public ResultList GSsearch(Query query) { //String queryURL = querybuilder.getURL //Result = parser.getResult //Dummy Results ResultList resultList = new ResultList(); GSParser parser = new GSParser(); resultList = parser.GSbuildQuery(query); /* Paper paper = new Paper(); paper.settitle("A hybrid feature set based maximum entropy Hindi named entity recognition"); paper.setdescription("hsjkasdhkjshjsak"); paper.seturl(new Uri("")); paper.setauthors("S Dandapat, S Sarkar, A Basu - Proceedings of the International …, 2004 -"); paper.setcitationsUrl("skhadkjshadksjdhkj"); result.addPaper(paper); result.addPaper(paper); result.addPaper(paper); result.addPaper(paper); * */ return resultList; // // return null; //TODO }
public ResultList MSASsearch(Query query) { ResultList resultList = new ResultList(); MSASParser parser = new MSASParser(); resultList = parser.MSASbuildQuery(query); return resultList; }
public AddFavReturnCode addFavourite(Query query) { if (!inFavorites(query)) { favourites.Add(query); if (writeFavouritesToFile()) return AddFavReturnCode.ADDED; return AddFavReturnCode.NOT_ADDED; } return AddFavReturnCode.EXISTS; }
public ResultList GSbuildQuery(Query query) { GSQueryURLBuilder QB = new GSQueryURLBuilder(); String URL = QB.buildQuery(query); this.query = query; var strUrl = new Uri(URL); int i; for (i = 0; i < 50; i += 10) { Result result = new Result(); String newURL; newURL = strUrl + "&start=" + i.ToString(); var newUrl = new Uri(newURL); Console.WriteLine(newUrl); result = GSConnect(newUrl); if (result != null) this.resultList.Add(result); else return null; } checkProfile(strUrl); return this.resultList; }
public String buildQuery(Query query) { // sort by citations not implemented queryURL = String.Format("{0}&ResultObjects={1}&PublicationContent={2}", appId,"Publication","AllInfo"); String searchString = null; searchString = query.getqueryString(); searchString = searchString.Replace(" ", "+"); if (query.resultType == ResultType.AUTHOR) { queryURL+="&AuthorQuery="+searchString; } else if (query.resultType == ResultType.JOURNAL) { queryURL += "&JournalQuery=" + searchString; } //sort by citations if (query.sortOrder == SortOrder.CITATIONS) { queryURL += "&OrderBy=CitationCount"; } else if(query.sortOrder==SortOrder.DATE) { queryURL += "&OrderBy=Year"; } //search for custom year range and sorted by citations if (query.issetylo()) { queryURL += "&YearStart=" + query.getylo(); } if (query.issetyhi()) { queryURL += "&YearEnd=" + query.getyhi(); } String pageStart = ((query.getpageid() -1)*20 + 1).ToString(); queryURL += "&StartIdx=" + pageStart; String pageEnd = (query.getpageid()*20).ToString(); queryURL += "&EndIdx=" + pageEnd; //search for custome year range and sorted by date //TODO : Need to get the correct URL. // #Srikar Console.WriteLine("::::::::"+queryURL); return queryURL; }
public String buildQuery(Query query) { //normal search (sort by citations) // sort by citations not implemented String queryURL, queryURLStat1, queryURLStat2; queryURL = null; String queryPart1 = ""; String searchString = null; searchString = query.getqueryString(); searchString = searchString.Replace(" ", "+"); if (query.resultType == ResultType.AUTHOR) { queryPart1 = queryPart1 + "as_sauthors=" + "\"" + searchString + "\""; } else if (query.resultType == ResultType.JOURNAL) { queryPart1 = queryPart1 + "as_publication=" + "\"" + searchString + "\""; } int patentChoice; String queryPart2 = "&hl=en&as_sdt="; if (!query.getincludePatents()) patentChoice = 0; else patentChoice = 1; queryPart2 += patentChoice; queryPart2 += "%2C5&as_vis=1"; //sort by citations if (query.sortOrder == SortOrder.CITATIONS && (query.issetyhi() && query.issetylo())) { queryURL = queryPart1 + queryPart2; queryURLStat1 = queryURL; } //sort by date else if (query.sortOrder == SortOrder.CITATIONS && !