public override void Dispose() { base.Dispose(); Accounts.Dispose(); Incomes.Dispose(); Packages.Dispose(); Categories.Dispose(); Accounts = new AccountCollection(); Incomes = new IncomeCollection(); Packages = new PackageCollection(); Categories = new CategoryCollection(); _BackgroundRun = null; _BackgroundUpdateBalances = null; }
// New features: // Automatically sweep from stocks to checking to avoid negative balances // Add spending accounts, like income taxes, etc. that don't need daily balances to be tracked // Add linked overdraft accounts to handle negative balances // Add conditional transfers, i.e., when a balance goes negative or below a certain threshold public Document() { _BackgroundRun = new BackgroundTask(false/*runOnUIThread*/, 200/*runDelay*/, BackgroundRunWorker, BackgroundRunComplete); _BackgroundUpdateBalances = new BackgroundTask(false/*runOnUIThread*/, 200/*runDelay*/, BackgroundUpdateBalancesWorker, BackgroundUpdateBalancesComplete); }