public void NoMatchingFileHandlers_DoesNothing() { using (var bob = new RepositorySetup("bob")) { using(var cop = new CommitCop(bob.Repository , ChorusFileTypeHandlerCollection.CreateWithTestHandlerOnly(), bob.Progress)) { bob.AddAndCheckinFile("", "hello"); } bob.AssertLocalRevisionNumber(0); } }
public void HasFileHandlers_Validates_DoesNothing() { using (var bob = new RepositorySetup("bob")) { using (var cop = new CommitCop(bob.Repository, ChorusFileTypeHandlerCollection.CreateWithTestHandlerOnly(), bob.Progress)) { bob.AddAndCheckinFile("test.chorusTest", "hello"); // SUT Assert.IsNullOrEmpty(cop.ValidationResult); } bob.AssertLocalRevisionNumber(0); } }
public void SecondCheckin_Invalid_BacksOut() { using (var bob = new RepositorySetup("bob")) { bob.AddAndCheckinFile("test.chorusTest", "hello"); bob.ChangeFile("test.chorusTest",ChorusTestFileHandler.GetInvalidContents()); using (var cop = new CommitCop(bob.Repository, ChorusFileTypeHandlerCollection.CreateWithTestHandlerOnly(), bob.Progress)) { Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(cop.ValidationResult)); bob.Repository.Commit(false, "bad data"); } Debug.WriteLine(bob.Repository.GetLog(-1)); bob.AssertHeadCount(1); bob.AssertLocalRevisionNumber(2); bob.AssertFileContents("test.chorusTest", "hello"); } }
public void InitialFileCommit_Invalid_BacksOut() { using(var bob = new RepositorySetup("bob")) { bob.AddAndCheckinFile("validfile.chorustest", "valid contents"); bob.ChangeFile("test.chorusTest", ChorusTestFileHandler.GetInvalidContents()); using(var cop = new CommitCop(bob.Repository, ChorusFileTypeHandlerCollection.CreateWithTestHandlerOnly(), bob.Progress)) { bob.Repository.AddAndCheckinFile("test.chorusTest"); Assert.That(cop.ValidationResult, Is.StringContaining("Failed")); } Debug.WriteLine(bob.Repository.GetLog(-1)); bob.AssertHeadCount(1); bob.AssertLocalRevisionNumber(2); bob.AssertFileDoesNotExistInRepository("test.chorusTest"); bob.AssertFileExistsInRepository("validfile.chorustest"); } }
public void HasFileHandlers_ValidCommit_Validates_DoesNothing() { using(var bob = new RepositorySetup("bob")) { bob.AddAndCheckinFile("test.chorusTest", "hello"); using(var cop = new CommitCop(bob.Repository, ChorusFileTypeHandlerCollection.CreateWithTestHandlerOnly(), bob.Progress)) { bob.ChangeFile("test.chorusTest", "aloha"); bob.AddAndCheckinFile("test2.chorusTest", "hi"); Assert.IsNullOrEmpty(cop.ValidationResult); } bob.AssertHeadCount(1); bob.AssertLocalRevisionNumber(1); bob.AssertFileExistsInRepository("test2.chorusTest"); bob.AssertFileContents("test.chorusTest", "aloha"); bob.AssertFileContents("test2.chorusTest", "hi"); } }
private void Commit(SyncOptions options) { ThrowIfCancelPending(); _progress.WriteMessage("Storing changes in local repository..."); _sychronizerAdjunct.PrepareForInitialCommit(_progress); // Must be done, before "AddAndCommitFiles" call. // It could be here, or first thing inside the 'using' for CommitCop. string tooLargeFilesMessage = LargeFileFilter.FilterFiles(Repository, _project, _handlers); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooLargeFilesMessage)) { var msg = "We're sorry, but the Send/Receive system can't handle large files. The following files won't be stored or shared by this system until you can shrink them down below the maximum: " + Environment.NewLine; msg += tooLargeFilesMessage; _progress.WriteWarning(msg); } var commitCopValidationResult = ""; using (var commitCop = new CommitCop(Repository, _handlers, _progress)) { // NB: The commit must take place in order for CommitCop to work properly. // Ergo, don't even think of moving this after the commitCop.ValidationResult check. // Too bad I (RBR) already thought of it, and asked, and found out it ought not be moved. :-) AddAndCommitFiles(options.CheckinDescription); commitCopValidationResult = commitCop.ValidationResult; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commitCopValidationResult)) { return; } // Commit cop reported a validation failure, but deal with it here, rather than inside the 'using', as the rollback won't have happened, // until Dispose, and that is way too early for the "SimpleUpdate" call. _sychronizerAdjunct.SimpleUpdate(_progress, true); throw new ApplicationException( "The changed data did not pass validation tests. Your project will be moved back to the last Send/Receive before this problem occurred, so that you can keep working. Please notify whoever provides you with computer support. Error was: " + commitCopValidationResult); }
private void Commit(SyncOptions options) { ThrowIfCancelPending(); _progress.WriteMessage("Storing changes in local repository..."); _sychronizerAdjunct.PrepareForInitialCommit(_progress); // Must be done, before "AddAndCommitFiles" call. // It could be here, or first thing inside the 'using' for CommitCop. string tooLargeFilesMessage = LargeFileFilter.FilterFiles(Repository, _project, _handlers); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooLargeFilesMessage)) { var msg = "We're sorry, but the Send/Receive system can't handle large files. The following files won't be stored or shared by this system until you can shrink them down below the maximum: "+Environment.NewLine; msg+= tooLargeFilesMessage; _progress.WriteWarning(msg); } var commitCopValidationResult = ""; using (var commitCop = new CommitCop(Repository, _handlers, _progress)) { // NB: The commit must take place in order for CommitCop to work properly. // Ergo, don't even think of moving this after the commitCop.ValidationResult check. // Too bad I (RBR) already thought of it, and asked, and found out it ought not be moved. :-) AddAndCommitFiles(options.CheckinDescription); commitCopValidationResult = commitCop.ValidationResult; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commitCopValidationResult)) return; // Commit cop reported a validation failure, but deal with it here, rather than inside the 'using', as the rollback won't have happened, // until Dispose, and that is way too early for the "SimpleUpdate" call. _sychronizerAdjunct.SimpleUpdate(_progress, true); throw new ApplicationException( "The changed data did not pass validation tests. Your project will be moved back to the last Send/Receive before this problem occurred, so that you can keep working. Please notify whoever provides you with computer support. Error was: " + commitCopValidationResult); }
public void VeryFirstCommit_Invalid_Throws() { string validationResult = null; Assert.Throws<ApplicationException>(() => { using(var bob = new RepositorySetup("bob")) { bob.ChangeFile("test.chorusTest", ChorusTestFileHandler.GetInvalidContents()); using(var cop = new CommitCop(bob.Repository, ChorusFileTypeHandlerCollection.CreateWithTestHandlerOnly(), bob.Progress)) { bob.Repository.AddAndCheckinFile("test.chorusTest"); // ReSharper disable once ReturnValueOfPureMethodIsNotUsed - SUT validationResult = cop.ValidationResult; } } }); Assert.That(validationResult, Is.StringContaining("Failed")); }