Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出用卡明细列表数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public HttpFileOutput DeriveBillingRecordList(InputBillingRecordListDto input)
            string sql          = string.Empty;
            var    parameters   = HandleSQL(input, "export", out sql);
            var    pagerWrapper = new PagerResult <OutputDeriveBillingRecordListDto>();

            pagerWrapper.Result = _databaseMediator.ExcuteSqlQueryAsync <OutputDeriveBillingRecordListDto>(sql, parameters).Result;
            //预留:ex操作组件 begin
            var excelFormatter = _formatterFactory.Create(FomatterType.Excel);
            // 准备输出文件的路径(绝对路径)
            var filePath = Path.Combine(

            // 把Studen实体列表输出到指定路径
            excelFormatter.FromListToFile <OutputDeriveBillingRecordListDto>(pagerWrapper.Result, filePath);

            //预留:ex操作组件 end
            return(new HttpFileOutput()
                FilePath = filePath,
                FileName = $"用卡明细列表数据{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HH:mm")}.xlsx"
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取用卡明细列表(分页)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public YiBan.Common.Pages.PagerResult <OutputBillingRecordListDto> GetBillingRecordList(InputBillingRecordListDto input)
            string sql             = string.Empty;
            string sqlCount        = string.Empty;
            var    parameters      = HandleSQL(input, "", out sql);
            var    parametersCount = HandleSQL(input, "count", out sqlCount);
            var    pagerWrapper    = new PagerResult <OutputBillingRecordListDto>();

            pagerWrapper.Result = _databaseMediator.ExcuteSqlQueryAsync <OutputBillingRecordListDto>(sql, parameters).Result;
            int count = _databaseMediator.ExcuteSqlQueryAsync <int>(sqlCount, parametersCount).Result[0];

            pagerWrapper.TotalCount = count;
            pagerWrapper.PageIndex  = input.PageIndex;
            pagerWrapper.PageSize   = input.PageSize;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// sql处理
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="sql"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MySqlParameter[] HandleSQL(InputBillingRecordListDto input, string type, out string sql)
            var organizeId = _sessionManager.CurrentOrganizeId;

            sql = string.Empty;
            DateTime?bTime = null;
            DateTime?eTime = null;

            if (!input.BeginTime.IsNullOrEmpty())
                bTime = DateTime.Parse(input.BeginTime);
            if (!input.EndTime.IsNullOrEmpty())
                eTime = DateTime.Parse(input.EndTime).AddDays(1);

            int pageIn = (input.PageIndex - 1) * input.PageSize;
            int pageSi = input.PageSize;
            List <MySqlParameter> mysql = new List <MySqlParameter>();
            string sqlWhere             = string.Empty;
            string strlimit             = $" LIMIT {pageIn}, {pageSi}";
            string strasc = "order by e.CreateTime desc ";

            if (input.IsAsc)
                strasc = "order by e.CreateTime Asc ";
            if (type == "export")
                strlimit = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.CardNo))
                sqlWhere += string.Format(@" and  EXISTS (SELECT c.`AccountId` FROM ec_card c WHERE e.AccountId = c.AccountId   AND c.CardNo =  @CardNo ) ");
                mysql.Add(new MySqlParameter("@CardNo", input.CardNo));
            if (organizeId.HasValue)
                sqlWhere += string.Format(" and e.organizeId  =@OrganizeId ");
                mysql.Add(new MySqlParameter("@OrganizeId", organizeId));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Name))
                sqlWhere += string.Format(" and a.Name  like concat(?@Name,'%')  ");
                mysql.Add(new MySqlParameter("@Name", input.Name));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Creator))
                sqlWhere += string.Format("and e.Creator =@Creator  ");
                mysql.Add(new MySqlParameter("@Creator", input.Creator));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.CapitalType))
                sqlWhere += string.Format(" and e.CapitalType =@CapitalType  ");
                mysql.Add(new MySqlParameter("@CapitalType", input.CapitalType));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.AccountId))
                sqlWhere += string.Format(" and e.AccountId =@AccountId  ");
                mysql.Add(new MySqlParameter("@AccountId", input.AccountId));
            if (bTime != null)
                sqlWhere += string.Format(" and e.CreateTime>='{0}'  ", bTime);
                mysql.Add(new MySqlParameter("@bTime", bTime));
            if (eTime != null)
                sqlWhere += string.Format(" and e.CreateTime <='{0}' ", eTime);
                mysql.Add(new MySqlParameter("@eTime", eTime));
            if (type == "count")
                sql = string.Format(@"SELECT  count(1) as count 
                            FROM  ec_billingrecord e   LEFT JOIN ec_account a  ON a.Id = e.AccountId  LEFT JOIN sys_user u ON e.Creator = u.Id 
                            WHERE  1=1 {0}", sqlWhere);
                sql = string.Format(@"SELECT e.AccountId,a.Name,e.Amount,e.Balance,e.CreateTime,e.DESC AS ApplicationScene,u.UserName,
                                  WHEN 'Recharge' 
                                  THEN '充值' 
                                  WHEN 'Consumption' 
                                  THEN '消费' 
                                  WHEN 'Refund' 
                                  THEN '退费' 
                              ) AS BillingType 
                            FROM  ec_billingrecord e   LEFT JOIN ec_account a  ON a.Id = e.AccountId  LEFT JOIN sys_user u ON e.Creator = u.Id 
                            WHERE  1=1 {0} {1} {2}", sqlWhere, strasc, strlimit);