public IList<ProcedureTypeGroup> Find(ProcedureTypeGroupSearchCriteria criteria, Type subClass, SearchResultPage page)
			HqlQuery query = new HqlQuery(string.Format("from {0} x", subClass.Name));

			query.Conditions.AddRange(HqlCondition.FromSearchCriteria("x", criteria));
			query.Sorts.AddRange(HqlSort.FromSearchCriteria("x", criteria));
			query.Page = page;

			return ExecuteHql<ProcedureTypeGroup>(query);
Exemple #2
		public IList<WorkQueueItem> GetPendingItems(string type, int maxItems)
			var query = new HqlQuery("from WorkQueueItem item");
			query.Conditions.Add(new HqlCondition("item.Type = ?", type));
			query.Conditions.Add(new HqlCondition("item.Status = ?", WorkQueueStatus.PN));

			var now = Platform.Time;
			query.Conditions.Add(new HqlCondition("item.ScheduledTime < ?", now));
			query.Conditions.Add(new HqlCondition("(item.ExpirationTime is null or item.ExpirationTime > ?)", now));
			query.Sorts.Add(new HqlSort("item.ScheduledTime", true, 0));
			query.Page = new SearchResultPage(0, maxItems);

			return ExecuteHql<WorkQueueItem>(query);
Exemple #3
        public bool AssertUserHasToken(string userName, string token)
            UserSearchCriteria whereUser = new UserSearchCriteria();

            AuthorityTokenSearchCriteria whereToken = new AuthorityTokenSearchCriteria();

            // want this to be as fast as possible - use joins and only select the count
            HqlQuery query = new HqlQuery("select count(*) from User u join u.AuthorityGroups g join g.AuthorityTokens t");
            query.Conditions.AddRange(HqlCondition.FromSearchCriteria("u", whereUser));
            query.Conditions.AddRange(HqlCondition.FromSearchCriteria("t", whereToken));

            // expect exactly one integer result
            return ExecuteHqlUnique<long>(query) > 0;
Exemple #4
        public string[] FindTokensByUserName(string userName)
            UserSearchCriteria where = new UserSearchCriteria();

            // want this to be as fast as possible - use joins and only select the AuthorityToken names
            HqlQuery query = new HqlQuery("select distinct t.Name from User u join u.AuthorityGroups g join g.AuthorityTokens t");
            query.Conditions.AddRange(HqlCondition.FromSearchCriteria("u", where));

            // take advantage of query caching if possible
            query.Cacheable = true;

            IList<string> tokens = this.ExecuteHql<string>(query);
            string[] result = new string[tokens.Count];
            tokens.CopyTo(result, 0);
            return result;
Exemple #5
        public Guid[] FindDataGroupsByUserName(string userName)
            UserSearchCriteria where = new UserSearchCriteria();

            AuthorityGroupSearchCriteria groupWhere = new AuthorityGroupSearchCriteria();

            // want this to be as fast as possible - use joins and only select the AuthorityToken names
            HqlQuery query = new HqlQuery("select distinct g.OID from User u join u.AuthorityGroups g");
            query.Conditions.AddRange(HqlCondition.FromSearchCriteria("u", where));
            query.Conditions.AddRange(HqlCondition.FromSearchCriteria("g", groupWhere));

            // take advantage of query caching if possible
            query.Cacheable = true;

            IList<Guid> oids = ExecuteHql<Guid>(query);
            var result = new Guid[oids.Count];
            oids.CopyTo(result, 0);
            return result;
		protected int DoQueryCount(HqlQuery query)
			return (int)ExecuteHqlUnique<long>(query);
		private static HqlQuery BuildQuery(DomainObject obj, Type entityClass, string[] uniqueConstraintMembers)
            // get the id of the object being validated
            // if the object is unsaved, this id may be null
            var id = (obj is Entity) ? ((Entity) obj).OID : ((EnumValue) obj).Code;

            var query = new HqlQuery(string.Format("select count(*) from {0} x", entityClass.Name));
            if (id != null)
                // this object may have already been saved (i.e. this is an update) and therefore should be
                // excluded
                query.Conditions.Add(new HqlCondition(" <> ?", new [] { id }));

            // add other conditions 
            foreach (var propertyExpression in uniqueConstraintMembers)
                var value = EvaluatePropertyExpression(obj, propertyExpression);
                if (value == null)
                    query.Conditions.Add(new HqlCondition(string.Format("x.{0} is null", propertyExpression), new object[] { }));
                    query.Conditions.Add(new HqlCondition(string.Format("x.{0} = ?", propertyExpression), new [] { value }));

            return query;
Exemple #8
		public int GetUserCountForGroup(AuthorityGroup group)
			var q = new HqlQuery("select count(elements(g.Users)) from AuthorityGroup g");
			q.Conditions.Add(new HqlCondition("g = ?", group));
			return (int)ExecuteHqlUnique<long>(q);