public void Run(string command, string[] args, string text1, string text2, Bot serverBot) { if (Program.Importer.ImportThread != null) Program.Importer.ImportThread.Abort(); serverBot.SendChat("Canceled import."); }
public void HandleConsoleCommand(string raw, string commandPrefix, Bot serverBot) { raw = Assistant.StripColors(raw); string command = raw.Substring(0, raw.IndexOf(" ")); command = command.Replace(commandPrefix, ""); string text1 = raw.Substring(command.Length + 1, raw.Length - (command.Length + 1)); string[] args = text1.Split(new[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (CommandDict.ContainsKey(command)) CommandDict[command].Run(command, args, text1, "", serverBot); }
public void Run(string command, string[] args, string text1, string text2, Bot serverBot) { if (args.Length > 0) { int times = int.Parse(args[0]); for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { serverBot.Position[0] = 0; serverBot.RefreshLocation(); Thread.Sleep(100); serverBot.Position[0] = 120; serverBot.RefreshLocation(); Thread.Sleep(100); } } }
public void ImportMbotThread(string[] lines, Bot client, short baseX, short baseY, short baseZ) { foreach (string m in lines) { string[] mySplit = m.Split(','); int x, y, z, type; int.TryParse(mySplit[0], out x); int.TryParse(mySplit[1], out y); int.TryParse(mySplit[2], out z); int.TryParse(mySplit[3].Replace(":", ""), out type); if (type != 0) client.PlaceBlock(baseX + x, baseY + y, baseZ + z, (byte)type); } client.SendChat("Done importing."); }
public void ImportMBot(Bot client, short x, short y, short z) { if (!File.Exists("Imports\\" + ImportFile + ".mbot")) { client.SendChat("File not found."); return; } client.SendChat("Importing."); using (var sr = new StreamReader("Imports\\" + ImportFile + ".mbot")) sr.ReadToEnd().Split(new[] {'\n'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //ImportThread = new Thread(() => ImportMbotThread(BlockLines, Client, X, Y, Z)); //ImportThread.Start(); //ImportThread = new Thread(ImportMbotThread); //ImportThread.Start(BlockLines, Client, X, Y, Z); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int Bots = 20; bool dupelicateNames = false; BotsArr = new ClassicBot.Bot[Bots]; var r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < Bots; i++) { string name = "uBot" + (dupelicateNames ? r.Next(i) : i); BotsArr[i] = new Bot(false, name, "", false); BotsArr[i].ErrorMessage += message => Console.WriteLine("Error:" + i + ": " + message); BotsArr[i].Connect("potato", false, "", 25565); } while (true) { UpdateLoop(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
public void HandleServerCommand(string raw, string commandPrefix, Bot serverBot) { raw = Assistant.StripColors(raw); var splits = raw.Split(' '); if (splits.Length > 1 && splits[1].StartsWith(commandPrefix)) { string name = splits[0].Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace(":", ""); string text1 = raw.Substring(raw.IndexOf(splits[2]), raw.Length - (raw.IndexOf(splits[2]))); string[] args = text1.Split(' '); if (CommandDict.ContainsKey(splits[1].Replace(commandPrefix, "")) ) CommandDict[splits[1].Replace(commandPrefix, "")].Run(splits[1], args, text1, "", serverBot); } }
public void Run(string command, string[] args, string text1, string text2, Bot serverBot) { if (args.Length > 0) serverBot.SendChat(text1.TrimStart(' ')); }
public void Run(string command, string[] args, string text1, string text2, Bot serverBot) { var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo("Imports\\"); serverBot.SendChat("You have " + dirInfo.GetFiles().Length + " imports."); string importString = ""; foreach (FileInfo b in dirInfo.GetFiles()) importString += b.Name + ", "; serverBot.SendChat(importString.Substring(0, importString.Length - 2)); }