(query.issetyhi() && query.issetylo())) { int year = 2013; queryURL = queryPart1 + "&as_ylo=&as_yhi=" + queryPart2; year--; } //search for custom year range and sorted by citations else if ((query.issetyhi() && query.issetylo()) && query.sortOrder == SortOrder.CITATIONS) { queryURL = queryPart1 + "&as_ylo=" + query.getylo() + "&as_yhi=" + query.getyhi() + queryPart2; queryURLStat2 = queryURL; } //search for custome year range and sorted by date else if (query.sortOrder == SortOrder.DATE && (query.issetyhi() && query.issetylo())) { queryURL = queryPart1 + "&as_ylo=" + query.getylo() + "&as_yhi=" + query.getyhi() + queryPart2; } else if (query.sortOrder == SortOrder.DATE && !(query.issetyhi() && query.issetylo())) { queryURL = queryPart1 + "&as_ylo=&as_yhi=" + queryPart2; } //TODO : Need to get the correct URL. // #Srikar return queryURL; }
public ResultList initiateSearch(data d) { String queryString = d.qs; //tab.getSearchBoxText(); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } if (queryString == null || queryString == "") { TabPage.displayError("Please Enter a Query"); return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(0, null); int ylo = d.yl; int yhi = d.yh; //tab.getYhi(); Boolean includeCitations = d.ic; // tab.getIncludePatents(); SortOrder sortOrder =; //tab.getSortOrder(); ResultType resultType = d.rt; // tab.getResultType(); d.b.ReportProgress(10, null); Query query = new Query(); query.setqueryString(queryString); if (ylo != 0) query.setylo(ylo); if (yhi != 0) query.setyhi(yhi); query.setincludePatents(includeCitations); query.sortOrder = sortOrder; query.resultType = resultType; query.setpageid(d.pageId); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } //bool networkUp = System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable(); bool networkUp = Controller.CheckForInternetConnection(); Console.WriteLine(networkUp); if (networkUp) { Searcher searcher = new Searcher(); ResultList resultListGS = new ResultList(); ResultList resultListMS = new ResultList(); ResultList resultList = new ResultList(); SearchType type; d.b.ReportProgress(20, null); resultListGS = searcher.GSsearch(query); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(50, null); resultListMS = searcher.MSASsearch(query); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(70, null); if (resultListMS != null) resultList = resultListMS; else if (resultListMS == null && resultListGS != null) resultList = resultListGS; else { TabPage.displayError("Cannot connect to Data Sources."); return null; } if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(85, null); if (resultListGS != null) { if (resultListGS.type != null) resultList.type = resultListGS.type; } else { MSASQueryURLBuilder MSQ = new MSASQueryURLBuilder(); String URL = ""; if (resultType == ResultType.AUTHOR) { URL = MSQ.buildAuthorUrl(queryString); } else if (resultType == ResultType.JOURNAL) { URL = MSQ.buildJournalUrl(queryString); } Uri url = new Uri(URL); Console.WriteLine(url.ToString()); MSASParser parser = new MSASParser(); if (resultType == ResultType.AUTHOR) { resultList.resultType = ResultType.AUTHOR; resultList.type = parser.MSParseProfile(url, queryString, resultType); } else { resultList.resultType = ResultType.JOURNAL; resultList.loadType(); Console.WriteLine("Reached"); resultList.type =(Journal) parser.MSParseJournal(queryString); Console.WriteLine(";;;;;"+resultList.type); } if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } } // tab.setResult(resultList); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(100, null); return resultList; } else { TabPage.displayError("Oops !! No Internet Connection !!!"); return null; } }
public Boolean Equals(Query q) { if (!(queryString.Equals(q.getqueryString()))) return false; if (!(ylo.Equals(q.getylo()))) return false; if (!(yhi.Equals(q.getyhi()))) return false; if (!(includePatents.Equals(q.getincludePatents()))) return false; if (!(id.Equals(q.getpageid()))) return false; if (!(sortOrder.Equals(q.sortOrder))) return false; if (!(resultType.Equals(q.resultType))) return false; return true; }
