Exemple #1
        public void Test28CellCourse()
            CellCourse c1 = new CellCourse();

            c1.ID           = c1.ID;
            c1.code         = c1.code;
            c1.originalName = c1.originalName;
            c1.name         = c1.name;
            c1.c_hour       = c1.c_hour;
            c1.section      = c1.section;
            c1.venue        = c1.venue;
            c1.timeFrom     = c1.timeFrom;
            c1.timeTo       = c1.timeTo;
            c1.semester     = c1.semester;
            c1.day          = c1.day;
        public bool generate(String pathPlusName, String path0)
            bool labTime   = false;                     // if 1 hour course lies under lab tab, then find correct time
            bool dateFound = false;

            Form1 frm = new Form1();

            int    num = 78;
            String day = "";      //  to store course's day

            for (int i = 1; i <= rowCount; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= colCount; j++)
                        //  if this (x,y) cell is present && has some value inside it
                        if (xlRange.Cells[i, j] != null && xlRange.Cells[i, j].Value2 != null)
                            String cellData = xlWorksheet.Cells[i, j].Value2.ToString();
                            //    Console.WriteLine("(" + i + "," + j + ")" + cellData + "\t");

                            //      if data is a number (date converted to a serial no. ) && (serial no length must be 5 to be date)
                            if (dateFound == false && int.TryParse(cellData, out num) && (cellData).Length == 5)
                                //    Console.WriteLine("(" + i + "," + j + ")" + cellData + "\t");

                                cellData = FromExcelSerialDate(Convert.ToInt32(cellData));
                                //  Console.WriteLine("(" + i + "," + j + ")" + cellData + "\t");
                                cellData = dateChanger(cellData);
                                //Console.WriteLine("(" + i + "," + j + ")" + cellData + "\t");
                                date      = cellData;
                                dateFound = true;
                                //  Console.WriteLine("(" + i + "," + j + ")" + cellData + "\t");

                                if (clearStrings(cellData).ToUpper() == "Venue".ToUpper())       //  stores the location of Venue, for furthure loop work
                                    venueCol = j;

                                if (j == venueCol)        //  if venue column

                                //  Store the day
                                if (cellData == days[0] || cellData == days[1] || cellData == days[2] || cellData == days[3] || cellData == days[4] || cellData == days[5])
                                    day             = cellData;
                                    frm.label3.Text = "Finding classes on " + day;

                                    labTime = false;    //  sets it to false at every new day start

                                if (clearStrings(cellData).ToUpper() == "Labs".ToUpper())
                                    labTime = true;

                                //<-----------------------------------------FINDING NAME----------------------------------------------->
                                //      Console.WriteLine("1");

                                CellCourse temp = new CellCourse();

                                int returnedNo = isACourse(cellData);
                                if (returnedNo == -1)    //  not a course (w.r.t our D.B)
                                    temp.code         = getCode(returnedNo);
                                    temp.originalName = getoriginalName(returnedNo);
                                    temp.name         = getName(returnedNo);
                                    temp.section      = getSection(returnedNo);
                                    temp.c_hour       = getC_Hour(returnedNo);
                                    temp.semester     = getSemester(returnedNo);

                                    //      Console.WriteLine("(" + i + "," + j + ")" + cellData + "\t\t" + temp.name+"("+temp.section+")");

                                //     Console.WriteLine("2");

                                //<-----------------------------------------SETTING DAY------------------------------------------------>

                                temp.day = day;
                                //     Console.WriteLine("3");
                                //<-----------------------------------------FINDING VENUE---------------------------------------------->
                                if (isVenueInCell(cellData) == 1)
                                    temp.venue = getVenue1(cellData);   //  ROOM
                                else if (isVenueInCell(cellData) == 2)
                                    temp.venue = getVenue2(cellData);   //  R#
                                    //        Console.WriteLine(xlWorksheet.Cells[i, 2].Value2.ToString());

                                    temp.venue = xlWorksheet.Cells[i, venueCol].Value2.ToString();
                                    //         Console.WriteLine("3b");

                                //     Console.WriteLine("4");

                                //<-----------------------------------------FINDING TIME----------------------------------------------->

                                if (timeInCell(cellData))
                                    String time = extractTime(cellData);
                                    time = removeAMsPMs(time);

                                    if (time.Contains("-"))
                                        String[] arrTime = time.Split('-');

                                        arrTime[0] = addZeros(arrTime[0]);  //  add missing zeros
                                        arrTime[1] = addZeros(arrTime[1]);

