition can be deleted. If studies are scheduled
        /// to be archived on that partition or studies are already archived on that partition,
        /// then the partition may not be deleted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="partition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CanDelete(PartitionArchive partition)
            ArchiveQueueAdaptor archiveQueueAdaptor = new ArchiveQueueAdaptor();
            ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria selectCriteria = new ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria();

            ArchiveStudyStorageAdaptor archiveStudyStorageAdaptor = new ArchiveStudyStorageAdaptor();
            ArchiveStudyStorageSelectCriteria criteria = new ArchiveStudyStorageSelectCriteria();

            int queueItems = archiveQueueAdaptor.GetCount(selectCriteria);
			int storageItems = 0;
			// only check if we need to.
			if (queueItems == 0) storageItems = archiveStudyStorageAdaptor.GetCount(criteria);

			return !((queueItems > 0) || (storageItems > 0));
		/// <summary>
		/// Reprocess a specific study.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="partition">The ServerPartition the study is on.</param>
		/// <param name="location">The storage location of the study to process.</param>
		/// <param name="engine">The rules engine to use when processing the study.</param>
		/// <param name="postArchivalEngine">The rules engine used for studies that have been archived.</param>
		/// <param name="dataAccessEngine">The rules engine strictly used for setting data acess.</param>
		protected static void ProcessStudy(ServerPartition partition, StudyStorageLocation location, ServerRulesEngine engine, ServerRulesEngine postArchivalEngine, ServerRulesEngine dataAccessEngine)
			if (!location.QueueStudyStateEnum.Equals(QueueStudyStateEnum.Idle) || !location.AcquireWriteLock())
				Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unable to lock study {0}. The study is being processed. (Queue State: {1})", location.StudyInstanceUid,location.QueueStudyStateEnum.Description); 
					DicomFile msg = LoadInstance(location);
					if (msg == null)
						Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unable to load file for study {0}", location.StudyInstanceUid);

					bool archiveQueueExists;
					bool archiveStudyStorageExists;
					bool filesystemDeleteExists;
					using (IReadContext read = PersistentStoreRegistry.GetDefaultStore().OpenReadContext())
						// Check for existing archive queue entries
						var archiveQueueBroker = read.GetBroker<IArchiveQueueEntityBroker>();
						var archiveQueueCriteria = new ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria();
						archiveQueueExists = archiveQueueBroker.Count(archiveQueueCriteria) > 0;

						var archiveStorageBroker = read.GetBroker<IArchiveStudyStorageEntityBroker>();
						var archiveStudyStorageCriteria = new ArchiveStudyStorageSelectCriteria();
						archiveStudyStorageExists = archiveStorageBroker.Count(archiveStudyStorageCriteria) > 0;

						var filesystemQueueBroker = read.GetBroker<IFilesystemQueueEntityBroker>();
						var filesystemQueueCriteria = new FilesystemQueueSelectCriteria();
						filesystemDeleteExists = filesystemQueueBroker.Count(filesystemQueueCriteria) > 0;

					using (var commandProcessor = new ServerCommandProcessor("Study Rule Processor"))
						var context = new ServerActionContext(msg, location.FilesystemKey, partition, location.Key, commandProcessor);
						// Check if the Study has been archived 
						if (archiveStudyStorageExists && !archiveQueueExists && !filesystemDeleteExists)
							// Add a command to delete the current filesystemQueue entries, so that they can 
							// be reinserted by the rules engine.
							context.CommandProcessor.AddCommand(new DeleteFilesystemQueueCommand(location.Key, ServerRuleApplyTimeEnum.StudyArchived));

							// How to deal with exiting FilesystemQueue entries is problematic here.  If the study
							// has been migrated off tier 1, we probably don't want to modify the tier migration 
							// entries.  Compression entries may have been entered when the Study was initially 
							// processed, we don't want to delete them, because they might still be valid.  
							// We just re-run the rules engine at this point, and delete only the StudyPurge entries,
							// since those we know at least would only be applied for archived studies.
							var studyRulesEngine = new StudyRulesEngine(postArchivalEngine, location, location.ServerPartition, location.LoadStudyXml());
							studyRulesEngine.Apply(ServerRuleApplyTimeEnum.StudyArchived, commandProcessor);

							// Post Archive doesn't allow data access rules.  Force Data Access rules to be reapplied
							// to these studies also.
							// Add a command to delete the current filesystemQueue entries, so that they can 
							// be reinserted by the rules engine.
							context.CommandProcessor.AddCommand(new DeleteFilesystemQueueCommand(location.Key,ServerRuleApplyTimeEnum.StudyProcessed));

							// Execute the rules engine, insert commands to update the database into the command processor.
							// Due to ticket #11673, we create a new rules engine instance for each study, since the Study QC rules
							// don't work right now with a single rules engine.
							//TODO CR (Jan 2014) - Check if we can go back to caching the rules engine to reduce database hits on the rules
							var studyRulesEngine = new StudyRulesEngine(location, location.ServerPartition, location.LoadStudyXml());
							studyRulesEngine.Apply(ServerRuleApplyTimeEnum.StudyProcessed, commandProcessor);

						// Do the actual database updates.
						if (false == context.CommandProcessor.Execute())
							Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unexpected failure processing Study level rules for study {0}", location.StudyInstanceUid);

						// Log the FilesystemQueue related entries
		public bool IsArchivingScheduled()
			using (var ctx = PersistentStoreRegistry.GetDefaultStore().OpenReadContext())
				var broker = ctx.GetBroker<IArchiveQueueEntityBroker>();
				var criteria = new ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria();
				return broker.Find(criteria).Any();
		protected override void OnExecute(CommandProcessor theProcessor, IUpdateContext updateContext)
			var broker = updateContext.GetBroker<IArchiveQueueEntityBroker>();
			var criteria = new ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria();

		/// <summary>
		/// Reset any archival request that may have been left In Progress when the service last shut down.
		/// </summary>
		public void ResetFailedArchiveQueueItems()
			using (IUpdateContext updateContext = PersistentStore.OpenUpdateContext(UpdateContextSyncMode.Flush))
				IArchiveQueueEntityBroker broker = updateContext.GetBroker<IArchiveQueueEntityBroker>();

				ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria criteria = new ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria();

				IList<ArchiveQueue> failedList = broker.Find(criteria);
				foreach (ArchiveQueue failedItem in failedList)
					UpdateArchiveQueue(updateContext, failedItem, ArchiveQueueStatusEnum.Pending, Platform.Time.AddMinutes(2));

					             "Reseting ArchiveQueue entry {0} to Pending that was In Progress at startup for PartitionArchive {1}",
					             failedItem.Key, _partitionArchive.Description);


				if (failedList.Count > 0)
					Platform.Log(LogLevel.Info,"No ArchiveQueue entries to reset on startup for archive {0}",_partitionArchive.Description);
 public ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria(ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria other)
 : base(other)
 public ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria(ArchiveQueueSelectCriteria other)
     : base(other)