public ResultList MSASbuildQuery(Query query) { MSASQueryURLBuilder MSB = new MSASQueryURLBuilder(); String URL = MSB.buildQuery(query); this.query = query; var strUrl = new Uri(URL); Console.WriteLine(URL); this.resultList.resultType = query.resultType; this.resultList.loadType(); this.resultList = MSASConnectFetch(strUrl); return this.resultList; }
private bool inFavorites(Query q) { foreach (Query query in favourites) { if (query.Equals(q)) return true; } return false; }
public Boolean deleteFavourite(Query query) { if (favourites.Remove(query)) return writeFavouritesToFile(); return false; }
public void setSearch(Query q) { this.q = q ; }
public TabPage(MainWindow mw, Favourites f, Query q) { = mw; this.f = f; this.q = q; InitializeComponent(); this.Searcher = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker(); this.Searcher.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.Searcher.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; this.Searcher.DoWork += new System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler(this.Searcher_DoWork); this.Searcher.ProgressChanged += new System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler(this.Searcher_ProgressChanged); this.Searcher.RunWorkerCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.Searcher_RunWorkerCompleted); this.viewCitation = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker(); this.viewCitation.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.viewCitation.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; this.viewCitation.DoWork += new System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler(this.Citation_DoWork); this.viewCitation.ProgressChanged += new System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler(this.Citation_ProgressChanged); this.viewCitation.RunWorkerCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.Citation_RunWorkerCompleted); controllerList = new List<Controller>(); progressBar.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; this.searchBox.Opacity = 1; this.UpdateStatusBar += updateStatusBar; // related to statusbar updateStatusBar("Ready To Search !!!"); this.searchBox.Text = q.getqueryString(); if (q.resultType == ResultType.AUTHOR) { this.radioAuthor.IsChecked = true; this.radioJournal.IsChecked = false; } else { this.radioJournal.IsChecked = true; this.radioAuthor.IsChecked = false; } if (q.sortOrder == SortOrder.CITATIONS) { this.radioCitations.IsChecked = true; this.radioDate.IsChecked = false; } else { this.radioDate.IsChecked = true; this.radioCitations.IsChecked = false; } int flag = 0; if (q.issetyhi()) { flag = 1; this.checkBoxCustomRange.IsChecked = true; this.checkBoxCustomRange.IsEnabled = true; this.yearEnd.IsEnabled = true; this.yearStart.IsEnabled = true; this.yearEnd.Text = q.getyhi() + ""; } if (q.issetylo()) { flag = 1; this.checkBoxCustomRange.IsChecked = true; this.checkBoxCustomRange.IsEnabled = true; this.yearEnd.IsEnabled = true; this.yearStart.IsEnabled = true; this.yearStart.Text = q.getylo() + ""; } if (flag == 0) this.checkBoxCustomRange.IsChecked = false; currentPageSelected = q.getpageid(); searchFav(); }
private void addFav(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { btnAddFav.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(71, 135, 237)); btnAddFav.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkGray); btnAddFav.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1); btnAddFav.Content = "Favourite"; btnAddFav.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); Query q = new Query(); q.setqueryString(this.getSearchBoxText()); q.setyhi(this.getYhi()); q.setylo(this.getYlo()); if (this.getSortOrder() == SortOrder.DATE) q.sortOrder = SortOrder.DATE; else q.sortOrder = SortOrder.CITATIONS; if (this.getResultType() == ResultType.AUTHOR) q.resultType = ResultType.AUTHOR; else q.resultType = ResultType.JOURNAL; q.setpageid(currentPageSelected); fav.addFavourite(q); }