                                        temp.timeFrom = arrTime[0];
                                        temp.timeTo   = arrTime[1];
                                    else if (time.ToLower().Contains("to"))
                                        String[] arrTime = time.ToLower().Split('t');

                                        arrTime[1] = arrTime[1].Substring(1, arrTime[1].Length - 1);
                                        arrTime[0] = addZeros(arrTime[0]);
                                        arrTime[1] = addZeros(arrTime[1]);

                                        temp.timeFrom = arrTime[0];
                                        temp.timeTo   = arrTime[1];
                                        Console.WriteLine("\nTime Parsing Error in cell = " + cellData);
                                    //       Console.WriteLine(temp.timeFrom+"-"+temp.timeTo+"--->"+cellData);

                                else    //  time is in proper place (in top time row)
                                    for (int c = i; c > 0; c--)
                                        //  finds the time and day
                                        if (xlRange.Cells[c, j] != null && xlRange.Cells[c, j].Value2 != null && isTime(xlWorksheet.Cells[c, j].Value2.ToString()))
                                            //  if under lab tab, find suitable time
                                            String gj = cellData.ToUpper();
                                            if (labTime && !gj.Contains("LAB"))
                                            {//     difference should be 1 hour, as its a class, not a lab
                                                /*       if (differenceIs1(xlWorksheet.Cells[c, j].Value2.ToString()))
                                                 *     {
                                                 *         String gh = xlRange.Cells[c, j].Value2.ToString().Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                                                 *         String[] tu = gh.Split('-');
                                                 *         temp.timeFrom = tu[0];
                                                 *         temp.timeTo = tu[1];
                                                 *         break;
                                                 *     }
                                                goto missElse36;
                                            //                              display found time                                  displays venue
                                                String   gh = xlRange.Cells[c, j].Value2.ToString().Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                                                String[] tu = gh.Split('-');
                                                temp.timeFrom = tu[0];
                                                temp.timeTo   = tu[1];

                                //          Console.WriteLine("5");

                                Console.Write("(" + i + "," + j + ")" + cellData + "\t\t" + temp.name + "(" + temp.section + ")");
                                Console.WriteLine("\t\t" + temp.originalName + "\t\t" + temp.venue + "\t\t" + temp.timeFrom + "-" + temp.timeTo + ", " + temp.day + ",  " + temp.c_hour);
                        }   //  if
                    catch (Exception er)
                } //  for
            }     //  for

                //  generate filenames to write data and errors
                String errorFile = path0;
                String writeFile = path0;
                for (int a = 0; a < pathPlusName.Length; a++)
                    if (pathPlusName[a] == '.')
                    if (a >= path0.Length)
                        errorFile += pathPlusName[a];
                        writeFile += pathPlusName[a];
                errorFile += "_error_log.txt";
                writeFile += ".txt";

                /*       using (StreamWriter write1 = new StreamWriter(errorFile))
                 *     { }
                 *     frm.label3.Text = "Done Finding";
                 *     using (StreamWriter write = new StreamWriter(writeFile))
                 *     {
                 *         for (int a = 0; a < dailyClasses.Count; a++)
                 *         {
                 *             String dumm = dailyClasses[a].timeFrom + "-" + dailyClasses[a].timeTo;
                 *             if (dumm.Length != 11)
                 *             {
                 *                 using (StreamWriter write1 = new StreamWriter(errorFile, true))
                 *                 {
                 *                     write1.Write((a + 1) + "," + dailyClasses[a].code + "," + dailyClasses[a].originalName + "," + dailyClasses[a].name + "," + dailyClasses[a].section + "," + dailyClasses[a].c_hour + ",");
                 *                     write1.Write(dailyClasses[a].venue + "," + dailyClasses[a].timeFrom + "-" + dailyClasses[a].timeTo + "," + dailyClasses[a].day + "," + dailyClasses[a].semester + "\n");
                 *                 }
                 *             }
                 *             write.Write((a + 1) + "," + dailyClasses[a].code + "," + dailyClasses[a].originalName + "," + dailyClasses[a].name + "," + dailyClasses[a].section + "," + dailyClasses[a].c_hour + ",");
                 *             write.Write(dailyClasses[a].venue + "," + dailyClasses[a].timeFrom + "-" + dailyClasses[a].timeTo + "," + dailyClasses[a].day + "," + dailyClasses[a].semester + "\n");
                 *         }
                 *     }
            catch (Exception er)