static void Main(string[] args) { // create objects Location loc = new Location { Description = "Head Office", City = "Glasgow" }; Employee emp1 = new Employee("Michael", "michael", loc, "1234"); Employee emp2 = new Employee("Susan", "susan", loc, "4321"); Employee emp3 = new Employee(); TimeSheet ts = new TimeSheet(); // use properties string uname = emp2.Username; Console.WriteLine("Email address for Susan is {0}", emp2.Email); emp2.PhoneNumber = "5678"; TimeSheet.MaxEntries = 100; // send messages (call methods) emp1.RecordOvertime(ts, 5, true); // note that as a result of this, emp1 sends a message to ts int overTime = emp1.TotalOvertime(ts); Console.WriteLine("total hours for Michael: {0}", overTime); TimeSheet.IncreaseMaxEntriesBy(50); // wait for key press before ending Console.ReadLine(); double angle = Math.PI; double result = Math.Sin(angle); }