Exemple #1
 static IsometricBlockDrawer()
     FastColour.GetShaded(FastColour.White, out colXSide, out colZSide, out colYBottom);
     cosX = (float)Math.Cos(26.565f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
     sinX = (float)Math.Sin(26.565f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
     cosY = (float)Math.Cos(-45f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
     sinY = (float)Math.Sin(-45f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
Exemple #2
 void ResetLight()
     Shadowlight = DefaultShadowlight;
     FastColour.GetShaded(Shadowlight, ref ShadowlightXSide,
                          ref ShadowlightZSide, ref ShadowlightYBottom);
     Sunlight = DefaultSunlight;
     FastColour.GetShaded(Sunlight, ref SunlightXSide,
                          ref SunlightZSide, ref SunlightYBottom);
        static IsometricBlockDrawer()
            FastColour.GetShaded(FastColour.White, out colXSide, out colZSide, out colYBottom);
            transform = Matrix4.RotateY(45 * Utils.Deg2Rad) * Matrix4.RotateX(-30f * Utils.Deg2Rad);

            cosX = (float)Math.Cos(30f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            sinX = (float)Math.Sin(30f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            cosY = (float)Math.Cos(-45f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            sinY = (float)Math.Sin(-45f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary> Sets the current shadowlight colour, and raises the
 /// EnvVariableChanged event with the variable 'ShadowlightColour'. </summary>
 public void SetShadowlight(FastColour col)
     if (col == Shadowlight)
     Shadowlight = col;
     Set(col, ref Shadowlight, EnvVar.ShadowlightColour);
     FastColour.GetShaded(Shadowlight, ref ShadowlightXSide,
                          ref ShadowlightZSide, ref ShadowlightYBottom);
        static IsometricBlockDrawer()
            FastColour.GetShaded(FastColour.White, out colXSide, out colZSide, out colYBottom);
            Matrix4 rotY, rotX;

            Matrix4.RotateY(out rotY, 45 * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            Matrix4.RotateX(out rotX, -30f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            Matrix4.Mult(out transform, ref rotY, ref rotX);

            cosX = (float)Math.Cos(30f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            sinX = (float)Math.Sin(30f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            cosY = (float)Math.Cos(-45f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            sinY = (float)Math.Sin(-45f * Utils.Deg2Rad);