public void Run(string command, string[] args, string text1, string text2, Bot serverBot) { if (args.Length > 0) { if (!File.Exists("Imports\\" + args[0] + ".mbot")) { serverBot.SendChat("File not found."); return; } Program.Importer.ImportFile = args[0]; Program.Importer.Importing = true; serverBot.SendChat("Place an iron-ore marker to import."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var myServer = new Bot(true, "Bot", "Bot", false); myServer.ClientSupportedExtensions.Add(CPEExtensions.CustomBlocks); Importer = new Importer(); _logger = new FileLogger("Packets.txt"); _ch = new CommandHandler(); _prefix = "!"; if (args.Length > 0) { if (args[0] == "help" || args[0] == "-h" || args[0] == "--help" || args[0] == "/h") { Console.WriteLine("CLI Classic bot"); Console.WriteLine("By Umby24"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Usage: CLIBot.exe [verifynames] [UN] [Pass] [URL, Name, or IP] [Port or LogPackets (optional)]"); Console.WriteLine("verifynames may be either true or false"); Console.WriteLine("service may be either classicube or minecraft."); Console.WriteLine("LogPackets may be true or false."); return; } if (args.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid number of arguments. See CLIbot.exe -h"); return; } bool testing; if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out testing)) { Console.WriteLine("Verifynames must be either true or false. See CLIbot.exe -h"); return; } if (testing) myServer.VerifyNames = true; myServer.Username = args[1]; myServer.Password = args[2]; _ipNameorUrl = args[3]; if (args.Length >= 5) { testing = false; int myInt; bool myBool; if (int.TryParse(args[4], out myInt)) { _port = myInt; testing = true; if (args.Length > 5) { if (bool.TryParse(args[5], out myBool)) { _logPackets = myBool; } } } if (bool.TryParse(args[4], out myBool)) { _logPackets = myBool; testing = true; } if (testing == false) { Console.WriteLine("Argument 6 invalid. See CLIbot.exe -h"); return; } } } if (_logPackets) { myServer.PacketReceived += packet => _logger.Log(packet); } myServer.ChatMessage += message => { ColoredConsole.ColorConvertingConsole.WriteLine("[Chat] " + message); if (message.Contains(_prefix)) _ch.HandleServerCommand(message, _prefix, myServer); }; myServer.InfoMessage += message => ColoredConsole.ColorConvertingConsole.WriteLine("&2[Info] &f" + message); myServer.ErrorMessage += message => ColoredConsole.ColorConvertingConsole.WriteLine("&4[Error] &f" + message); myServer.DebugMessage += message => ColoredConsole.ColorConvertingConsole.WriteLine("&9[Debug] &f" + message); myServer.BlockChanged += (x, y, z) => { if (Importer.Importing && myServer.ClientWorld.GetBlockId(x, y, z) == 15) Importer.ImportMBot(myServer, x, y, z); }; if (_ipNameorUrl.Contains("http")) { myServer.Connect(_ipNameorUrl, true, "", 25565); } else if (_ipNameorUrl.Contains(".") && _ipNameorUrl.Length < 16) { myServer.Connect("", false, _ipNameorUrl, _port); } else { myServer.Connect(_ipNameorUrl, false); } string input; do { input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input != null && input.Contains(_prefix)) _ch.HandleConsoleCommand(input, _prefix, myServer); } while (input != "quit"); myServer.Disconnect(); }
public NetworkManager(Bot core) { WriteLock = new object(); ClientBot = core; Populate(); }
public void MakeConnection(string username, string password, bool verifyNames, string serverUrl, string ip = "", int port = 25565, string mppass = "") { _bot = new Bot(true, username, password, verifyNames); _bot.ClientSupportedExtensions.Add(CPEExtensions.CustomBlocks); _bot.ClientSupportedExtensions.Add(CPEExtensions.ExtPlayerList); RegisterEvents(); if (ip == "") _bot.Connect(serverUrl, true); else { _bot.MpPass = mppass; _bot.Connect("", false, ip, port); } }